Combined with the faint mist that diffused from the sword body at that time, it has been entwined around Lian's body all the time.Kotori already had some guesses in her mind.

"Could it be that this mysterious black sword provided Lian Su with the power to fight against mutant beasts? After losing contact with the sword, Lian, who had recovered to the level of an ordinary person, naturally couldn't bear the fatigue before and passed out."

The possibility of this conjecture is very high.

If what Lian said before, the sword flew out of her chest.Then there must be some special connection between lotus and sword.

Kotori pulled out the black sword and carefully observed the lines in it.There are some magnificent blood-red textures on the blade. Although the blade is not slender, it is also very delicate, just like black crystal exuding crystal luster.Lightly tapped with a finger, a comfortable crisp sword sound resounded.

The girl has no way to say what the specific material of this weapon is, but its hardness is definitely beyond imagination!

"But I hold this thing, but it doesn't work at all?"

As Kotori murmured to himself, after the girl held the sword, the mysterious energy that surrounded her suddenly dissipated without a trace, and the vision she saw before seemed to be an illusion.

This black sword seems to have no special effects other than being extremely strong.

"Could it be that this thing still has the so-called master recognition?"

Thinking of this, Kotori clicked his tongue.

If this matter was placed on other people, Kotori would never think too much about it.However, this incident happened to Lian.

But Lian is the existence that the main god space has specially set up exclusive missions for it!

Then the special weapon she holds is definitely not that simple.

"Lord God, does it have the function of identification?" Qinli softly called out to the Lord God in his heart, hoping that the guy could give him some information.

But unfortunately, the Lord God did not choose to answer.It seems that there is no sound except for the release of tasks.

"Tsk, trouble."

After observing the black sword a few times for the last time, Kotori sighed softly.Put the sword aside.

After all, it's not a specialization in surgery, and it's completely blind to things like weapon identification.No matter how long you look at it, there is really no way to see any special information on the sword.

It was another matter that made Kotori quite concerned.

With the girl's thought, a purple crystal emitting bright fluorescence appeared in Kotori's hands, and it was warm as if it had a heartbeat, full of vitality.

This is the crystallization of spiritual power that was forcibly compressed and gathered by using the last remaining spiritual power after eliminating that level four head.

And the spiritual power in it was forcibly imitated by Level [-] after absorbing and deciphering Tohka's genes and spiritual power.And the impurities that were originally mixed in it seemed to have been completely eliminated under Qinli's unconscious purification at the time.




Chapter 427 Someone from the Military Department?

After Kotori took out the spiritual power crystal, Tohka, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly burst out with dark purple light.

It seems to complement the crystal in his hand.

Kotori noticed this very quickly, and couldn't help being secretly surprised.

After all, this crystal is extracted from the body of a mutant beast, but it resonates with Tohka, who is an elf.It can be seen that the two spiritual powers have indeed achieved a high degree of synchronization in nature.

At that time, Kotori called the fourth-level mutant beast Tohka's family member, and there was nothing wrong with that.

"Mutated beasts and elves..."

【Spiritual Power Crystal (Purple)】

This thing, in a sense... is not much different from the spirit crystals buried in the bodies of the elves, right?


[Release main line task 1: Collect more than five spiritual power crystals, progress (5/[-])]

Qinli, who was still playing with the crystallization of spiritual power in her hand, froze immediately after hearing the mission suddenly issued by the main god.

Collect five spiritual power crystals! ?

Could it be that he thought that he had to find a way to kill more than five level four mutant beasts! ?

And the most important thing is to kill the special level four mutant beasts that have devoured the flesh and blood of elves and evolved the same spiritual power.

"Shouldn't this task be embarrassing people?"

Kotori couldn't help thinking that way.

After all, in the huge No. [-] joint defense base, only this level [-] has appeared so far.And it was very lucky to get the blood and flesh of Tohka, which was lucky to evolve the attribute of spiritual power.

Is it possible that I have to continue to wait for the next level four to appear, and let Tohka purposely bite a hole in that level four mutant beast?

Not to mention asking Tohka to feed the mutant beast on purpose, even Kotori herself would not do such self-abuse.

knock knock.

The knock on the door sounded again, causing Kotori to frown, and at the same time put away the spiritual power crystal in her hand.

I glanced through the glass of the door and found that it was an old man.And that face is also somewhat impressive.

That was a military leader who was seen every day during the daily meetings during this period.It still has a lot of prestige in the power class.

