Although he has already lost all his sanity, he is now fighting with his body driven by his fighting instinct.But this doesn't mean that he doesn't have the horror and other negative emotions that a creature should have.

He is also very clear that all his attacks have been resisted. Even if he used all his strength, he was still dispelled without a trace, and he couldn't even stir up a little storm.What's more, one of his arms was broken in the blink of an eye, which made him even more frightened.

"Okay, it's time to end."

Taking a look at the dilapidated scene around him, Kotori felt that it would be better to clear up all these troubles earlier.

After all, this world is still a fairly peaceful modern world, but it cannot be destroyed by these monsters in turn.If this monster is allowed to run around again, God knows how many people and how many buildings will be killed.

"Roar!" The alien demon roared, driven by his survival instinct, he chose to give up the attack on Kotori, but turned around and tried to escape here.

He had gradually noticed something was wrong with Kotori.

Just like the instinct of a wild beast, warnings about high-level creatures began to explode in his head, frantically urging him to run away quickly.

It's a pity that whether it's his strength or speed, in Kotori's eyes, it's just a child's play.

"Stay here obediently and don't move around."

As soon as the words fell, the whole body of the alien demon was covered with a layer of faint frost.

Kotori looked at the demon who was frozen in place and unable to move due to the erosion of the frost force, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raised a mocking arc.

At the same time, traces of blood-colored streamer slowly appeared on the girl's arm, quickly converging into a pair of radiant scarlet gloves.


With a light swipe of the crystal-covered finger, a blood-red ripple spread out like ripples on the water surface, passing the monster in front of him in an instant.

The next moment, the fact that shocked both the man in glasses and Altair appeared in sight unreservedly.

This incomparable, terrifying demon capable of destroying the world turned into a puddle of sand and scattered with the wind in the blink of an eye! ?

Almost at the same time, the eyes of the man with glasses widened, and he was completely startled by the sound of the main god's notification sounding in his mind.

Because the main god had issued a notice, the reincarnated person had completely died, and began a year-long rebirth in the space of the main god.

Up to a year! ?

This is no longer simply the destruction of the physical body, but the essence of the soul has been severely damaged!


The man with glasses didn't dare to act rashly now.

If Qinli did this, his fate would not be any better, maybe he would die even worse!

"Okay, the troublesome guy has been taken care of."

Qinli clapped her little hands, dissipated all the aura from her body, turned her head to look in a certain direction, and said loudly:

"You've been watching such a good show for so long, don't you choose to show your face? Uncle."


Altair and the man with glasses were surprised to find that there was another person hidden in the corner of this battlefield! ?




Chapter 871 The Endgame Left Behind

And after the scene was silent for a while, a slight sigh finally came out from among the shadows of the ruins.

"Hey, it really was discovered..."

A man's figure slowly emerged from the shadows.

Looking at the person who appeared, Qinli couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly.

It's not because of how shocking this man's appearance is, nor how unexpected his clothes are.

On the contrary, his face can be called ordinary, with a bit of the vicissitudes of a middle-aged man on his face, and the stubble on his chin seems to have not been shaved clean.The clothes on his body are also quite simple, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

What can make Kotori the hidden sword energy in this man.

The hiding is very subtle, and it is completely impossible to tell from the appearance that the opponent is a good swordsman.On the contrary, he looks more like a sloppy uncle leading a family.

This is probably the so-called state of returning to basics, Qinli secretly thought in his heart.

"Little sister... I'm just hiding and watching. You shouldn't need to use that trick on me, right?"

The uncle took a deep drag on his cigarette, as if he was trying to hide the slight uneasiness in his heart.

He was indeed hiding in the shadows just now, and he saw the conflict in his eyes without any omission.I saw the terrifying strength of this alien demon, and at the same time witnessed the supreme power of a sixth realm.What that miraculous blood-colored ripple represented, he simply had no way to discern clearly with pure eyesight.

That is not a field that he can reach, at least not for him now.

