

PS: Blade Plus (248/260)

There are still a few chapters needed for the intermission, and the world of the next volume...emmm, is a mixed original world similar to that volume with hidden murderous intentions.

As for the new team members... have you seen them already~

It is customary to ask for everyone's blade~


Chapter 731 Intermission Nine

After the barrier that blocked the breath was shattered by Kotori, Nero, who was still playing the game, also discovered this after a while.

He quickly ran upstairs following the smell of blood, and saw Kurumi who was undergoing emergency treatment.

This rather horrifying sight really shocked Nero, but he quickly calmed down and adjusted himself to a combat state, showing a big sword standing by and waiting to prevent others from breaking into the room.

She still doesn't know what happened here, but at least the safety of the two of them must be ensured.


About half an hour later, the light shining on the whole house gradually dimmed, and as the last ray of healing inflammation dissipated, Kotori also breathed a sigh of relief.

Tokisaki Kurumi's body had been repaired a long time ago, but it was really difficult to get rid of the energy in her body, and it took about half an hour of stalemate to finally wipe it out completely.

"Player, is it over?" Nero turned his head and asked in a low voice.

"Well, it's basically over."

Kotori nodded, then reached out and patted Tokisaki Kurumi on the shoulder lightly.

"Are you still conscious?"

Although Kuang San's complexion has returned to the fair and rosy face of the past, the breath of life began to flow in her body again.But just in case, Kotori still wanted to confirm the other party's retention of consciousness.

After all, her head also suffered quite a blow. Even if she can recover from the injury, she might lose some memories.


Tokisaki Kurumi kept awake after waking up, and after hearing the words, he thought for a while and gave a response.

On this kind of issue, she would not hide it from Qinli, after all, it was a matter of her own life.

"Don't move around, I'll pick you up." Kotori said in a hurry, and immediately picked up Kuangsan from the pool of blood on the ground, and walked to the bedroom not far away in two steps, carefully Let it lie flat on the white bed.

Although her internal and external injuries have basically healed, Kurumi is still very weak.The internal organs, cell tissues, etc. of those newly born organs are still brand new, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.If you accidentally move too much, it is likely to cause secondary injuries.

Of course, although Tokisaki Kurumi, who is also an elf, does not have Kotori's tyrannical recovery ability, relying on the gradual recovery of spiritual power, she can also recover faster than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Kotori let out a sigh of relief, reached out and pressed Tokisaki Kurumi's chest again.

This kind of disrespectful behavior made Kuang San, who had her eyes tightly closed, open a gap slightly, and after glancing at Kotori's solemn and serious expression, she closed her eyes again.

Her eyes can't be opened for too long now, and she needs to gradually adapt to the light.

But soon, Kuang San snorted softly, and Xiumei couldn't help frowning.

A very warm spiritual power penetrated from outside the skin, penetrated into the flesh and bones...even into the spiritual crystals deeply buried in the body.

"Gu..." The strange spiritual power poured into the spiritual crystal, this feeling didn't seem very comfortable.There was a strange look on Tokisaki Kurumi's cold face, and he opened his mouth indistinctly and gasped.

But with the slow injection of spiritual power, the originally dry and dim spiritual crystals began to shine again, and the body that seemed to be dead was once again flowing with spiritual power, as if soaking the long-lost cracked earth, and the vitality of all things began to resume. Bloom out!

After a while, Tokisaki Kurumi raised his hand, and put it gently on Kotori's arm.

"Miss Wuhe...enough..."


Kotori paused for a moment, then nodded, and withdrew his right hand.

"Thank you." Kuang San squeezed out a weak smile.

No scheming whatsoever...pure, flawless smile.

"Don't talk yet, take a good rest for a day. At this time tomorrow, the spiritual power in your body should be able to fully exert its effect, allowing you to return to the level of normal action." Kotori warned carefully.

"I'll be sitting next to you today to take care of you. If there is anything that needs help, don't keep silent. Tell me, and I will help you."

Now is not the time to ask her what happened to the accident before, let her recover to be able to speak fluently first.

The most important thing now is to let Kuang San get through this period of danger and weakness safely.As long as the mobility is restored, Kuang San should also have a certain self-healing ability.

And listening to Kotori's extremely resolute words, after a slight silence, Kurumi hummed like a mosquito.

Kurumi was able to cooperate like this, which made Kotori slightly relieved.

The girl was really afraid that this guy would have some weird and stubborn temper, and she refused to accept help from others when life and death were at stake.But now it seems... this Tokisaki Kurumi is really very different from the cold elf in his impression.

She... knows how to rely on others for help in times of crisis.

