"Well, well, all danger is over. There is no need to be so excited."

"Hug, sorry..." Altair took a deep breath, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and let go of his embrace at the same time.

The accumulated emotions suddenly burst out, which can be regarded as sweeping away the haze in her heart.

Kotori stroked Altair's hair while infiltrating her spiritual power into her body, but she could no longer feel the slightest strangeness on Altair's body.

Although the unknown existence was not completely wiped out, it was finally driven out of Altair's body, and all the shadows and darkness in her body were cleared away. Even if her thinking and will were still a little weird, it only took a while. Time to rest and recover can completely return to normal.Naturally, those so-called thoughts of destroying the world could no longer appear in his mind.

In other words, Altair's obsession has been completely let go.

She is no longer the puppet running around for revenge, but a living life, a life that lives for herself.

This is also the original idea of ​​Kotori and others, but now... this goal has been achieved.


[Once the main task is completed and the world is successfully prevented from destroying, 8000 points will be rewarded]

[Main quest [-] was disturbed and discarded]

[Complete side task 4, successfully repel the 'foreign enemy', reward 10000 points]

Seeing that the main quest was finally completed, Kotori breathed a sigh of relief.It can be seen that the previous series of actions were not in vain. The superposition of various factors allowed Altair to return to an extremely normal mental state immediately after breaking away from the control and pollution.

As for the so-called main task [-]...it really is false information that will only appear after being interfered by a certain existence.But what people have to care about is that there are guys who can interfere with the main god's space, which is really surprising.

In Kotori's mind, a mysterious existence that was fighting to the death with him suddenly appeared. If it is simply distinguished by strength, it is probably the only one that can do this, right?

"Existence beyond the sixth domain...?"

And while Qin Li was muttering, there were a few hurried footsteps outside the room.

Kotori and the others looked up and realized that they should be the three teammates of Meteora.Probably because they discovered the great battle that was going on here, so they rushed over here in a hurry, right?


"Understood, I will negotiate with my companion." Meteora nodded immediately, and flew out of the window with her magic book in her arms.

Now that the main mission has ended, it also indicates that this time the dungeon is coming to an end.We should also tell those reincarnated people outside.

Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Kotori pondered for a moment, then said with a smile:

"Now that the crisis has been basically resolved, it's time for us to rest and recover, right?"


Mei Ke, who was on the side, just responded, but as if he felt some kind of strange sight, he quickly turned his head to look at Kotori.Only then did he realize that the girl was looking at her with a half-smile expression.

"Kinri, what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, just do a few small experiments." Kotori leaned over and said with a smile:

"Like... this so-called 'recognition' experiment."




Chapter 891 The Little Experiment

The tasks in this dungeon have basically all been settled, and the remaining time is naturally left to the reincarnations to control themselves, so as to wait for the time to return to the space of the main god.But it seems that because of the influence of a mysterious existence, the main line space has not mentioned when it will return so far, and the reincarnators can naturally carry out free and arbitrary activities.

Like, a journey in this world.

There are no side quests worth noticing here, nor are there any powerful enemies waiting to be hunted.Rather, the rest of the time now is more like a leisure trip, allowing them to relax and relax their tense mood.

The three reincarnations who were in the same group as Meteora were very open-minded, and after learning about the current situation, they didn't have any sense of confrontation.Instead, go back and meet your creator for an in-depth exchange.

As for Qinli, it's not much different.

Kotori was able to recover from the dying state before, not only because of Kurumi's full strength, but also because of a small "magic" released by the future May.

That special power called recognition.

The seemingly small string of words contained such a huge power that Kotori was reborn from Nirvana and completely healed.After the battle was over, the girls who learned about it were very surprised, and even turned their attention to the innocent Mei Ke.

God is so pitiful, it was the future Mei Ke summoned by Kuang San who rescued Qin Li, not the current salted fish Mei Ke.

"But there shouldn't be a big difference, right?" Kotori stroked her long hair and said, "Maybe it's our creator, Miko, who has the ability to tamper with our state at will? This It was only in a few words that I was able to directly give me the special ability of Nirvana rebirth."

It seems that only this kind of statement can perfectly explain that Meco who came from the future can completely restore Kotori by typing a string of characters in the computer.

"How can there be such a weird ability." Mei Ke, who was sitting cross-legged on a chair at the moment, hung his dead fish eyes and said, "If I had such a perverted ability, I would have set Kotori as you. My RB.Q is gone, and I still need it..."

"..." Kotori's eyes twitched suddenly.

And Nero and Altair, who were sitting on the side, stared over with sharp eyes, which made Meco's little heart stop. They waved their hands with a dry smile and said, "Just kidding, just kidding. How could I really Why don't you do that kind of thing...ahhaha...hahaha..."

