Chapter 394 Conquest? (fourth more)

"In this day and age, Level [-] mutant beasts are quite rare. Most of the mutant beasts have evolved to Level [-]. Even Level [-] mutant beasts are not so rare."

Tohka's tone became quite serious.

As one of the most powerful persons in Base No. [-], she is naturally very concerned about the current world situation.Even though she has been insisting that she doesn't care about the life and death of human beings, in fact, she still can't witness the world falling into a complete fall.

That's why she felt troubled by the growing strength of the group of mutant beasts.

"The manufacturing skills of the display device have already been obtained, and the military factory is also stepping up its production. But even so, there is no way to be comparable to those made by the DEMs in the past."

After human soldiers are equipped with those display devices, they are indeed qualified to fight head-on with mutant beasts.With proper cooperation, it can even deal with existences of the third level.

But even so, Tohka's expression was still grim and abnormal.

Kotori could understand this even after thinking about it for a while.

No matter how powerful human beings are, they still cannot reach the level of elves.And being able to skillfully use the control and display device also requires a lot of time to cultivate and train, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

It should not be possible to apply it in large quantities on the real battlefield.

However, the number of mutant beasts is constantly increasing, even becoming stronger.

Under the ebb and flow, the strength gap between the two sides will become closer and closer.

Until the end, even relying on Tohka's elf power couldn't turn the tide.Then this joint defense base will completely fall, and nearly a million people will fall into hell again.And this result can also be inferred to those other bases.

"During the last wave of mutant beasts, I have already met a Level [-] existence."

Tohka turned her head sideways, stared into Kotori's eyes, and said with a heavy tone:

"As strong as you."

Kotori couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard this comment.

If there really is a so-called level four, judging from the progressive relationship of this level of strength, it is indeed possible to put myself in a hard fight today.

"But even so, have you survived that wave of mutant beasts?"

If it hadn't been defeated, wouldn't this base have already fallen?

Tohka didn't deny it, but frowned and clicked lightly.

"I'm not its opponent. I just took advantage of the opportunity that others gave me to eliminate the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers, and gathered those soldiers to fight together to barely repel it. But we also paid a considerable price. .”

Having said that, Tohka's expression changed slightly.Subconsciously covered his waist.

What she didn't say was that in that battle.In order to deal the final fatal blow to the level four mutant beast, she was caught off guard and directly pierced through the protection of the spiritual outfit, and a large piece of flesh was gouged away. It was like being cut off in the middle.

If it weren't for the elf's strong resilience, she must have been lying on the hospital bed for treatment until now, and she might even have died in battle!

"It seems that the battle was very difficult..." Kotori glanced at Tohka's waist.

Indeed, looking back now.Compared with other body parts, Tohka's waist was too soft, as smooth as a baby.This is not only because of the natural beauty of the elf itself, but also because of...the flesh on the waist is new.

"Hmph, this injury is nothing more than mediocre." Tohka snorted softly, and withdrew her hand as if to cover up. "But that one fight was enough to make me care about it."

"If this continues, the fall of the base is only a matter of time. Unless a special display device is developed to deal with it before the emergence of more powerful mutant beasts, or a sufficient number of elite soldiers can be trained. Or. …”

Having said that, Tohka paused slightly.As if hesitating for something, he pursed his lips.

"Or what?" Kotori wondered.

This is half the talk, it's too appetizing!


Tohka elongated her tone, as if she was muttering something.Turned her cheek to Kotori's face.Immediately, the breaths of both parties gently hit each other's faces, and a faint fragrance lingered in the nose.Looking at each other, both of them could see clearly what the other was thinking.


Well, Kotori already knew the basics.

Even without Tohka continuing to talk, Kotori could guess what the other method would be.

"Are you trying to pull me into the base and become your thug?"

Kotori held his forehead helplessly and said.

"That's right."

Tohka didn't have the slightest grievance or hesitation at the moment, and stared sharply at Kotori's eyes.

