"Uh uh..."

The devil clutched his wound, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.He looked at Kotori's figure in surprise.

"Who are you!?"

"Finally able to have a good conversation?" Kotori stroked her hair that was blown by the strong wind, tilted her head and smiled lightly: "It's a pity that I don't have any intention of talking to you now."

If Kotori was not strong enough, that kick just now would have been enough to crush Kotori flat.This demon has no mercy at all.

The other party has clearly shown hostility, and Kotori will naturally not have any nonsense thoughts with him.

What's more, even if you are severely injured or even die directly in this world, you will be reborn in the space of the main god.There is no need to worry about the reincarnation directly in front of you!

"You don't want to talk to me!?" Wisps of blood spewed out from the gaps in the fangs, and the demon's eyes were once again filled with murderous intent and anger.

And the wound on his body has completely healed in a blink of an eye, and there is no trace of injury.

Is this the so-called devil's special creature?Kotori was quite surprised when she saw this, but she didn't take it too seriously.After all, a strong self-recovery ability is not too rare, and many bloodlines and even abilities can have this effect.

For example, the same is true of Altair's immortal body.

What really caught Kotori's attention was...the physical quality of this so-called demon is indeed terrifying.

Although the girl didn't know exactly where this strong body came from, it was obvious that it must be able to improve to this point through some kind of extremely arduous training and tempering.Every punch and kick has great power, and a full blow may even shake the entire planet under your feet!

And just when Qin Li was meditating secretly, the demon let out a roar, and at the same time he clenched his hands tightly as he rose to the sky, and smashed towards Qin Li's head like a war hammer!


The frantic storm spread instantly, like a nuclear bomb detonated directly in the city center!

Countless buildings began to collapse and shatter, the city built by modern civilization was so rude and fragile under the aftermath of this blow, it turned into a piece of ruins and scorched earth directly under the impact damage!

If they hadn't used spells such as driving away idlers for convenience, the number of ordinary people killed or injured by this blow would have exceeded thousands!

"Ha——" spit out a cloud of smoke from the mouth, and the demon grinned.

Although this is not his full blow, but with this kind of power, even the strong in the fifth domain should be smashed to pieces.It would be okay if you dodge, but this little girl took a hard blow without dodging...


"Hey, I'm going to take you...huh!?" The devil quickly made a surprised voice.

Although it was hard to see what was going on under the punch because of the smoke and dust, but the feedback of the touch made him immediately notice something was wrong.

"The fight was so cool, now it's my turn?"

A clear voice rang in his ears, and before the demon could react, he felt a headache, his thinking broke instantly, his world spun, and even his control over his body was lost in an instant.


The earth once again suffered an extremely terrifying blow, the sharp fist swung down, the majestic momentum turned into substance and directly tore the earth, a bottomless pitch-black gully was revealed, countless shocks and smoke burst Scattered.

"How is this possible!?" The spectacled man in the distance widened his eyes in shock, staring blankly at his companion who had been blown away by Kotori's punch for a thousand meters. The ravines in the caves showed its terrifying power, as if the whole land was torn into two halves!

And at this moment, Kotori's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


The man with glasses suddenly changed his face and took several steps back.At the same time, he pinched the Yin Jue with his hands again and again, preparing to launch a counterattack and protection in time.

But before the runes that had just appeared had even had time to be transformed into spells, a small white hand appeared in front of him as if passing through the constraints of space and time, and he gently grasped it.

Click! ——

The rune was actually crushed by the little hands!

The man with glasses was breathing stagnantly, and felt his heart was being tightened, his life was hanging by a thread!

"Don't make a mess~"

"Hmm..." The man with glasses held his breath immediately, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, so stiff that he couldn't move.

Is it some kind of eloquence?spell?superpower?

No...it's pure fear!

The man with glasses swallowed his saliva, his forehead was already covered with fine cold sweat.

Fear, this is an emotion that he hasn't felt for a long time. Ever since he met a reincarnation of the sixth domain in a dungeon world, he has never felt that life and death are between the thoughts of others. fragility and despair.

The strength of his body is like a false dream, and it is immediately revealed after meeting the reality.

"Very well, it looks like you're a little smarter than that big guy." Kotori looked at the statue-like man in front of her, showing a faint smile.

"I won't kill you."


The man with glasses was overjoyed just now, but what Kotori said next completely stunned him.

"However, please remember. Don't make trouble for me in this copy. The useless guy should stay in the corner and keep quiet." Qin Li's tone was extremely cold and indifferent in an instant, with red and ice In the blue eyes, there is even a hint of aura like the majesty of a god, which directly hits the soul consciousness of the man with glasses.

This is... the sixth domain!

