"Can Her Majesty win?"

The soldiers who will be waiting in the combat conference room look a little nervous.Although everyone was wearing tight armor for protection, there was a bit of uneasiness on their resolute faces.

They are not fools who only know how to execute orders, and naturally have their own independent thinking.

The red-haired elf before appeared to be the elf in power of the fifth joint defense base - the 'Balrog'.Although they didn't know why the 'Broken Demon' appeared here, this did not prevent them from guessing the girl's intention in their hearts.

Especially now, when their queen is invited to fight.They naturally hope that their queen can defeat the foreign 'Balrog', especially after hearing that 'Balrog' has implemented a hellish and harsh management model in their base, which has caused many people to suffer unspeakably.

Although the two joint defense bases are far apart, there are occasional conversations.

What would happen if the 'Balrog' won?

Even these soldiers did not dare to think about it.

"I don't know, the Lingbo reaction has dropped a lot. It seems that the fighting has stopped for a while."

A little cold sweat flowed from the forehead of the soldier who was sitting in front of a tight testing instrument.Although this portable instrument can carry out temporary detection, its accuracy is greatly reduced.There is no way to obtain accurate and real-time information.

"Where was that little girl just now?"

"She's waiting outside, someone is watching her."

"The chief led them to hear the news, and they should arrive soon."

"I hope Her Majesty the Queen can win..."

The soldiers around were also feeling sorry for each other, and couldn't help but start whispering.

But at this moment, there was a commotion outside.The soldiers staying in the meeting room heard that they immediately rushed out of the room in unison and ran outside.

Looking up, I saw two beautiful girls with fluttering dresses falling slowly from the sky.

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

All the soldiers immediately stood in a military posture and saluted Tohka tensely.After seeing Tohka's unharmed posture, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

And Ren, who stayed behind, clasped her hands tightly, and saw Kotori who was unharmed with some joy.The big stone in my heart finally fell.

"Okay, you all return to your respective posts. Then, let your officers line up to see you."

Tohka used her spiritual power to replace her previous solemn and luxurious brocade robe while flying in the air. Several hairpins on her head coiled up the scattered strands of hair, and then used her spiritual power to build a gorgeous gown. crown.

At this moment, she has completely recovered the glamorous and noble look she had at the beginning, and lightly raised her plain hand to wave back the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time.

In a sense, Tohka is no different from a real queen now.

Seeing this situation, Kotori couldn't help sighing inwardly.

"elder sister!"

At this moment, LLENN rushed over at a trot, panting as if she wanted to hug Kotori.But he immediately found that his body was dirty, and he couldn't help but froze in place.

"Okay, don't care about such trivial matters." Kotori pursed her lips and smiled, and stretched out her hand to embrace Lian with a troubled expression.


"Okay, you two follow me."

Shixiang glanced at the two girls beside her, and said coldly, "Let's put Qingqing's affairs aside for now, and you should know how to restrain yourself in this kind of thing!"


Did she misunderstand something?

Kotori raised her dead fish eyes and touched Lian's small head.

No matter how hungry I am, I won't find a scrawny child like Shang Lian, right?No matter how frantic he is, he will not attack this poor child.

Even if you want to do it, Tohka is pretty good... eh?

"Cough cough..."

Kotori felt that there seemed to be something wrong with her thinking, so she pulled Ren to follow Tohka who was leaving quickly.At the same time, he forcibly dispelled the redundant thoughts in his head, and walked to Tohka's side without distraction.



PS: Blade Plus (116/126)

Tomorrow is a new month!In June, the daily 32D is still maintained, with a total of [-]W words, the same as last month~

I hope you can still leave your precious blades to MK next month~~


Chapter 396

Not far away, several heavily armed off-road vehicles appeared in the field of vision.After realizing the existence of Tohka, many soldiers immediately got out of the car and saluted.

There were also some generals who seemed to have senior military ranks, and they talked with Tohka in a low voice for a while.It seems to be talking about the recent front line defense.But on this occasion, it was impossible to communicate too deeply, and after a few words, Tohka waved her hand.He left with Kotori and Ren.

At the same time, under Tohka's order, the soldiers quickly gave up a car to take Kotori and others to the main base.

Although the area occupied by the No. [-] joint defense base is not large, it is still quite large for a spliced ​​temporary city.From the outermost sub-base to the innermost main base, if you just rely on walking, you may not be able to walk there even if you disappear twenty-four times a day.

After driving for about an hour or two, the car carrying Kotori and the others stopped slowly.

The two soldiers sitting in the front row immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and helped open the rear door.

