After feeling this gaze, Kotori reacted immediately, her body tensed.He whispered, "What's wrong?"

Why did the mood become unstable while speaking?

Did she say something wrong, or did something unpleasant happen to her?

Tohka didn't choose to answer, but stood up abruptly and walked towards Kotori.Until he stood in front of Kotori, looking down at the somewhat embarrassed Kotori from top to bottom.

"Why are you running in front of me all of a sudden..."

This guy, isn't he showing off his size?

Qinli couldn't help but hang up the dead fish's eyes, secretly slandering her.At this distance between the two, Kotori looked up and saw Tohka's plump pair of peaks, shaking slightly with the girl's breathing.

After two glances, Kotori bared her teeth and looked away.

"If you want to talk, sit back, I..."

But before he could finish his words, a gleam of light flashed in Tohka's purple eyes.The corner of the mouth curled up like a sarcasm.

"Didn't I tell you before? Now, either I conquer you, or you conquer me. Only in this way can we concentrate the right to speak in this base."

"Er... indeed."

After the battle, Tohka, who had come to her senses, indeed said such words to Kotori.Kotori didn't pay much attention to it at the time, thinking it was just a scene.

But now... Kotori's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

"Hey, could it be you..."

This guy, is he going to start a fake show and do it for real! ?

"You're right. As a queen or a king, shouldn't you be more decisive when it comes to such important national affairs?"

Tohka stretched out her hand from her sleeve, and gently lifted Kotori's nod with her slender fingers.

Such an intimate gesture immediately made Kotori tremble all over, with an embarrassing smile on her face.

"No, have you misunderstood the word 'conquer'? Sometimes words, momentum, and battles can all be counted as conquest."

"You're right."

Hearing Kotori's crisp and sweet voice, Tohka slightly narrowed her eyes.

"However, these are not thorough enough. The real conquest should be from body to heart, from the inside to the outside! Just like what I thought at the time, I will completely defeat you first, and then you will be imprisoned after cutting off your limbs." Get up, and become my exclusive property. Then I will teach you well, so that your body and mind will surrender to me."

Speaking of this, Tohka looked at Kotori with a bit of aggression like a hungry wolf.There is a faint purple awn flickering in the eyes.

But ah...

What the hell is this girl saying in a serious manner! ?

Kotori looked up at Tohka dumbfounded, almost thinking that this guy might be some pervert in disguise!

"No, what are you talking about..."

"Of course, these ideas have all been defeated by you."

When Shixiang changed the topic, her tone became a little low.There was a faint seductive look on his face.

"Now I have lost the qualification to conquer you, so the rest... only you to conquer me!"

"I reject!"

Kotori hastily stretched out his hand and put it on Shixiang's leaning shoulder, and said without changing his face: "Don't think too much about conquering, I will help you, but it doesn't mean that I will collect extra interest from you .”

Even if the girl's heart trembles faintly, the basic principles still cannot be touched.

Kotori thinks that she is not a perfect saint, but she will never do something like taking the opportunity to take away Tohka's chastity!

"But—at that time, weren't you already obsessed with my body?"

Tohka calmly spoke words that made Kotori's face change suddenly.

Before Kotori could refute, Tohka's pretty face full of glamor and nobility showed a faint blush.At the same time, she immediately stretched out her hand to caress her skirt.

The cumbersome buttons and zippers seem to disappear in an instant, dissipating by themselves.The slightly loose top was immediately scattered, revealing the black gauze underwear inside, and the faintly visible white skin like jade, which was even more translucent under the light from the ceiling.

"Hmm..." Shixiang gritted her teeth lightly, and there was a slight wave in her eyes.In the calm heart like a lake, there are also slight ripples.

It seems that there is something that Tohka longs for and loves in this petite girl in front of her!

Seeing this, Kotori prepared to get up and take shelter for a while without saying a word, but Tohka seemed to have noticed Kotori's small movements, and directly lifted her plump and tight thighs, pressing them on the sides of Kotori's legs, Gently straddling Kotori's lower abdomen.The long skirt was slightly opened, revealing a crystal clear and slender calf.

"You..." Suddenly, the delicate touch of the nephrite jade made Qin Li blush.

And Tohka also seemed shy by her somewhat rude posture, twisted her body unnaturally, and looked away.But still stretched out his hands, like an intimate lover, caressed Kotori's back.

It was a bit bitter for Kotoli who was almost hugged by Tohka.Now, let alone avoiding it for a while, it is even a problem for her to break free!

Especially the electric shock-like feeling made Kotori at a loss as to what to do. The hands on Tohka's shoulders were already exerting a little force, and she was about to...


The sound of the door being opened suddenly sounded in the silent hall.



big blade~


Chapter 399 A Brand New Lotus (Fourth Change)

Tohka and Kotori turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the door.