At least Tohka had a good opinion of him, he was a respectable old man worthy of respect.

Kotori glanced at Tohka and Ren lying on the bed, stood up and walked out of the ward.

"Is something wrong?"

"Ah...Miss Wuhe." The old officer also showed a faint smile after seeing Qinli.On this wrinkled face full of bark, one can vaguely see the coldness and determination of his youth.

He glanced at the long sword with sheath in Qin Li's hand indiscriminately, his smile remained the same.

"Our military has something very important to talk to you about."

"Important matter?" Kotori seemed to hear something was wrong, and couldn't help frowning.

"Don't wait until ten... the Queen will talk to her after she wakes up? I'm just an outsider."

What about the military should have nothing to do with me, right?

After all, this base is still the territory of Tohka, and he has no idea to compete with Tohka for something.That's really hurtful, and... Kotori herself is not sensitive to these rights disputes.

"No, no, Miss Wuhe, you think too much."

The old officer seemed to see what Kotori was thinking at once, and waved his hand with a smile.

"We will not be against the queen, and we have no objection to the current distribution of rights. For us, Her Majesty is still an admirable and respected queen. Naturally, we will not do anything arrogant."

The tone of the speech was also quite sincere, and there was nothing that disgusted Kotori.

Although the spiritual power was exhausted, Kotori's mind power was still able to be released freely.For those who have evil thoughts, it is naturally clear at a glance.

At least... the old man in front of him didn't lie to himself.

"Forget it, let's talk about what it is."

Kotori didn't continue to dwell on this topic, but leaned against the closed door and folded her arms around her chest. "Just say it here, anyway, there are no extra people here."

The ward where Tohka stayed was located on the uppermost floor of the hospital, and ordinary patients and doctors seldom came up to it.As for the monitoring equipment... Kotori had already torn it to pieces.

"Okay." The old man didn't care about the red tape, and said: "This time, our No. [-] base has indeed repelled the tide of mutant beasts, and even achieved minimal casualties in exchange for maximum results. Will The level four who were the most threatening were all killed on the spot, and more than two hundred level three were wiped out. From these two points alone, this battle is a great success in the true sense."

Mutant beasts didn't just evolve randomly.

They need a large amount of food to ingest, so that they can be decomposed and absorbed through some special organs and tissues in the body, and finally begin to evolve.Indeed, level one is almost no longer seen in the entire group of mutant beasts, and all of them are in the category of level two.

However, it is precisely because the higher the level of evolution, the more food is needed.

High-level mutant beasts will eventually be controlled within a specific number range.Its group structure is like a conical nail. Once all the high-level mutated beasts on the sharp part of the upper layer are wiped out instantly, the mutated beasts below are still numerous in number, but their threat will drop sharply.

They also take time to re-evolve.

"So, let's take a rough estimate. This time, it will take at least half a year for the surrounding mutated beast groups to regain their current strength. And we will also take this opportunity to cultivate and recuperate, and our troops can at least take this opportunity increase by [-]%."

The old man eloquently told Kotori about these things.

But Kotori gradually frowned.Confused:

"These things are good things...but is there anything worth repeating?"

At most, this kind of thing can be reported in the next meeting. Is it necessary to find myself to say these things?

"Don't be too anxious, I haven't finished talking yet." The old man coughed twice, and continued:

"Because of this, our base has been in a relatively long period of peaceful development. However, this is not the case for other bases. For example...the No. [-] joint defense base closest to us."




Chapter 428 Base No. [-]

"Number four?" Kotori whispered the number softly.

"The closest...does it have any connection with our base?"

"Of course, the No. [-] base is the closest to our geographical location. Now that the mainland is getting closer, the exchanges and assistance between us have become more frequent."

The old man said with a smile: "It might be better to say that the relationship between our two bases is more like an ally in a sense. In this battle, many soldiers from the fourth company The base dispatched urgently to assist us in fighting the enemy."

"If it weren't for their assistance, our battle this time would have been much more tragic."

Indeed, as the old man said.At that time, Kotori seemed to have heard some related reports about the No. [-] base at the meeting.Among them are information such as military soldiers.Although Kotori didn't listen to those meeting reports very seriously, at least he still had some impressions.

It looks like five hundred soldiers were dispatched, and they brought some good equipment. . .

"Then what?" Kotori asked casually, shaking her head.

"Did something happen to base four?"

The old man didn't pay too much attention to Qinli's attitude, but changed his previous smiling face to a serious one.

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