"That's not supposed to be an 'average person,' but a god, in every sense of the word."

"God?" Kotori couldn't help grinning when she heard the words, and looked at Kuang San with a bit of surprise.

Those who can be called gods in the space of the main god... are naturally those reincarnations of the sixth realm.

This guy Kuangsan...couldn't be overwhelmed, and suddenly go to trouble with the reincarnation of the sixth domain, right?

Although her abilities are changeable and treacherous, she can easily defeat reincarnations of the same level or even a little higher strength by using this.But facing the existence of the sixth domain... very difficult!

At this time, Kotori, who is already in the sixth domain, has the most say in this matter.

So far, the girl has only had contact with a person from the sixth realm other than herself.That is the god of love who obediently stayed in Nero's body.But although Mingtou is the god of love, the strength he displayed is only the tip of the iceberg, which is already elusive.

If it is the characters of God of War...the strength may be even more terrifying.

"I'm not so overconfident." Probably seeing the rather subtle expression on Kotori's face, Kurumi sighed helplessly.

"It's too early for me to challenge the existence of the sixth domain. I still have the awareness of this."

Although Kuang San is cold and proud, he is very proactive and independent in everything he does.Totally celibate.

But even so, she still knows how to back down in the face of a terrifying existence that is completely invincible.

"Then why would you..." Kotori hesitated to speak.

"Accidentally got involved in the aftermath."

What Kuang San said made Kotori slightly startled.

Involved in the aftermath?

Just being involved in the aftermath, did the powerful Tokisaki Kurumi suffer such a serious and terrifying injury? !

What is it...

"That guy... completely annihilated the planet where the copy is located."

Kuang San, who said these words, didn't know whether it was because of terror or because of the near-death experience before, his delicate body couldn't help shaking.There was also a very obvious look of fear on Qiao's face.

But at this moment, Kotori was even more astonished.

Annihilated the entire planet! ?

This kind of destructive power... Only those guys in the sixth domain can do it.And the destructive power of this scale... No wonder Kurumi said that he was involved in it.

Even the planet where the entire dungeon mission was located was destroyed, no matter how powerful Kuang San's time ability was, it would be difficult for him to survive this level of impact intact.

Being able to survive is a very lucky thing.

The injuries on Kurumi's body that Kotori saw yesterday... probably more than half were caused by the impact of the explosion.I thought it was caused by some kind of fire and impact spells, but I didn't expect...it was caused by the explosion of the entire planet?

"I don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

Qin Li laughed dryly twice.

Even if he encounters such a terrifying existence, he will still be troubled by abnormal headaches, right?

Kurumi also smiled noncommittally, and then continued to explain for Kotori:

"The dungeon world I entered seems to be a place called 'Black Beast'. The background is probably similar to the western background of the Middle Ages. There are different kingdoms and different fantasy races. Generally speaking, the level of strength in this world is still Not bad, the number of reincarnations participating in the battle generally ranges from eight to one hundred."

"In some Western fantasy worlds, there are many ancient gods and ancient mysteries involved. I also heard that a group of reincarnators awakened an ancient Titan in a copy, and then..."

When Kuang San said this, he showed a rare smile.

Clapped his palms, smiled lightly and said:

"Then that world was shattered by the slap of the Titan. All the creatures on the continent were buried together with those reincarnated people who died."


The corner of Qinli's mouth twitched, her heart filled with the desire to complain.

People won't die if they don't try to die... There are really some weird guys among the reincarnations.

"Then after you enter the copy this time..."

"There are only two reincarnators." Kuang San changed the subject and his tone became serious. "One is me, of course, and the other...is named Othinus."




Chapter 733 Intermission Eleven


"Yeah." Kuang San nodded slightly.

Next, she gave Kotori a brief introduction of what happened in that dungeon at that time.

Although there were only two reincarnations in a Western fantasy world, Kurumi was a little surprised, but she just kept this doubt in her heart and did not express it casually.Before the dungeon mission officially started, Kurumi also tentatively contacted that Othinus.

The delicate-minded Kuang San quickly felt a terrifying aura like an abyss from Othinus, and judged that her strength must be in the sixth domain or even stronger, and because of this... Only the Lord God Dimension judged that in such a world, only two reincarnations are enough to proceed.

Kuang San originally thought that a transcendent strongman of this level might be very aloof, even like a cold machine without any emotions and thinking that humans should have.But a little bit unexpectedly, the woman named Othinus did not reject Kurumi's companions, and even chatted with each other.

Of course, the other party is also selective in answering.Some important things were not said.

So until the end, what Kuang San knew was only innocuous information such as the origin of the other party's name.

"How should I put it... Aside from the strength of that woman named Othinus, what attracts the most attention at first glance is her appearance and attire, right?"

Kuang San nodded his lips, as if he was recalling all the scenes he saw at that time.At the same time, he also reproduced the figure of that Othinus in his mind.