For no reason, such a conjecture flashed in his mind, and his heart suddenly rose to boundless fear.

Yes, the reincarnation of the sixth realm he saw back then had exactly this look of disdain, this imperceptible aura, and his soul seemed to be frozen!

"I...understood...understand..." the man with glasses murmured with great difficulty, the aura that Kotori exerted on him had already made him a little unbearable, even breathing became a luxury.

But after he said these words, a smile appeared on Qinli's pretty face again, and her hell-like aura disappeared like ice and snow melting.


The man with glasses looked at Kotori in surprise.The feeling of walking around the ghost gate really impressed him, especially Kotori's appearance was deeply engraved in his heart, and it may be unforgettable in this life.


But at this moment, there was another roar in the distance.

The face of the man with glasses changed, and he secretly cried out that something was wrong.

Because of the great crisis of life and death, the imprisonment of the devil was completely released under the instinct of survival.Completely abandoned all reason, are you ready to inspire the power to destroy the world! ?



PS: Blade Plus (297/361)

(?ε-.) ⌒☆

Chapter 870

If it was before knowing Kotori's level of strength, the man with glasses might be worried because of his companion's runaway.It was purely worried that the demon would discriminate between friend and foe, and included himself among the targets of attack, and carried out an indiscriminate massacre.

but now...

He just looked at Qinli in great horror, his heart beating violently, for fear that the great god Qinli would release his anger on him in response.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that beast. You don't have to be afraid that I will take my anger out on you." Kotori smiled and waved her hands, then walked slowly towards the demon in the distance.

Although she was only taking tiny steps like taking a walk, the girl's figure was erratic like a phantom.

Just in the blink of an eye, Kotori had already appeared in front of this demon who had completely released all the confinement and restrictions.

"Oh? Will it become like this after the power of the bloodline is fully activated?" Kotori looked at the alien creature in front of him with great interest.

If the previous demon still had a body structure similar to that of a human, then the current demon no longer has a human body, and perhaps he should be called an alien devil.

There are lumpy muscles all over the body, six thick limbs stand on the ground, and there are as many as twelve arms on the body, it is really hard to imagine how this kind of creature exists and is born of.

"Roar!" He opened his mouth full of fangs, and let out a deafening roar towards the tiny Kotori.

Just the spread of the sound waves caused the ground under the girl's feet to break layer by layer, and even many fine stones were shaken into fine pieces and scattered away.

On his body surface is filled with a layer of shocking thick black air, as if it is cursed by the whole world!

"There is indeed rampant capital."

Seeing this gesture, Kotori nodded in approval.

Relying on this momentum alone is enough to make him wanton and domineering in the fifth domain, even those demigods who touch the barrier of the sixth domain may be defeated by his sudden full-strength inadvertently.

Because the monster in front of him is a fighting creature through and through, his blood symbolizes fighting and fighting, and all the strength in his body exists for fighting.Probably because of this, he had such a violent temper when he was still in human form.


A thick arm directly pierced through the sound barrier, and instantly blasted in front of Kotori.

But this punch, which was enough to crush Shanhe, was directly blocked by Kotori from the front.

"Huh—" The girl let out a breath of foul breath, only the hair on her back fluttered slightly, other than that, there was not even the slightest tremor, let alone the terrifying shock that could sink an entire city.

All the impact and power of this punch were neutralized by Kotori, like a gust of wind blowing past, bringing up a little bit of wind and sand.


Even though he had lost all his sanity and relied on his fighting instincts to act, the alien demon couldn't help being slightly stunned, as if he didn't quite understand why his attack didn't stir up even a little bit of trouble.

But he quickly stopped paying attention to such trivial matters, and raised twelve arms together, roaring and blasting towards Qinli!

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong-

A series of roars continued to sound, and the whole city trembled amidst the sound of boxing.

However, the successive attacks did not have the desired effect. Kotori defended all the attacks impeccably, and easily dispelled all the escaping energy, making the city Free from the destruction and invasion of terror.



Kotori reached out to block another punch from the alien demon, and at the same time there was a cracking sound.

It wasn't that Kotori's body couldn't withstand the destructive direct impact of this terrifying frequency, but the sound coming from the body of the alien demon.

His twelve arms were already covered with crystal clear frost, and they even began to burst due to the impacts.

And as the punch just now was blocked by Kotori, the impact from the feedback caused his arm to break even more, like a fragile glass, it fell to the ground and shattered into dross all over the floor.

"It seems that you have no way to resist the power of the frost." Seeing this, Kotori couldn't help chuckling twice, and a trace of ice-blue fireworks ignited in his left eye.

Seeing this, the alien demon couldn't help but let out a slightly disturbed exclamation.

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