Although Kotori had never felt the power of the power of time positively, at this moment she really felt the horror of this power.

It was as if the whole person was stuck in the quagmire and could not move, and even his thinking began to be chaotic and distorted. It was as if all the memories began to disappear, and the somatosensory time began to riot!

Is she going to throw me back in time?

It's a pity... I already have a trump card on my side!

Kotori grinned, and with a thought, a bright and crystal card suddenly appeared in the girl's hand.

The moment the card appeared, the power of time that originally wrapped Kotori's layer upon layer was shocked, as if receiving some kind of extremely strong traction, it quickly gathered in the direction of the card!


When the Lord of Time saw this, his pretty face changed, and the movement that he wanted to rush up to take back the artifact in Kotori's hand abruptly stopped in place.

She stared fixedly at the card, and growled word by word:

"A brave..."

She is very familiar with this card.

Rather, it is precisely because of this unattractive thing that the Lord of Time was severely injured by the brave five hundred years ago, and he has not recovered from the trauma until now, suffering from torment and suffering!

But now that she saw the card in Qinli's hand, she felt her anger rising, and she looked at Qinli with a bit of cold killing intent.

In her opinion, Kotori is the hero of this generation, if left alone, it will definitely cause unimaginable harm to her future!

Is this the hero you have chosen! ?The Lord of Time glanced viciously at Epel, who was still lying in the deep pit in the distance, and then raised his hands horizontally, once again agitating the power of time.

Brave... No, it should be called a time card. Although that thing can be regarded as an artifact, but because the components are separated and divided, there is a certain upper limit to the degree of tolerance. As long as you use enough time power, it is enough to explode a mere card!

At that time, the turbulent time turbulence will directly tear this brave man into pieces, and he will fall into the crack of eternal time. He will never be able to die, nor will he be able to experience the feeling of being alive!

Bang bang bang!

Several gunshots in a row made the Lord of Time's face darken, and he quickly dodged these time bullets.

Seeing Kurumi appearing next to Kotori, the Lord of Time couldn't help but clenched his fists. The original delicate and lovely face had already been replaced by anger and resentment.

"Don't think I won't kill you!"

"If you can, you can try it." Kurumi said calmly.

And at this moment, Kotori had also broken free from the time prison, and came to Kurumi's side with an unchanged expression.

Aiming at the Lord of Time, the girl sneered:

"If you have any other moves, just use them and let me experience the power of time."

This kind of enemy that can manipulate time is rare, and after a lot of fighting, it can also increase its own knowledge.For the Lord of Time's offensive, Kotori couldn't wish for it!

"Ahem... Lord of Time, you have no chance of winning."

A faint voice sounded not far away.

Atalanta supported the pale-faced Apel, and slowly walked out of the ruins.

Although the two of them were seriously injured by the unexpected attack, if they were desperate, they would definitely be able to unleash the final blow, which would be enough to give Kotori and Kurumi a chance to fight back.

You must know... the main reason why the Lord of Time can be domineering is because of the miraculous power of time.And she is not the only one present who knows how to do this.

Both Kuangsan and Aipel can restrain her in this aspect, and in the hand-to-hand combat, Kotori is even more confident to beat this little guy until he cries for his mother!Not to mention the long-range support of Atalanta, which should not be underestimated either.


The Lord of Time was also very decisive, and turned around immediately when he saw that the situation was not good.

The black mist once again covered the body, slowly disappearing in place like a phantom.

"So...leave?" Kotori blinked.

Rao Kotori's dynamic vision and perception can be called God's domain, but at this moment, there is no way to detect how the other party left here.

"It's not time..." Kuang San beside him shook his head, showing suspicion.

Not only Kotori was a little stunned, but even Kurumi was very puzzled by this.

If the opponent uses the power of time to evacuate, both she and Epel can stop the opponent. Even if there is no way to cause her any injuries, at least they can disgust the opponent.

"Forget it, since we have regained the artifact. We should be at an advantage now."

Patting Kurumi on the shoulder, Kotori immediately rushed towards Epel below.

After seeing the frail look on the goddess' face, the girl immediately reached out and pressed her chest.

At the same time, the healing inflammation was slowly injected into her body, and began to quickly repair her shattered internal organs.

"Well..." Compared with the gaffe at the beginning, Aipel is now able to bear it more normally.

And Kotori quickly withdrew her right hand.

"Wait a while and take a rest to fully recover."

"Thank you." Epel nodded slightly.

As for Atalanta who was supporting Apel... Although her clothes were slightly damaged, there was still blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and there was even a large amount of blood sticky on her exposed chest.But there was no sign of weakness on her face.