"The figure is considered petite. Although the face has the characteristics of Westerners, it is just right to accommodate it together. It is like a perfect work of art, very cute and attractive. A golden wavy long hair, outside Wearing a cape like a fur coat, and a pointed hat like a wizard hat on his head."

"But her body is quite cool, not much different from a bikini. Even I feel a little bold."

Speaking of this, Kuang San's face also had a blush.It seemed that he was stimulated by that Othinus's attire.


How hot is the attire that makes this time elf feel a little shy? !

The corners of Qinli's eyes twitched, and he suddenly felt that not all the gods in the sixth domain were so rigorous.

Dare to wear that kind of clothes and walk casually on the street... I have to say that this can be regarded as a manifestation of transcendence, right?

Although this kind of transcendent state, Kotori would rather not have it.

"Ahem, let's put aside the dressing and so on."

"Hmm..." Kuangsan knew he had slipped his words, quickly straightened his face, and continued to talk about what happened next.

After getting to know each other for a short time, the two quickly received related tasks and entered the dungeon world.The first thing they entered was a relatively dark forest. The two stopped and stopped and finally came to the nearest city before dark.But before Kurumi and Othinus entered the city, they were stopped by a group of people.

Those people were all wearing different styles of patchwork leather armor, cloth armor, armor and other equipment, and they also held different weapons in their hands.It doesn't look like a uniformly planned army in the city, but more like a group of robbing bandits.

Originally thinking that these people might be mercenaries or something, Kuang San planned to use some gold coins that he had prepared earlier to clear the customs and enter the city.But Kuang San, who had just stepped out, stopped in place.

Because she felt...these men's eyes exuded a very explicit lewd aura, everyone was drooling, looking at herself with a lewd smile.As if he would swallow himself alive in the next moment.

This made Kuang San immediately darken, ready to forcibly break through the obstruction of these people and enter the city.

In the few words just now, Kurumi understood... This rather huge city is the fortress of one of the seven shield alliances that he and others must enter for this dungeon mission, and The task is to assist the head of the knights inside to get rid of the black beast mercenary group that caused trouble.

It is necessary to enter the city, otherwise... the dungeon mission this time will not be officially launched.

However, after Kuang San killed these powerful mercenaries without anyone noticing and entered the interior of this fortress city, he was completely shocked.

"It's really... quite filthy." Kuang San showed a very obvious disgust on his face.

Kurumi and Othinus were a step late.

The city fortress had completely fallen long before the dungeon mission started. Everything inside and out had been occupied by the Black Beast Mercenary Group, and the soldiers had already raised their flags and surrendered.Just like the lewd-faced men I met on the road before, everything that happened in the city... was naturally so filthy that it was difficult to look directly at it.

"I thought that the dungeon this time might deal with elves, goblins, dwarves, and even other races in the forest. I didn't expect..."

Kurumi opened his mouth hesitantly, but finally sighed.

"This turned out to be a world that has already collapsed... Everything has been soaked in endless desires, and even the protagonists of those stories have completely collapsed, becoming a world full of brains. They only know the sow of lust."


Kotori couldn't help covering her face.

Kuangsan, she...couldn't have entered some kind of weird dungeon world, it's the kind of... Lifan or something...

That kind of world is an extremely distorted existence, presumably even the rules of the world itself have been completely confused, right?

Staying in such a world, even a normal person would be gradually assimilated and become as crazy as those aborigines.

"Then why did the Lord God Space issue such a failed mission?"

"Well... it's not a failure. The purpose of the mission is only for us to eliminate the black beast mercenary group, but it doesn't stipulate that I must take all actions with the army. That is to say... we will kill the entire mercenary group alone. It's the same if the regiment is killed directly."

This statement is actually correct.

It is also impossible for the Lord God Space to issue such a deceitful must-lose mission. As long as the so-called black beast mercenary group is eliminated, the mission can be considered completed.

"It shouldn't be difficult, right?" Kotori tilted her head.

Judging from Kuangsan's description just now...although the dungeon world has many fantasy races, elves, dark elves, dwarves, and so on, it also has the magic and other means that a fantasy world should have.But for Tokisaki Kurumi, who controls the time, it should not be considered an intractable opponent.

After all, it was just a group of mercenary regiments. Even if there were a large number of them and they were well-equipped, it was impossible to threaten Kuang San in the slightest.

This is simply a huge gap in rank, which is difficult to overcome.

"I thought so too at first." But Kurumi showed a somewhat subtle expression.

"But I didn't expect... Our whereabouts seemed to be discovered by the other party's commander. They brought a large number of soldiers and appeared beside me and Othinus."

It's fine if it's just surrounded by troops, Kuang San doesn't even need to summon his powerful clones, he can tear these neither strong nor weak mercenaries into pieces with his own hands alone.You know...the impression these people gave Kuang San was really terrible.

Even Kuang San, whose temper is completely different from the past, can't help but feel disgusted and wants to kill them.

But the mutation that completely exceeded Kuangsan's expectations... started at that moment.


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