Started to win over the enemy on the battlefield?

Should I say she is cautious and bold, or should I say she is confident?

Kotori was always watching the demon not far away, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of black crystal light armor, as if wearing an exposed armor made of jewels and jade, which set off the She has her own graceful and hot figure.

People can't help but wonder whether this kind of dressing is to improve the defense, or it is purely some kind of flirtatious and attractive sexy dress.

But I have to say that if the other party doesn't show such a frivolous smile, it does have the demeanor of a Valkyrie on the battlefield.It's just that under her demonic charm, she was infected into a seductive and depraved evil witch.

"Why don't you talk? Do you think my sister is not sincere?" Seeing that Kotori did not respond for a long time, the demon lord was not annoyed, but tilted his head in doubt, then seemed to think of something, and moved towards Kotori stroked her chest and said:

"The concubine is a demon lord of the lower class, and also one of the demon gods, named Letitia."

"...I am Kotori Wuhe."

Since the other party has already reported by name, Kotori will naturally not lose his courtesy, especially the other party has a little bit more intelligence than expected.

"Wuhe Qinli? It's really a strange name."

The demon named Letitia gave a charming smile, then stepped on catwalks and walked slowly towards Kotori.The combat boots that looked like high-heeled shoes touched the melted and crystallized ground, and there was a crisp sound.

"But... I really like it~"

While speaking, he did not hide the desire and longing in his eyes at all.

I don't know whether she is longing for the flame released by Kotori, or coveting Kotori's body and appearance.The undisguised desire made Kotori frown, only to feel a big hand tightly gripping her body, as if a sticky and wet tongue was licking all over her body... quite disgusting.

"Sorry, I don't like it at all." Kotori pouted.

Immediately, he raised his right hand and pointed his palm at Letitia who was walking towards this side.

"If I don't back down quickly, I won't show mercy."

"Please don't show mercy~ I am very much looking forward to your performance, little sister... Can you satisfy my inner desire!"

It seemed that Kotori's indifferent attitude had stimulated the other party, Letitia's cheeks flushed abnormally, and she rushed towards Kotori very excitedly.

The speed was not considered fast, and the slender body and limbs did not explode with terrifying strength.


Qinli narrowed her eyes, and looked at the raging black flames on her body cautiously, not daring to be careless, and immediately shook her right hand!


The monstrous fire burst out of the ground, instantly burning everything within a radius of [-] meters, like a cage of flames, sealing and imprisoning everything inside, and quickly compressing and condensing towards the inside!

But the ferocious power of the flame did not have the desired effect. A jet-black flame broke through the cage directly, and continued to charge forward with terrifying power.

"Isn't there any way to deal with the normal level of spiritual power..."

While murmuring, Kotori tapped the ground with her toes and quickly left the spot.

Looking at a deep pit on the ground that was melted and evaporated by the opponent, the girl nodded silently.

Although judging from the degree of destruction, the opponent's flame is not that powerful, but it is precisely because of its strength beyond imagination that it can hit the energy at one point and perfectly display the power of the chaotic flame.

Obviously from the scene, it seems that the flames on Qinli's side are more ferocious and frightening, but in fact... when facing the flames of chaos, they are directly swallowed and annihilated as if they were destroyed.

Is it precisely because the other party is already the Demon God that he knows how to use energy correctly and exert [-]% power?

Kotori silently observed Letitia's every move, and at the same time was thinking about the other party's methods and means of manipulating the flames.

"What's the matter, little sister? Did you start running away just after you finished talking?" Letitia appeared behind Kotori at some point, touching Kotori with her cold fingertips like an intimate lover. Smooth hair.


She twisted a strand of hair, put it between her nose and sniffed it gently, with a look of intoxication on her face.

“It smells so good~”

This really a demon.

Kotori sighed, then reached out and grabbed Letitia.

"Yeah? Little sister, aren't you going to resist?" She looked at Qinli in surprise, with that bright smile, and her body ready to move, as if she was going to hold Qinli in her arms with her backhand .

"My concubine likes you the most, a cute girl~"

"Before you say something like that, take care of your little actions first." Kotori raised her hand to block Letitia's punch to her lower abdomen, and smiled helplessly.

"No girl likes to be punched suddenly, right?"

"Hee hee~ But I really like it~"

Letitia still maintained that charming smile, relying on her height advantage to get close to Kotori's body.

The next moment, the cold words suddenly sounded.

