After seeing the mutant beast clearly, even Kotori raised her eyebrows slightly.

Because compared to the mutant beast I saw before, the presence in front of me is too abnormal.

The body is as black as ink, with a body structure that is half human and half animal. There is a layer of armor-like carapace outside the body surface. The muscles of the whole body are raised high, and there seems to be endless power flowing in it.

Just standing on the scorched earth of the ruins, its terrifying power faintly shook the space!

" could..." Lian's eyes were not enough to see the whole picture of the mutant beast clearly, but it didn't prevent her from feeling the omen of death coming.It invaded her heart like a monstrous sea of ​​blood, almost making her eyes black and faint.Biting the tip of his tongue hard, he managed to wake himself up.


"It seems that among the mutant beasts, there really are powerful existences that can threaten magicians and elves."

Kotori looked at the mutated beast below, and couldn't help murmuring softly.

In terms of pure coercion, it is more powerful than many powerful enemies Kotori has faced before!If it was Kotori who had just entered the main god's space in the past, maybe he would face a hard fight against this kind of enemy.

but now......

Kotori showed a slight smile.

And the mutant beast that was standing in place seemed to have a premonition of something.He raised his huge head, which looked like it was covered with a black helmet, without any facial features.

But Kotori could feel that... pure killing intent without any emotional thoughts at all!

At this moment, there was a crack on the mask, and it opened wide as if it was about to be torn in two.An earth-shattering roar came from the gap in the mask:


Ripples resembling sound waves rippled from the air, and all the objects around it began to tremble and even made cracking sounds.

Kotori snorted softly, using her spiritual power to wrap herself and Ren.It separated the shock wave enough to shatter Lian's internal organs.Whispered to himself:

"Is this a demonstration?"

In response to Kotori, there was another extremely violent roar, but what followed... and its huge body that came in an instant!

Its thick, muscular legs crushed the ground directly, turning into a rocket and flying towards Qinli!




Chapter 379 Two Strikes (Fourth Change)

The mutant beast with unknown body structure suddenly erupted with terrifying bodily functions.Just kicking his legs, the ground made a dull roar as if it had been hit directly by a shell.

The huge body directly broke through the air and burst forward, and its terrifying power turned into an air pressure enough to crush ordinary people, and suddenly landed on Kotori in the air.


At this moment, even Kotori was slightly startled by this, without thinking too much, he directly backed away a distance of tens of meters by connecting his toes to a pedal made of spiritual power.

And the place where he was floating was directly swept by a dark flash, and there was a faint sound of thunder and lightning.It can be seen that the power of the blow just now was really fast and ruthless!

"Sister... sister!" Lian, who was curled up in Qinli's arms, could not help but scream in panic.

Such a sudden acceleration almost made her lose her breath. Even if Kotori relieved her strength, she couldn't continue to dodge with Lian, who was extremely fragile, safe and sound.

"Be patient a little longer, and it will be fine soon." Kotori tightened her arms around Lian, her eyes fixed on the sky all the time.The mutated beast seemed to instinctively grasp a certain method of using power, the muscles all over its body swelled, and the surrounding air thumped like a heartbeat.


The next moment, it directly stomped on the air as a stepping stone, and at the same time as the air barrier shattered, its huge body turned into a jet-black streamer and flew towards Qinli again!

The strong wind blowing towards Kotori messed up Kotori's long hair, but those red eyes were still bright and dazzling.Facing this mighty falling blow, the girl pursed her lips, and then... let out a sinister smile.

Since there is no way to continue dodging this extremely brutal attack, then retaliate with an even more brutal attack!

"Burning and destroying ghosts!"

Kotori called out the name of her own angel, and in the next moment countless flames surged out from the girl's side, and quickly gathered into thin golden threads, forming a weapon around Kotori's left hand. Shape, fill with flames, and give attributes.



Kotori tightly grasped the huge fiery red battle axe, raised it above his head, and faced the mutant beast that was already very close, without saying a word, he swung it down heavily!

hum ——

The flames entangled on the huge blade of the battle ax instantly compressed and condensed, and the red flames were even dyed with a dazzling golden color. Following the trajectory of the girl swinging the battle axe, a line like the morning sun was drawn in the dark sky. Ordinary Light Scar!

As if a blow separated the sky and the earth, in the chaotic and dark doomsday ruins, a golden light pierced the sky and pierced the earth!

The mutated beast that originally rushed forward with killing intent did not have any space or opportunity to evade at this moment, but it roared and continued to charge forward, the muscles of its whole body cracked the outer carapace, scarlet The blood almost turned into a torrent and spurted out!

The next moment, it bumped into the golden flame blade directly and abruptly.Immediately, a dazzling light erupted from the sky, and countless flames spread out. Suddenly, the entire sky was filled with flame meteors, illuminating the ruined city like daytime!

