Even though both parties are elves, Kotori said such underestimating words to her, and these words seemed to have completely angered Yatogami.The black-haired girl snorted coldly, raised her right hand with the black glove attached, and let out a low growl:


The next moment, countless pitch-black particles appeared out of thin air, frantically gathering towards her hands.A huge and ferocious single-edged giant sword was quickly constructed, and the lines on it were even more strange. The extremely powerful black spiritual power flowed and flowed on the blade, which was extremely terrifying!

The sky seemed to be shaken by this powerful torrent of spiritual power, and the air suddenly let out an overwhelmed whine, and a faint roar sounded all around.

Feeling the rushing momentum, Kotori couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

At the same time, the angel summoned by Yatogami in the girl's heart... No, that can no longer be called an angel.

That is an armed force of destruction called the Demon Lord!

Tyranny (Nahema).

This is not the angelic weapon used by the "Yatougami Tohka" in her memory, but the demon king's weapon that she will use in the reversed state after undergoing a spiritual core reversal after experiencing despair.

Just like his own sadistic king!

"So that's the case, no wonder your personalities are so different!" Qin Li grinned, feeling at ease in her heart.

It wasn't that he had suffered some huge change, or that he had really been infected with power for too long and embarked on the road of king.

But its own personality is - 'Kingdom'.




Chapter 388 Sword and Axe, Red and Black

"I've shown my weapon, what about you?"

Yatogami didn't hear Kotori's soliloquy, but raised the huge long sword in his hand and pointed it at Kotori.It seems that because of the full spirit outfit mode, the girl's already rare expression became invisible at this moment, leaving only the purest coldness and indifference.

The gaze towards Kotori was even more filled with dead silence.

"Don't let me down, arrogant girl!"

"Hey, this is the first time I've heard someone say that to me."

Qin Li covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, but the expression in her eyes also became gloomy.The blazing spiritual power that was already surging in the body also found an outlet at this moment, and quickly diffused around the girl, forming a huge scarlet battle axe.

"After much deliberation, it's most realistic to beat you up with the Burning Ghost Killer!"

Grabbing the tomahawk that was burning like flames, Kotori grinned.The full head of red hair fluttered wildly under the transpiration of the flame breath.Under the fine bangs, those red eyes are even more shining like fire!

"Hmph, I don't know how to live or die!" Ye Dao Shen's gaze was like a sword, and the aura around him suddenly rose.There was a little emptiness under his feet, and his body suddenly turned into a jet-black streamer and rushed in front of Kotori.

The huge sword in his hand was slashing horizontally along with the ear-piercing screaming sound like a tearing gust of wind!

Without any hesitation, Qinli directly raised the battle ax in his hand, and shook it abruptly!

In terms of strength, I will not lose to these slender elf girls!


The sword's edge and the war blade collided together in an instant, and the dazzling brilliance burst out from the confrontation!

Kotori and Yatogami's expressions changed one after another, they both felt a powerful force coming from them, they couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and the two of them were directly blown away by the explosive impact!

Kotori clenched her fist and slammed it hard behind her.There was only a dull vibration and roar accompanied by the flickering of the fire, and it forcibly stayed in midair.

The same is true for Yadao Shen flying out of the distance, arousing the spiritual power in his body, and he slid in the air for a distance of nearly a hundred meters before stopping his momentum.

"This power..."

Yatogami gripped the hilt tightly again, and his expression became more and more dignified.

With a flick of the wrist, dark, curse-like spiritual power gushed out from the blade.Yatoshen raised his sword and slashed, the pitch-black blade pierced the night sky, and a huge jet-black sword energy burst out suddenly!

But Yatogami, who swung this blow, opened his eyes slightly.

Because Kotori in the distance also raised his battle ax and swung it down heavily with a grinning grin!

The golden flame blade burned all the air in front, and countless fine thunder bursts sounded loudly.The pitch-black crescent-shaped sword's aura is fierce, resembling a clear and thin sword sound!

In an instant, followed by a loud noise that shook the world!


The crimson flame of spiritual power and the black sword energy shattered loudly, splashing out towards the sky and the earth, and the blasted air waves even blew the ruins and wasteland below, and countless broken stones were crushed. Blow and crush!

And at the next moment, two petite voices were like meteors, piercing through the diffuse flame and sword energy in an instant, and collided abruptly again!


Kotori gripped the handle of the battle ax tightly with both hands, and stared at Yatogami's face with a smirk.

"Sure enough, you are still quite powerful."