After all, she has been in power for several years, and Tohka is indeed a perfect queen when facing these soldiers.Lifting the lotus feet slightly, he stepped out of the off-road vehicle gracefully, with a frosty expression on his face, and even more extraordinary momentum.

And after seeing the Queen, the soldiers who heard the news and rushed to the side also kept their eyes on each other and bowed to pay tribute.This made Kotori who walked out afterwards couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart, feeling that Tohka really had a superhuman courage at such a time.

It is completely different from the stupid and cute Tohka in memory.

"You step back."

Tohka glanced at the line up of soldiers and just gave a light drink.The soldiers immediately took a few steps back, clearing an empty road for Tohka and the others to leave.

With different thoughts in their hearts, the three girls slowly walked into the tall building in front of them.

Of course, when Kotori saw it at first glance, he thought it was a huge and luxurious palace, but after careful observation, he could find that the building was only well preserved, and there were signs of renovation in all aspects.Will show a new attitude.

At the same time, there are small groups of soldiers stationed in many places, and the defense force is good.There are also traces of reinforcement in many places.

While Kotori looked at her, she also murmured softly.

"Isn't this where you live?"

Not far away, a group of maids and housekeepers in black and white uniforms could already be seen.

Of course, guards are also indispensable.

"In a sense, it's okay." Tohka caressed her long hair by her ear, and glanced at Kotori.

"Now let's arrange a comfortable place for you first."

"All right..."

Kotori didn't say no hypocritically.Ask yourself, Kotori would not like to live in a tent in the wild like the commoners outside, or find an open place to lie on the ground with Lian for the night.

Of course, this is not to say that Kotori can't suffer.But if there's something better to offer, why not enjoy it?

But this arrangement obviously made Lian a little flattered, and she kept a sullen face along the way and didn't say a word.He was just afraid that Tohka would ridicule her again.Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen would arrange a residence for her too! ?

Lian wanted to say something several times, but forcibly held back.

Although she really wanted to reject Tohka's kindness, but after seeing that Kotori didn't make any excuses, she could only keep a sullen expression and said nothing.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty."

The leading maid stood up, touching her chest gracefully in greeting.

It's not the sexy and frivolous maid outfit that Kotori imagined, but rather conservative attire in the strict sense.All the excess skin is wrapped in the material.

Facing the compliments from the maids, Shixiang just tapped her head and continued to walk forward.

"Go and prepare one, no, two comfortable and stable houses. Let these two live."

These two naturally refer to Kotori and Ren who followed behind Tohka.

Although these maids frowned at the messy Lian, their good qualities did not make them speechless.

"Okay." The head maid answered immediately with a serious expression.Immediately ordered several maids to go down.

After passing through the gate made of more than a dozen stone pillars and solid steel, Tohka led Kotori and the two into the spacious building.From time to time, some well-dressed middle-aged people would come and go in and out, all looking hurried.But after seeing Tohka, he straightened his face immediately and left after saying hello.

The status of the leaders of modern countries is different, but it is also different from the treatment of kings in ancient times.

After passing through the lively scene in the hall, everyone came to the living area inside the building. There were no traces of any extra people, and it seemed very quiet.


Tohka called softly, and then opened her arms.The brocade robe he was wearing began to dissipate by itself, turning into spiritual particles and floating in the air.The silky underwear that clings to the skin is exposed.But she is still walking forward as if nothing had happened, and the posture is still perfect.

This scene fell into the eyes of Kotori and Lian, and they couldn't help being slightly startled.She didn't seem to realize what Tohka's intention was in such a move.

But the maids following behind reacted quickly, and immediately stepped forward, put a long-prepared rather casual robe on Shixiang's body, and at the same time tidied up Shixiang's fluttering long robes. send.

The period took no more than ten seconds, and the process was extremely skillful and natural.Kotori was speechless.

Obviously, this kind of thing has been done more than once, and it is really vigorous and resolute.

"Is the room tidy?"

"It's finished." The head maid replied beside her.

So fast!

Kotori twitched the corners of her eyes, and couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart.Are all modern maids monsters! ?

It didn't take more than a few minutes to tidy up and down, so it's already sorted out?

"Go prepare the toiletries and wash the little girl's body." Shi Xiang said without turning her head, still walking forward.

It has to be said that the interior space of this building is really quite wide.After walking for a few minutes, I still haven't come to the end.

"Okay, little sister. Can you come with us?"

The rather delicate and beautiful head maid turned sideways and spoke softly to Lian.

Such a move immediately made Ren look at Kotori a little at a loss.

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