If it's just by yourself, it's free.But now there is an unconscious girl in his arms, so there is no way to mess around casually.

So, Kotori picked a random direction and flew out directly.It wasn't until he could no longer feel the residual breath of spiritual power left by the previous battle that he safely fell back to the ground.With a flick of his sleeve, he wiped away the gravel and dust all over the ground, and when he was about to temporarily place Yatogami on the ground, Kotori's expression froze slightly.

Because the body of Yatogami who was lying in his arms suddenly emitted a trace of fluorescence.

No, it's not about her body...it's about this divine power costume on her body!

"Could it be..."

Kotori had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, after losing the master's spiritual power supply, the Divine Mighty Spiritual Clothes worn by Yadao Shen soon began to re-transform into basic spiritual power and escaped. After floating up, it began to quickly disintegrate on its own.

Among the starry dots, the crystal clear skin that is barely naked is exposed.Coupled with her defenseless beauty, it is really a beautiful picture.

"Normal heart, normal heart..."

I don't know how long I haven't done this kind of self-suggestion.

Kotori murmured, carefully laying Yatogami flat on his back.



Image: "Belated Illustration", Location: "Images/231240-49363.jpg"

Blade change (114/126)


Chapter 391 I Can't Remember My Level!

But when Kotori laid Yatogami flat on the ground, the dark purple spiritual power that had gradually dissipated suddenly separated a little and gathered towards Kotori's chest.

Under the somewhat astonished gaze of the girl, she directly penetrated into her chest through the spiritual outfit!


Kotori quickly touched her chest, but didn't notice any changes.

Even...if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes just now, I wouldn't have known that these residual spiritual powers would fly into my body.The total amount of spiritual power in the body has not changed, let alone perception.

"Is it just an illusion?"

The spiritual power in the air has completely disappeared, leaving only the naked Yatogami panting quietly.

Kotori checked several times and found nothing abnormal, so she simply stopped wasting her energy thinking about it.Instead, he turned his attention back to the girl in front of him.

But just looking at it almost caused Kotori's mentality that had just been sorted out to collapse again.


After the spiritual outfit completely disappeared, the original hazy feeling was gone.In their place are shocking seduction scenes.

The delicate skin that exudes the color of moonlight, even after a battle is still so beautiful, exuding a moving silver glow.

The slender and tight thighs were tightly closed together, but because of the girl's weakness, she looked a little delicate and attractive.The slender and enchanting waist is graceful and graceful, as if it is grasping gracefully, which makes people secretly admire it.But at the same time, it has a vigor and vigor, which outlines several seductive curves on the white and flat belly.

Kotori only felt some vague impulses in her heart, her cheeks flushed slightly, and her eyes flickered.Biting her lower lip lightly, she slowly stretched out her little hand, and very carefully touched the unobstructed belly in front of her eyes.


The touch feels as silky and smooth as the finest silk and satin, and even has a bit of creamy softness and smoothness.But Kotori moved his mind a little, pressed it lightly with his fingers, the skin was slightly sunken but still firm,


Kotori sat beside Yatogami, her dress fell to the ground like a blooming flower.At this moment, she only felt a faint impulse in her heart, which seemed to be constantly urging her to continue exploring this alluring body.

Along the beautiful curve of the lower abdomen, the fingers slid all the way up, and then slowly stopped on the chest of Yatoshin.And the pair of twin peaks without foil, under the action of gravity, still maintained a straight and round shape, proudly exposed to Qinli's sight.Only under the cover of the scattered hair, the somewhat taboo area was slightly covered.

But even so, Kotori's eyes were full of mist, and her breathing became a little low.It was as if he had fallen into some kind of abnormal state.

The plump pair in front of him is no longer just a pair of fat to Kotori, but it is so lingering.Even with a light press of the finger, the elasticity that comes from the feedback makes the girl's heart tremble even more.


Qin Li's eyes had turned blood red at some point, her lips became more bewitching and bright red, and her expression was full of treacherous aura.The urging voice in my heart has become louder and louder, resounding in my heart like thunder.

Yes, if we continue...

Gently rubbing the soft and upright thing, Kotori's breath became heavier and heavier, and the hanging hair slowly floated up, exuding a crimson luster, slightly illuminating the dark surroundings.

This fulfillment... this intoxicating satisfaction...

"You..." A faint murmur was so clear in the dead and silent ruins.Suddenly, Kotori, who was in a strange state, was shocked, and all his movements froze at this moment, as if time had been completely frozen.

...and many more!

Kotori turned her head stiffly and looked at Yatogami's face.She was horrified to find that at some point, the queen had half-opened her star eyes, staring at herself quietly, with an intoxicating blush on her pale cheeks.

"What are you... doing?"

