However, Ye Dao Shen dodged away within a hair's breadth, his complexion was frosty, and he slashed out with the sword energy directly with a reflexive sword!


The sword energy flashed like a black light, and directly cut through the raised rock formations and several dusty high-rises in front of it, and it was split into two like tofu, and it slid and fell with a bang!

But the Yatogami who swung the sword widened his eyes in astonishment, because Kotori standing in front of him stood still and took the blow without avoiding or dodging.The extremely sharp sword energy directly cut Qin Li's semi-spiritual outfit, and a bloody wound bloomed on his chest.


"Huh..." But Kotori's face remained unchanged, and he pulled out the battle ax from the ground with a smirk.A scorching fighting spirit was already ignited in the crimson eyes.

This little injury is nothing to worry about!

Qin Li's eyes were bloodshot, she clenched her fists and twisted her waist, her aura of astonishment suddenly rose.Instantly, Yatogami's face changed, and he was about to evacuate backwards, but just as he stepped out, he hit the rock wall.


The two are currently trapped in the ground, unable to dodge!

"Eat me with a punch—!!"

But Kotori would not let go of this good opportunity, and took a step forward with a big smile, as if the earth's veins were vibrating, which made Yato God's heart thump!

The hairs all over his body exploded, and the warning of life and death exploded in his heart!

Just taking a step towards him, he felt that his life had already fallen into the hands of the elf in front of him!

All of this lies in this punch!

Kotori gathered and compressed all the strength and spiritual power of the whole body, and transmitted it from the arm through the spiral power!

With one punch, space vibrates!

Going through all the processes directly, with a punch that came in an instant, the divine power descended on him instantly, making Yatogami unable to move an inch, and could only watch Kotori bully him, watching in horror The white and small fist hit her abdomen hard!


All the rocky land behind the girl flew up, as if Moses divided the sea, and spread towards both sides.The frenzied hurricane blew out from behind Yatogami, and at the same time, it even blew her long hair in the night.


Yatogami's face turned pale, and he let out a cry of pain as if he was coughing up blood.The spiritual outfit on his body burst apart instantly as if it had been destroyed by a huge force, and the soft lower abdomen trembled slightly until it was deeply sunken!

"Cough cough cough..."

This punch did not cause any external damage to her, but the continuous strength penetrated directly into her body, almost disrupting all internal organs and spiritual power circulation inside!

For a moment, Yatogami only felt like falling into a cellar of ice all over his body, and his blood seemed to be frozen.The limbs lost all their strength, and the abdominal pain was even worse, as if they had been tortured!

Even if he was as indifferent as her, at this moment, his face was wrinkled into a ball, and fine cold sweat was streaming down.But she still supported her body with the giant sword, barely preventing herself from falling to the ground.

Although her legs were already trembling slightly, every part of her body was whimpering faintly!


Kotori withdrew his fist and exhaled heavily, and the aura around him disappeared instantly.Slightly raised his head, stared at Yatogami who was much taller than himself, and showed a playful smile.

"Can you still bear it?"

"Hmm..." Yatogami couldn't help showing a distressed expression when he heard Kotori's words.It seems to be very unwilling, but helpless.The right hand that was propped on the hilt of the sword was grasped several times, which showed that his heart was quite entangled at the moment.

Although she is as proud as a queen, she is not a fool.

The outcome of that round of confrontation just now has been decided, and there is no longer any suspense about who the winner will be.


Yatogami straightened his back again, staring at Kotori standing in front of him with a cold face. "This little injury is nothing to worry about!"

Even without any spiritual power, she still has her own sword in her hand at this moment!

Then there is still power to fight!

There was still a moving brilliance in those purple jade-like eyes.That unyielding look made Kotori secretly praise him.


Even though the spiritual power in his body was still a mess, Yadao Shen still slashed out with his sword in his mouth!The huge sword that was supposed to be blessed with huge spiritual power, enough to break the sky and the sea, now only has pure sharp power left.

Kotori sighed softly, moved her figure slightly, and easily dodged all the attacks of Yatogami.All of a sudden, in the narrow and scorched black cave, the jet-black sword light kept appearing and flying, and Yatogami was like a smart purple-black butterfly, showing the intoxicating sword dance to his heart's content.

But... no matter how much she swung the giant sword in her hand, she still couldn't catch up with Kotori's speed.

It's not just the difference in physical fitness, the same... This elf girl has not received a strict sense of swordsmanship tempering, although her swordsmanship is open and closed, she has a good momentum.But from Qinli's point of view, it was full of flaws, and a single blow could completely disrupt her pace.

The footsteps were slightly wrong, the sharp blade rubbed against the shoulder and fell, Kotori did not waver, stretched out his right hand calmly, and poked Yatogami's shoulder with two fingers.

The spiritual outfit that was supposed to block this blow was pierced through with a finger at this moment, as if it had become an ordinary piece of clothing.The strength transmitted through the skin directly numb her shoulders, and she almost couldn't hold the giant sword in her hand.



