
"It's Nero, Kurumi and the others." Kotori smiled slightly, then got up and went to open the door.

Sure enough, after the door was opened, what appeared in front of the girl were the two girls who rushed over from other places, and in their hands were still holding a few magazines and novels and comics.

"Qinli, we have already brought what you asked for along the way." Kuang San handed out the few books in his hand.

And on the covers of these three novels, the words 'Date A Live' are impressively written.

Of course, there is also an extremely cute face and posture of an elf girl standing on the cover.

"Let's talk first." Kotori turned her head to the side, looked at the somewhat restrained Mei Ke beside her, and showed a narrow smile.

"First, let me formally introduce you. This is my creator. You should have known her before...Miss May."


Nero and Kuangsan turned their heads to look at Mei Ke in an instant, and there was a bit of scrutiny in their eyes.

Probably looking at what kind of person Mei Ke is?

But from Mei Ke's point of view, at this moment, it was as if he was being watched firmly by a ferocious beast, and his back was instantly wet with cold sweat.If it wasn't for the mentality tempered by experiencing various adventures in dungeon missions all year round, she would probably have been frightened by this faint momentum and had a mental breakdown long ago, right?

It's... scary!



PS: Blade Plus (283/354)

Thanks for the support of the 66 blades of the passerby~


Chapter 834 The Smiling Kuang San (Fifth Change)

The tense atmosphere finally eased gradually.

In fact, when Nero and Kuangsan first met, they showed so much hostility towards May, purely because she was such a special identity as Kotori's "creator".

Before they came, they already had a general understanding of what the "creator" mentioned in the mission meant by assimilating with Kotori.

Simply put, it is the author who created a character.

It sounds like nothing, but what if the created character is himself or someone around him?

There must be a very complicated emotion about the creator.

But this kind of emotion will not turn into any kind of murderous hostility after all. Although the two of them have a little bit of grudges towards Meke, their identity is still the creator of Kotori's body after all, so naturally they can't be too disappointed. The etiquette.

As for the little conflict when we first met, it was only caused by not controlling our emotions well.

And after the atmosphere eased a little, Mei Ke secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that these two aunts would suddenly get into trouble and torture herself severely.

Not to mention her physical fitness, which is not much better than ordinary people, even with the self-defense items she exchanged from the main god's space, she may be pinched by Nero and Kuang Sanlian in the next moment into pieces.

After all... She is very aware of the terrifying strength these two beautiful girls hide under their beautiful appearance. Perhaps their power level in the original book alone is enough to slap her to death.

Neither elves nor heroic spirits exist beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if the atmosphere eased a little afterwards, Mei Ke was still a little afraid of these two, and knew everything about their inquiries, and dared not have any thoughts of hiding.

Therefore, this place is obviously Mei Ke's own home, but the actual situation now seems a bit subtle.

Nero and Kuangsan seem to be the hostesses of the house, crossing their legs, leaning against the sofa, looking down at the trembling Meike with a cold look, and constantly asking about all the settings related to 'Kotori'. Certainly.

And Mei Ke also quite cooperatively shook out all the settings in his mind. The two queens nodded from time to time, and frowned from time to time, as if they were emperors reviewing memorials.

Watching this scene, Kotori could only sigh helplessly.

Mike...it's a bit miserable.


The silent torture finally came to an end, and Nero and Kurumi stood up contentedly.

Meanwhile, Mei Ke, who was surrounded by spectators, had a burning expression on his face, leaning his head on the sofa with his head tilted, his small mouth opened slightly unconsciously.If she was not still breathing, it might appear to outsiders that a precious life had been lost.

Of course, she was just a little bit exhausted from being unable to bear the 'strict interrogation' of the two girls.

It's a pity that such high-pressure inquiries don't actually yield any other useful information.

Because Miko had already told Kotori about it before, and Kotori relayed it to Nero and the others through the communicator.As for why he still clings to Mei Ke now, it is purely because of a little uneasiness in his heart.

"Okay, let Meke rest for a while. The aura of the two of you is too terrifying." Kotori put down the light novel in her hand, and slightly complained about the two's impulsiveness.

It wasn't because Kotori was unwilling to stop their rude behavior.

She just thinks that even if they are stopped now, they will stealthily intimidate and lure the innocent Mei Ke in an empty place where she doesn't pay attention, so it's better to simply solve all the troublesome things directly under her own eyes.

"Yu just thought that the performer's body was created by other people... I feel a little unhappy!"

