
A mouthful of pitch-black blood spurted out, splashing all over the white gully bulge on his chest.

Letitia looked at the small fist that appeared on her chest in disbelief, and looked up at Kotori in a daze.


"Your body is too fragile, Letitia." Kotori smiled slightly, making such an assertion.


Letitia's originally horrified expression quickly subsided, and turned into the initial charming smile.

It was obvious that the inside of her body was completely broken under this punch, and all the organs and tissues were shattered into pieces.But at this moment, as if she didn't realize it, she burst into a swaying smile that was enough to seduce people's heart.Coupled with her current naked appearance, it is even more exciting.

"It's not easy for you to see through my real body..."

"As a so-called demon god, if you only have such a little bit of strength, then you will laugh your ass off."

Kotori hummed softly.

Yes, the demon lord Letitia who appeared in front of the girl was not her real body.

Instead, he relied on a certain existence for possession, injected his own will and part of his strength into this shell-dispelling body, and became an existence similar to a remote-controlled puppet.

In other words, the Letitia in front of her was nothing but a fake.

Even if she is completely defeated by Kotori here, it will not affect her real body in the lower realm.On the contrary, it was a rather wonderful experience.

"It's really satisfying~ I didn't expect that it was just a whim to go out, and I ran into such an interesting existence like you!" Letitia wanted to reach out to touch Kotori's cheek, but the girl waved her away.

The face of the demon lord suddenly showed a weeping expression, and he muttered with a small mouth:

"Ah la la~ Don't let me touch it now? It's really unfeeling."

Just coupled with her current miserable appearance full of blood, it's really too much to bear.

"Obviously with my 'help' I found out how to use the Chaos Demon Flame, but afterwards I didn't even give me any rewards. It's really heartbreaking~"

"Didn't I already give you a generous reward?"

Kotori's smile became brighter and brighter, but there was a slight chill in Letitia's eyes.

"I didn't think of a way to rush into the lower realm to find you out. It's already considered the best of humanity, isn't it?"


Letitia had heard such threatening words countless times in her long time.With great power and status, she never took such joking words to heart.

Because all the guys who dared to say such things to her are dead.

But this time...

Letitia's real body far away in the lower realm trembled slightly, and a strange emotion that she had never felt in millions of years hit her, and a chill penetrated her heart.

And this clone also fell silent immediately, looking at Qinli with an uncertain expression.

She's... caught in a dilemma.

She couldn't figure out how strong Qin Li's true strength was. Although it was just a quick glance, this punch was enough to be called a blow from God's Domain, and it was quite terrifying!

There is no way to really detect the depth of Kotori's strength just by relying on this physical body, which makes Letitia somewhat at a loss as to how to deal with it.

"Let's go back."

But Kotori waved his hand suddenly, which made Letitia slightly startled.

"Although I crushed your body, I also shattered a certain contract in your body. Now you are free. Why don't you take a good look back at your life and enjoy a new life ?”

"..." Letitia froze in place for a moment.

Unknowingly, his right hand touched his chest.

Immediately, a wry smile appeared.

"The concubine has not seen through your real body, but you have seen everything about the concubine in such a short period of time?"

Kotori did not choose to answer, but turned and left directly.

Her current body can no longer cause any disturbances, and apart from the option of returning to the lower realm immediately, all that is left is to take this opportunity to live and travel in the material world.

As Letitia said in the last sentence... Kotori's punch shattered her body, but also caught a trace of instability deep in her soul, seeing through her regrets, her Unwilling and her longing.

And who would know... that this majestic demon lord in the den of the lower world actually possesses a soul similar to that of a human?



PS: Blade Plus (267/272)

Thank you for the 400 blade support of Yanmo Wuhe Kotori~

emmm... Tomorrow may still be the third update, because I have been wasting the saved manuscripts for the past few days (the idea of ​​'there will be no fifth update' came up, which made me write four chapters a day during this period, but the update has always been Five chapters.)

Such things as code words are really finished as soon as you get lazy. 233

(If the state is brave, continue to five more tomorrow...)


Chapter 780 Hunted Successfully (Fifth Change)

As soon as the scene changed, there was an earth-shattering roar in a certain area of ​​the holy city!