On the contrary, it is quite spiritual.

"Are you alright?"

"Well... I'm fine." Atalanta nodded her heart and explained truthfully: "The gift of the goddess also brought me a fairly rapid self-healing ability, although at the beginning I can’t move when I’m in bed, but I can move after a short rest.”

"fair enough."

Kotori let out a foul breath, and looked around.His face looked a little heavy.

Although the Lord of Time was temporarily repelled, but...

The glorious holy city has completely fallen.



PS: There will be a new chapter added later~


Chapter 784 Unforgivable Crime (Fourth)

After thousands of years of being a holy city and a city of churches, its glorious history, which can be called epic, has completely come to an end today, and everything has come to an abrupt end, announcing the end.

Whether it is the humanities and traditions accumulated over the long years, or the unique network intertwined with countless beliefs, all of them were wiped out after the death blow of the alien demon, and became an insignificant little sand in the long river of time. dust.

I'm afraid that in a few decades or hundreds of years, this holy city with a long history will completely disappear in everyone's memory and become a little residual brilliance in the history of the ruins.

And after a hasty battle with the Lord of Time, Kotori and his party quickly returned to the original path and rushed back to the elf secret realm.Probably because they sensed the presence of demon energy, when Kotori and the others had just returned to the forest, they happened to meet the elves who were preparing their army.

After some explanations, while the elves paled, a trace of uneasiness and fear also rose in their hearts.

The holy city was completely destroyed without knowing it, and they didn't know anything about it!

If it wasn't for Kotori and the others who rushed to the Holy City to find out the truth, they wouldn't even know that the Lord of Time had appeared nearby!

At that time... the army is overwhelming and the devil king is coming, even if they can rely on the power of the two main gods to resist the invasion of the outside world, they can only linger on their last legs, and sooner or later they will be completely broken!

The elves were filled with an atmosphere of panic, and Kotori and his party hurried to the direction of the temple, preparing to explain the matter in detail and plan the future arrangements with the elf queen.

Although everyone didn't know why the Lord of Time would suddenly come to the mainland to do evil, but judging by her actions and arrangements... she must be yearning for something before she made such a move.

And what she needs is self-evident.

It is the artifact of the elves!


In the quiet temple, there are several beautiful girls sitting around at the moment.

But this scene of Yingying and Yanyan is filled with a serious atmosphere.All the girls looked at the precious jade on the table with serious faces, and fell into silence.

A moment later, the graceful and luxurious elf queen spoke first to break the dead silence.

"This artifact...has been contaminated."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Qinli and the others were shocked.

"Pollution?" Staring carefully at the colorless jade, Qinli didn't notice any difference in this artifact.

"It's not that the artifact itself is contaminated."

The elf queen shook her head, then sighed, her dignified and moist cheeks were full of helplessness.

"It's just that the things contained in this artifact are too... complicated."

"This artifact was originally used to improve the natural attributes of the wearer, and it is filled with a large amount of natural breath, which can even purify and sublimate the soul. It can be called a unique existence. But the Lord of Time But it evacuated all the natural power inside, and instead forced hundreds of thousands of souls into it, which can be described as extremely cruel!"

As if confirming her own words, the elf queen stretched out her hand to cover the precious jade.

The next moment, Baoyu suddenly lit up, and his glory was brilliant!

But the brilliance that bloomed was no longer the emerald green fluorescent light before, but a series of unwilling souls moving and wailing in it, and the quiet temple was suddenly filled with miserable wailing.

The faces of the girls changed, and they stared blankly at the horrifying scene in front of them, speechless for a long time.

No wonder there is no one in the holy city...

It turned out that those people and even their souls were packed into this piece of precious jade, and became the nourishment for refining the power of nature! ?

What the Elf Queen said was polluted, not that the artifact itself had undergone any modification, but that its interior was filled with 'filth'.

These dark souls full of unwillingness and anger, despair and sadness are filled with it, and endless resentment will be forcibly purified in it.This has deviated from the essential usage of this artifact, and has been applied to appalling uses!

Even the steadfast Kotori couldn't help but be shocked by this tragic crime at this moment.

The Lord of he going to use the artifacts of the elves to extract a huge amount of natural power for his own use?

What absurdity!

"Hey..." The elf queen could only sigh at this.

People cannot be resurrected after death, and even Epel and Kurumi, who can manipulate time, have no way to be sure that they can turn back time to before all tragedies happened.

Because they had just tried a little bit, Kuang San and Aipel shook their heads, showing helplessness.

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