"Some can't wait to eat you up."




Chapter 779 Demons and Human Hearts (Fourth Change)

The corner of Letitia's mouth grinned, a raging black magic flame suddenly ignited on the arm held by Kotori, covering Kotori's little hand in it instantly!

"Hee hee~ little sister, just sink into the endless curse."

Looking at Kotori who suddenly stiffened, Letitia's smile became more and more charming, and she even stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips, as if a delicious and tempting delicacy was placed on the table. Just like in front of her, the desire to 'eat' arose from the soul.

This is not because Letitia is an ogre, but because of her own attributes.

The Chaos Demon Flame is extremely domineering.

Just like the concept she was born, a ray of flame born from the chaotic and disordered space gathered extremely strong curses and sins, and under thousands of coincidences, the extremely powerful Letitia was born. special existence.

If Kotori is the elf who controls the flame of spiritual power, then Letitia is the demon who controls the flame of chaos.In a sense, the two are also diametrically opposed to each other.It is precisely because of the nature of the chaotic flame itself that she is always eager to devour what she wants.

Just like... Kotori in front of me!

"Come on come on~ Be swallowed up by me and become a part of my life!"

As if convinced of Kotori's final fate, Letitia caressed Kotori's cheek with some pity, and stared at Kotori's face in a daze.As if to imprint the appearance of the girl firmly in the bottom of my heart.

"Well... I can feel this heat, this purity... Once I absorb it, I will definitely be able to stabilize my position and go further! I will never forget your appearance, your help."

While whispering, the pitch-black magic flame had swallowed Kotori's whole body, and her petite body had completely become a part of the pitch-black flame, burning continuously.

Seeing this, Letitia smiled slightly.

Then, the smile froze in place.

"You, you're all right!?" Letitia couldn't help screaming.

The majesty and aura of the demon lord suddenly dissipated invisible, and even showed a look of panic.

Because the scene in front of her was beyond her imagination!

From ancient times to the present, her chaotic magic flame, which has always been invincible, even if it is even a little bit contaminated by a god, would be in pain, but this time...completely failed! ?

At this moment, Kotori was holding an indifferent smile, reached out and touched her cheek, and took the burning magic flame aside, as if she had just lifted a layer of tulle casually.

The magic flame, which is powerful enough to burn everything, has no effect at all! ?

This is impossible!

"Damn it!" Letitia's face darkened, and immediately a terrifying pitch-black magic flame surged up like a wave!

But at this moment, Letitia really couldn't feel the slightest sense of security. She was obviously bathed in the magic flame, but now her whole body was like falling into an ice cellar, cold to the depths of her soul!

will die!

This thought flashed through my mind for a moment, and Letitia immediately left the place.


The next moment, a tiny ripple swayed from the space like a water wave.

Seeing this, Letitia's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help holding her breath.

The magic flame that remained in place was actually split into two, directly cut in half! ?


The severed magic flame even escaped from Letitia's control directly, as if being pulled by some kind, it flew towards Kotori's direction.


The chaotic flames that originally distorted the space were rapidly gathering, and they were all compressed in Kotori's palm in an instant, turning into a lifelike black fire lotus.

"It's a beautiful flame, isn't it?" Kotori stood on the spot intact, looking at Letitia in mid-air with a half-smile.

Letitia's face is quite grim now that the ultimate move-like flame was taken away so easily, even tamed and controlled in an instant.

"Could it be that you are also a Chaos Demon!?"

In the end, she couldn't bear the uneasiness in her heart, and asked loudly tremblingly.

In this world, there can only be one Chaos Demon, and if there is a second one, it will never die until it completely devours the other party!

Chaos Demon Flame does not need a second controller!

"You think too much, I'm just an elf." Kotori shrugged.

Immediately, she flipped her right hand, and the mysterious crystal black fire lotus disappeared into the girl's hand.

"Okay, that's the end of the gossip. Then you have to be careful."

"Hmm!" Letitia immediately tensed up after hearing this, and took a vigilant posture.


A light and shadow passed through all obstacles in an instant, and even the terrifying Chaos Demon Flame couldn't hinder it at all.The petite fist is so delicate and cute, but at this moment, it bursts out with terrifying power!

Before Letitia even realized what happened, she heard a dull roar resounding through her chest.


The black breastplate burst into countless cracks in an instant, and then it shattered and splashed out like an explosion.

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