Aipel's current strength is still insufficient for the time being, and it is difficult to reverse time and space.Although Kuang San possesses this power, after twelve years it is enough for her to travel back to the past.But the moment the poke touched Baoyu, Kurumi and Aipel already understood.

What the Lord of Time did was very decisive, she seemed to have thought of this, and directly extracted all the 'time' of these souls in the gem, and even pulled out the last trace of possibility, severing it. He came up with the idea of ​​reversing time and saving these innocent people.

Even if Kuang San uses the twelve bullets to travel back to the past, there will be no people in the holy city in that time and space.

"Obviously, the next target of the Lord of Time is the Elf Mystery Realm."

Aipel suddenly made a sound, which brought everyone back to their senses.

"Very likely." Kotori agreed with this idea.

The reason why the Lord of Time did these things was not purely because he liked to kill, but because of some unknown purpose, he wanted to use the power of the elves to obtain a large amount of natural power.

Although the artifact was snatched back by Kotori, the Lord of Time is obviously not a small character who is willing to give up easily. He has made so many preparations and has no reason to give up.It is very likely that she is lurking in a certain shadow, waiting for the opportunity to come all the time.

Then at the moment when everyone was unprepared, they directly launched an attack and completely destroyed the elves.At that time, all the artifacts stored in the elves will naturally fall into her hands, and even put everything in her pocket with interest to achieve a certain purpose!

This kind of conjecture also made the girls nod their heads thoughtfully.

This is not impossible. After all, the other party can directly destroy the entire holy city, so naturally they can try their best to uproot the entire elves!

"So we can't take it lightly now. Instead, we must implement the highest degree of martial law, as if the Lord of Time's sudden attack."

At the same time as Kotori gave her advice, she had an idea, and her lips parted into a smile.

"Or... don't simply carry out passive defense, how about relying on the advantage of the field and directly attacking with a defensive counterattack?"

Since the other party is longing for the artifact of the elves to achieve a certain purpose, then you can also use the artifact to seduce the other party to show up, lure her into some kind of trap, and destroy her...or even capture her alive !

After hearing this, the elf queen, who was the highest decision-maker, also showed an awe-inspiring smile.

Bright brilliance flickered in the emerald green eyes.

That's right... There is no need for the elves to be afraid and cowardly when facing the Lord of Time.Now that the other party is all alone, it is impossible to summon too many helpers in this kind of place.The only enemy that needs to be faced is the Lord of Time!

Putting all the power of the whole family together, you will definitely be able to compete with the opponent, especially who will win and who will lose!

Not to mention that I still have the assistance of foreign aid, the chances of winning are very high!



Blade change (269/272)


Chapter 785 The Trouble Coming Soon?

The well-known holy city has suffered a devastating blow, although this matter has not been released by interested people.But those churches in other countries have received oracles from their respective main gods.

And after hearing this shocking news, almost all the churches in the material world couldn't help but fell into long-term shock.

The holy city is destroyed.

This enduring city, even more prosperous with the passage of time, was wiped out in a single day, and not even a single person escaped from the prison of death, and all of them were buried in it.You must know that there are many fifth-level powerhouses in the holy city, and even the sixth-level ones who can compete with the devil king also exist.

Even in the face of the seven pillars of monsters that have endangered the mainland for thousands of years, they will not end up in such a miserable end!

What's more, the holy city is the place where beliefs and gods meet, and the interaction between gods and humans is also the most frequent place.Once there is any trouble, just ask the gods for help, and you will get powerful help!

The gods need to rely on these mysterious and mysterious powers of faith to enhance their own strength, and when human beings face danger, they also need the great divine power bestowed by the gods!

The two sides are each taking what they need, even if the gods are high above, they will not allow all their believers to die in embarrassment, that is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

But such an impenetrable city was completely destroyed without anyone noticing.While making people terrified and uneasy, they can't help but think about how the murderer did it.

You know... the Holy City is the closest to the God's Domain and the Kingdom of God, and no matter what happens in it, it will not escape the eyes of the gods, which is why this city is called the Holy City.Because the gods on the side of order do not allow mortals to do those dirty deeds under their noses.

Over time... Such good living habits have gradually been preserved.

People from other countries seemed to feel a dark cloud hanging over the continent. The unknown danger made everyone vigilant, and faintly noticed something strange.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to send people to the direction of the Holy City as soon as possible to investigate the intelligence.Even though they had learned the news of the complete destruction of the holy city from the gods, they still wanted to search to see if they could find any clues in the holy city.

The situation on the continent is changing, whether it is ordinary people or adventurers who are eager to try, they all soon learned of this shocking news and slowly gathered towards the holy city.

I have to say that things like joining in the fun... no matter which world it is placed in, it is universal.

Of course, there is a commotion outside now, but it doesn't have much impact on the elves and Kotori's group in the elves' secret realm.

After the girls left, the holy city was completely ruined and dead under the bombardment of the alien demon's dying spell. There were wisps of destruction shrouding the ground, at least a dozen or so It takes years to spend this power to revive the dead land.

If not, ordinary people in that place would never be able to approach at will.There is no evidence, clues or the like.

Even the earth has been melted, do you expect anything to remain in the ruins?

