Yoshina's sudden words were astonishing, not only making Kotori stunned.Even the doll rabbit on Yoshina's left hand waved in panic.

"Four, Yoshina, don't say such things...others will get angry..."

'Yoshino' is as good a boy as ever.

But it's a pity that Yoshina, who now occupies the dominance of her body, won't stop talking so easily, she pouted her small mouth and muttered. "I'm seeking truth from facts~"

At the same time, her red eyes were staring at Kotori's profile, and she seemed to be thinking of some weird thoughts.

"Hey, did you and Yatogami do that kind of thing?"


This guy is not an ice elf, but an elf who can see through other people's minds, right?

Kotori suddenly felt a little restless.




Chapter 433

"Hey, if you don't answer, it's the default?"

Yoshina's eyes lit up, and a strange flush appeared on her baby-fat little face. "Can you tell me how you felt at that time?"

"...You think too much." Kotori responded calmly.

"Hmph~ You're so bad! You've already done that kind of thing, but you're still too shy to tell others? Don't worry, Yoshina, I'm a trustworthy good partner! Absolutely, definitely not casually speaking~"

Yoshinona patted her non-existent chest while talking, and gave Kotori a thumbs up.

"Let me tell you, as an elf, I have never tried that kind of thing. I am very interested!"

"Uh...that kind of thing doesn't exist." Qin Lippi said with a half-smile.

"Doesn't exist? How could this be..."

Yoshino obviously did not believe Kotori's lies, and an inexplicable smile appeared on her face. "You still have the scent of Yato God's spiritual power on your body. How could you not have done that kind of thing?"

"There must have been an unusually intimate contact between the two of you. This will cause you to be stained with her spiritual power."

This guy...is not a rabbit but a dog! ?

What a sensitive nose! ?

Kotori looked at Yoshinona's smiling face in some amazement, her hands on her legs had unconsciously clenched into fists.At the same time, it suddenly dawned on me.

Yoshino did not use words to extract the relationship between herself and Tohka, but had already had her own guesses before she asked.

She was just teasing herself.

"Oh, it seems Yoshine is right~" Yoshina glanced at Kotori's clenched fists, and chuckled lightly.

"Don't be angry, it's just that I am a little curious, Yoshina~"

After the words were finished, she directly supported herself with one hand, and sat down beside Qinli lightly and nimbly.Her skills looked quite vigorous, especially this hot spiritual outfit made her look a little more charming.

"No, I'm sorry, Yoshino doesn't mean anything malicious." The rabbit doll Yoshino hurriedly apologized to Kotori.

"You don't have to apologize, Yoshito, if Miss Wuhe really feels unhappy..."

Yoshito Nara raised her voice, and her petite body leaned towards Kotori.He rested his little head on Kotori's shoulder lightly, and narrowed his eyes like a small animal.But after realizing that Kotori didn't respond, she raised her head again, pressed against Kotori's ear, and murmured softly like a lover:

"Then just... eat me~"

"Ah!" The rabbit doll immediately covered its eyes and let out a small scream.If it wasn't for the puppet body, she would have blushed a long time ago.


But it's a pity that Yoshina's fierce declaration didn't seem to have any good effect.

Yoshina, who originally showed a charming spring look that didn't match her immature face and figure, seemed to have noticed this too, turned her head sideways in surprise, and looked at Kotori's face.

But the moment she saw Qinli's expression clearly, her expression froze.

Because in Kotori's eyes, there is a piece of pure platinum luster, without any emotion flowing in it.It looks... like an absolutely ruthless god, the coldness made her feel horrified!

"No, no way... Are you really angry?" Yoshina suddenly felt that the series of actions she had just done were a bit stupid.

Although it was indeed the first time the two met, Yoshina had done enough homework before that.Collected all the little information on Kotori's situation, and studied it carefully.

It was precisely because of this that she decided that this newborn elf girl should be a very amiable and good girl with an approachable personality and a certain kindness.And it seems that she likes children quite a lot.

The most important thing is...she seems to have some unclear relationship with Yatogami.

Even if the two of them are hiding something, they can still be seen if someone with a heart observes carefully.Yatogami always has a cold face on weekdays, and only when he gets along with Kotori will he show a soft expression.

