

And the figure that appeared at the door was Kotori.

It's a pity that after seeing the weird scene of the girl touching herself, the girl's expression was completely stunned.

What's happening here?

No one could give Kotori an answer.

Because the next moment, Altair had already reacted from his stiffness.

"Go away———————!"

She roared loudly with tears in the corners of her eyes, and at the same time raised her right hand, a burst of blue magic array spread instantly.

Numerous sharp sabers were formed from it, and they shot towards Qinli in unison!

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!?"

Kotori was caught off guard, and when she was about to dodge, she realized that she was still in May's house, so it was naturally impossible for the house to be damaged.

The girl hastily reached out her hand, quickly grasping all the sabers that came on her, and she was slightly relieved after avoiding the danger of the house being blown up.

Fortunately...Maike's house is under protection.

"You you you you you..." Seeing that his attack was once again blocked by Kotori with his bare hands, he was even pinched in the palm of his hand like a toy.Altair's face flushed with anger, and he let out low growls from his throat.

It looks like a cub pretending to be powerful.

"What kind of nerves did you get when you just woke up?!"

A flame flashed in Kotori's hand, and dozens of sabers were directly burned into fly ash and dissipated on their own.Although she was not injured, the girl was still a little annoyed at Altair's sudden outburst.

"You still scolded me?!" Altair's eyes widened in shock.

If this expression falls in the eyes of an uninformed person, it is like a mournful woman who has been abandoned from beginning to end.

"Obviously to me...to me..."

After several hesitations, Altair's pretty face gradually revealed a look of despair.

From what she sees now... her long-cherished wish must have been unable to be realized, and even the body created by her mother has been defiled.

So what's the point of being so incompetent?

"Etc., etc!"

Kotori seems to have sensed Altair's misunderstanding.

Her expression didn't look like she was angry and angry, but more like a look of lovelessness!

"Altair, you must have misunderstood something!?" Kotori said hastily.


Altair tilted his head, a sad smile slowly revealed.

"What kind of misunderstanding is there? For me, this life is meaningless..."


Well, this is another person who has nothing to love in life and wants to seek life and death.

Qinli suddenly felt that this dungeon was really exhausting, why did he meet such people?

"Forget it, if you have something that doesn't go your way, sit down and complain to me. I'll just be a listener, okay?"

Under Altair's slightly stunned gaze, Kotori walked into the room without hesitation, pulled a chair and sat opposite her.

And this kind of action was also the solution that everyone discussed overnight last night.

If we simply killed Altair, it would naturally end the dungeon this time, and it would be over once and for all.

But it is more meaningful to think of a way to make her let go of her knot and give up the idea of ​​destroying the world.

Compared with pure killing, sometimes speaking up is a good thing.

If Altair is a villainous, treacherous and crazy person who does all kinds of evil, Kotori and others will naturally not let this existence go.But Altair is just a poor person after all. She has been running around for her own creator since she was born, and she has never had a real and her own life goal.

If the creator is still alive... She doesn't want to see her 'daughter' sinking into the vortex of revenge, gradually sinking, right?




Chapter 848 Stress and Listening (Fourth Change)

In fact, there is no direct conflict of interest between the two parties, and there is no point in fighting each other if possible.

If you think about it a little, you can find that there are no excessive life and death conditions in the dungeon held by Altair this time. At best, if the main mission fails, all reincarnations will be buried here.

This is of course... After all, the whole world will be destroyed, and it is naturally difficult for the reincarnated people to escape.

But if the other side missions fail or are defeated by other reincarnations, they will only be forcibly kicked out of this instance and returned to the space of the main god.There will be no life-threatening problems at all.

The Sanderling incident was only a regrettable accident.

No one killed him, but he chose the path of self-destruction.As long as he has no thoughts of dying, he will be sent back to the space of the main god.

But obviously... even if he returned to the main god's space, that man would end his life with death.

Therefore, if Kotori can persuade Altair to stop obsessing over the so-called world-destroying behavior, then this dungeon mission will be a perfect "discussing martial arts" '.

It can not only allow the reincarnated people to compete with each other, enhance their strength and knowledge, but at the same time, it will not cause any irreversible casualties.Once someone accidentally made a mistake and made a mistake, the injured and failed person would just return to the main god's space.