Nero put his hands on his hips and snorted softly.

"It's as if the performer has been played by someone."


What's the situation of playing around... Kotori rolled her eyes.

"It's just that I feel a little dissatisfied that another woman has been crossed." Kurumi resumed her usual elegant posture, and said with a smile:

"Kotori shouldn't mind us making decisions without authorization, right?"

"..." Kotori glanced at Mei Ke, who was unconscious, and said helplessly: "At least don't be so aggressive, look at Mei Ke, you will almost scare me to death."

"It's just the creature's dissatisfaction with the creator~"

Kurumi's smile became brighter and brighter.

It's just that there is a chilling malice in this smile.

No wonder she was in such a weird state.

In fact, she, like Kotori, is inextricably linked with Miss May.

Even though her body and abilities were not directly set by Mei Ke, her personality and soul are definitely not something that Mei Ke can interfere with.But... there is only one point, but it has a considerable connection with Mac.

It is in this "Doujin" dating battle written by Yu Meike that the elf who is also named Tokisaki Kurumi...is a defeated dog.

Of course, it's not that her pursuit of Kotori as the protagonist was rejected and she failed completely.In such a harem fantasy novel, it is basically impossible to lose too badly.But what makes Kuang San dissatisfied is that... his role is like a small supporting role purely used to sell meat, and he will run out to sell a wave of benefits at every turn and then get out of the way.

And in the first appearance in the third volume, Kotori's younger sister snatched the home scene at the end, and ran away in despair.

As for the fourth volume, it completely became Sister Kotori's home field, and she didn't have anything to do at all.

My...what is the meaning of existence?

During the time before rushing over, Kuang San also read all four novels, and found that he seemed... useless.

It didn't help Kotori as the protagonist at all, and it hardly played any role in promoting the plot.The only effect may be that it sold a few waves of benefits in the third volume, and added a few more illustrations of my own clothes.

Very angry, but still have to keep smiling.

"If possible, I still want to know the development of the follow-up plot~" Kuang San smiled and turned his gaze to Mei Ke.

Mei Ke, who was still powerless and unable to get back up, suddenly trembled, and jumped up from the sofa.

"Don't, don't, crazy three, mad three misses, please calm down! I really didn't mean to write you like a slut!"

This is the original pot!Mei Ke was so depressed that she was about to cry!

Although she replaced the protagonist and added a buff to Kotori that is very easy to attract women's favor, she has never distorted the character and thinking of elf girls. What they are like in the original work is how she writes them. .

Although there may be a slight deviation in the reader's senses due to differences in the writing style and writing techniques of the original author, in general...the general direction will not change.

At least... in the early stage of the original novel, the most evil elf named Tokisaki Kuangsan really showed the attributes of idiot, coquettish, and lust. She is really shy and cute , and even the reliability that is different from other elves will not be revealed until the later stage of the plot.

It's impossible for her to write out all of Kuang San's life experience and past when Kuang San first appeared in the third volume, right?

If you write it like that... Maybe the whole book of Date A Live will have to be revised from beginning to end, which is no less than writing a new novel directly.

"So, so, Miss Kuang San, please spare me! I am really innocent!"

Seeing Mei Ke's pitiful expression of wanting to cry without tears, Kuang San took a deep breath after being silent for a moment, and then said slowly:

"Let's talk about it later, about the follow-up situation between me and Kotori. I will supervise it carefully."


Mike breathed a sigh of relief.



PS: Blade Plus (284/355)

Thanks to Aria Holmes for the 50 blade support~~

( ̄ε ̄@)

Chapter 835 Created Identity


Kuang San leaned against the window sill, looking at the night scenery outside the window quietly.

After finishing the follow-up conversation with Meke, all the impulsiveness and uneasiness in her heart subsided.Once again, the peace and indifference of the past were restored.

In the final analysis, she would lose her composure because of the extremely special existence of the 'creator', purely because she cared about it and messed up.

If it wasn't herself and Kotori who were created, she wouldn't be shaken at all, and would only regard it as a small component of the dungeon mission.But it's a pity...they will be caught in the whirlpool.

Thinking of the general direction of the follow-up plot that he heard from Mei Ke before, Kuang San sighed with a complicated expression.

That was not a sad and tragic ending, on the contrary...it was a quite happy reunion.Although there may be a little bit of twists and turns and hardships during the story, and the relationship between Kotori and those elf girls will also be tested, but after experiencing all these, the protagonist in the novel will get the happiness he deserves .

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