
Chapter 889 The Curtain Comes to an End (Fifth Change)

One stroke of the sword, but a single line, fighting against the will of heaven, destroying reincarnation, just for one sword to wipe out all grievances and enmities.

The middle-aged man used his hands as the sheath, and the long sword suddenly entered the sheath, splashing blood droplets, as if smearing a layer of bright red makeup on the sword body, adding a bit of evil and bloodthirsty.At this moment, a simple long sword once again sees blood and unseals, rejuvenates the past, and blooms with a sword of glory in an unprecedented form!

When you cut the enemy, you cut yourself first, and the coagulation of blood also kills life.

Between life and death, between the world and the earth!

"My way is only for leisure!"

The middle-aged man raised his head and stared. There was no decadence in his eyes, but an astonishing, sharp sword light, but also a bit ethereal and mysterious!

And the long sword in his hand was unsheathed in an instant, bringing up a smear of bright red blood, accompanied by a burst of supreme sword intent escaping!

"One Sword·Xiaoyao!"


The sky and the earth seem to have fallen into silence at this moment, only the clear and distant sound of the sword sounded slowly.In the dark environment, a flash of sword light pierced the darkness, like a fleeting meteor flying flames, extremely gorgeous!

Fast to the extreme, wonderful to the top!

It's just a sword stabbing out, but it has an infinite and mysterious sword intent, and the avenue in his heart has turned into a sharp and cold light. The iron sword in his hand cuts the body, and the heart sword cuts the soul twice. In the hands of the middle-aged man, he went one step further. Want to refer to the original cause and effect reincarnation!


This sword seemed to transcend time and space, piercing the barrier in front of Kotori in an instant, and the flames around Kotori dissipated by themselves.


However, this sword was finally resisted.

The middle-aged man took a closer look, and only then did he see that at this moment Kotori raised his fingers together, and an illusory sword light emerged from the fingertips, like a sword of the soul shining with a little bit of pure starlight that makes people feel ashamed.

"This is..."

"I just realized this not long ago." Kotori just smiled slightly, and then flipped his right hand, the blade of the soul was radiant, and the force of the shock instantly shattered the sword intent built by the middle-aged man In the space, countless scattered sword intents returned to the long sword in the middle-aged man's hand, the sword light flashed, and he struck again with concentration!


Qin Li did not avoid or dodge the subsequent sword, and the blade of the mind in his hand met again, and the swords touched each other impartially, and the sword intent clashed!


The next moment, Qinli's whole body was windless and automatic, her dress was fluttering, and her strength was surging endlessly with her thoughts.And the radiance of the sword in his hand rose and shrank, caught the gap at that moment, and burst out together!


The long sword in the middle-aged man's hand seemed to be unable to support the pressure any longer, and suddenly shattered!

"Hmm!" But even so, the middle-aged man's face did not change at all, as if he had expected it.

Facing an attack of this magnitude, the long sword that had accompanied him for decades had finally reached its limit.but...

"The sword is psychic, and the sword will be natural!"

With a backhand move, the long sword condensed with sword intent appeared again, narrowly blocking Kotori's sharp blow!

Even so, he was still knocked hundreds of meters away under the impact, and the sword of Tao in his hand had already cracked countless cracks.

The middle-aged man originally wanted to bully him again, but as soon as he stepped out, his whole body trembled, leaving a trail of blood at the corner of his mouth.After a moment of silence, he shook his head helplessly.

"I lost."

The failure was very straightforward and very simple.

"My morality has fallen into a disadvantage, I have no strength to succeed, my skills are insufficient, and my intentions are far behind. I cannot win this battle."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's smile quickly became free and unrestrained, and with both hands, the long sword of Tao disappeared without a trace.The majestic sword energy and sword intent were all restrained, as if he had changed back to the previous scruffy middle-aged man again.

But Kotori knew very well that this man had undergone a great transformation.

He finally broke free from the endless contradictions and entanglements, and regained control of himself with the attitude of a detached person.

The way of this man is to be free and unrestrained.Naturally, he will not be constrained by such things as winning and losing, and he will not be depressed because of one or two failures.

For him, only happiness and freedom are everything, which is the root of his unknown struggle.

It is also because of this that the middle-aged man ran into a dead end at the beginning. He was distressed and crazy because his strength could not be further improved, but he forgot the dreams and goals he pursued.

And now... he finally understood.

"Then do you want to fight again?" Kotori's smile was very clear and pure, and the mind blade in her hand was as transparent as a girl's heart.

"If you lose, you lose. Stalking is not a good thing."

The middle-aged man smiled wryly and spread his hands. "However, I have gained a lot from this battle, and Miss Wuhe's help is even more embarrassing and moving. I voluntarily give up the dungeon mission this time, and I will not interfere with any of your actions, Miss Wuhe .”

"If possible, I can even bring all the reincarnated people around you back to the main god's space as compensation and apology."

What he said was not flattery, but the truth in his heart.

With the help of Qinli, she comprehended her own way, achieved the godhood, and swept away all the haze and entangled conflicts in the past. This kindness cannot be offset by a few words.Although he didn't know exactly what Kotori and the others were planning to do in this world, or what they had already done.But getting rid of Kotori's enemies is also a kind of repayment.

