"I hope you can get rid of this psychological shadow by yourself..."

After listening to Mayko's explanation, Kotori was also quite helpless.

I didn't expect the creator of my own body...to have such a subtle experience.Should I sympathize with her?

"Don't worry...my state of mind is still quite strong..." Meike forced a smile.

This state of mind... a strong ghost!

Kotori held back her complaints, pretended to be solemn and sat down next to May.Prepare to change the subject and talk about some intelligence issues about this world.

Although I learned about my own life experience by accident, the most important thing at present is not this, but the things related to the dungeon mission.

You must know that the Lord God Space will not allow a large number of reincarnations to run into an ordinary world to dominate, there must be some hidden secrets that need to be excavated and explored by reincarnations.

At this time, if you ask Mei Ke who originally lived in this world, you may be able to get some clues.

But before Qinli opened his mouth to speak, Mei Ke seemed a little surprised by Qinli's sudden approach, his expression was startled, and then a faint blush appeared on his delicate face, and his eyes also slightly drifted away.

Kotori: "..."

This guy... Could it be that he was attracted by the strange physique he set up? ?

"Ahem, Qin, Qinli... Is there anything else you want to ask?" May also realized that her reaction was a little abnormal, so Mei Ke coughed a few times to cover up her embarrassment.

"I'll tell you everything I know..."

After all, in a sense, he is also her mother?Mei Ke said secretly in his heart.

Even though she has not been in a relationship before, she has such a big daughter, this feeling is very subtle.

"...I want to ask, is there any supernatural power in this world?" Kotori didn't waste time beating around the bush, but said it directly:

"I was sent to this world by the Lord God, and started a dungeon mission with [-] people. But now the Lord God doesn't respond, and I don't see any other reincarnations appearing. The situation is quite strange."

"So I think that some conditions have not been met, and the mission has not officially started. The vast majority of reincarnated people are still in a critical state waiting to come. If I can take advantage of this time to look for information If so, it should be able to complete this mission more smoothly."

As soon as Kotori finished speaking, she looked at Miko who was on the side, wanting to hear her opinion.

But what surprised the girl...Maike actually showed a rather stunned expression, as if she had heard some unbelievable urban legend.

what happened?

Although she is only a reincarnation in the third realm due to lack of strength and talent, she should still be quite clear about everything about the main god's space, right?Is there any need to be so shocked?

Or... there are other reasons.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qinli's mind, and said in a deep voice:

"Could it be that in this world you live in, there is no..."

"It is impossible for any supernatural power to exist, this is just an ordinary modern world!" Mei Ke was a little excited.

But Kotori also expressed her understanding.

No one can immediately believe that there is a huge secret hidden in the world they live in, right?Especially the great terror that will require more than [-] reincarnations to descend together to deal with it!

This is already hell-like difficulty for Mei Ke who is in the third domain!

"I've lived here for nearly twenty years, and I've never felt any strange aura, and I've never met any monsters or ghosts..."

Having said that, Mei Ke's voice gradually became quieter, but her pupils contracted slightly.

Yes, she thought that there was nothing abnormal in the world she was in, and it was like this in the past.

But today is different.

Because, a living abnormal existence has arrived.

That is the girl named 'Five River Kotori'.

The powerful existence that was born according to the template conceived by myself, after experiencing repeated adventures and desperate battles, has become stronger than imagined, until now... descended on this calm city middle.

If there's anything unusual about this city today... it's Kotori!

"Could it be..."

"It's about me... no! It's about the two of us?!" Mei Ke said tremblingly.

Creation and Creator, although the relationship between the two parties is not close, and even Meke only provided some initial magic modification settings.But if it is said that the most abnormal pair exists in this world at present, it is the two of them.

Kotori couldn't help but fell silent when she heard Meke's scream.

And the moment he realized this fact, the cold voice of the main god's space sounded in his mind at the same time.


[Main quest release: Prevent the destruction of the world, success reward: 8000 points, failure: death]

[Sub-quest 1: Find your own 'creator', reward for success: 2000 points]

[Sub-quest 2: Form a team alliance of four or more people, success reward: 1000 points, alliance flag, failure: return to space, clear reward]

[Sub-quest 3: Defeat all other alliance camps, success reward: 10000 points, alliance seal]

[The rest of the side missions will be released later]

"...It seems that although this dungeon is an ordinary type of mission, its essence is similar to faction warfare."

Seeing each other fighting each other on the task, Kotori felt a little relieved.

Because at any rate, the Lord God Space did not involve ordinary people like Mei Ke...



