"Accept. No. Oh~"


Yoshitona was immediately stunned, her small mouth opened slightly, obviously speechless because of Kotori's speech.

No, no... I didn't intend to do that kind of thing in the first place!

Yoshino screamed loudly in her heart, but in reality, her body seemed to be frozen, her body was extremely stiff.

"Hehe~ Look at your frightened look... you really look like a little rabbit."

Touching Yoshina's lower abdomen softly with her fingers, her stomach shrank immediately.Then Kotori smiled and slid along the way, brushing Yoshina's lower abdomen, stomach, and chest, the touch was as silky as milk, and it exuded a refreshing fragrance, which made people want to stop.

Slightly frivolous with his fingertips, he snapped off the ribbon that tied the black silk gauze, and immediately Yoshina's thin black spiritual outfit fell apart.

"——!!!" Yoshina was startled, and quickly covered her chest with both hands.The small face is flushed, and the eyebrows are full of spring. This shy and restless appearance, in the eyes of outsiders, is more like shyness and cuteness like a refusal to welcome.


"Hey Hey Hey--"

clap clap clap clap-


A row of soldiers standing at the door, each of them stood upright, working on the author's own duty station without squinting.That's pretty much what they do every day.

For this naughty little queen, they naturally love and hate, and they will make some weird pranks from time to time on weekdays, which makes everyone in a hurry.

But it is still quite reliable in critical moments, which makes many people think that this little ice queen is like a cute and naughty little girl.While worthy of everyone's respect, it also makes people want to love her.

Many women will give birth to some maternal love when they see Yoshina, and the interest of lolicon is aroused when men see her.

Yoshina is such a strange and wonderful existence in this base.

As a mascot, it is also a solid and reliable patron saint of the people.

And it is such a little queen who deserves everyone's care and respect, but now she is being treated inhumanly.If it weren't for the good sound insulation of this house, the soldiers standing outside the door would have rushed in full of anger, right?

Because, the sobs and cries of pain, like cuckoo crying blood, are constantly ringing in the house.But because of Yoshina's soft and crisp voice, it has a strange color and aura.

People who don't know heard it, and maybe they thought they were doing something indescribable.

But actually?


"Ah!" Yoshina lay down on the sofa and buried her face in her arms.However, he couldn't help the soreness but also had a different itching feeling, and gasped and screamed softly.



Yoshina's voice was already a bit crying, and crystal tears dripped down on her arms, but her pink and tender face was flushed with shame, anger and humiliation.

Such a scene must be quite misleading.

After all, Yoshina's small exclamations and sobs, coupled with the continuous crackling sounds, are indeed very imaginative.

But in fact, there is nothing filthy about this scene.

clap clap!

Kotori raised her hand and patted Yoshinona's butt lightly twice.Suddenly there were two crisp sounds.And Yoshina also trembled all over, and let out a few whimpers.

"Say, do you still dare to do that kind of indiscreet thing casually?"

"No, I don't dare." Yoshina immediately shed tears of humiliation.

After living for so long, it was the first time someone pressed on the thigh and spanked.This made spoiled Yoshina's tears flow like a fountain.

On the one hand, it's angry, but on the other hand... it's painful!

Kotori used a strange method to directly cut off the spiritual power circulation in Yoshina's body.As a result, the current Yoshina is like a little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken, allowing Kotori to do whatever she wants.It really hurts to slap on the buttocks!

Yoshino was slapped a few more times, and finally couldn't bear it any longer.cry aloud:

"Don't fight anymore! I was wrong, I was wrong! I shouldn't have acted indecently, and I shouldn't have deliberately teased you! Sister Qin, please forgive me!"

After speaking, Yoshina immediately covered her face and burst into tears.The crying sound was extremely miserable, it was really sad to hear it, and tears came to those who saw it.

After all, for such a petite little girl, her buttocks were all red from the beating, and the sense of shame and pain must have been a good punishment for her.


Qinli originally wanted to punish this guy again, but after seeing her miserable appearance.He also stopped his hand hanging in mid-air and sighed softly.

"Well, remember this pain! Don't do such weird things in the future!"


Yoshino nodded repeatedly, and looked at Kotori with tears in her eyes.

But after seeing Kotori's ghost-like face soften, Yoshina sniffled and forcefully squeezed out a few more tears.Then he turned back and threw himself into Kotori's arms, pretending, no, it should be crying like showing his true feelings.

Not seeing Yoshina's sneaky tricks at all, Kotori touched her little head and softened a little.

Wasn't my behavior just now... a little too bad?



