Kotori and Kurumi's expressions immediately became serious.

"Is this what Her Majesty meant? Or...is this just a whim of yours?"

After a long chat last night, although the relationship between the two parties is not very familiar, at least they have a general knowledge and understanding.The elf girl in front of her looked resolute and cold, but she looked like a ruthless warrior.

But in fact...she is just a pure and innocent little girl in her heart, she still has a lot of curiosity about everything, as if there is a strange force in her heart supporting her, making her unstoppable. Fear of any danger and difficulty.

It was also for this reason that the Elven Queen had sent her to the rear before.

After all, if you are too brave and fearless, you are simply seeking your own death.

But now she is suddenly wearing some weird equipment, running over and saying that she wants to go to the holy city where the current crisis level is unknown.Even Kotori cannot guarantee [-]% that under the hidden threat of the Lord of Time, she will not be harmed in the slightest.

If she was accidentally injured... or even died, it would be a complete enmity with the elves.

But Atalanta shook her head.

"I asked Her Majesty the Queen for this, and Her Majesty also agreed. She also gave me two artifacts for self-defense."

After finishing speaking, she made a move with her right hand, and with the flashes of green streamer, a huge longbow appeared in her hand.The curvaceous bow is flowing with crystal luster, which looks like a work of art.


"This is the 'Sacred Artifact Bow of the Vault of Heaven', a weapon used by the Goddess of Life before she became a god, and they were sublimated together in the end, becoming an artifact."

Appel was as knowledgeable as ever.

Atalanta cast a delighted look at her.

Ever since she knew that Aipel was not a little girl in the mountains, but a noble god, she paid more respects to Aipel, and stopped bluffing like before.

"As for the extra ears and tail on her body, they are caused by the 'Gift of the Divine Artifact Goddess'. It can improve the wearer's all-round quality, and endow the wearer with an extraordinary perception ability. In a sense... It can be regarded as a slight change in the blood in her body."

While talking, Epel leaned forward and pinched Atalanta's little tail expressionlessly.

"Hey!—" Atalanta, who was still smiling slightly, suddenly froze, and let out a sharp cry.He hurriedly took a few steps back while clutching his buttocks.

"Master Aipel, don't, don't pinch!"


Aipel seemed unmoved, looked at Kotori and Kurumi and said softly, "The tail and ears are genuine 'new organs'."

It really is...

Kotori looked at Atalanta dumbfounded.

Not to mention that the Queen of Elf would agree with Atalanta to come and carry out dangerous missions with her, it is surprising enough that the queen gave Atalanta two artifacts so generously right?

That's a magic weapon... It's not a bad street standard iron sword or something like that.

If it is placed in the main god space and the price is clearly marked... at least it will be more than [-] points!

No, it's better to say that the number of artifact-level items that can be exchanged in the main god's space is not very large.

Could this guy be the elf queen's illegitimate daughter or something?Kotori couldn't help having this kind of gossiping thought.

"Ahem, that... Since the queen agreed to your proposal, there is no way for us to refuse."

When Kotori was silent, Kuang San opened his mouth and took over the right to speak.

"If you want to keep up, then it's okay to act together. But please be careful...the next task is not something you can just fool around with. You must obey orders and not run around... "

After babbling and exhorting, Kuang San finally said all the precautions in one go.At the beginning, Atalanta was still listening intently to Kuang San's words, but after a while, she became a little groggy, and waved her hands with a dry smile:

"Relax, don't worry, I will be obedient."

"In this case, the contract is established." Kuang San suddenly changed the subject, covering his mouth and chuckling.

Before everyone could react, a ray of light suddenly emerged from Atalanta's chest and floated into Kuang San's hands.

"Okay, then you have to listen to my orders carefully. Otherwise..."

Kuang San shook the parchment in his hand, but his beautiful smile looked like a devil at the moment.

"You're doomed~"

"Slave, slave contract!? You...!?" Atalanta looked at the piece of parchment in Kuangsan's hands in shock, and her name was impressively displayed in the column of consenting person!

"Could it be that you just..."

"So you are still too immature. Weaving spells with words is an essential skill for a mage. It is not difficult for me to sign a contract without knowing it, right?"

At the end, Kuang San calmed down, patted Atalanta's stiff shoulder lightly, and whispered:

"Don't be so defenseless to others in the future. This time is a little lesson before leaving."



Blade change (265/267)


Chapter 775 Holy City (Fifth)

After leaving such a sentence, Kuangsan glanced at the somewhat silent Kotori beside him, turned around with a smile and walked out of the secret realm.Aipel didn't say much, and obediently leaned on his staff and followed step by step.

"..." Atalanta clenched her longbow tightly and lowered her head unwillingly.