"To each other." Yatogami gritted his teeth, inspired spiritual power to wrap around the sword body, and blasted Kotori flying out with a loud shout.

But in the middle of the journey, the sword energy was split into two pieces by Qin Li, and fell straight into the ruins below, cutting two deep ravines.


Kotori raised her head suddenly, and clasped her left hand.Countless flames instantly appeared out of thin air, and with the control of the torrent of spiritual power, Yadao Shen directly wrapped them in it before he could react!


Hold the girl's left hand tightly!

The huge flame cage collapsed inward instantly, and there were bursts of explosions in the air.The crimson flame was directly compressed into a bright golden flame!

Immediately, the golden light group compressed to the size of only one person suddenly exploded, and countless fireworks flew out!

But also flying out was that pitch-black figure!

Sure enough, relying solely on flames could not defeat it.Kotori's eyes narrowed slightly, watching the Yatogami who was rushing towards him. There were not many traces of being burned by the flames on his body. Incomparably powerful protection.

Enough to directly resist the burning and explosive impact of the flame of spiritual power!

"If that's the case, then just cut it off!!"

The spiritual power in Kotori's body was driven by the excitement, and it was running crazily!The girl raised the tomahawk, and suddenly disappeared!

Yatogami's pupils contracted slightly, only to feel a sudden scorching pain coming from his side!

So fast!

But she remained unruffled in the face of danger, forcibly turning her body around and blocking the giant sword in front of her.The battle ax turned into a stream of light and directly bombarded the blade, making a roar!

Yatogami clenched his teeth, and when he flew upside down, he flipped his wrist and stabbed out with the tip of his sword!


The sharp point of the sword pierced through Kotori's sleeve, and the red ax blade directly cut a long gap in Yatogami's spiritual outfit!

If she hadn't quickly raised her right hand to resist, the ax would probably have hit her chest directly!


Feeling the tingling pain coming from his arm, Yato became angry instead of startled, and his spiritual power surged out, as if falling into a dark abyss for a moment.Roaring and swinging the giant sword backwards!

And Kotori didn't dodge or dodge, grinning grinningly, he picked up the tomahawk and slashed down!

Dang bang bang bang bang——

The dull sound of gold and iron intersecting continuously sounded, and the spurted out spiritual power remnant flow was extraordinarily dazzling in the dark sky!

Kotori swung the huge battle ax impenetrably, and the offensive continued like a thunderstorm. The ultimate fast sword learned from Biyi was integrated into the rhythm of the battle!

With the fierce conflict at the end of the battle, Yatoshin couldn't help clenching his silver teeth, and some veins burst out.

No matter how much she improved her spiritual power and forced herself to tense up to defend herself, it became more and more difficult as time went by. The tomahawk, which was bigger than her body, was able to swing it like this in her hands. Powerful and fast!


Then, Kotori saw the right moment, directly raised her slender and white calf, and kicked it hard!


Yadao Shen didn't have time to react, so he was kicked directly in the lower abdomen, his face turned pale and he let out a muffled groan.It turned into a meteorite and penetrated into the ground of the ruins below!


The girl slammed into the ground, and immediately sent out layers of air waves in a ring shape.Countless smoke, dust and gravel splashed out, spreading everywhere.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kotori raised his battle axe.

With a grinning grin, he swung down fiercely towards the ruins below!



(ノ ̄▽ ̄)

Chapter 389 Queen's Blade (Fourth)

The blade of flame penetrated directly into the ground, and there was a violent explosion in an instant, and the land of ruins was quickly ignited with flames!

But at the same time, a jet of black sword energy broke through the flames and shot up into the sky, like a deep crescent moon reaching the sky.Kotori frowned, and dodged the move sideways, the torrent of dark spiritual power only cut through a few flowing flames beside Kotori.

"Is there any energy left?...That's right, after all, it's an elf in reverse mode."

Kotori pondered for a moment, then looked directly down.In the flames, Yatogami's figure was almost invisible, but with the protective power of her spiritual outfit, it was enough to isolate the remaining flames of this level as if nothing existed.

She is now...should be hurrying to regain her strength.

"It's a good idea."

Kotori didn't pause anymore, stomped on her feet, and swooped down directly!

Holding the battle ax upside down with one hand, he swung it in a crescent-like arc, and slammed it down hard on the ground!

Boom——The ground was directly shattered and collapsed by this powerful force, and the decayed rock strata broke apart with a bang, and this place was directly smashed down to a depth of several meters!

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