"The fourth base has also detected the arrival of the next wave of mutant beasts, and the intensity is extremely high. Depending on their current strength, it may be difficult to hold on. What's more, they sent [-] soldiers to help We, at such a critical time, we naturally cannot sit idly by."

Now even if these five hundred soldiers returned to defense quickly, they couldn't fully recover from the fatigue and injuries after the battle in such a short period of time.

Their combat effectiveness may be greatly reduced.

"So, what do you mean... you want to send some people to help Base No. [-]?"

Qin Li said so.

"Yes, we just want to take this opportunity to start an in-depth alliance with the No. [-] base. Now the number of human beings is gradually decreasing. If we don't continue to join hands, we will eventually decline over time. go down."

What the old man said made Kotori nod thoughtfully.

As Tohka mentioned to herself before, with the passage of time, the overall strength of those mutant beasts will gradually surpass that of humans.At that time, one or two bases will not be able to resist it.

It is necessary to gather the common strength of all human beings, so that it is possible to obtain a glimmer of life in the future.

"I understand this truth, and I quite support your decision."

After a while, Kotori shrugged her shoulders, her pretty face was also full of calm.

"But what do these things have to do with me?"

Yes, Kotori agrees with their proposal.No matter in terms of reality, or in terms of humanity and morality, it is a commendable and wise decision to send people to help No. [-] base to jointly resist the tide of mutant beasts.

But Kotori agrees with this decision, but it doesn't mean that she has to get involved with herself.

"The biggest reason why I can help you resist the tide of mutant beasts is because of the queen and Lian. Although this kind of words may sound harsh to you, but it is precisely because of this small reason that I started to act. Between your bases What's the relationship with it, it has nothing to do with me, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

But the old man laughed out loud.

It wasn't until Kotori glared at him that he coughed twice and stopped his ugly laughter.

"I know, I know~ Miss Wuhe was able to help our No. [-] base get through the difficulties this time, all thanks to the matchmaking of Her Majesty the Queen and the existence of that little girl named Lian. We will not be cheeky. Take the credit for yourself."

"But...Miss Wuhe, please don't forget. Her Majesty's base is not completely safe now. Even if this crisis can be overcome this time, what about the next time?"

The old man touched his chin meaningfully. "No one can guarantee it completely. Even those of us are always ready to die. Let alone Her Majesty the Queen who has always rushed to the forefront to kill the enemy."

"...Is this a threat?" Kotori narrowed her eyes slightly.

The invisible temperament suddenly turned into a coercion, pressing heavily on the old man.The face of the old man who was still smiling changed, and he almost fell to the ground.In the end, it was Kotori who relaxed his restraint a little, so that he didn't fall to the ground in embarrassment.

But it still caused a lot of cold sweat to seep out of his face, and his smile became distorted.

"Sure enough...Miss Wuhe possesses stronger power than Her Majesty the Queen, and her aura is even stronger. Old man, I was almost too frightened to stand up."

"You know it too?"

Kotori snorted coldly, stood up straight and stared at the man's face. "If I want, I can turn you into the dust of history with a wave of my hand. So don't think about using any messy sophistry to turn me and the queen into pawns in your game."

"Be careful of self-defeating, let the elves completely give up on you humans!"

"Oh, oh..." The old man touched his chin with a wry smile.

"Although it seems a bit impolite for me to say it, in fact...you should be quite clear about the gains and losses in this, Miss Wuhe, right?"


Sorry, I don't know.

Kotori was hanging dead fish eyes, completely speechless.

But after a moment of silence, the girl still sighed softly.

Because the main god's notification sounded again.


[Accept the entrustment and go to the No. [-] joint defense base]

For the first time, I feel that the task release of the main god is very annoying.

Kotori took a deep breath and pinched her eyebrows.I began to weigh the gains and losses in my heart.But soon, Kotori seemed to have thought of something.His eyes lit up slightly.

Spiritual power... crystallized.

Although it is not yet clear what the use of this spiritual power crystallization is, it should also have a certain important effect.If you can collect five or more spiritual power crystals according to the mission issued by the main god, maybe there will be some special phenomenon.

Although there is no guarantee that there will be special level four mutant beasts appearing, but it won't be too much trouble to search for it in the past.


"Who is the elf in Base No. [-]?" Kotori asked this question.

"'Hermit', the spirit who manipulates ice and water."

After deliberating for a moment, the old man added:

"Above all, character is unpredictable."



(ノ ̄▽ ̄)

Chapter 429. 'The Hermit' (fourth more)

In the end, Kotori agreed to the military's proposal.