Then the atmosphere fell into silence, and May Ke's face became paler.

At last she couldn't bear this look, and quickly raised her hand in surrender.

"Cough cough, besides, the previous one is also the future me, right? Maybe it may be at a certain time in the future that I got this kind of ability to speak out?" Mei Ke quickly changed the subject, and then Altair and Nero restrained their eyes.

But in fact, what puzzles the girls the most is...why did Kurumi choose to summon Mac from the future?

You must know that under the emergency situation at that time, the first thing Kurumi thought of was not to summon the future Nero, the future Meteora, or even the future Altair or even the future Kotori, but to summon It was really not a wise move for Meke, who was the weakest in the field.

If the summoned future Meko has no abilities at all...wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

Unfortunately, this question has not yet been answered.

Kuang San is currently overdrawn and still in the stage of deep sleep and rest. It may take a few days to wake up, and blindly injecting her with spiritual power will not help.

So the girls could only suppress this question for the time being, and turned their attention to May.

If Mei Ke really has this ability, or the prototype of this ability... then she may be able to add many new abilities to Kotori, or directly add a special ability that can restore itself to Kurumi.

"No, I remember that the 'power of recognition' that Mac said before he left was the simplification of the power of faith. And the so-called power of recognition should be on you." Kotori recalled that before Mei Ke left in the future After thinking for a moment about what he said, he said:

"Why don't you give it a try, even if it doesn't work, there won't be any danger."

"...Okay." Mei Ke nodded helplessly, went back to the room and brought out her laptop, put it on the table, then turned to Kotori and asked:

"What do you want me to write?"

"It's up to you, you can write whatever you like." Kotori chuckled and kicked the question back.

In fact, this approach also eliminates the possible interference of external factors, allowing Mei Ke to make decisions and write settings alone.

"I like it..."

After pondering for a moment, Mei Ke tapped a few times on the keyboard and typed a string of words in the document.

When Qinli and the others took a closer look, they could clearly see the setting written by Mei Ke: 'A pile of money fell from the sky. '

The girls subconsciously looked at the ceiling, but nothing changed after waiting for a while.

Xiao ran a few steps to the balcony and looked out, but he didn't see any money falling from the sky.

"Could it be that the description is too inaccurate?" Altair pointed to the word 'money'. "If the setting is not clear, maybe the setting itself will become quite vague, which will lead to the failure of the ability?"

As Altair who draws strength from fan settings, his sensitivity to settings should be the highest in the field.

After hearing her suggestion, Mei Ke also nodded thoughtfully, and added some detailed explanations to the string of text.

’ The ten-thousand fourth-order note fell from the roof of Mac’s house. '

The girls looked up subconsciously.


"I said... I don't have this ability at all, right?" Mei Ke couldn't help rolling her eyes, feeling a little stupid for squatting here typing.

"If I really have this ability, how can I still be a reincarnation in the third domain?"

That's right... If Mei Ke really has this kind of ability that can be called a creator, let's not talk about the fifth domain, at least he still has the title of reincarnation in the fourth domain, so that he won't become a person without any potential. A passerby in the third domain.

"Maybe there is a mistake in the direction we are targeting?" Kotori recalled everything that happened before, and associated all the special things in this world.After a moment of silence, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Wait, if that's the case, maybe Mei Ke really has this ability!"

"What?" Mei Ke was a little surprised.

Nero and the others were also a little confused.

Kotori didn't explain much, and directed Mei Ke to write in the document: "Wuhe Kotori can activate the physical and spiritual power of elf girls through physical contact, and achieve the effect of healing." '

And a few strings of detailed explanations are attached to the back of the setting.

But the girl did not directly test whether she possessed this ability, but urged Mei Ke to open her social network platform and upload these settings.And the series of abilities set by Future Mei Ke are also impressively listed in it.


Not long after passing it on, Kotori was able to sense a rather strange force coming from all directions and flowing into his body.

"The so-called power of recognition is the need for the recognition of others to be realized. In a sense, this is indeed a simplified version of the power of faith." Kotori shook her hands, and could really feel that there was more power in her body. A brand new ability.

Although quite insignificant, it is undoubtedly blessed by ability.

"So, Meke, you can really be regarded as a half-creator!"

"..." Mei Ke was completely dazed at this moment.




Chapter 892 Recognition

The world that Meko lives in may have been transformed in some way.

This is the possibility that Kotori and the others conjectured in their hearts after learning about the so-called power of recognition.After all, in such a modern world where there is no supernatural power, why is there such an unusual and special power of recognition.

This kind of power will not bring any great enhancement and increase to a certain person, and it is even more impossible to become beyond ordinary people by absorbing recognition power like cultivation.

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