Even though these reincarnated people were temporarily allies with him not long ago, for those who are free and unrestrained... kindness is the hardest to bear.

"Then I will trouble you."

Kotori put away her momentum, smiled and nodded.

And the reincarnated people who had been released from the confinement also looked helpless at the moment, but they didn't resist or run away.In their view, this time the dungeon mission was a complete failure.

Rather, when they chose to unite against Qinli's side, they had already put their all into it and had a last stand.

And the results of the facts have also proved that even if they gather everyone's strength, they will never be able to defeat even one person on Kotori's side, and there is no chance of winning at all.That being the case, it's better to return to the main god's space quickly and stay away from this land of right and wrong.

Although they haven't sorted out the shady information in this dungeon, they more or less noticed something strange by reading it by accident.

Under the double pressure, they had no intention of resisting the result of their imminent exit.In fact, they were secretly pleasantly surprised that they were able to witness the birth of a master swordsman this time.Although there is not only one way to become a god, they also gained some understanding from the middle-aged man.

This will also have a great effect on their achievement of the god position in the future!

So until the middle-aged man made a move with both hands, and the invisible sword energy broke through their protection and shattered their hearts in an instant, these reincarnated people did not show any unwillingness or resentment, but turned into beams of light and shadow contentedly Disappeared in place.

Glancing at the pair of sisters left behind by the middle-aged man, Kotori didn't have the heart to say anything to them, and with a light tap of her fingertips, the two girls turned into smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Then, Miss Wuhe. I should leave too." The middle-aged man bowed slightly towards Kotori.

"But before I leave, I have one more thing to say."



PS: Blade Plus (305/366)


Chapter 890 The Dust Settles

Seeing that the middle-aged man also turned into a fluorescent light and dissipated, Kotori sighed silently.

Before leaving, the man specially reminded himself to be careful of the black hands hidden in this dungeon world, who may have power beyond imagination. If you are not [-]% sure, you should simply choose to give up.After leaving such a well-meaning suggestion, the middle-aged man also withdrew from this world.

But what he didn't know was that before he confronted them, Qinli had already fought with the man behind the scenes.

And the final result was just that Kotori risked his life to gain the upper hand, but he didn't really kill that unknown existence.

The opponent escaped at the last moment.

At that time, Kotori, who was already exhausted, had no extra energy to pursue the other party's escape track, and it was a blessing to be rescued by Kuang San and Mei Ke together.

It's just that after recovering now, Kotori is very confused about the identity of that existence.

The palpitating chaos and darkness, the aura that could disturb thinking and pollute the soul made Kotori feel unspeakable and paradoxical.

It was as if I had seen it somewhere, but it was very different.

"Forget it, I won't have any big clues about worrying secretly now." Kotori shook her head, put aside the thoughts in her mind, and quickly fell towards the house below.

And after Kotori returned to Mei Ke's house, she saw that the girls were still healing their wounds, and Cupid was slowly treating Kuang San. Although the effect was not obvious, it could at least calm Kuang San's pain internal injury.

"Qinli?" Mei Ke seemed to have woken up from a coma, and shouted in surprise, "Are you all right?!"

"Of course it's fine." Kotori smiled and waved her hands, then her heart sank slightly, and she summoned the healing flames to cover everyone.


Soon, Meteora, who was still drowsy, gradually woke up, pressed her chest, and widened her eyes in amazement.

The congestion in the body disappeared without a trace, and the ruptured internal organs were perfectly repaired.

This magical trick...

"Meteora, I'm sorry. I threw you out with too much force." Kotori smiled apologetically at her.

Obviously, he had sworn before that he would not let her suffer any injuries, but in the end, he almost knocked Meteora unconscious with a push.Such an accident also made Kotori a little bit embarrassed.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to blame Miss Wuhe." Meteora shook her head. "Encountering such a terrifying existence, it is also a helpless thing. Rather, I would like to thank Miss Wuhe for saving her life."

Although the tone was as flat as ever, the sincerity and solemnity would not be fake.

What a polite and good boy... Kotori smiled softly, and then walked to the side of Altair who couldn't move on the bed.

Probably because he also knew that the dust had settled at this moment, and Altair, who had already awakened, no longer struggled as before, but looked at Kotori's face with complicated eyes.

She more or less knew the whole story of what happened when she was in a coma, and she also clearly understood... how much injury Kotori suffered before.

Although fighting against that unknown existence was not necessarily for his own sake, Altair still felt full of guilt and uneasiness in his heart.

It was because of her existence that Kotori fell into a crisis, and even more so, everyone present was seriously injured, and they were almost besieged and wiped out by those reincarnated people.

"I can tell what's going on in your head just by looking at your expression." Kotori smiled helplessly, stretched out her hand and patted Altair's shoulder, releasing the restraint on her body.


At the moment when the confinement was released, Altair suddenly turned over and sat up, holding Kotori tightly in his arms.Kotori couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.But after feeling the trembling from Altair's body, the girl sighed softly, stroking her slender back gently.

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