This is the ending Mei Ke patted her chest to promise.

As Kotori's creator, Mei Ke still has some credibility in Kurumi's opinion.

But it was precisely because of the big happy ending at the end that Kuang San was slightly dissatisfied and melancholy.

Because, all the girls are with Kotori.

Although it hasn't reached the point of getting married yet, it's obvious... that will happen sooner or later.As for Kuang San, a character who doesn't have many roles, but is very diligent in selling meat... the final ending is also a little subtle.

Not bad, not bad...became a marginalized character mentioned in passing at the end.

It's a solution like 'Kotori, Tohka Yoshinobakuto and other girls (including XXX) finally got a happy daily life'.

The name mentioned in the brackets is where Kuang San is located.

Such treatment made Kuang San feel a little depressed, as if he had been abandoned.Although Mei Ke can also comfort and fool Kuang San with lies, but obviously... Mei Ke is not willing to lie about anything after all, the fact is what the outline in his head is.

"After learning that I'm a character in a light novel, aren't you feeling very complicated?"

A slightly smiling voice sounded behind him, causing Kuang San to turn around quickly.

Sure enough, it was Kotori who had changed into pajamas and was looking at her with a smile while holding two cups of hot tea.

"Kinri, are you still awake?"

"Of course, what I've seen today is quite shocking to me. How can I fall asleep so easily? I'm just going to sit down and taste the fragrance of tea in this world~"

"Then Nero and Miss Mac..."

"The two of them slept very soundly. One was mentally strong and didn't care about the so-called creator at all. The other was so frightened by you that she fell asleep as soon as she lay down on the bed." Qin Li shrugged. shrug your shoulders.

"Is that so..."

Seeing Kurumi's somewhat disappointed expression, Kotori found it quite novel.

After all, she has always put on a flawless and perfect smile on weekdays, as if it is an inherent skill that has penetrated into the soul. Even when she first met Xiang, she just became a little restrained and couldn't let go of her hands and feet. That's all.

But now...

Kotori could clearly feel her emotional instability.

"Still not able to recover from the entanglement?" Kotori handed out another teacup in his hand.


Kuangsan took the teacup and narrowed his eyes comfortably because of the warmth.But in response to Kotori's question, she still expressed her deepest thoughts very frankly:

"After knowing that I am a product conceived because of someone's ideas, I feel an indescribable sense of unreality in my heart, as if existence itself has been denied."

Although she said so, but judging from her's not that serious.

For Kuang San, this is actually just a small annoyance, far from shaking her spirit and soul.

"So... don't think too much about it, so what if it's a creature? The rest of our lives are still in our own hands, and it's not something that can be interfered by a mere 'Maike'."

Having said that, Kotori's mouth curled into a narrow smile.

"It's better to say that since we have come to such a magical world, it is a good opportunity for us to have more contact and communication with the creator, isn't it?"

"For example, you can show your maturity and stability, so that Mei Ke will gradually forget the basic impression of the slutty sex in the past, and write a truly reliable Kuang San~"

Although... even if Miko continues to conceive and write, it is impossible to have the slightest influence on Kotori and Kurumi.After all, the two of them have completely broken away from the mere concept on paper as early as the beginning, and gained a real life and soul.

Even if Mei Ke frantically sets Kuang San as a sow who can only go into heat in the future, Kuang San will still be the same in the real sense, without any change.

Of course, Kurumi might also angrily punch Mei Ke, who was full of dirty thoughts, to make her unable to recover.

After all, looking at the illustrations in the novel is enough to make Kuang San a little annoyed. If the artist draws some weird illustrations based on the perverted plot, Kuang San will probably be really angry, right?

Although there is still a certain gap between the illustrations on the plane and the real people.

At least, if Kuang San, who originally had black hair, changed her look, passers-by would probably not associate her with a character in a light novel at all, and would only think of her as a beautiful, well-behaved, and talented girl. The eldest lady of the Qian family.

This kind of temperament and demeanor is definitely not something that ordinary girls can possess.

"Qinli, you are right..." Kuang San took a sip of hot tea noncommittally.

"It's just that the idea is a little unclear, so I want to bully that idiot author to vent my little emotions."

So this is what she really thinks in her heart?


If Mei Ke found out, she might cry out of sadness, right?

Kotori laughed dryly, but when he was about to change the subject, he suddenly felt a very strange wave sweeping past, covering the whole city like a burst of radiation in an instant!

"This is!?" Kuang San stood up with a slap, with a surprised expression on his face.

"It seems... There are already reincarnators who can't hold back their emotions and are about to start making trouble." Kotori looked through the window sill with a half-smile, looking at the direction from which the wave spread.

In this world, there is no doubt that there can be no supernatural creatures, the only existence that can emit this kind of fluctuation... Only those reincarnations with the same identity!

Of course, they are very likely to have another ingenious identity for this dungeon mission.

That is 'creation'.




Chapter 836 Someone is in trouble

Nero, who was still in a sweet sleep, also woke up the moment he felt the fluctuation.


