"What's so weird about the dungeon? Even if you didn't have to tell me, we would have already discovered it. It's really unnecessary."


Once the man with glasses died, the barriers he had set up would automatically be lifted.

And the horrific destruction suffered by this urban area is naturally completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

Shocked, scared, panicked...

Public opinion began to intensify, and the government began to deal with this matter urgently.

But when they assembled the army and rushed to the scene, they found helplessly...except for this piece of destroyed streets and urban areas, there were no traces left.As if everything was like a nightmare, it was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, and it was hard to forget.




Chapter 872

"Qinli, why don't you just get rid of those two reincarnations?"

Altair, who has been taken away by Kotori at this moment, still seems to be a little concerned about this.

"Whether from my point of view or from your point of view, isn't it a good thing to kill the two reincarnations directly?"

What Altair said was indeed true.

After all, she originally hoped to start more battles in order to wear down the power of the world's rules.Kotori may be able to avoid the possibility of future battles by killing the two reincarnations so directly.

From another corner, even if Kotori can appease and resolve the hatred in Altair's heart and save the whole world, he can also defeat all the reincarnations to complete the side missions and get more points rewards.

This is a win-win approach, there is no reason to refuse.

But Kotori shook his head, and said with a light smile: "These two things are not too necessary for me. Letting them go this time is just to make them happy. They belong to two different groups. Faction, after this conflict, they should not use their brains against us again, once and for all."

"After all, it's really meaningless to kill each other with these reincarnations."

At the end, Kotori couldn't help showing a somewhat disinterested expression.

For girls, although the reincarnation of the fifth domain is not bad, it is far from enough for Kotori to show some real skills to deal with it.The strength gap between the two sides is like a natural moat.Maybe this time more than [-] reincarnators together might not be able to bring any pressure to Kotori.

What the girl likes is to have fun and carefree battles, not purely one-sided massacres.It is meaningless to simply use violence to crush the will and fighting spirit of the weak.

"This kind of reason..."

It's just that Kotori's answer made Altair a little speechless.

But speechless although speechless, but there is really nothing to refute.

You must know that she has personally experienced the tip of the iceberg of Kotori's strength, but even the tip of the iceberg has made her extremely embarrassed, deeply feeling the despair and powerlessness from the soul.Presumably at that time, Kotori and she were actually fighting very boringly, right?

After all, the opponent only needs one or two hits, and it is really meaningless.

But thousands of words can be combined into one sentence... Kotori is really self-willed.


"Why are you sighing?" Kotori smiled and patted her arm, "I can pay more attention to you, shouldn't you be happier?~"

"This makes me so happy..."

Altair glanced at Kotori helplessly.After all, Kotori approached her clearly with a purpose, and was also planning to hinder her long-cherished wish.This is the situation, how could she be happy.

Although... I don't feel so unhappy in my heart.

"How should we be now?"

After a slight change of mood, Altair finally put the conflict that happened just now behind him for the time being.

However, the surrounding scene is not so good now.

Although the aftermath of the previous battle was almost completely resolved by Kotori, after the closed barrier set by the man with glasses failed, the ruins after the disaster were really shocking. Those who left the street because of hints The pedestrians saw this sight soon after returning.Now the news is spreading at an incredible speed.

If Kotori and the others can take a look at the information on the social platform, they can understand that not only this country has exploded, but even the whole world has learned about what happened here.

This battle came too suddenly, and the government of the country hardly had time to prepare.This led to a large-scale spread of news.

Along the way, the pedestrians on the street were all anxious and hurried.Even some shops closed their doors early, and the downtown area, which was quite lively at first glance, suddenly became as quiet as the street scene in the early morning.

"Now that you are like this, there is no way to continue your strategy, right?"

"It will not happen."

But Kotori vetoed Altair's statement. Under her slightly surprised gaze, she chuckled and said, "Other people don't have any influence on us, how should we play or play like this~"

"This..." Altair was dumbfounded.

She really didn't expect Kotori to have such a big heart... Although the girl has such terrifying power, it is normal that there is no need to worry about anything.

"Okay, relax. I'll take care of everything, so you don't have to worry about it."

With a few words, Kotori dispelled Altair's worries, and quickly restored the previous harmonious atmosphere.

"I'll give you a small gift later~"


"Let's keep it a secret for now, you'll find out later~" Kotori narrowed her eyes and said with a smile behind her hands behind her back.


