"help me?"

"Yes, help you get out of this vortex of revenge, and truly choose your own life!" Kotori's tone was extremely firm, just like the girls' previous determination.

There is no unreasonable hatred, and there is no hatred that can never be let go.

As long as it is the negative emotions accumulated in the heart, there must be a way to dissolve them.

Kotori believed in this, and decided to use this to launch exclusive missions for girls!

Who said that saving the world must be achieved by killing people?

"It's time to show off your real skills!" Kotori showed a handsome smile.



PS: Blade Plus (287/358)

Thanks to Jin♂Kela for the strongest support of 32 blades~


Chapter 849 Discussion of the girls? (fifth more)

There are not many ways to make Altair let go of his hatred.

One of the easiest but most difficult methods is to find ways to make her fall in love with another person, gradually forget the grief and anger at the death of the creator, start a new life with her lover, and even establish a new life. A happy family.

Of course, the premise of this method is whether Altair will fall in love with someone.

As the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet, girls naturally can't force Altair to like someone they don't like at all because of completing the task, this kind of approach is putting the cart before the horse.

What the girls really have to think about is Altair's favorite type, appearance, preferences, etc., and use this to make a match.

In a sense, such work is somewhat similar to a dating agency.

"I didn't expect such a day to come..."

At this moment, Kuang San seemed a little weak, and his whole body was limp on the sofa, muttering in a low voice: "I still want to be a matchmaker to match others..."

Although this kind of work sounds quite simple, it is actually quite difficult.

After all, these factors such as personality and appearance are not completely fixed positive answers, but a variable area with diversity.No one can be sure that the person who matches his taste will be the lover he wants to get married with.

Because even if two people have the same hobbies, personalities and temperaments that they appreciate each other, they may also be unable to live together due to some unexpected factors.

The most important thing is that Altair's personality is too weird, and her attitude towards people is also somewhat rebellious.Although it is possible to show a shy and cute look when meeting the person you cherish in the future, it is not now.

Let her go on a blind date with other people with a cold face and such inscrutable tone of voice...

As long as it is not someone with special hobbies, it is impossible to bear Altair's temper, right?Even her appearance is quite high in the whole world.

"However, even if it is decided to make Altair give up the idea of ​​destroying the world, this matchmaking method is still quite unrealistic."

Kurumi thought for a while, then turned his head and said helplessly to Kotori beside him: "We don't have any influence in this world, and there is no way to dispatch a large number of people to screen and provide us with a large amount of data. There is no way at all. Find a suitable partner for Altair."

If we can get in touch with certain national forces, maybe we can weave a suitable strategy plan in a short time with their assistance, but unfortunately... the girls feel that once they get involved with those government officials If you have a relationship, you may fall into a more troublesome situation.

And in order to avoid talking in a bureaucratic tone with those officials, Kotori and the others chose to leave the place before instead of waiting for the arrival of the army.

"So, has the matchmaking matter been shelved in the end?" Nero on the side showed a dumbfounded expression.

"It's hard to say... It's really too whimsical to find a partner who suits Altair's taste in this world and before Altair's patience is exhausted."

Not long ago, she had just boasted to Altair, so Kotori was naturally thinking in detail in her mind non-stop at this time.

As for what Kuang San said just now, the girl had already thought about it before.

Go directly to be a matchmaker to find a partner for Altair, although this method seems to be the simplest and most convenient.But in actual operation, the difficulty must be extremely terrifying.Maybe he accidentally made a mistake in a certain aspect, and it would cause Altair's emotional rebound, causing extremely bad effects.

Kotori naturally wouldn't take such a risk, and didn't want Altair to go through that embarrassing blind date.

So after thinking about it for a while, the girl finally rejected this plan.

"Well, that method is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it may be thankless in the end. It doesn't make much sense to proceed." Kotori's gaze wandered on the ceiling, and she pondered:

"We have to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds as soon as possible... It must be able to make Altair let go of his hatred, and it must not cause the other party's emotions to rebound."

Kotori and Kurumi gradually fell into silence.

But when the two were at their wit's end, Nero suddenly said:

"Feel the taste of being in love... In fact, you don't necessarily need to be strict with your partner, right?"


Seeing that Kotori and Kuangsan were both looking at him in surprise, Nero raised his head and puffed his chest and hummed: "Just like Yu, as long as you like someone, no matter what shortcomings she has, , What kind of advantages are worthy of appreciation and love in Yu's eyes!"


Is this just plain blindness?

Kotori couldn't help complaining secretly in her heart, even Kurumi showed a subtle smile, not knowing how to continue the conversation with Nero.

However, what Nero said was not without reason.

Although Nero's behavior style is slightly different from ordinary people, his thinking circuit is also very different.But there's no question... she's a girl, like Altair.

