"Have your own opinion! And it's outrageous to dress sloppily all the time!"

Seeing this, Tohka frowned lightly and scolded.

When Qinli heard this, she also shrugged her shoulders at Lian, "Let's just listen to her, this guy just has a cold face and a warm heart."

"Hmm...um." Lian reluctantly nodded, but the expression on her face was quite reluctant no matter how you looked at it.But it can only be led in another direction by a few maids.

Just looking at her pitiful appearance turning her head every three steps, Kotori seemed a little helpless.

"This kid..."

"Don't spoil her too much." Seemingly because of Lian's departure, Tohka's expression seemed to soften a little.Slowing down her pace, she walked shoulder to shoulder with Kotori.



Everyone~ please ask for the blade~~

It is still the customary cumulative 100 blades plus one update~~


Chapter 397

"This is a place for you to live in temporarily, are you satisfied?"

Tohka turned around and said calmly to Kotori who had just stepped into the door.


Kotori raised her head, imprinting everything in front of her eyes.I couldn't help but slander in my heart.

It's not just a question of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, it's better to say... Kotori has never seen such a luxurious villa in her life.

That's right, it wasn't that small room or bungalow that Tohka was going to give Kotori.It is a rather luxurious and spacious villa!

The indoor structure is often asymmetrical, the ceiling is connected with the arc of the wall, and murals are arranged at the corners.The walls are painted in light tones and the moldings are painted gold.

Looking at the architectural style, it seems to be the Rococo style that was popular among the nobles of the French royal palace in the past.

"This is a little too big... How many square meters is this?"

Kotori poked her head out, glanced inside, and was almost speechless by the blowing air.

Is it really okay for a person to live in this kind of place?

"Three floors, 670 square meters in total, Miss Balrog." The head maid gave the answer with a smile on the side.It's just that she looked at Qinli with a faint sense of fear and anxiety.

Presumably, she confused 'Blaze' with Kotori.


Kotori sighed slightly, "Then let me live with Ren, if she lives alone in this kind of place, she might be so frightened that she faints?"

"...Yes." Tohka seemed to be thinking about something, but quickly turned her head to look at the head maid beside her.

"Then during this period of time, I'll live here too. I have a lot of things that I need to talk to her about."

"Okay." The head maid nodded.

"After I have ordered you to come in again. Other than that, it's best not to step into it without authorization, otherwise..."

Having said that, Tohka narrowed her eyes slightly.The head maid's face turned pale as soon as the aura came out, and she responded with a wry smile:

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Watching the head maid leave the villa with several maids, she also closed the door at the same time.Only then did Qinli look away.

"The head maid seems to be quite loyal to you."

It would be quite unbelievable for ordinary people to obey the commands of an elf like this before the end of the world begins.

The elves at that time were the embodiment of destruction.Wherever he went, it was full of screams and wailing.But now they have transformed into a noble existence that ordinary people admire.

Kotori could see it.Every woman in the maid team has a good face, a soft figure, and good physical fitness. They walk steadily and breathe vigorously along the way.It can be seen that they must have received a considerable degree of professional training before.Especially the head maid is one of the best.

At first, Kotori was puzzled, how could a normal person clean up such a villa in just a few minutes.But after careful investigation, it was discovered that those maids were equipped with display devices. If needed, they could wear equipment like the professional soldiers outside and transform themselves into powerful modern magicians.

This kind of woman who is polite in conversation, versatile in housework, and quite capable of fighting was quite rare in the past.Not to mention that now, they will become Tohka's professional maids.

"They were members of the Magician Guard of a certain country in the past, and they fell into a hard fight after the end of the world. I saved them by accident."

After seeing the maids leave, Tohka's complexion did not change, the brilliance shone under her feet, and her exquisite purple high-heeled shoes turned into a pair of small cotton slippers.

"come in."


Kotori scratched her cheek, but also walked in bravely.Of course, before stepping in, the small round-toed leather shoes under the feet were also transformed into slippers.After actually being in it, Qinli secretly slandered how terrible the local tyrants were.

"By the way, aren't you the person in charge of the base? Shouldn't you be dealing with official business at a time like this?"