As night approached, Kotori and Altair finally returned to Mac's house.

As soon as the door was opened, Mei Ke and the others subconsciously turned their heads and looked over.When he saw Kotori, he was slightly relieved.

After all, what happened during the day was too chaotic, and they were really afraid that something unexpected would happen halfway and their success would fall short.

But looking at Kotori's smiling face now, it seems that the dating strategy task arranged today should go very smoothly.

But after they saw Altair who entered the door, they all widened their eyes in surprise and fell into a period of silence.

Because Altair's attire at the moment and before going out have undergone a huge change that can be described as earth-shaking!

The dramatic change in image alone has surprised the girls.

The originally most eye-catching silver-white long hair was tied up with a lace hair tie, leaving a long white ponytail.And the heavy military overcoat on his body was replaced with a black dress, outlining Altair's delicate body.Limbs are exposed to the air.

And after feeling the gazes from the girls, Altair seemed a little uncomfortable with it. He grabbed his right arm with his left hand and looked away with a twisted expression. A faint red glow appeared on his pink jade neck. Xia.

"This, this is..."

"This is the big result of a one-day date!" Kotori grinned enthusiastically.

"Altair is really a good boy, after a little time getting along with him, he becomes easy to talk to!"

"Wait, wait a minute, I didn't..." Hearing Kotori's slightly exaggerated statement, Altair interjected anxiously, wanting to refute.

But Meco and Nero immediately exclaimed, completely covering up Altair's weak rebuttal.

"After taking off that iceberg mocking face, she is still a very cute girl!" Mei Ke leaned over with a wretched smile on her face.

"..." Altair took two steps back silently.

Sure enough, the creator of Kotori is not a good person.She thought secretly in her heart.

Today's so-called "step by step" itinerary has really changed Altair's impression of Kotori, making it difficult to understand what Kotori is thinking sometimes.

Although she herself is constantly changing, both externally and internally.

"I didn't have time to get to know each other well a few times before."

Mei Ke's voice awakened Altair from his trance, and after a closer look, he found that Mei Ke was smiling and raised his right hand, and said with a smile: "Come and shake hands, it's...the first official meeting Greetings~"

"...Hmm." Altair pursed his lips and nodded slightly.



(? 3?)?

Chapter 873 The Sad River of Meke (Fourth)

into the night.

This is the third night that Kotori and others have entered this world, but compared to the calmness of the previous two days, the outside world at this time can be described as turbulent.After all, most of the urban area was suddenly completely destroyed, even if the government wanted to hide it, it would be difficult to do so.

In such an era of information explosion, it is really difficult to block all the information circulating in the world.The government simply broke the jar and did not stop the people from discussing this matter.

Because of this terrifying destructive power from the scene, although the vast majority of people look at this matter with a wait-and-see mentality.But I have to say that no matter in any city, the number of people wandering casually on the streets has suddenly decreased a lot.If they accidentally ran into this kind of fairy fight, it would be better for ordinary people like them to evacuate as soon as possible.

But this kind of thing will not affect the daily life of the girls.

After dinner, Altair quickly returned to his bedroom, listening to Kotori's advice to try to get in touch with some novel stories.

Of those who stayed in the living room, Kotori and the others were naturally left.

It's just that at this moment, except for Kotori, all the girls looked a little serious, and the atmosphere became a little dignified because of this.

After a while, Kurumi spoke first to break the silent atmosphere.

"Kinri, what kind of medicine did you give Altair today, why did she suddenly become like this..."

In the end, Kurumi hesitated to speak, because she really didn't know how to describe the state of the girl Altair at the moment.

There has indeed been an earth-shaking change from the rebellious and contemptuous young man who was so rebellious and contemptuous of the world when we just met before. At least that stinky expression has completely restrained, and even in the face of their questions, he can still behave more normally exchange.One can't help but wonder if it's still the same person before and after.

One must know that only three days have passed, even Altair yesterday was not so 'soft'.

"Couldn't you have switched Altaire?" Meke complained bluntly.

"What kind of vengeful Altair is this? It's clearly the prototype 'Baijiecao', right?"

Indeed, this soft and weak appearance looks similar to that prototype body, without any arrogance before.

"It's not as exaggerated as you say..." Kotori couldn't help laughing twice.

Altair's appearance is indeed quite abnormal for Kurumi and the others, but for Kotori, who bullied Altair severely...it seems a bit out of the ordinary.

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