Blade change (129/138)

Thanks for the 100 blade support of my sister who wants to play even if I kill her~~

(“▼ dish▼)

Chapter 435 Experiment? (fifth more)


Yoshina had already rearranged her scattered clothes, and even the red marks on her buttocks had probably been healed with spiritual power.

At least, now that she is sitting opposite to Qinli again, she no longer dares to have any talkative thoughts.Sitting on the sofa very well-behaved, the one who lowered his eyebrows and nodded like a well-trained puppy.It's just that she touched her little butt from time to time and gasped.It still seems to hurt.

Seeing her pitiful appearance with tears in her eyes, Kotori, who was the instigator and the culprit, felt a little embarrassed.

Sure enough, he accidentally used too much force... Did he cast a psychological shadow on this child?

If it was before, Kotori might be able to use his healing inflammation to heal his injury quickly, and this small slap mark can be completely erased in just a while.Maybe it would be able to give Yoshina a taste of both pain and happiness.

Only now... Kotori glanced at her arm hidden in her sleeve.The complicated and mysterious runes inside are still rapidly absorbing his spiritual power, without any sign of stopping.

Although during this period of time, Kotori could already feel the gradual increase in the speed of spiritual power recovery.There are already signs of spiritual recovery.

"Um... sister Kotori, do you want to talk to me about something?"

Yoshina said in a low voice, somewhat timidly.He clenched the hood on his head tightly with both hands, as if he was afraid that Kotori would strike her again suddenly.It's just that this kind of action coupled with her extremely cute face is really cute, making people want to hug her in her arms and take good care of her.

At least, Kotori pondered for a moment, and silently overturned the stern speech she had prepared and started again.

Rarely, for the first time, the girl felt a little compassion.

Maybe it's because of the strange connection between the elves again?Kotori didn't know the answer, but it didn't stop her from mentioning the real purpose of this visit.

"You should be very clear about the meaning of my coming here this time, right?"

"Yeah." After mentioning the business, Yoshina seemed to become more serious.The little face also gradually calmed down.

"As for the alliance and mutual assistance relationship between our No. [-] base and your No. [-] base, I also highly recommend this point. Although many people opposed it at the beginning, after weighing the pros and cons, those old stubborn people also agreed. It was quickly compromised."

Yoshino's words were somewhat beyond Kotori's expectations, and this suddenly serious tone made Kotori speechless for a while.

"Is that expression just pretending?"

"Eh!? No...uh..." Yoshina probably didn't react, she twitched the corner of her mouth, looked around and said that it made a strange sound, it sounded like a tape recorder that was convulsed .And the rabbit doll in her hand bowed and apologized to Kotori repeatedly, saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'.

Qin Li was really entertained.

"Okay, okay, there's no need to be afraid of me that much. I don't really have any hostility towards you. It's just that I got a little over the top just now and did some rude things to you."

"This... How can this be rude?! Obviously..."

Yoshina hesitated to speak, her little face flushed red with anger.But after mumbling for a while, he still sank down in dejection.

"Ah... Forget it... It feels like nothing matters. Just treat it as if I accidentally suffered a loss."

"No, don't be sad, just cheer up." The rabbit doll touched Yoshina's head with a very gentle tone.

It was the exact opposite of what it looked like in memory.

"Doesn't matter?"

However, Kotori grasped the term.He raised his eyebrows. "Since you already feel that it doesn't matter, let me make a few requests that are not too much, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a description!"

Yoshinona immediately raised her head again, grinning at Kotori.Then, I saw a 'kind' smile gradually appearing on Kotori's face.

"... I ask you to talk about it first." Yoshina suddenly felt that it was not a big deal for the elves to beg for mercy.

On the contrary, it's not like bowing down to humans anyway, it's not so unacceptable to surrender to an elf who is stronger than oneself.

"What a good boy."

Qin Li covered her mouth and chuckled twice, then quickly regained her mind and said solemnly:

"I'm not a crazy villain either. Naturally, I won't force you to do anything for no reason, and I won't make any demands that are detrimental to you or this base. But my request is also included in this time. In assisting the defense, as long as my request is fulfilled, I will help you through the difficulties. It can be regarded as a fair deal between each other."

"...Yeah." Yoshina's expression softened slightly, and she gently stroked her chest.

She was really afraid that Qinli would make some weird requests.

Although she was spanked by Kotori just now, most of the tears and cries were fake.But the fear at that moment was real.

She really felt an unparalleled power from Qin Li, and she couldn't even raise any thoughts of resistance.This made her feel somewhat frustrated and uneasy.

"Then let me tell you about my request first."

Kotori looked into Yoshina's eyes, paused for a moment and then slowly said: "I want your body, let me do an experiment."


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