Originally, she came here full of joy and excitement, but she didn't expect that Kuang San just used some words to make her truly feel how unpredictable the intrigue in the outside world is.

One second, he might be chatting and laughing amicably, but the next second, he's already facing each other coldly...?

"It's not unreasonable for the Elven Queen to protect you before, Atalanta, you are still too young and naive." Qin Li said earnestly.


Atalanta didn't show any resistance to Kotori's evaluation.Instead, after taking a deep breath, he said calmly:

"But it is precisely because I want to overcome this problem that I choose to act with you."

No one can always thrive in a greenhouse. They have to experience wind and rain and external threats to better feel the pressure and their own shortcomings, and use this to motivate and improve themselves.

Kotori understood a little bit why the elf queen suddenly agreed to accompany Atalanta when she went out.

It's really well-intentioned... Of course, it's also ruthless.

Probably it is only such a person who can keep the elves in their current state of peace, right?

"Okay, lecture time is over, come with us."

Patting Atalanta's shoulder, Kotori showed a gentle smile under his somewhat stunned gaze. "We don't mind having one more helper. Even if we don't believe in your strength, we should still believe in the power of the two artifacts of your elves, right?"

"...Hmm!" Atalanta sniffled and smiled happily.

This child...is still very young.

Feeling amused, Kotori grabbed her left hand, and trotted towards Kuang San who was already fading away.


After finally leaving the border of the dense forest on the Yar Forest, Kotori and his party were finally able to sit in the magic carriage and drive quietly on the plain.

It's just that this modified carriage is enough to be called eye-catching in the human world. For Atalanta who just came out of the forest, it is a bit too novel.

Of course, this is not because she has never seen some human creations, and even in the past, she had the experience of going to the holy city with her companions.

But she has never seen such a fast carriage!

I feel like I'm going to fly!

"This thing... isn't it amazing!?" Atalanta couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

"I did it~"

Kuang San suddenly opened his mouth, causing the joy on Atalanta's face to freeze instantly.

Well, the actual demonstration by Kuang San just now made this elf girl feel a little bit of fear and vigilance towards Kuang San, for fear of being cast by Kuang San again with some strange spells.

Kuang San couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile like this, and the original idea of ​​teasing her faded away a lot.

Watching the melodrama in the carriage, Kotori shook her head, and looked at the holy city that had gradually appeared in outline.

Holy City Tilia.

Listening to Aipel's introduction just now...it seems to be a large city woven and constructed by various beliefs.Although they did not occupy a large amount of land like those kingdoms, the organizations entrenched in the holy city should not be underestimated at all.

Because most of the organizations inside are church temples under various gods, almost all of the hundreds of thousands of people in the city are composed of Xinyang people.

It can be said that a hundred flowers are blooming, and it is not an exaggeration for various sects to compete for splendor.The headquarters of many churches are even directly established in this city, which can be called the sanctuary of the church temple.

It is precisely because of this... that the elves have been able to maintain a relatively good relationship with the Holy City.

Unlike other national cities, the Holy City doesn't care too much about trade. Their focus is basically on the management of the church and faith, and they rarely have the excess desires of ordinary people.

Therefore, the holy city is occasionally called the holy city among the people in some places, and the residents are praised for their simplicity, kindness and hospitality.Even if they are not believers of this sect, they can treat each other very amiably. They have been in a very peaceful and peaceful state for thousands of years, and there has never been any change.


"Why does such a city suddenly make such an irrational move?" Kotori was very puzzled by this.

Covering up thieves, framing, stalking, and unreasonable troubles are things that ordinary people would do. The Holy City should not deliberately do such a mindless act of losing reputation and setting up enemies, right?

At the beginning, Kotori didn't have a general understanding of the city, but after listening to Epel's detailed explanation and insights, her doubts swelled up.


But for the time being, Kotori buried this doubt in her heart, waiting for the moment when she arrived at the Holy City.

After seeing the scene inside the Holy City with my own eyes, I will be able to know what happened.

Although Kotori can also directly use spiritual power to investigate, but facing the holy city where the network of divine power converges, such a move is too insolent, and it will easily attract the hostility of other gods.Kotori wouldn't be so desperate.

After a while, the fast-moving carriage quickly approached the location of the holy city.

The girls can even see the holy and pure white towering city wall through the window!

"It's spectacular!" Kuang San exclaimed.

It was the first time that even the well-informed Kuang San had seen this scene like the kingdom of God in a fairy tale.

Even Atalanta, who has been in the elf secret realm, showed admiration on her face. Compared with the mysterious and dreamy elf secret realm, the pure white city in front of her was more like a place where gods lived and descended, full of awe-inspiring breath.

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