Although the two of them are completely different in terms of temper, personality, etc., there is more or less a certain girlish feeling that affects them.

Although Altair has a cold appearance, in fact, he may be like an ordinary young girl in his heart, longing for an emotional support, and his mind is more delicate and sensitive, otherwise he would not be because of With the accumulation of pressure, his temperament became more and more eccentric.

If Altair can fall in love, although he will not be able to tolerate everything about his lover as Nero said, his tolerance will definitely increase a lot.

"There is some truth to what I said. Perhaps we should not look for a needle in a haystack to find a partner who matches Altair. Instead, as Nero said... let Altair fall in love with someone and learn to be tolerant , Love that person."

At the end, Kotori clapped her hands suddenly, and gave Nero a thumbs up.

"This method seems to be quite good, thanks to you, Nero!"

"Hey hey~" Nero was praised, and immediately scratched his face and giggled.

"But you have to find a target that Altair likes, right? If Altair can't develop a good impression of that target, wouldn't it be futile?"

Kurumi poured cold water at the right time, and the question she asked made Kotori who had just smiled froze for a moment.

Yes, although this method can reduce the task target to one person, and use it to launch subsequent strategies.But a person is also a person, and one has to start looking for the right candidate.

Although it doesn't have to be completely in line with Altair's preferences, at least it can't be the type that annoys her, right?

"Eh? What are you guys talking about?" Someone else's voice came from the side.

Kotori and the others immediately turned their heads to look at the words, only to realize that it was May who had come out of the bedroom.She was holding a glass of boiling water and looking at them curiously.

"I heard you guys have been chatting about what you like or don't like... Did some gossip that I don't know happen in one night?"

Speaking of this, Mei Ke's eyes lit up, and he fell into some kind of delusional thinking, and let out a series of unconsciously obscene laughter.




PS: Blade Plus (288/359)

Thanks for tfwing's 66-blade support~


Chapter 850 Kotori's Old Business

That expression was actually just a little joke.

Mac actually didn't know much about what had happened before.

When Kotori and the others brought back Altair who had been knocked out, although Mei Ke wanted to take a good look at this little sister with a mysterious background, but after being stimulated several times, her spirit was quite exhausted.So as soon as she got home, she wobbled back to her bedroom, and lay on the bed and slept until now.

After getting up, he saw Kotori and the others sitting in the living room with strange expressions on their faces.

"I said...you are not discussing some weird plans, are you?" Mei Ke looked around at the girls' different expressions with his dead fish eyes hanging. Seeing that they didn't respond for a long time, he couldn't help laughing twice.

"Looks like I guessed right."

"Ahem, don't worry. We won't do anything out of the ordinary. We are now racking our brains to think about how to protect the world's major issues without causing any casualties." Kotori quickly explained .

And Kuang San and Nero nodded again and again, with sincere expressions on their faces.

"Uh...Okay." Seeing such a tacit understanding, Meke responded noncommittally.

"You guys continue to discuss, then I won't bother you~"

Anyway, this kind of thing is too far away for a small person like her, even if Qinli and the others want to do something, she can't stop it.

Mei Ke thinks that her mentality is very calm, and she is not complacent just because she is the creator of Kotori and Kurumi.In her opinion, the relationship between herself and Kotori and the others is actually not too close.

This kind of thing is better to just keep your mouth shut and watch the show.

With this idea of ​​being happy with the situation, Mei Ke took a sip of the hot boiled water he had just poured, and was about to turn around and prepare breakfast for himself.Probably because of the exhaustion of the boat and car last night, she now only feels that she is about to be so hungry that her chest is stuck to her back!

Saving the world and other big things are more important to her than solving her current food problem.

But at this moment, what Kotori said made her stunned.

"By the way, Mei Ke. It just so happens that you wake up and come to discuss it together. We are a little troubled about this issue."

"Looking for me?" Mei Ke turned around and asked back in astonishment.

"Otherwise, who are you looking for?"

Seeing her bewildered expression, Kotori rolled her eyes angrily.

The girl suddenly felt that her Miss Creator looked a little silly...

"Hey, look for me..." Mei Ke glanced at Kuangsan and Nero, and then said with a smile: "I'm not a trustworthy wise man, if you can't think of any solution, I can't." Come up with a meaningful plan? You should know that my IQ evaluation in the Lord God's Dimension is 'medium'."

It turns out that there is an IQ test in the main god space?

The corners of Qinli's eyes twitched slightly, then he sighed softly, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, if there are too many people, just treat it as a decision vote, anyway, your novel is considered half a fan fiction, and the content of a volume can be coded in half a month. Sitting still has nothing to do now, why not discuss it with us.”

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