After Kurumi fell into a deep sleep, Kotori also looked up to the outside of the bedroom door, and gestured towards Nero.

And Nero was also quite considerate, ran upstairs and took the phone and handed it to Kotori.

Let's order a takeaway first, maybe Kuang San will have the idea of ​​eating food after waking up for a while.In the case of extreme lack of nutrition and energy, even elves can consume a certain amount of calories through food.

After ordering the takeaway, Kotori glanced at Kurumi who was sleeping soundly, and finally had some free time to calm down and think about what she saw when she came in just now.

Walking into the hall, the girl pouted her chin, carefully observed the bloody scene around her, and couldn't help thinking.

There is a little residual spiritual power in this blood, and it is undoubtedly sprayed from the inside of Kuang San's body.

And if you think about the injuries on Kuang San before, you can probably know... It should be that the entrenched energy detonated, which made Kuang San suffer such serious injuries all of a sudden, even the barrier that isolates the breath. Before he had time to display all his things, he collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness.

Assassination?murder?Or... some sort of very veiled death curse?

Seems like a possibility.

"Forget it, let's help clean it first." Kotori sighed while touching his forehead.

This kind of scene that seems to be a scene of a horrific murder is a little bit intrusive. Anyway, there is still ample time now, so I might as well clean up the hall.If the other residents in the apartment accidentally smell it, it will be a bit unclear.




Chapter 732 Intermission Ten

"are you awake?"

A crisp voice came from next to his ear, and Kuang San reluctantly nodded.

She opened her eyes, and slowly supported her limp body against the pillows that were piled up behind her.

"Thank you, Miss Wuhe."

The girl named Tokisaki Kurumi bowed slightly to Kotori in thanks.

The elf girl who was originally covered with a layer of mysterious tulle, at this moment, seemed to be an ordinary leading girl, docile and pleasant.Because he had wiped off the blood stains on his body a little, the originally messy hair was also combed very smoothly, hanging behind him like a black waterfall.

Although the face is the same, the temperament is completely different.

If it is said that the former Kuangsan always had a cold feeling of being thousands of miles away from others, then the current her... It seems that the cold outer shell has been melted and disintegrated, revealing a soft inner expression.

Coupled with the loose pajamas she is wearing now, it adds a feeling of pity to me.

"It's really thanks to your timely help that I recovered from my near-death. If it wasn't for that... probably I would have died miserably in my own home." Speaking of this, Kuang San's face showed A sad expression.

It seems to be a little throbbing about the tragic end of that kind of tragedy.

"This is also a kind of luck."

Kotori, who was sitting on a chair beside her, smiled.

It has been a day since Kurumi was found lying in a pool of blood. During this period, Kotori has been staying here quite conscientiously to guard Kurumi who fell into a coma, and with the help of Nero, he cleaned Kurumi slightly. After looking at her bloody body, she changed into a set of clean pajamas.

Of course, the tattered Divine Might Spiritual Clothes turned into spiritual power and dissipated the moment it was taken off.

"Do you still feel uncomfortable in your body? Or have a sense of hunger?"

Facing Kotori's careful inquiry, Kurumi smiled and shook his head. "No more trouble."

What Kotori didn't know was that the effect of her healing flames was stronger than before, and the spiritual power input into Kuangsan at the end also made Kuangsan completely recovered.Now it's just that the body is still a little numb and weak, and everything else has returned to normal.

Kotori who was declined was not impatient, stood up after a slight silence, and said:

"Since you've almost recovered, I'll go back downstairs first. If there's anything else to do, just call me then."

"Yeah." Kuang San nodded.

But before Kotori turned to leave, Kurumi suddenly leaned out and grabbed Kotori's left hand.


Kotori turned her head suspiciously, but found that Kurumi was looking at her with a solemn expression.The look is completely different from before.

"Miss Wuhe, please sit down for a while. I want to tell you something."

This extremely solemn tone seemed to be making some kind of oath, quite solemn.The suddenly serious atmosphere also made Kotori aware of something, and his complexion sank.

"Is something wrong?"

"Miss Wuhe...Although you may not meet them, it's better to be careful."

Kotori sat back in her seat and listened carefully to Kurumi's account of what had happened before.

In fact, the fact that Kurumi suffered such serious injuries this time was not because some horrible guy appeared in the real world and injured her.According to Kuang San's strength, although it is not said that he will be defeated so easily, it can be seen from the fact that there are no traces of damage around the hall, and there is no trace of any fight at all.

But in the previous dungeon mission, Tokisaki Kurumi ran into someone.

"Do not..."

But soon, Kuang San shook his head, denying what he just said.

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