Kotori quickly shed unnecessary discomfort, and sat on the sofa in the hall leisurely.Cross your legs and sit up leaning on your back.

"Although I am in power, I don't need to worry about some trivial matters."

Tohka sat opposite Kotori, tilted her head slightly, stared at Kotori's face with great interest and said:

"Those politicians have obtained better living conditions than the common people, so naturally they need to pay corresponding labor. If all things still require me to work hard, then there is no need for those politicians to exist."

It really makes sense.

Kotori doesn't know what the social system of the world is like today, but it doesn't prevent Kotori from listening to Tohka's opinion.

"That's right. For the elves, the most important thing at the moment is the 'combat power issue'. Not those cumbersome government affairs issues."

Kotori squeezed her eyebrows.At present, the base is on the eve of the war, so it is natural to ensure the physical condition of the highest combat power is the most important thing.If there is a slight mistake in this aspect, no matter how well the government affairs are handled, it will not help the matter.


But soon, a question popped up in the girl's mind.

"I didn't have any free time to ask you about other bases before."

If it is said that those so-called governments of various countries no longer exist in the world, only the joint defense bases that are still connected with each other are left.So what about the other bases?

According to the information that Lian said before, there are more or less one or two elves guarding each defense base in the world.But Lian couldn't know the specific situation.After all, she is just an ordinary civilian.

And hearing Kotori's question, Tohka raised her eyebrows.

"Other bases? Where do you want to go?"

"No, I'm just thinking... just like what you said to me before. The wave of mutant beasts is getting stronger and stronger, and even you are already struggling to cope. What about the other bases, their situation What about it?"

Kotori thought a little of the elf girls in his memory. In the original story, those girls were also quite cute and lively.But now, can they survive this cruel battle again and again?

"Don't worry, those guys are not much weaker than me."

Shixiang waved her hand, her face still full of aloofness and arrogance. "And if something goes wrong, there will be a communication between the bases. There will be no accidents."

Qinli pondered: "Which elves are there in the nearest bases?"

This is a very important question, which I just remembered now.

"The Hermit and the Balrog, the others are too far away from me." When Tohka said this, she frowned suddenly. "Do you want to go to another base? . . to find the Balrog?"

The tone that was originally quite gentle suddenly became a bit cold and biting.

Even Kotori couldn't help being stunned by this sharpness.Although Tohka had never trained the power of mind, this pure Queen's spirit was natural, and it turned into a power of mind by itself, which made people feel a bit...unnatural.

"Don't worry, there's no point in running around. I don't have much interest in the Balrog. I will stay with you during this time and help you tide over the difficulties."

Qin Li sighed.He looked at Tohka with a bit of helplessness.

"Yes, yes..."



Little blade~


Chapter 398 Is it a fake?

For some reason, Tohka's mood quickly became a little lighter again.The lips are slightly pursed.Although she still had a poker face, Kotori could tell that she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Very good, as expected of someone I value."

"It has nothing to do with whether you like it or not." Kotori couldn't help but rolled her eyes, curled her lips and said:

"The most important thing is that I have no fixed place now. I can only live here with you, and the wave of mutant beasts is coming. If I don't help you, your end here will definitely be very miserable, right?"

If the line of defense is breached, the base will surely fall apart quickly.These nearly one million humans will definitely become the most delicious food for the mutant beasts.

Kotori, who has fought with several mutant beasts, deeply understands that those mutant beasts are definitely not easy to solve and satisfy.The pure killing intent and foraging instinct will make them kill and eat almost endlessly until they evolve again.

Of course, after evolution, they will become stronger and start a new round of hunting at the same time!

At that time, it will definitely be a hell scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

No matter how much Kotori stayed out of the matter, under the crisis of human genocide, he would naturally be able to help as much as he could.

It would be foolish to not use the power you have.

"For humanity... that's right."

Hearing Kotori's explanation, Tohka also nodded thoughtfully, and the bow decoration on the back of her head shook slightly, revealing a bit of playfulness.

Well, at least Tohka looks majestic, but she actually looks like a teenage girl.

Although her figure is already quite mature and attractive, it is far from what Kotori can match.

"Tsk, I'm a little upset."

Tohka's face suddenly darkened, and her gaze towards Kotori also became a little malicious.


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