Yoshina's body froze immediately, and her pupils shrank slightly.

Probably because he was intimidated by Kotori's request.

"Ah, don't get me wrong. I don't want to use your body to do dirty things, and I won't do any of the human experiments you imagined."

Kotori waved her hand quickly, signaling her not to speculate.

"I just want to use the spiritual power in your body to do a small experiment that I am quite interested in. It will definitely not affect you."

"Yes, is that so?" Yoshina laughed twice, probably because she also realized that she was a little nervous.

After all, Kotori had just taught her a lesson by pressing her on her thigh, so she was always a bit afraid.The pain in the ass is not fake.

"Spiritual power... Do you want to do some experiments?"

"Compression and condensation, I want to experiment and see if it can directly compress the spiritual power of the elves."

When Kotori said this, she moved her fingers slightly and took out the purple crystal of spiritual power from the storage space.Immediately, bright fluorescent lights filled the hall.

Yoshina stared blankly at the crystal of spiritual power in Kotori's hand, and shook her body.Terrified and said:

"You, you killed Yadao Shen?"

"..." Kotori suddenly felt a little tired.



Blade change (130/138)


Chapter 436 Spirit Power Crystallization

In the end, under Kotori's various explanations, Yoshina regained her stability.

Although the purple crystal of spiritual power that Kotori took out indeed exudes a similar spiritual power to Tohka's, it's no wonder that Yoshina would subconsciously cause some misunderstanding.

And after the misunderstanding was solved, Qinli also roughly explained what she did at that time for this little girl who was a little surprised.The little girl couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"This thing... is the spiritual power overflowing from the mutant beast's body at that time!?"

Yoshina stretched out her hand to poke the crystal, and found that while it was extremely hard, the nature of its spiritual power was also somewhat strange.It is indeed quite similar to Tohka's spiritual power, but there are some strange differences.

"Indeed, if you take a closer look, it is a little different from the spiritual power of the Yato God."

Yoshina's expression also turned serious, and he pouted his chin and muttered: "If it is said that this thing is really made from the body of a mutant beast, does this thing mean..."

"In a sense, mutant beasts have some connection with elves."

Kotori leaned on the sofa behind her, spread her hands and said, "Although it is not yet possible to determine what the specific connection is, it may be positive or negative. But at present, the fourth-level mutant beast is the one who will us The elves are a delicious delicacy."

"It is precisely because of the flesh and blood of elves that they can generate spiritual power of corresponding attributes from their bodies."

For the time being, no one knows whether the level four mutant beast can continue to evolve.For the time being, there has not been an instance of Level [-] in the world.Although this kind of mutant beast that has evolved spiritual power is powerful, it has not changed substantially.

But what if...continue to let it eat more elf flesh and blood?

Listening to Kotori's words, Yoshina smacked her small mouth as if feeling troubled. "These damn mutant beasts dare to treat us elves as nourishment for evolution..."

Thinking that she might become the prey of these creatures, Yoshina couldn't help but wrinkle her face.

"But what's the point of gathering and compressing spiritual power? Is it because you plan to hand over this high-purity spiritual power crystallization to human beings for research, so that they can figure out how to target it?"

Speaking of this, Yoshina waved his hand boredly, "Give up, they have started research on elves' spiritual power a long time ago. It's just that they haven't achieved much until now. After all, they originally possessed elves' power. In the random field, the mass production of display devices is enough to make them burnt out."

The truth is exactly what Yoshino said.

At present, most of the human beings put their scientific research teams on the research and development of various display devices, preparing to create a powerful armor that can compete with the elves in a short period of time, so as to deal with the highly evolved mutant beasts.

After all, life and death have always been entrusted to the hands of the elves, which is not an absolutely safe thing.They accept the protection of the elves, but it does not mean that they will always curl up under the protection of the elves.

The display device that has already had practical effects is the only scientific research direction that they can make breakthroughs now.And let go of the half-way research, and instead waste manpower, starting from scratch to study the crystallization of spiritual power extracted by the elves?

After the doomsday catastrophe, there are not so many scientific researchers with free time in each base.

This is why five years have passed since the catastrophe, and until now, many technological levels are similar to the past, or even regressed a lot.

Because the high-tech talents who ensured the level of science and technology all died in the catastrophe, and such pillars could not be cultivated casually.The cultivation of human resources also takes a lot of time.

But Kotori is not what Yoshina thought.

"I'm not as worried as you think."

Kotori put away the spiritual power crystal in his hand, said with a smile: "I want to make this kind of spiritual power crystal, just for myself. Although this kind of thing is not very useful at present, but my instinct tells me, Someday, help with something like this will be needed."

"...What a weird person." Yoshina pursed her lips and moaned a few times like a child.

Although she looks like a girl who is even smaller than Kotori.

