The crystallization of ice-blue spiritual power shone brightly in the palms of the two, exuding a dazzling color.And if the icy-cold spiritual power circulating in it is released, it might be enough to turn the entire base into an arctic glacier, right?

Kotori let out a long breath of relief.

Such a high-precision mobilization of the power of mind is a bit difficult even for the current Kotori.At that time, it was so easy to compress a crystal of spiritual power purely because the quality and quantity of its own spiritual power in the sublimation mode surpassed the level of the 'elf'.

But now, there is not so much spiritual power to squander at will.

Qinli lowered her left hand, and this newly released spiritual power crystal was still floating in the air.On the other hand, Yoshina's feet were weak and she almost fell to the ground.In the end, it was Kotori who reached out and hugged Yoshina who was limp and limp, and carried her to the sofa.

"Are you okay?" Kotori brushed her sweat-drenched hair, and the brilliance in those red eyes dimmed a lot.The whole person became listless.

"Drain your spiritual power and see if you have anything to do!" Yoshina forced herself to face the soreness that was rising all over her body, and bared her teeth at Kotori.Especially after seeing Kotori's safe and sound appearance, Yoshina wanted to open her mouth even more!

"You guy, are you deliberately cheating people!?"

"I have no intention of cheating you, it's just a fair trade." Kotori looked at Yoshina's pitiful look with tears in her eyes, but she was also a little soft-hearted, and touched her baby-fat little face .

"Come and let my sister touch it, be good~"

"you you you you...!"

Yoshitona suddenly felt that she seemed to be treated as a young girl.She grinned angrily, wanting to beat the piano hard.But after softly patting the piano a few times, he really didn't have much strength, so he just lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes, and put on a posture of letting you do anything.

Only the rabbit doll 'Yoshino' in her hand held her face, muttering something softly.

Qinli silently dismissed the words "so bold" and "so fierce" from her mind, turned around and took the crystal of spiritual power over.With a cold touch, the originally slightly tired spirit was slightly shaken, and the spirit became much clearer.

At the same time, a corresponding sound came from the main god space.


[Obtain the completion of 'Spiritual Power Crystal (Blue)' (2/5)]

"It's going well..." Kotori smiled slightly.

This experiment can also be truly confirmed.

Whether it is the spiritual power in the bodies of mutant beasts or the spiritual power in the bodies of elves, as long as it can be compressed and purified, it can become a crystal of spiritual power, which can be recognized by the main god.

The names of different colors, presumably, should be the distinction of the nature of different spiritual powers.

Think about it this way, if you want to complete this task.Then get to know other elves, as long as you gather their spiritual power, you can completely complete this task.

Of course, the premise is that they are willing to cooperate with themselves.

Kotori put away the crystal, and looked at Yoshina who was lying on the bed and fell asleep at some point.

Being able to believe in her elves almost unconditionally like this girl is still an exception after all.Even Tohka, the easy-talking guy, only let go of that aloof attitude after a fight with him.

Judging from the requirements of the mission, at least three elves need to be contacted.In other words, at least one more fight with three elves is necessary to complete the mission.

"Thinking about it for a while, I feel a little scalp numb."



o(* ̄3 ̄)o

Chapter 438 Sweeping the entire battlefield?

Yoshina, whose spiritual power was squeezed clean by Kotori, finally recovered after resting for nearly a day.

For the elves, as long as the spirit core is not severely injured, the injuries and spiritual power loss on the body can be recovered quickly.If not, Kotori would not have done such a rude thing to Yoshina.

No matter how much Kotori wanted to complete a mission, she would not casually use the life of an innocent person as a bargaining chip.This is a basic question of principle.

Although, Kotori and Yoshina stayed in the room without any movement for a whole day.The soldiers outside couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, secretly wondering if something strange happened inside.

In the end, as an old woman who took care of Yoshina's food and daily life, she bravely walked into the room.Only then did Yoshina, who was fast asleep, and Kotori, who was sitting next to her, drinking tea leisurely.

After several explanations, those people outside barely let go of their vigilance.In addition, Yoshina seemed to have just fallen asleep, and the soldiers and the like quickly withdrew.

And Qinli also took advantage of this time to study the two crystals of spiritual power that he got.

At the beginning, Kotori just thought that this thing was probably a small prop needed for the mission.After all, this thing was extracted from a mutant beast.

However, after the actual experiment was carried out, the spiritual power crystals of the same specification were extracted from the elves.Kotori always felt that there would be some strange connection between them.

When... the main god space will release a special mission for myself to find useless props?

No, the Lord God Space will not be so idle.

It was based on this idea that Kotori took advantage of this spare time to think about the use of these two spiritual power crystals.From time to time, use your spiritual power and mind power to touch these two crystals, and try to see if it can cause any changes.

"Hey, hey, don't be too messy! What if it detonates?!"

Yoshina, who just came out of the shower, saw Kotori who was doing a dangerous experiment at a glance.Regardless of the bath towel wrapped around her body, she jumped over and grabbed Kotori's hands tightly.With a pale face, he shouted:

"Don't blow up my house ahhhhhhhh!!"

"Danger, danger!" 'Yoshino' cried out in horror.


