
Chapter 773 Start making trouble?

For Kotori and his group, communicating and getting involved with the elves is just a matter of passing along the way.

The most important thing right now is to fight against the powerful enemy, the Lord of Time.

Although it is not necessary to gather almost all the races and forces of the entire material world to fight against the army of the Lord of Time like the first generation brave man in history, Kotori still feels safe, if he can get some support, there is no It must be discarded.

More power means more guarantee.

After all, this is Kuangsan's special dungeon, and Kotori felt that even if he couldn't take her on a rampage all the way to the sky, at least he had to treat her seriously.This is due respect for the trust of a friend.

Therefore, Kotori didn't feel any reluctance to accept the mission directly under the Elf Queen. On the contrary, she was eager to try this mission.

In the end, everyone decided to rest for one night in the Elven Secret Realm to adjust their condition to the best, and then immediately set off for the holy city of Tilia.

As for the resting place tonight, it will naturally be arranged by the Elf Queen.

Even if Kotori didn't offer to help, in fact, the elf queen would arrange a comfortable room for the girls. After all, their main god had issued an oracle to them to take good care of Epel, so naturally there would be no neglect.

After leaving the temple under the bowing and watching of two rows of elf guards, Atalanta, the only one who had contact with Kotori and others, led the girls to the house where the guests lived.

As for the elf queen, she naturally continued to stay in the temple.

According to Epel's explanation, although the queen has the highest status in the clan, in a sense... she is also one of the bridges to communicate with the gods, and she cannot leave the temple at will.

Kotori and others also expressed their understanding.


"You...are you really not human?"

Atalanta looked suspiciously at Kotori and the others, her tone full of disbelief and suspicion.

Although she had been confirmed by other guards before this, but no matter how she looked at it...she couldn't find anything weird about Kotori and Kurumi.

If it is said that the elves still have some small appearance characteristics such as slightly pointed ears, then Kotori and Kurumi really can't find any difference.

There is no difference in appearance from a human girl... Of course, Atalanta does not deny how beautiful she is.They are no different from their elf girls.

"In terms of species category, we are indeed not human beings anymore." Qinli smiled and looked at the elf girl who was walking ahead and turning her head twice.

Before leaving the temple, the elf queen casually mentioned that if Atalanta's age was converted into human cognition, she was probably around fourteen or fifteen years old, which was the age when she was full of curiosity about everything.

It was also because of this that they would send Atalanta to guard the rear before that to prevent the residents of the nearest city, Astay, from accidentally intruding into the forest, instead of guarding the front to confront the holy city.


Kotori didn't dislike it.

"Is Miss Atalanta very curious about us?" Kurumi, who was walking side by side with Kotori, smiled softly.

For this kind of energetic and inquisitive girl, even Kurumi can hardly feel any disgust or resistance.Rather... I am very patient with such innocent and pure girls.

And after getting Atalanta's nod, Kuangsan said with a smile:

"I don't mind letting you take a look~"

"Eh? You...this!?" Atalanta was talking with some doubts, and suddenly saw something surprising, her eyes widened.

Because Kuang San had already lifted her hanging bangs, exposing her covered left eye to her sight.

"These eyes..."

"It can't be something that normal humans can have, right?" Kurumi let down her hair and smiled slightly.

Although she was still young, Atalanta still met many human beings passing by.With a strong curiosity, she has naturally observed and seen all kinds of human beings.

But no one will have the weird and mysterious golden eyes like Kuang San.

Moreover, there is a strange device like a clock that is constantly beating, making Atalanta retreat two steps with a sad face as if seeing some curse, not daring to get too close to Kuang San.

"..." Kuang San's face froze, then he lowered his head, sighed and sobbed softly.

The acting is still as good as ever.

Kotori rolled her eyes, ignored Kuumo and Atalanta who were making a fuss, came to the wooden house in front of her, slowly opened the door and walked in.

This is a temporary resting place.

Looking around, I found that the decoration inside is very natural. Although it is not as luxurious and gorgeous as a modern villa, it also has a feeling of returning to nature like a spring breeze.

not bad.

And the room inside is enough for several people on my side to live in, so I don't have to worry about any embarrassing things happening.

"Okay, Epel... let's talk about the thief next."