Blade change (113/126)

 ̄▽ ̄

Chapter 390 Attack and Shou Divided (Fifth Change)


There was a flash of pain on Yadao Shen's face, but she forcibly endured it.

Even if the left hand seemed to be cut off, it hung down unconsciously.But there is still a right hand that can be used!Yatogami held his breath, endured the pain all over his body, and continued to raise his sword!

Kotori stepped lightly on her feet and easily dodged the sweeping giant sword.Compared with wielding a sword with both hands, Yatogami's one-handed sword is now weaker in terms of strength and speed.Coupled with the pain that stimulates the spirit, it is also weakening her physical strength.

"If this continues, it will be as if I am unilaterally ravaging people."

Thinking of this, Qinli's expression also became a little unbearable.Although the two sides are opponents in this battle, they have not risen to the point of deciding between life and death.Rather, it was because the two of them had the will to fight the previous battle, so they flew out of the base together to fight fiercely with a tacit understanding.

But if it continues now, Yatogami will eventually be completely crushed by the accumulated injuries.

However, after seeing her pair of eyes, Kotori finally fell silent.

Because of that look, as stubborn as himself.

How could it be possible to stagnate because of such a small setback, how could it be possible to be dusted because of the so-called status and power?

"You... are still 'you' after all."

Kotori smiled, and under Yatogami's dull gaze, his figure gradually disappeared.It was as if it had turned into spots of light, permeating the air.


A faint fragrance lingered in the nostrils, and Yadao Shen hadn't had time to react.I only felt a pain in my back, and then the vision in front of me suddenly went dark, and I completely lost consciousness.

And Kotori, who reappeared in the rear, looked at Yatogami who fell to the ground, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

If this guy wasn't too stubborn, the battle would have come to an end early.But now, she can only give her such a final blow.


The giant sword named Tyranny fell to the ground and let out a clear cry.

Yatogami, who was unconscious on the ground, closed his eyes tightly and breathed weakly.Her black hair was scattered on the ground, intertwined with her spiritual attire like a silk princess dress, like stars falling into the world, exuding a gloomy and quiet gleam in the dark space, reflecting the looming beauty A good body is like a sleepy Sleeping Beauty, fascinating and intoxicating.

Especially that pretty face, after the original arrogance and coldness faded away, it revealed a bit of youthfulness and purity of an immature girl, and the eyelashes trembled slightly, which made people feel a little bit of pity.

"Obviously, I can still show some cute girl's expression."

Looking carefully at Yatogami's face, Kotori shrugged.But such an action seemed to open the wound, and the girl couldn't help but take a small breath.

The so-called elves, after getting rid of this extremely powerful shell, are just ordinary girls with pure hearts.

They cry, they laugh, they cry, they laugh.

I will be brooding over the little things, and I will be touched by the little touches.

It is precisely because of this that in the original story line, there is a plan to attack the elf girls, make them shy, and then use the hero's special ability to seal them.

As long as the spiritual power in their bodies is sealed, they can live in peace and stability like ordinary girls.


[Defeat the sword spirit 'Night Sword God', reward 2000 points]

Kotori, who was treating her own injury, was slightly startled by the sudden voice of the main god.

"A combat reward was issued in the middle of the mission?"

Logically speaking, this type of post-battle settlement is usually carried out in the main god space after the dungeon mission is over.But now it will directly sound in my mind.

Kotori glanced at the watch in his hand, but there was no information displayed on it.

It seems that due to some kind of mutation, even the information transmission of the main god has undergone some changes.

"Forget it, now is not the time to deal with such things." Kotori patted his forehead and turned his attention back to the girl in front of him.

"Being defeated is considered defeating her, but things after that are a little troublesome."

I thought that I could get some other mission information by contacting her, but after Kotori defeated her, I only got a reward information for defeating that's all.

Moreover, would it really be okay to beat up the supreme commander of a base like this?

If those soldiers were more united and had no intention of rebellion, they might be chasing him all over the sky later!

"No matter from which angle you look at it, there seems to be no benefit in beating her."

Kotori's expression seemed to be exhausted, and although it was rare to play happily just now, the consequences after the fun were quite troublesome.At least... if Kotori still wants to stay in this base, it is impossible to expose this matter.

"Huh..." Kotori couldn't help but let out a groan, temporarily throwing away those troublesome thoughts.He took a few steps forward and hugged Yadao Shen who fell unconscious on the ground.

"It's pretty light..."

Qinli glanced at the huge sword next to it, and soon after the supply of spiritual power was stopped, it turned into a jet-black streamer and dissipated by itself.This point is quite similar to his own Burning Ghost Killer.

After all, both are the armed forces of elves.

"Find a secluded place for her to rest and recover first, at least let her wake up."

Soon, Kotori jumped out of the pit and flew into the sky again holding Yatogami.

The fluctuation of the battle in this place is really big, and it is easy to attract the attention of those mutant beasts.Kotori still doesn't know the overall level of these mutant beasts, so it's not easy to measure their strongest strength.

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