Kotori looked dumbfounded at the naked little girl, and was speechless.The movements in his hands naturally stopped.

Seeing this, Yoshina quietly let out a sigh of relief.She was really afraid that Qinli would do some strange experiment and accidentally detonate the spiritual power crystal.She is quite clear about how much spiritual power she has transmitted into it.

If it exploded, let alone himself and Kotori.All the human beings around will probably become funeral objects.

"Well... Yoshina, put on your clothes." Kotori pointed to her body.

The delicate body, which is as smooth and clean as jade, shone with dazzling and blurred brilliance under the illumination of the lights.At least, Yoshina's body, in many ways, is like a treasure bestowed by heaven, giving people a feeling of tenderness, care and love.

But unfortunately, Kotori didn't have any strange desires.


"Yi, clothes!" 'Yoshino' covered her face.I don't know if it's Kotori's illusion, but I always feel that this doll's body is also turning red.

Yoshina, on the other hand, let out a long sigh, and directly used her spiritual power to weave a set of playful and lively long-sleeved shirts with knee-length shorts for herself, dressed like a tomboy.

Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to seduce Qinli, to see if she could make a fool of herself, so as to relieve her hatred.But after seeing Kotori's unwavering expression, Yoshina immediately gave up this idea.

And knocked himself on the head a few times.

"Why would I want to seduce her, who is also a girl!?" Yoshina wondered if there was something wrong with her head.If Kotori hadn't been looking at her, she probably would have gotten into the sofa with the doll in her arms and rolled around non-stop.

But all of this was well hidden, Yoshina suppressed the emotions in her heart, and sat opposite Kotori a little sullenly.Tilting her little feet, dangling back and forth.

"Hey, even if you want to do some experiments, don't do it with me. It's too dangerous!"

"Uh...I see." Kotori thought back for a while, and felt that she was a little reckless, so she couldn't help but waved her hands with a sneer. "In the future, I will find a place where there is no one to experiment."


Yoshino secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to try joking with Kotori again, and then being pressed and spanked.

"I won't ask you why you made this crystal for the time being. For now, the matter about the mutant beast tide is more important."

When talking about business, Yoshina was also able to calm down very well.

"Concluding an alliance contract, mutual benefit and win-win results, our base agrees to this. Moreover, I also assisted you in creating that crystal according to your request just now. You shouldn't have any other excuses, right?"

"Yeah." Kotori nodded, agreeing with Yoshina's statement.

"Don't worry, in this battle. I will do my best to help you resist the tide of mutant beasts. Of course, before helping to join the battle, I also hope to know a little bit about your specific situation here."

After all, the geographical location of the two places is also slightly different, and the distance is also relatively long.The location of the mutant beast branch and the level of evolution need to be carefully considered, so as to have a psychological preparation.

"It's better than yours, at least...the level four mutant beasts haven't appeared yet." Yoshina sighed slightly, her face a little heavy.

"But this time... there is no guarantee. After all, several other bases already have information about Level [-] infestation, plus your base No. will appear. That's why I'm asking you to send people to help."

"Well...that's how it is."

Yoshino is probably not the type to be good at fighting.Whether it is her who is reversed now, or Yoshino in the original book.Even after five years of long-term struggle, but in the real battle to the death, after all, it can't compare with Tohka's specialized fighting spirit.

Facing level four, Tohka still has the power to fight.And Yoshina probably won't be able to fight head-on.

"So, I want you to get rid of the level four that may appear on the other end, and then I..." Before Yoshina could finish speaking, Kotori interrupted her.

"In this case, my task should be very simple."

Kotori picked up the teacup next to her and drank the hot tea in it, her faint smile reflected in the water waves.

"This time, I will try to take over the entire battlefield."




Chapter 439 Shelling Experiment (Fourth Change)

Kotori's words were not aimless.

During the rest and recovery just now, Kotori could already clearly sense that the spiritual power in her body had begun to recover rapidly.Although the rune marks on his body showed no signs of fading.But it shouldn't be a bad thing after all.

The limit of strength has been broken, and even Kotori's true full strength is still unknown.

Kotori, who had entered the sublimation mode at that time, just drew out her own spiritual power, clapped her palms symbolically, and turned the level four mutant beast that everyone had no choice but to fly into ashes.What if in this state, we use our full strength to use a large-scale attack?

Presumably in the tide of ordinary mutated beasts... it could be the final word!

Kotori's intuition told himself that if he used the flame with all his strength, its power would definitely exceed his imagination.Even in the face of an ocean-like wave of mutant beasts, it can be defeated in an instant!

"You..." Yoshina stared at Kotori in surprise, almost thinking that Kotori had said something wrong, or that there was something wrong with Kotori's head.

After all, no matter how powerful the elves are, they are still normal life forms in terms of classification.Facing the almost endless tide of mutant beasts, no matter how powerful an individual is, he can't deal with the entire battlefield, right?

"Couldn't it be because you defeated a Level [-] monster that you're so confident?" Yoshina regained her senses, frowned in a decent manner, and said with her hands on her hips like a little adult:

"Don't think of the battle too simply! A battle of this scale, no matter how strong we elves are, there is no way..."

"Anxin, Anxin~" Kotori waved her hand, signaling Yoshina to calm down.

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