As soon as he walked into the room, Kotori turned around and said bluntly to Epel who was following behind:

"Although you have kept silent all the time, in fact, you already have some thoughts in your heart, right?"

"..." Epel looked at Kotori calmly, and then found a place to sit down.

He raised his hand and patted the seat beside him.

Do you want me to sit next to her?Kotori tilted her head, but didn't care about anything and just sat on it.

"I mentioned before... Lord of Time, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember. Didn't you say that the Lord of Time is the Demon King born from your remnant body?"

All the information that Kotori has about the Lord of Time is still given by Aipel, so she naturally keeps it in mind.

Just looking at her current posture, it seemed that there was something she hadn't revealed to herself before that.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Epel said something she had never mentioned before.

"When you speculated about the identity of the Lord of Time, you discussed and guessed what her appearance is. At that time, I didn't clarify to you that the Lord of Time and I are similar to the existence of positive and negative sides. So natural...her looks and appearance are also very similar to mine."


Aibel and the Lord of Time look the same...?

Although the true face of the terrifying demon king whose magic power sweeps the entire material world will be a little girl like Apel, it makes people feel a little unnatural.But if there is some kind of magic as a cover, it doesn't matter too much.


But Kotori reacted quickly and couldn't help frowning.

"You both look exactly the same, and the thief who stole the holy relic of the elves..."

"Yes, if it wasn't for someone who knew my true identity and made a fool of myself. Then the person who stole the sacred object...is undoubtedly the Lord of Time himself." Epel calmly dropped a heavy bomb .

She doesn't have much fame in the material world, and it can even be said that she only has a little reputation in Astair City.But this does not mean that someone specially modifies his face and figure, and blames this kind of thing on Epel.

Such an approach is pointless.

It is nonsense to say that someone is going to make things difficult for this Goddess of Time.Before Kotori accidentally activated her divine body, she was just an ordinary little girl.

So...the odds that someone will steal Apel's appearance are too low.

Then there is only one possibility left.

The Lord of Time intentionally hid his identity and infiltrated into the human country... started to make trouble? !




Chapter 774 The Teachings of the Mad Third Miss (Fourth)

In the early morning of the next day, Kotori and his party arranged their clothes and prepared to set off for the holy city.

One night's rest is enough time, if you continue to dawdle, you will become lazy instead.This is not what Kotori wants to see.

The most important thing is... the Lord of Time may exist in the holy city at present, and this existence is even more meaningful for this special dungeon, so we must rush to find out the situation as soon as possible.

It was with this thought that Kotori decided to leave immediately instead of staying here to enjoy this rather leisurely living environment and beautiful secret place.

As for now, the three girls are already standing at the exit of the secret realm.

"So, our task today is to find a way to sneak into that holy city?"

Looking at the map in his hand, Kuang San raised his head and muttered.

"Well, there may have been some changes in that city. Try to hide your identity and enter, don't startle the snake."

Kotori responded while tying her long hair at the back of her head.After confirming that Kuangsan and Aipel were ready, they chose to leave this forest secret.

Although entering the secret realm requires the secret password of the elves, if you leave, you don't need this troublesome authentication ceremony.

Watching the vines and branches automatically separate towards the sides, Kotori nodded slightly, and when she was about to walk out, a call suddenly sounded from behind her.

"please wait!"


Kotori and the others turned around suspiciously, and looked at the elf girl who was rushing towards this side.

This girl looked very familiar to her. It was the Atalanta who had a conflict with them yesterday and finally reconciled.

It's just that today she is slightly different from yesterday... No, it can be called a big change!The original emerald green blouse was replaced with a black low-cut short dress, revealing a slightly flat chest.Navy blue cloth hangs on both sides of the shoulders and waist, and a pair of black high boots are worn on the lower body, which adds a bit of vigorous charm.

The most important thing is... A pair of slightly trembling animal ears appeared on Atalanta's head, and the sharp-eyed Kotori even saw a little tail stretching out from behind her, which was writhing uncomfortably!

"Atalanta, in your attire..."

Kotori blinked, and looked at the elf girl running in front of her in surprise.It seemed that it was caused by intense exercise, and there was a blush on his fair face.

"Huh...this is my equipment."

After straightening her messy long hair, Atalanta took a deep breath.Immediately, with a solemn face, he stroked his chest and greeted Qin Li and the others:

"Everyone, please take me with you. I will guide you."


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