Because of the urgency of time, Kotori also set off soon. , Immediately accompanied the group of soldiers to the No. [-] joint defense base for assistance without stopping.

I got in a special car, and started heading towards the No. [-] base with a group of military convoys.

Because both Ren and Tohka are currently in a comatose state, the troublesome farewell is naturally saved.

Kotori is also quite relieved to have the head maid and others guarding her.After using the display device, the head maid's strength is not bad, enough to single-handedly fight against a level three mutant beast, and it is more than enough in the base.


Kotori poked her head out and looked at the scene of the ruins outside the car window, and she became accustomed to it in her heart.Nowadays, such a scene is everywhere, and I have long been used to seeing it.

Now rather than looking at the scene outside, it might be better to say that he is in a daze.

In his head, he was also thinking about the instructions of those leaders to him before he set off.

"A 'hermit' with a weird personality?"

Kotori knew which elf the so-called 'hermit' was.

In the original story, its name is Yoshino.She was a very petite little girl.With water-blue wavy long hair, a lovely and delicate face, and a rather docile personality, even for those special forces that hunted and killed him, he could try his best not to fight back, but just run away blindly.

Of course, there is also the reason why she is quite timid by nature.

But there is no doubt that the cute little girl named Yoshino is definitely a pure-hearted, lovely and extraordinary little lolita.

But it's such a harmless little loli who is called...strange by the military?Looking at the wry smiles they had when they were talking about Yoshino, it seemed that they were not pretending.

Could it be...

"Could it be that Yoshino also reversed like Tohka?"

Kotori immediately thought of the possibility of this development.

Although Kotori still doesn't know the reason why Tohka reversed, even if she asked Tohka in person.She also didn't know the meaning of Kotori's words.

Because, from the time I came to this world.She has always been like this.There have never been any other state patterns.

"What's the situation?" Kotori was confused by this.

In other words, it should be that from entering this dungeon until now, the girl is ignorant of many situations.

Why do the elf girls who are no different from ordinary girls in the original book appear in reverse states, at least...Yoshino and Tohka are like this, maybe...the famous The same goes for the poor 'Balrog'.

What happened before the end?

Or... is this world not the 'Date A Live' world I know?In such a short period of time, Kotori had no way of collecting any suitable information.

The leaders in the base should also know nothing about it.

These people were also leaders in some small countries before, and they would not have any contact with the real elf-related levels.If you really want to know something inside, you still have to find a way to find the so-called 'DEM Society' and 'Rastatok' that are on the verge of destruction.

Maybe, some clues can be found from the two culprits who caused the doomsday.

Or... Find other elves, and take a look at their mouths.

It is very likely that a few elves will know a little bit about the past.

And just as Kotori closed his eyes and meditated, the convoy was still moving forward quickly.Because the two bases have cooperated early on, a temporary flat road has been cleared between the two sides for vehicles to drive.

And after a few hours, several resupply were made on the way.Everyone finally came to a sub-base of the No. [-] base.

Poking his head out of the car window, Kotori also took advantage of the opportunity of passing the customs documents at the front of the convoy, looked up at the base, and could see a towering city wall standing in front of him at a glance, surrounded by quite a few well-armed soldiers. Soldier.

This point is similar to Base No. [-].

After the investigation is completed, and after repeated reminders.The convoy started up again and drove to the interior of the base.

Along the way, the situation of those people was as expected.Even compared to sailing to the base it manages, it looks a little bit shabby.

There is no trace of a lot of infrastructure, presumably it should be that there is a slight shortage of materials in the base.

An hour later, the convoy reached the depths of the base.Kotori, who is an elf, naturally needs to meet and say hello to Yoshino, who is also an elf.Otherwise, there might be some unpleasant conflicts afterwards.

Although a few people had said to themselves the character of a 'hermit' before coming here, Kotori really couldn't imagine Yoshino with that kind of character.

At least, the girl wanted to meet Yoshino in person.

Kotori jumped out of the car neatly and stroked the long skirt on her body.staring ahead.

How should I put it...Compared to Tohka's palace-like residence, the building that appeared in front of me is more...willful?

Decorations like ice crystals can be seen everywhere,

"Your Majesty is already waiting for you in the boudoir." A man who greeted Qinli came out, fully dressed, just like a deacon in a fairy tale.He bowed to Kotori respectfully.

"Please come with us."

"Okay." Kotori nodded, and started to follow these people.

Passing through the dark passages, layers of curtains were lifted.It's like leading to some mysterious ruins.

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