PS: Thanks to Jin♂Kela for the support of the strongest 23 blades~

Thank you Bauhinia nobles for their 31 blade support~


Chapter 833 Assembly (Fourth Change)

Now that the mission of the main god space has been released, it means that basically all the reincarnators have arrived.

So after that, Kotori quickly reconnected with Nero and Kuangsan through the communicator, also learned of their current location, and ended the call after giving some instructions.

"Okay, now our dungeon mission is about to officially start."

Kotori put down the communicator next to her ear, and turned to look at Mei Ke, who was a little uneasy.

Probably because she was frightened by the "destroy the world" item in the specific task of this round of dungeons just now from Kotori. At this moment, she is stroking her arms, as if covered by a chill of death. .

"Are you scared?" Kotori sighed softly in his heart, and said softly, "If you feel scared, just rely on me, I won't let you get hurt."

After all, the two parties were also friends in the past, but now there is an additional layer of unexplainable causal relationship. Kotori doesn't want to see her die tragically in front of his eyes.The girl is also very confident that she can protect Mei Ke from the siege of the reincarnators without any harm.

What's more, Nero and Kurumi, who have received the geographical coordinates, are quickly gathering here. At that time, the three adventurers from the sixth domain will form an alliance, unless they meet the kind of people who can wipe out the galaxy universe with a wave of their hands. Otherwise, Kotori and the others would be able to deal with it smoothly.

"Kinori, you are still so reliable..."

Perhaps infected by Kotori's gentleness, Mei Ke's original uneasy expression was replaced by a helpless wry smile.

The matter that she buried deep in her heart and didn't want to mention before was directly revealed, which made her feel a rather indescribable feeling when facing Kotori.Of course it's not love or anything like that, but...a complex emotion mixed with guilt and anxiety, but also joy.

It was as if he saw his grown-up daughter appearing beside him, showing off his reliability to the fullest.And she is like an old mother who can only stay behind, silently watching her daughter who is already independent.


But Mei Ke suddenly felt his cheek was patted lightly, and then rubbed.


"Don't smile so stiffly, smile more naturally." Kotori looked directly into her pupils, and said earnestly: "Reliability is not a matter of strength, but a matter of willpower. You... That's too weak, Mako."

"..." Mei Ke didn't make any response.

After hesitating for a moment, he gently covered Kotori's palm with his hand, feeling the unfailing warmth with his heart.

"You, how much did you go through to become like this..."

It is no longer a pre-set puppet, nor is it an existence that can be outlined in a few words on paper.The girl named Wuhe Qinli was truly recognized by Mei Ke at this moment.

"How much I've been through... It's up to you to figure it out~" Qinli blinked playfully.


As night approaches, the modern city is not as dazzling as the stars in the dark night of the previous dungeon.Instead, it cast a faint shadow over the city.

Of course, it wasn't a collection of some terrifying aura that was about to come, it was just a cloud of dust gathered by industrial waste.It is too far from the dreamy scenery in the elf secret realm.

But modern cities also have the benefits of modern cities, such as the enjoyment of living materials.

At this moment, Kotori and May were preparing dinner at home, and they didn't seem to feel nervous at all because of the upcoming battle.

While putting the prepared dishes on the table, Mei Ke whispered to Kotori beside him:

"Kinli, is it alright for us to stay here defenseless? There may be other reincarnations secretly attacking us."

It wasn't because she was greedy for life and afraid of death, or because she was worried that the things at home would be damaged by the aftermath of the battle.I just feel that it is easy to lose vigilance in this kind of place. If you are accidentally attacked by others...it will be a bit bad.

What's more, the main task is to 'prevent the destruction of the world', which means that some extremely terrifying disasters are about to come, enough to cause the collapse of the entire world.

"Don't you need to go out and look for information or something?"

"Not yet, the reincarnators shouldn't be so impatient." Kotori smiled lightly and shook her head. "After all, killing each other is the next best thing to do. No reincarnation is willing to gamble and fight until it is safe. Now, it is more necessary to complete side mission 1, that is, 'find your own creator'. practical significance."

After all, for reincarnators... the title of creator must be quite confusing.

"As for the side mission 3 that makes us fight each other... there is a premise in it."

Under Mei Ke's slightly puzzled gaze, Kotori shook her white jade-like fingers. "The premise is the existence of the 'Alliance'."

"Well, I missed this point." Mei Ke rolled his eyes.

She didn't expect the Lord God Space to play a little word game on this kind of task.

Although defeating all other alliances can get quite generous points rewards, there is a considerable premise... there must be an alliance first.If the reincarnated people haven't even established an alliance, how can they talk about destroying it?

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Kotori and May put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, and looked at each other.

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