There must be something tricky between the two.

After a bit of deliberation and guesswork, Yoshina decided that... this elf girl should have a certain deviation in her sexual orientation, and she likes Yatogami who is also a girl.

In this way, she can write articles based on this to get everything she needs.

That's what Yoshino had planned.

She is not the same innocent, pure, kind and innocent little girl like Yoshino.But it is by no means a cold-blooded and cruel tyrant and executioner.For the life and death of the millions of people in the base, Yoshina definitely attached great importance to it.

It was also because of this that she had the idea to tie this elf into her base.Come to solve problems for your own base and solve the most troublesome mutant beast tide.

If you don't do anything, just survive this wave of mutant beasts.Yoshino would never be satisfied.

Because she is quite clear that the risk is too great.

The strength of the mutated beast tide became stronger every time, and she was no longer able to resist it as easily as it was at the beginning.Even Yadao Shen, the battle madman, was seriously injured in the battle.What about myself...

Absolutely no good.

And can Kotori help her again and again?

There is no way to fully guarantee it.

As long as there is one time, only one gap is needed.Then this base will be in immediate danger.Yoshino already had this faint feeling.

That's why she came to attack Qinli at this time and place.

If Kotori has a rough personality and is difficult to talk to, then use brute force to conquer her!

If Kotori has a kind personality and is as approachable as the information said, then she would sacrifice her body to capture her!

Although, although Yoshina herself has no confidence in whether she can perform perfectly in the process of devotion.But at least... she is quite confident about her body.

However, the development of the facts did completely deviate from Yoshina's little plan in mind.

Facing her own teasing and temptation, Kotori was completely unmoved! ?

"Yoshina." A cold voice came from the girl's mouth.


Yoshina was obviously a spirit that manipulated the cold, but Yoshina felt chilly all over her body at this moment.The little face was full of horror.And the rabbit doll in his hand was trembling with fright, not daring to say a word more.

"Why, why suddenly you..."

"I figured it out, before I want to have a good talk with you, I still have to give you a little bit of trouble first."

Kotori slowly turned her head to the side, looking down at Yoshina who was huddled in the middle of the sofa.

Then, like a cruel and brutal ghost, he grinned a malicious smile.

"Don't you really want me to eat you? Then I will do what you want—"

"Don't, don't come here! I...I didn't mean that!!"




Chapter 434 A Small Punishment (Fourth)

"No, don't come close to me——!!"

Yoshino was obviously frightened by Kotori's inexplicable aura, and crawled back in horror, while subconsciously preparing to reach out and use her spiritual power to attack, trying to freeze Kotori in front of her.

Then, before she could draw out her spiritual power, the little hand that had just been raised was grabbed by Kotori.

"Hey———!?" Yoshina was startled suddenly, and her face turned white with a bang.The most important thing is that the spiritual power she had mobilized was instantly scattered as if it had received some kind of strange vibration.

After several times of stirring up the spiritual power, there was no response!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Yoshina was completely panicked at this moment, the elf power that she was proud of and even relied on for survival disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, any other elf girl would also be panicked At a loss.

Not to mention, the situation that Yoshina encountered now.

With a cruel and evil smile on her face, Kotori slowly moved her body and leaned towards Yoshina.As the distance between the two got closer, Yoshina trembled more and more, and the rabbit ears on the spiritual outfit dangled and trembled non-stop.

"Didn't you still be eloquent before? Why are you so scared now?"

Kotori suddenly put her head in front of Yoshina, their eyes were almost close at hand.But this sudden movement also frightened Yoshina quite a bit, her limbs were still there after her spiritual power was gone, just as she was about to get out and run back, Kotori directly stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around her slender waist limb.


Suddenly being touched on the skin of her waist and abdomen, Yoshina trembled all over, and a blush appeared on her pale cheeks.

"Don't, don't touch me! I...I didn't ask you to do such a thing!"

"Oh? Didn't you do this kind of thing?"

Kotori laughed out loud as if he heard some funny joke. "Didn't you just let me eat you? I'm... just making appetizers."

"If you don't get used to it a little...I'm afraid you'll..."

Kotori pushed back Yoshinona's wide hood and hair from her temples, and said softly:

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