But the current form is happy for the elves.

Other countries have sent people over, and after discovering that the holy city has been wiped out, they will naturally turn their attention to the nearest elves. At that time, there will be various strong men, mercenary teams, and armies on this continent. The gathering of people has become an invisible force against the Lord of Time.

Now that they are ready to take the risk and go to the holy city to find out the news, they will naturally be mentally prepared to face the Lord of Time... right?

With this in mind, the Elf Queen and Kotori hit it off and smiled at each other.

It was clear and crisp laughter that fell into the ears of Atalanta, but it was full of the cruelty of the adult world.

"Don't you send someone to tell others about this in advance?"

Atalanta turned her head and asked in a low voice to Kuang San beside her.There was also a bit of bewilderment and doubt on his face.

Although she is an elf, she also feels sorry for the loss of so many lives in the Holy City, especially when she saw the seemingly substantial souls rolling in the artifact before, Atalanta felt the preciousness of life, and the fear of death.

But Kuang San smiled lightly and patted her head.

"The difference between good and evil is not as simple as you think. Miss Wuhe and Her Majesty's decision-making approach is only for the safety of the elves. Only by pooling the power of all people and borrowing more power Only in this way can more unnecessary casualties be reduced.”

What's more... The Lord of Time is the number one public enemy of the mainland, an extremely evil existence that human beings fear, and invisible fear shrouds everyone's heart all the time.So even if they have the method to summon the brave, they have never really made up their minds to gather all their forces to eradicate the Lord of Time who has been a disaster for thousands of years.

They must have a boost from the outside before they can truly make up their minds and avoid future troubles.

And Kotori thinks... now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!If the Lord of Time is allowed to escape this catastrophe and hide completely...then after thousands of years, a Lord of Time will eventually pop up again and endanger the whole world!

After listening to Kuang San's patient explanation, Atalanta, a young elf girl, nodded in a daze.

Although I don't understand it a bit, it always feels so powerful.

On the other hand, Epel was always in the state of the old god, as if he was thinking about something, his eyes seemed a little absent-minded, but he would glance at Kuangsan and Kotori from time to time, and then continued to wander with his head down.


At present, the general arrangements in the elves have all been properly handled, and Kotori has returned to the residence, ready to adjust her own state, and prepare for the attack of the Lord of Time that may come at any moment.

Even Kotori, who disregarded the rules and broke out with all his strength, could not be [-]% sure that he would not be disturbed by the Lord of Time's incomparably weird time ability.If the hero card in his hand suddenly reached the upper limit, Kotori might be directly involved in the storm of time and thrown into an unknown ancient era.

But just as the girls sat down, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Kotori turned her head and saw Atalanta standing at the gate, who was panting.

"what happened?"

"Yes, someone is coming. And they came from the rear."

Is someone here?So fast?

Qin Li was a little puzzled by this.

Although the news may have gradually spread, the speed of manpower in other countries will not be so fast.Logically speaking, it should be possible tonight or tomorrow...

Wait, it seems to be in the direction of Astair City... At that time, there was a group of people behind me.

"I understand." Kotori nodded, and then walked out.

But Atalanta continued with a strange expression: "Although their descriptions are a bit confusing, they undoubtedly want to see His Royal Highness Aipel."

Kotori paused suddenly, and looked sideways at the silver-haired girl sitting in the hall with her eyes closed and meditating.

Sure enough, the goal of those people was Epel from the beginning.



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Chapter 786 Acquaintance?

Kotori and Aipel didn't dawdle, and quickly went out to the entrance of the secret realm.

According to what Atalanta said, those outsiders are currently blocked by the elves who are preparing the guards, and they have not yet entered the secret realm, but they seem to have discovered something, and their expressions are a little excited. There was a conflict, but the atmosphere was also tense.

And when Kotori felt the entrance, he saw several elves waiting in battle standing on the surrounding trees, drawing their longbows, and staring sharply at the not far away like hawks. Those few humans.

And those human beings also put on a fighting posture without any weakness, their bodies remained motionless, and the expressions on their faces did not show the slightest bit of panic.

It seemed that these elf guards were not taken seriously at all.

Of course, even though it was just a quick glance, Kotori could roughly see what level of strength these heavily armed humans possessed.

Very strong.

There is no doubt about that.

Just judging from the imposing manner and spiritual will that are difficult to observe directly, these five humans have a unique level, compressed and condensed, and the shape does not disperse. This level of aura requires years and months of fighting Things that can be honed.

Although Kotori has not met many strong human opponents until today.But even compared with those demons and monsters, these five humans will not be weak.

Very impressive combat power!

It is also because of this that these five people ignore the elf guards around them.

Because there is already a big gap in strength between the two sides, once a dispute breaks out, the side that is suppressed must be the elves' side, and there will be no doubts.

"Ah! Miss Wuhe!" An elf who received Kotori at first quickly saw Kotori who was rushing over, and at the same time saw Aipel who was following closely behind, and quickly put down the weapon in his hand and bowed. Compliments:

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Goddess."

"Yeah." Aipel nodded slightly, and then calmly cast his eyes on the few humans at the entrance of the secret realm not far away.

Soon, there was a ripple in her eyes, and she said easily with red lips:

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