Facing Kotori's move, he couldn't figure it out after much deliberation.

There is probably only one way to be wiped out.

"I don't have any hostility towards you, please rest assured." The uncle quickly added.

Although these words are not credible, it is a good authentication method for Kotori.

At least there was no hostility in this man's tone, and his posture was not the one he should be preparing for a battle, but more like an old man who was shopping everywhere.No matter from any angle, this man does not look like an enemy.

"However, you have watched such a good show for so long, shouldn't you pay some viewing fees?" Qinli squeezed her small fists and showed a smile like a little devil.

"Maybe I accidentally slipped my hand and hurt you~"


Really unlucky.

The middle-aged man sighed helplessly and said, "Do you want anything from me?"

"Let me tell you first, I'm a poor man, and I don't have anything valuable to wear on my body."

As he said that, as if to increase his credibility, the man pulled out two pockets on his trousers, and dropped out two fifty-cent coins and two five-dollar banknotes with a tinkling sound.

At the same time, with a swipe of his hand, the personal storage space opened directly, and a pile of sundries fell down with a clatter.

At a glance, most of them are some daily necessities, only a few props have a bit of supernatural power, but they can't be called precious artifacts or holy objects.

Really a pauper?

Qinli couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

I thought that even if a reincarnated person of this level would not be extremely rich, at least they should have a lot of reserves.But I didn't expect that this man was really poor and bubbling, and he didn't even have a valuable thing.

"Forget it, forget it, you've ruined your rare interest." Kotori waved his hand helplessly, then pointed to the man with glasses who had been imprisoned by Altair behind him, and said, "That guy just How about leaving it to you to handle it?"

"pass it to me?"

The middle-aged man let out a little surprise.

Logically speaking, shouldn't he do it himself and kill both reincarnations directly to complete the side mission?

Or is it that the reincarnation after entering the sixth domain is so willful that they don't pay attention to these side missions at all?

"Do it or not, if you don't agree, I'll kill him directly." Kotori pointed his right hand at the man with glasses not far away, but looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

After hesitating for a moment, he seemed to think of something and nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'll take care of him. Thank you for your generosity."

Seeing this, Kotori smiled with satisfaction.

"In that case, I'll leave first. I'll leave the mess here to you~"

"What..." The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and before he could make a sound to persuade him to stay, Kotori had already turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already come to Altair's side.

"Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Kotori grabbed Altair's little hand and disappeared without a trace again.

Disappearing at the same time, of course, was the bewildered Altair.


A breeze blew past, highlighting the silent atmosphere at the moment.

After Kotori and Altair left resolutely, only these two men were left staring at each other, not knowing how to speak.

"I say..."

"I know what you're going to say." The middle-aged man lit a cigarette and walked up to the man with glasses.A puff of white smoke was spit out lightly, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

"But it's a pity that you are now a prisoner on our side. As for your words, I don't think it makes sense to listen to them."

"Hey, really?" But in response to the sarcastic remarks of the middle-aged man, the man with glasses showed a weird smile.

"Don't you want to know the truth about this dungeon?"

"What did you say?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

"Don't you think the dungeon this time is too strange? Especially the main task is even more vague, who will do the so-called destruction of the world? It is impossible for such a modern society to exist anything that can Threatening our powerful existence? There are so many mysteries everywhere."

The words of the man with glasses made the middle-aged man fall silent quickly.

He kept smoking, staring into the eyes of the man in front of him, as if he wanted to see through the man thoroughly.

"You are not a good person."

"Of course, maybe I'm still a villain who does all kinds of evil." The man with glasses grinned without any scruples. "But I'm a smart man. And a smart man who knows a lot."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, as if agreeing with his words.

Immediately, with a swipe of both fingers, a faint stream of light flashed past.


The man with glasses widened his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in disbelief. He opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.


The bloodied man in glasses fell to the ground and gradually lost all consciousness.

"Sorry, I still hate smart people." The middle-aged man threw a half-smoked cigarette on the corpse, and whispered indifferently:

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