There is no trace of fatigue, nor any trance.

The moment she felt the abnormality, she had already switched from the usual state of playing tricks to the serious posture that a soldier should have.The delicate body shook slightly, and the pajamas she had just put on were covered by a burst of magic power, turning into the previous pure white tight-fitting leather jacket, and the decorations gently emerged like a wedding dress.

"Nero, the other reincarnations have already revealed their aura." Kotori just happened to open the door, and called softly.

"Well, Yu is ready."

But the two girls paused for a while, watching Mei Ke who was also sleeping soundly on the bed with subtle eyes, not knowing how to make a decision.

In this I have to wake her up?

Or should she continue to sleep?


But when the two girls were silent, Kurumi suddenly walked out of the wall like a shadow, slapped Mei Ke's face with a slap, and rubbed it a few times with a little force.


In this situation, it is impossible for even a person who sleeps to death to continue to sleep.

After sobbing twice, Mei Ke opened his eyes slightly, looked sleepily at Kuang San who was looking down at him, and murmured subconsciously:

"What are you doing... I slept soundly..."

Hearing this kind of words, Kuang San didn't have any thoughts of unnecessary nonsense, and directly reached out to hug Mei Ke who turned over and was about to continue sleeping, and hugged the princess.

"Huh?!" The slight sense of weightlessness finally made Mei Ke fully awake from the trance.

But before she could react, she felt that her whole body was enveloped by a gust of wind pressure, and the words that came to her mouth were choked back abruptly.Her eyes were even stung by the strong wind, and she closed them tightly subconsciously. Then, the whining wind in her ears made her gradually come to her senses...

I was directly picked up by Kuangsan and ran outside, and was moving at an unbelievable speed!

But she didn't yell like other ordinary women, but calmed down quite wisely, and began to think about what might have happened when she fell asleep just now.

"There's no need to guess, there are other reincarnators who released their aura." Kotori, who followed beside him, seemed to have seen through Mei Ke's thoughts at the moment, and responded immediately.

"Ordinary people may not be able to perceive it at all, but it looks as bright as a big light bulb to us."

"Hmm..." Mei Ke nodded with difficulty while resisting the wind pressure.

Although she couldn't compare with Kotori and the others, at this moment, through a little spiritual strength, she also felt an extremely strong aura coming from a certain direction, as deep as an abyss, quite terrifying!

"Guys of this level... are simply not something a reincarnation like me can handle?"

Mei Ke grinned, and a little cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

With her small body, if she ran to the center of the battlefield, she might be affected by the aftermath of the battle if she was not careful, and a miserable death is very possible, such as missing arms and legs... .It should be unavoidable, right?

So... why did you drag me into a fight or something! ?Mei Ke simply wanted to cry but had no tears.

If she hadn't been unable to beat Kuang San who was flying in the sky with her in her arms at the moment, she would probably have punched Kuang San's chest angrily.

Isn't this intentional to see her die here! ?

"Don't think about it...we won't want you to die so frantically." Kotori on the side relied on her own strength to easily see through what May was thinking at the moment, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. There was an undetectable arc.

"Huh?" Mei Ke's face froze.

"This is just a little bit of courtesy from us. After all, this world is your world, and wouldn't it be too impolite for us foreign reincarnations to start fighting without permission? Your master can't leave the field."

Qin Li said with a smile.

"...Can you stop pulling me and call the police instead?" Mei Ke weakly raised her hand and suggested.

"Diligent police uncles may be more willing to deal with you..."

"Do you think... at our level, the so-called police army is still meaningful?" Kuang San, who hadn't spoken since just now, suddenly opened his mouth, but this was full of cold breath. His words made Mei Ke completely stunned.

That's right... Leaving aside the other reincarnators, if the three of Kotori exerted their full strength, they would probably be able to turn this society upside down.

This is simply three human-shaped nuclear bombs walking in the city, it is impossible to stop them with the army, right?

This is because Mei Ke doesn't know the real strength of the three girls. If she knew that the three of Kotori are now the existence of the sixth domain, she might just roll her eyes and lie on the ground, holding her fingers and waiting. The world is destroyed.

For the reincarnation of the sixth domain...the planet is just an ordinary battlefield. If you really want to fight with all your strength, it is commonplace to blow up several planets.

Just like in the last dungeon, the existence named Lord of Radiance.Although the light wheel bombardment he fired towards Kotori was directly blocked by Kotori, but the light wheel bombardment deviated from the attack direction did not know how many planets were melted before gradually exhausting the energy, and the remaining aftermath directly An indelible trace was created in the universe, which shows that its power can be called extremely terrifying!

If Kotori is willing now, she can also directly turn on the sublimation mode, blowing the planet into pieces with one shot, and it's over.

But the girls are not so insane, let all the human beings on this planet be buried with them... On the contrary, the girls are here to stop some people from wanting to destroy the world.

"Then why did you pull me... Do you want me to hide in a corner and watch you fight each other?"

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