However, the mutated beast that was hit head-on relied on its tyrannical body to hold on, even though the blazing flames had already melted its carapace, scorched its muscles, and burned its bones.But it still roared and roared through layers of flames with its irrational sadistic heart!

Then, facing it was a red-haired girl who was smiling slightly not far away.

Kotori, who was covered in golden flames all over her body, looked like a god bathing in fire at this moment, and the skirt of the spiritual outfit even swayed with the stream of flames flying and swaying.The huge battle ax in his hand that didn't fit his body was filled with brilliant flames that detonated the air.



Kotori smirked and swung down the battle ax again!

Once again, a huge golden light blade bloomed from the sky, and this blow even melted all the obstacles in front of it. The powerful mutant beast that was strong enough to resist Kotori's flame was directly burned this time without even making a scream. The slag turned into smoke and dust and shot towards the sky!

Penetrated through layers of dark clouds and disappeared in the sky without a trace.


A faint dark light suddenly bloomed above the sky filled with some kind of strange gas, and at the same time, there was a rather dull roar, like a thunderclap!

Kotori, who was floating in mid-air, stared up at the dark sky with long eyes.

The enemy has been completely killed, but the spirit that should have been relaxed does not show any signs at this moment.Kotori's heart still trembled a little, as if he felt some kind of powerful and abnormal existence, peeking at him.

Moreover, the light blade that I just compressed from flames seems to have hit something to cause such a powerful explosion.

But what is there in the sky?

Those strange gases gathered together and compressed into some kind of solid under enough pressure... It's also possible.

"Huh..." Kotori sighed softly.The flames floating around his body also began to quickly extinguish and dissipate.

Ren, who buried her entire face in Kotori's chest, raised her eyes tremblingly at this moment, and said in a cautious voice:

"Have you knocked it down?"

"Well, it's over."

Kotori returned a faint smile, then let go of his left hand and let the scorching rotten ghost disintegrate and dissipate on its own.He stretched out his hands again to hook up Lian's legs and hold them in place.

And Lian quickly turned her head to look around, and after several confirmations, she breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, he patted his barren chest.

"My sister is amazing... even that kind of monster can be dealt with."

"It's okay." Kotori replied vaguely.

But the girl has more and more doubts in her heart.

Why did this mutant beast suddenly appear?And it's still moving fast underground, could it be... that big guy can still make holes?

Ren carefully looked at Kotori's face, looking along the line of sight, it seemed that she was staring at the ruins that had been burned by the flames before.

"Is my sister wondering why those mutant beasts jumped out of the ground?"


"Because the stronghold of mutant underground." Lian casually pointed to a huge pitch-black pothole next to it.

Kotori thought it was a collapse caused by an earthquake or something.

I didn't expect...

"These potholes were forcibly drilled out by mutant beasts. They usually hide deep underground, and only come out in groups during special periods."

"All right..."

Kotori couldn't help but gasp.

"Let's find the nearest base here first. It's really not safe to stay in the wild."



Blade change (109/126)


Chapter 380 The Joint Defense Base and the Mysterious Girl (Fifth Change)

The Tenth Joint Defense Front.

This is the line of defense against the tide of mutant beasts composed of most uninhabited islands and land islands in the ocean.

Because of the pushing operation carried out by some unknown force, almost all the islands that were originally densely scattered in the Pacific Ocean were slowly moving closer together until the reassembly of the continents was basically formed two years ago.People who survived in different island countries naturally gathered together to form the tenth defense front in the world.

And the most important part of this front is the main base located in the rear.Its terrain is quite steep, and its back faces the sea, with a natural protective barrier.

Cooperating with the joint operations of modern magician troops and the army with good hard power, it is also enough to repel the tide of mutant beasts that occur every once in a while from the front.It can be seen that their military strength is not bad, and their combat command efficiency is also quite excellent.

And it accommodated nearly a million people who survived, maintaining a stable situation until today.Naturally, there is a management system that has gradually started to get on the right track, and a grain field that has restarted sowing and harvesting.

After losing the original social system, there is nothing left more than the basic labor force.Under the operation of survival instinct, even if there is a shortage of labor equipment, there is still an astonishing recovery speed.

At least, it should be more than enough to feed the current population of one million on this vast land.

Of course, all of this is based on strict management and regulation.As long as there is any mistake in decision-making, it will be a devastating blow to this fragile new society.

It is precisely because of this that in the depths of the joint defense base, an intelligence decision-making agency with hundreds of people working at the same time was set up. According to different regions and functions, they are located in different office buildings, and there are old social forces gathered in it. Public servants who survived the collapse.

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