"Never mind, as long as you don't do anything weird. I'm all right."

Although he seemed to be very vigilant and cautious towards Kotori just now, in fact... there is no deep hatred between the two who are both elves.As I said before, what Yoshina did just now was actually just writing about the little fights between children.

As an elf, if she really wants to make a fuss, the entire area within a kilometer will probably be turned into a piece of ice and permafrost.

Although when she was spanked by Qinli just now, she really wanted to turn her face straight.But it's a pity that the internal circulation of spiritual power in her body was broken up by Kotori, and she couldn't summon much energy to fight back.

Then I got a kick out of it.She is as docile as a lamb now.

"Tell me, what do I need to do? Release spiritual power directly?"

Yoshino stood up and shook her small fist.

"Do you want to change the place for the experiment? I don't want to blow up the place where I live."

If you accidentally didn't control it, with Yoshina's strength, it would be very easy to freeze this house into ice chips.

"Don't worry, I still have a lot of experience in controlling spiritual power."

Kotori also stood up, and confidently patted Yoshina on her chest. "Also, I have experienced compression and purification once. This time, it should be more handy."

Looking at the confident Kotori, Yoshina quickly dissipated the uneasiness in her heart.Although she couldn't explain where this sense of trust came from, but...a rare interest came to her.

"What a nonsense big sister..."

After the words fell, Yoshina smiled and raised her little hand, and spiritual power began to diffuse from her arm.The aqua-blue mist spread out, dyeing the hall in a magnificent and crystal-clear color, which is quite beautiful.

And Yoshina herself, under the background of this spiritual power, became even more charming.At first glance, it looks like a lively little princess in a dreamy fairy tale.

"Hey, hurry up." Yoshina broke the charm and urged. "My spiritual power is not unlimited."

"it is good."

Kotori nodded solemnly, and at the same time, under Yoshina's somewhat astonished gaze, she stretched out her hand and interlocked her fingers tightly.


Yoshitona blushed slightly, but she didn't react too much.

"Put your spiritual power in your hands."

"Hmm..." Under Kotori's instructions, Yoshina quickly gathered her own spiritual power into the palm of her hand.

And the next moment, Kotori showed an evil smile that made Yoshina's eyelids twitch wildly.

"No, no way...you...!"



Chapter 437 Successful Condensation

Countless water-blue spiritual power surged out crazily, surging and surging like the torrent of the sea!All of a sudden, there was a wave of air in the hall, and the shining spiritual power was surging, and the light was shining brightly!

And all these frantic spiritual powers were frantically gathered towards Kotori's palm.

Just like a pool with the water valve turned on, countless spiritual powers turned into whirlpools and quickly began to disappear and decrease.And Yoshina is still continuously releasing pure spiritual power, while Kotori is endless, absorbing the spiritual power released by Yoshina.

"You, you can't...!?" Yoshina tugged at her little hand, but found with a pale face that her right hand seemed to be glued to Kotori's hand, and there was nothing she could do about it break free!

"Could it be... lying to me!?"

It was a cry that sounded like weeping, and Yoshina showed an expression of wanting to cry.

"Relax, I won't do anything to you." Seeing this, Kotori also grinned, and quickly touched Yoshina's small head with her right hand.

"Don't think about it, have a little trust in me!"

"Hmm..." Yoshina bit her lower lip firmly, her small face was extremely stubborn.

During the conversation between the two, it seemed that because of the agitation of emotions, the spiritual power in Yoshina's body surged wildly, as if it was completely liberated, and there were bursts of wailing in the air!

If Kotori hadn't tried his best to block the surrounding fluctuations, the house would have been overwhelmed and completely collapsed, right?

And the spiritual power in Qinli's body, which had finally recovered a little, was gradually consumed by this fluctuation.But fortunately, the power of mind can still be used at will under such circumstances.


Following the self-suggestive order, Kotori turned the power of mind into a cage, and used the little spiritual power left as a driving force to quickly push and compress between the palms of the two!

No need for any other process, just the simplest and rough extrusion!

With the passage of time, Yoshina's spiritual power has gradually turned into a liquid form, flowing between the fingers of the two of them as silky as water.

But Yoshina's face turned a little pale.

Of course, this is not a bad mood caused by a misunderstanding between the two.It's simply because the spiritual power is consumed too much.

The compressed spiritual power now was enough for Yoshina to summon her demon king and wreak havoc at will.But like now, spiritual power is out of one's control and becomes something that others can manipulate at will. This feeling of detachment is still quite uncomfortable.

"Still, are you still okay?"

"Hold on a little longer." Kotori responded hastily, staring intently at the ice-blue liquid spiritual power.Recalling the feeling of a flash of inspiration at that time, relying on his own intuition and consciousness, he continuously extracted and compressed Yoshina's spiritual power.

Ten minutes later.


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