Such 'peaceful' copy tasks are quite rare.

And the premise is to appease the final boss Altair, then everything will be fine.

That's why the girl, after Altair showed a loveless expression, acted as a gentle listener, instead of turning into a cold-blooded executioner, solving all problems through violence and killing.


And when Altair faced Kotori's kindness at the beginning, he was indeed very cautious, tensed up, staring at Kotori's every move, for fear that such a move would be a trap specially designed by Kotori Waiting for her to jump in foolishly.

But after thinking about it in her mind for a long time, she didn't think that Qinli and the others could defraud her of anything.You must know that she doesn't have any valuables on her body, even the military coat on her body has been taken off, and the storage space is also empty because of the exchange with the main god space.

Even if it's my own life... even if I fight desperately, I can't survive, right?

So until the end, Altair still started to communicate tentatively with Kotori under a delicate mood.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't bear the words.

Probably because Kotori's appearance as a listener is really harmless to humans and animals, or the pressure accumulated in her heart is too great.

After only a short while, Altair gradually began to open his heart, confided his sincerity to Kotori, and uttered everything he had experienced, including his mental journey along the way.

After listening to her confession, Kotori remained silent.

The first reaction was not to pity Altair's poor experience, but to lament that although she had always maintained an inscrutable appearance when she confronted him before, she was actually only born a few months ago That's all.

Even a stranger like her can trust herself without reservation as long as she shows her closeness to her.It's just too naive...

Of course, compared to the narration summed up by Kurumi who stole the memory before, Altair, the person involved, poured out his heartfelt voice, which is indeed very touching.

Kotori put herself in another place and thought about it... If it was her own creator, it would be Maco.Affected by cyber violence, he was eventually forced to commit suicide.So what kind of expression will I show, and what kind of actions will I make?

Probably... will be very angry?

Kotori shook her head noncommittally, but couldn't conceive that scene well.

But Altair's mood, he can still understand.

Fortunately, the occasional scene where Altai yelled 'how can you understand my mood' did not appear.The relationship between the two parties has also been temporarily calmed down from the initial tense situation, which is gratifying.

It has to be said that Altair was quite quiet and lovely after he calmed down.

After all, her prototype Shiratsuka is a very ethereal and tranquil girl. Although under the influence of Shimazaki Setsuna, Altair has added many attributes that Shiratsuka did not have, but it is still the same person.

Just like Kiri.

Even if there is a big difference from Kotori in the original book, in the eyes of others, it is really Wuhe Kotori, right?

"So... now that you've heard my explanation, what do you decide to do?"

After telling all about his life experience, background, and plans, Altair seemed to be relieved, and his face softened slightly.

Maybe revenge is also a very heavy thing for her?

It was the first time since she was born that she could pour out the negative emotions in her heart to others like this.Whether it was the helplessness and despair when she heard the news of Setsuna Shimazaki's death at the beginning of her birth, or the loneliness and coldness when she entered the space of the main god, she suffered physically and mentally.

Until now... she finally had a chance to release the stress.

So although her tone was still as blunt and cold as before, there was a little hope flashing in her strange eyes.

Perhaps even she herself didn't know... How much her devastated body and mind longed for a reliable companion who could support her.

Facing this hope, after the initial sigh, Kotori showed a slight smile.

"What do you think I...no, us outsiders would do?"

"I...don't know." Altair clenched his lower lip.

"But inside of me is..."

"But do you hope we can understand your approach and help you fulfill that long-cherished wish?" Kotori asked with a chuckle.


"It's a pity that we sympathize with you and pity you, but we won't help you, and choose to help you destroy the world. Rather... as long as you still have normal three-view reincarnation, it is impossible to do this with you sort of thing."

"..." Altair fell silent.

She also understands that what she wants to do is deviant in the eyes of most people, and it can even be said to be a heinous crime, but this does not prevent her from wanting the support of others...

Even if there is only such an insignificant trace of support, it is enough to relieve her mental pressure.

But Kotori's next words made her raise her head in astonishment.

"But we finally decided... to 'help' you in a different way."

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