"Although I also want to use my own strength to defeat you and make you submit. But I am also self-aware, and there is still a distance from you in terms of pure force. But in this situation, whoever conquers who, There's nothing to be concerned about."

"And you, conquered me. Same thing."


Seeing Tohka say such words in a serious manner, Kotori couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

Although I don't really understand why this "Yatougami Tohka" is in a reversal state, and I don't know exactly what the personality of the reversal Tohka is.

But now Kotori knows how unbearably funny this Tohka's performance is.But at this moment, the voice of the main god finally sounded in Kotori's head.


[Task [-] released]

【Help the leader 'Ya Dao Shen Tohka' repel the tide of mutant beasts and preserve the fire of human beings】

【Main task release [-]】

【Explore the mystery of the 'variant beast' and trace the past history of this world】

After listening to the task of the main god, Kotori also straightened his face.

Sure enough, the task can only be obtained after in-depth contact with the elves.Moreover, they also obtained rare mainline mission information.In this case, there is a legitimate reason to help Tohka.

"I agreed."

Kotori nodded solemnly. "Although I am still confused about many things, I still maintain a sense of trust in you."

For some reason, the image of Tohka's spiritual power particles seeping into her body not long ago flashed through her mind.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Tohka opened her eyes wide in surprise, staring at herself in a daze.



Blade change (115/126)

Hey, the new month seems to be coming soon...


Chapter 395 Breathe a Breath of Relief (Fifth Change)

"What's wrong?" Kotori looked at her body, and there was nothing abnormal.

"No, nothing..."

Shixiang let out a breath, and her expression seemed to become a little brighter.

At the same time, she slowly stood up from the ground and stretched her body a little.

"That's about the end of the topic. If you don't go back, those soldiers under me will come and search."

She has basically recovered her ability to move now. Although flying battles and the like will be greatly reduced, she can easily handle everything except life and death battles.


Seeing this, Kotori also nodded and stood up.But it seemed that he had sensed something, and suddenly turned around and looked around.

"That is..."

"A mutant beast."

With one hand on her hip, Shixiang looked at the hundred meters away with a cold expression.Over there, a huge mutant beast was breaking through the ground, revealing half of its body, and the ear-piercing hissing sound gradually came.

The girl snorted softly and brushed her long hair behind her back.

"Now the mutant beasts outside the base are appearing more and more frequently, let's leave as soon as possible."

The mutant beasts appearing here may also be because the mutant beasts have noticed the existence of Kotori and Tohka.After all, the spiritual power of the two of them was not hidden, and those mutant beasts should be quite clear about it.

"But before leaving..."

"It's the same idea..."

Kotori and Tohka looked at each other, and raised their right hands at the same time quite tacitly.

The black spiritual power and the red spiritual power bloomed in an instant, turning into giant swords and battle axes, which appeared in the hands of the two girls.

At present, there is no way to eliminate all the mutant beasts, but it is more than enough to kill the one that appeared in front of us!


The huge mutated beast drilled out of the ground was nearly four meters tall, and it looked unusually tall at first glance.Those pupils the size of a person stared at Kotori and Tohka, and there was a lot of corrosive saliva hanging from the grinning mouth.

It seems that the two of them are regarded as some delicious food.

"Hmph!" "Looking for death!"

Kotori and Tohka swung their weapons together, and the fiery blade of light and piercing black sword energy shot out, instantly cutting everything in front of them!

And that mutant beast didn't even have time to show its strength, its body was directly cut open by two auroras, its huge body was directly turned into three sections, and it crashed to the ground.

The smoke and dust billowed, and spiritual power splashed everywhere.

Only the head of the mutant beast rolled to the ground, and the pair of eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe that these two beings exuding a strange fragrance could be so powerful.

"Let's go."

"it is good."

Leaving words like a breeze, the two girls put away their weapons and quickly flew into the sky.


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