It seemed that Lian opened the door and walked in cautiously.Before he had time to marvel at the beautiful interior of the villa, he unexpectedly saw two young girls sitting on the sofa in the lobby with unusually ambiguous postures.

Lian's eyes widened in astonishment, her small mouth opened slightly, and her heart was even more chaotic.

Although she is only twelve years old, she naturally knows a lot growing up in this doomsday environment.Compared with ordinary children, she is more precocious without father and mother.

But it was also because of this that she was able to understand... what the postures of Kotori and Tohka represent.

"Sister," Lian said with some stuttering. "What is this doing..."

Although she is precocious, she is not yet ready to utter those obscenities.Especially speaking those dirty words to Kotori, it is even more impossible.

"Tsk, kid."

Tohka reacted quickly, the blush on her face disappeared without a trace, and she returned to her original cold poker face. The cold air gushed out, and the temperature in the huge hall suddenly dropped several degrees.Lian couldn't help trembling.

If Kotori hadn't known that she was a sword spirit, she would have almost thought she was a spirit controlling cold air.

"Hey, can you get off me now?"

Kotori gave Tohka a look, and said angrily, "After becoming a queen, you should at least keep yourself clean! Is there anyone who does such a thing shortly after meeting?"

Like this kind of practice of selling one's body to win over other strong men.It really made Qin Li feel a little chilled, and even felt a tight feeling of depression in her heart.

What is the difference between this kind of Tohka and those aristocratic women who play tricks and live a corrupt life?


But Tohka seemed to see what Kotori was thinking, and snorted angrily.Get off Kotori's body.The look at Kotori was even more angry.

"I'm not..."

She clenched her fists, flicked her sleeves and said coldly: "Forget it, let's talk about it next time."

After leaving such a sentence, Tohka reached out and grabbed her loose collar, and quickly repaired it under the influence of spiritual power.But after giving Kotori an angry look for the last time, he walked towards the door with his slender legs.

Only Dilian and Qinli with sad faces were left, standing there blankly.

"After tidying up, it's not bad." When passing by Lian, Shixiang stopped for a moment, and said in a cold tone:

"During my absence, express yourself well."

Lian turned her head in shock, looking at Tohka's leaving back and the long fluttering hair that disappeared behind the door.Na Na can't speak.

What do you mean...behave yourself?

Although Lian was a bit precocious, such sudden words still made her a little confused.

"This guy..."

Kotori also came up at this time, and sighed as if she had a headache.

Kotori is actually not very clear about Tohka's character in reverse form.After all, when I read the novels in the past, I didn't read them very carefully, and I only read the seventh volume carefully.

Most of the subsequent plots are learned through spoilers and generalizations on some social platforms.

So in my memory, the number of appearances of Reverse Tohka is pitifully small, let alone her all-round personality and thoughts.

After all, there is still a considerable gap between pure words and reality.It is also impossible for Kotori to get along with these elves completely based on what is written in a book.Not to mention, now in the real world, all the information about 'Date A Live' has disappeared without a trace, which is a bit more weird.

"What happened to Her Lady Queen?"

Ren broke the silence with a sound, and looked at Kotori with some anxiety. "Where did Lian do something wrong?"

"No, you did a good thing instead." Kotori sorted out her complicated mood temporarily, smiled and touched Lian's little head.

If this little girl hadn't appeared in time, some messy things might have happened.

It wasn't until this time that Kotori had the thought to take a good look at the little girl in front of her, but her eyes lit up after seeing Lian's appearance clearly.

Because the lotus that appeared in front of her eyes was not in the dirty and sloppy dress as before, but clean and tidy like a brand new one.A pair of fair little face, straight and delicate facial features, the stinky black robe on his body was also replaced by a white princess dress decorated with beautiful ribbons, the fluffy skirt was slightly opened, as if it was about to bloom flower.The soft lace fills the skirt everywhere, which looks quite light.

She was wearing immaculate white stockings on her slender legs, and a pair of bright red leather shoes on her feet.At first glance, it looks like a pure Lolita-style little princess.

Even if it can be clearly seen that Lian's body is too thin now, and the slightly exposed shoulders are even more emaciated.But this small flaw, presumably after a little recuperation of the body, it will be able to recover soon.

"Sister, Lian dressed in a strange way..."

Lian clenched the hem of the skirt with some trepidation, as if she was not used to this kind of complicated and luxurious clothing decoration, especially her hair that was originally loose was tied into lively double ponytails at the moment, and she also wore a small cap on her head. Black and white hat.It made her a little overwhelmed.

"Will this hat on your head fall off? If you accidentally get it dirty..."

"Relax, Lian."

Qinli rubbed the face of this little guy with some amusement, although he was still so thin.But compared to the previous touch, it has become a lot smoother.

Unexpectedly, this girl is Zhong Lingyunxiu, a natural beauty.So cute with a little dress up.If some people with special hobbies saw it, they would probably get nosebleeds from excitement, right?

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