Not long ago, the alien demon, who was aggressive and laughing wildly, now seemed to be in a state of embarrassment.

The originally muscular tall body was covered with large and small wounds, among which there were many horrific injuries with deep visible bones. The blood seemed to have been drained, and black air was exuding.

Although he was holding a trident-like weapon tightly in his hand, his expression was extremely ugly and angry.

"Damn ants!!"

While roaring loudly, it raised the trident in its hand, stabbing fiercely like a thunderbolt!

Accompanied by the surge of thunder on the weapon, not only the trident itself pierced the air, but the surging energy crushed the ground in front of it, and the violent black lightning even involved everything in front of it, tearing and destroying frantically !

But this powerful and terrifying blow did not ease the alien demon's anger in the slightest.

"Damn it, damn it!—"

Because the blow fell through again.


And just as the alien-shaped demon was roaring with incomparable anger, a bright silver light suddenly flashed past, leaving a shallow wound on the demon's body in an instant, and black air spewed out from it.


The alien demon couldn't help but staggered a few steps, and looked up angrily.

Just in the middle of the sky, there is a beautiful girl floating.A black and red gothic dress, jet-black and smooth hair, and a delicate and dreamy face.But the most astonishing thing is...a gigantic clock with incomparable precision suspended behind her.

There is no doubt... this girl is Kurumi.

"Mr. Devil, it seems that you are almost dying."

With a rifle in his left hand and a short gun in his right, Kuang San, who was completely intact from top to bottom, smiled elegantly and calmly, looking down at the demon below with cold eyes.

Not only that... not far from the demon, there were also several figures floating around, staring at her with covetous eyes, and touching their weapons one after another.

These girls all have the same face and figure as Kuang San, and they are clones summoned by Kuang San from different timelines through Ke Kedi's special ability.

But these avatars are very different from avatars in the usual sense.

They also have their own thinking and will, and have different interests and hobbies.Kuangsan also saw exactly this point, and with the help of the existence of the main god space, let these clones all learn the skills and tricks they are interested in, and specialize in one.

And the weapons in their hands are not ordinary products, they are all extraordinary weapons exchanged for points accumulated through dungeon adventures, with different special abilities, and adapt to the fighting methods of different crazy three clones.

In the end, Kuang San himself, the only one who can use Emperor Keke to fire time bullets, commanded and interfered, directly turning this battle into an encirclement and annihilation battle of thirty people against a demon!

As for the injuries on this alien demon, they were all caused bit by bit by the mad three clones.

Of course, if it is one-on-one, neither these avatars nor Kuang San himself can have the capital to confront these demons head-on.

That imposing aura, as if the coercion of heaven and earth, is enough to prove the strength of the opponent, it can be called terrifying!

And judging from his self-proclaimed...it seems to be a demon lord in the lower world, possessing power comparable to that of a god!

Even if Kurumi has the weird ability to manipulate time, it is still difficult to use an attack that is enough to completely wipe out the opponent.Even legendary spells that require a certain amount of preparation time probably cannot defeat them in one blow.

But now it's different.

"Aren't you going to talk? Then I won't be polite~"

Kuang San raised his short spear and pointed the muzzle at the demon below, with a cruel smile on his lips.

"'Let's go together, and get rid of this pestering guy as soon as possible."

"Of course, I've never killed a demon with such a high level!" A clone licked the knife edge, and a bloodthirsty smile climbed up.

"Another good commemoration can be added to the hunting list."

The other avatars also kept laughing, and looked at the demon with a bit of banter and coldness.

It seemed that in the next moment, these thirty or so girls would rush forward with grinning grinning, and use their respective weapons to cut open and smash its body bit by bit until it was finally crushed into minced meat!

The strange-shaped demon, who was still so angry, seemed to feel the cold killing intent at this moment, his expression froze, and he forcibly calmed down.

The next moment, the avatars flickered, and they all rushed towards the demon!

"To hell with them all!—"

With a roar, the alien demon held up the trident in his hand, and countless jet-black thunder lights twisted and circled and soared into the sky, blasting towards the sky like thunder!

"What...?" The deity Kurumi was a little stunned by this, staring blankly at the gradually darkening sky.

A bad omen flashed in my heart.

Looking at this posture, this is to prepare to die with my side...?

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