At this moment, she seemed to be quite weak and weak, her small mouth was slightly opened, and the words that came out were very soft.But it was this weakness that poured cold water on his heart.Kotori came back to his senses in an instant!


Blinking the eyes that had returned to their original color at some point, Kotori stared dumbly at Yatogami, but didn't know how to react.

I just...what the hell did I do! ?

Taking advantage of Yadao Shen's weakness, he did this kind of thing to her! ?

Although, although it's not too much, but those messy thoughts in my mind just now are some weird things! ?

The more she recalled the bad thoughts that filled her head just now, the more Kotori felt her cheeks were burning, it was so hot.If an outsider came to see, they would probably be able to see that Qinli's cheeks were flushed at the moment, and the whole body was steaming with green smoke.

"I, that... I didn't mean to!"

But Kotori still pulled himself together, and explained without knowing what to do. "I was just, a little...curious, so I accidentally reached out my hand, and then just a little...touched your..."

Oops, this explanation seems to be getting more and more dirty!

Qin Li's heart was about to cry, God knows what happened to him just now.The "normal mind" hypnosis method, which has always been very useful, has become a catalyst instead, making me almost do something irreversible!

"Don't worry...it's not a bad thing for the winner to collect some spoils."

Yatogami gritted his teeth and raised his almost unconscious left hand, grabbed Kotori's little hand, and pressed it towards his chest.

"Hey?" Kotori suddenly let out a strange exclamation, and almost broke free with a trembling hand.But after seeing Yatogami's expression of no rejection, the girl couldn't help falling into silence.

Of course, her cheeks were still as red as a red apple.

"Are you an idiot?" Kotori twitched the corner of her mouth.

"...Although you won, you can't insult me ​​like this."

Ye Dao Shenxiu frowned slightly, but under this delicate face now, there was only a full of temptation, as if he was tempting people to love her fiercely.

"never mind."

Of course, now that Kotori has returned to her normal state of mind, it is naturally impossible for her to do anything weird, instead she is full of helplessness and has nowhere to vent.

"It seems that you are no different from a blank sheet of paper in some respects... I'd better treat you first."



Image: "Official illustration, the deadliest", location: "Images/231828-7470.jpg"


Chapter 392 The Name of the Night Sword God

After being treated by Kotori's Healing Flame, Yatogami quickly recovered.

After all, she is the same elf existence as Kotori, but it is only because Kotori forcibly broke up the spiritual power circulation in her body with her inner strength that she appears so weak.

Otherwise, she should be able to fight for a long time.

Kotori still remembers that the girl named 'Yatougami Tohka' not only wields a giant sword, but also has the same bottom-pressing move as her own 'cannon'.

It's just that I haven't had time to use it just now.

"Your spiritual power has basically recovered, right?" Kotori blushed slightly, and silently withdrew her hand.

"Well, [-]% has recovered. But the spiritual power in the body has calmed down again."

Yatogami sat up and shook hands that were still sore and weak.Her delicate face had returned to her previous cold and arrogant look.

After the balance of spiritual power is restored, the next injury can heal quickly even without Kotori's help and treatment.In a sense, elves like Kotori and Yatogami do have unique talents.

But Kotori didn't care about this kind of problem at the moment, but said nah nah:

"Now that your spiritual power has been restored...can you restore your previous spiritual outfit? This kind of dialogue is a bit strange."

After all, the current Yatogami is still naked, with only a few black ribbons wrapped around his waist and chest, which looks inexplicably sexy.Even though Kotori has returned to normal, she still looks a little dry... well, a little angry.

"Repair the spiritual outfit?"

But Yatogami flatly rejected Kotori's request.

"It's too much of a waste of spiritual power. Now the battle is over. There is no need to repair the spiritual equipment."

Although the elves' divine mighty spiritual outfit has a strong protective ability, it can be said to be the most powerful guardian of the elves.But the premise is that a lot of spiritual power is needed to build the form of the spiritual outfit.

If it is said that the spiritual equipment is summoned under the full state, it does not matter.But Yadao Shen is a little lacking in spiritual power now, and summoning a spiritual outfit is a waste of recovery time.

However, this is a bit bitter for Qin Li who is sitting on the side.Want to see but can only hold back, quite unhappy.

"Even if this figure is seen by you, it's not a problem. You don't need to be too cautious."

Yatogami saw Kotori's embarrassment, and proudly waved his hand and said:

"You are the strong one who defeated me, so you don't need to be polite to me in such trivial matters."

It seems that because Kotori defeated her openly and squarely, after Yatogami woke up, his attitude towards Kotori changed a little.Kotori herself couldn't tell what the change was, but at least...it became easier to talk about.

After getting the imperial decree of 'watching at will', Kotori reluctantly turned his eyes back.But after seeing the seductive scene of Yadao Shen who only slightly covered his delicate body with his long hair, he still couldn't help swallowing.

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