What happened next made the corners of Kotori's eyes twitch even more.

Because Loli Kuangsan controlled two computers by himself and was more violent and aggressive than before. He was almost chasing and beating the opponent. Only five minutes had passed, and the people on the opponent's line no longer dared to show their heads at will.

Kotori guessed that the opponent was yelling and asking for help from the jungler right now?

A minute later, the three on the opposite side, along with the jungler, were killed by Loli Kuangsan alone.

Of course, under her control, the 'two people' cooperated in perfect harmony, directly shaking them dizzily and unable to find their way through the incomparably dexterous and meticulous movements. In the end, they could only stare blankly at the black and white screen, unable to react.

Kotori suddenly felt... If this Loli Kuangsan had enough computers, would she be able to form a team of five by herself?


Seeing that the final game time was almost over compared to the last round, Loli Kuangsan cheered happily, and regardless of her image problem, she lay on her back on the bed and let out a devilish laugh.


The temperament of the cute little loli was broken by herself in an instant.

Kotori wiped the cold sweat off her brow, and silently smoothed Loli Kuumou's upturned skirt back.

This child... has a great future!

Although her future seems to be Kuang San...



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Chapter 903 Intermission Five (Fourth Change)

After the first black trip ended, Kotori's home quickly returned to peace and tranquility.

After all, Nero didn't play games all day long, so he got up and went to rest soon after being ordered by Kotori.

As for the two avatars, they prevaricated on the grounds that 'we are all avatars, and there is no relationship between them'.It's a pity that Qinli will not back down when it comes to issues of principle, and the two little girls obediently handed over the computer with tears in their eyes when they showed their hands a little.

"It's really a villain!" Loli huddled into a ball angrily, continuously drawing circles on the bed.

As for the otaku madam, she wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses and started reading light novels cheerfully, making a series of obscene little noises from time to time.

...It's really eye-opening that Kurumi would have such a past.


But Kotori, who had packed up the computers, looked towards the direction outside the door with some doubts.

From before to now, Kuang San has been standing in the corridor at the door for almost half an hour. Does it take that long to make a phone call?

Out of respect for his friend's privacy, Kotori didn't choose to prick up his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation between Kuangsan and his parents, but stayed in the room and waited patiently.

But after waiting for almost an hour, Kurumi still didn't show up.

If she hadn't been able to sense Kuang San's aura at the door, Kotori would have wondered if she might have been abducted by someone.

"This phone porridge is kind of scary..."

Kotori looked out the door in a daze.

"It's something that can't be helped. My parents love me more, and now that I'm living alone, it's normal for them to feel a little worried." The house girl Kuang San shrugged her shoulders.

"It's relatively easy to make a phone call for an hour, and sometimes there may be two hours left to talk when the conversation starts."

"It's too exaggerated..."

Miss Landlady... No, Kurumi's current parents are actually such horrible existences! ?

They are too worried about their daughter! ?

"Don't worry, it's just a phone call once a month."

The house girl mad three rolled her eyes and explained:

"After accumulating thoughts and worries for a month, I will naturally talk a little more. Don't you think that my mother will call like this every day? Even if I can bear it, my mother can't bear it either."

"cough cough..."

So that's the case, Kotori laughed awkwardly.

Since it's a phone call once a month, it's not a big problem.Parents... they are always concerned about their children, and it is understandable to babble a little more.

And at this moment, Kurumi seemed to have finished talking on the phone with his parents, opened the door and walked in with a rather delicate expression.After seeing Kotori, he glanced at him even more erratically, and his walking movements became a little dull.

It is very problematic at first sight.

"Did something happen?" Kotori frowned.

The only thing that can make Kurumi show this kind of expression... in this world is probably only related to her parents?

Could it be that something happened?Although Kotori still doesn't know what Kuangsan's real identity is in this world, she just saw her get off a luxury car, and she looks quite rich.Other than that, I don't know anything.

Kotori has never paid much attention to this kind of issue, and Kurumi himself also thinks that mentioning things like money and status is too harsh, so he has never mentioned it.

But this time, after Kotori asked, Kuangsan's face changed slightly, he hesitated to speak.

Even Nero on the side can clearly see the confusion and entanglement of Kurumi's mentality at the moment...

"What exactly happened?"

After repeated questioning, Kuang San waved his hand, took the two avatars back, and said with a very strange expression:

"My mother seems to want to... find me a blind date..."

"..." Kotori and Nero were stunned.

Blind date... object? !

Are Kuang San's parents ready to marry off their daughter? !

"No, why did you suddenly say such a thing to you?" Kotori said a little dumbfounded.

"Are your parents so anxious?"

Even Nero was a little confused.

"By the way... do you think I'm young?" Kuang San sighed helplessly and said, "I'm almost twenty-four years old in this world."

"...twenty four!?"

When Kotori first saw Kurumi, the landlady, she thought she was a high school student!

Although the gap between high school students and college students is not too big at some point.

The vast majority of girls seem to change so much just because they have learned how to make up and dress up, and there shouldn't be much change in themselves.

But Kurumi...maybe he still looks like this after thirty years old?

"Twenty-four...it's indeed a bit big." Nero nodded with deep feeling.

"In the past, in other countries, girls in their teens basically already had husbands, and those in their twenties... almost no one wants them. It's normal for Kuang San's parents to urge this matter. .”

"...It's obvious that you are a little abnormal." Kotori immediately complained with eyes hanging.

After all, Nero's time... that sort of thing was pretty common.

"But I'm not interested in things like blind dates." Kuang San didn't care what Nero said just now, but sighed with a slight headache.

"But it's not too good to break the hearts of parents..."

Kuang San is a reincarnation, of course he didn't confess to his parents, it would be better to say that telling this kind of thing will only make his parents worry in vain.

"Or do I want to tell the story of the main god's space directly, and make it clear that I can't get married in the real world?" Kuang San said here, and glanced at Kotori unobtrusively.After seeing that the girl was not unhappy, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Let me just say it bluntly. It's not a good thing to hide like this after all."

"Yeah." Kotori also nodded, agreeing with Kurumi's approach.

Blindly concealing it will not solve the problem after all, and speaking directly is the correct approach.

Although this kind of thing may be a blow to Kuang San's parents, it is not without benefits.

Maybe they can help the couple live a better life in a fair and honest way... or something like that.

Kotori rested her chin and thought secretly, thinking that this kind of action could be regarded as a small compensation for Kurumi's parents.

"Then Kuang San, you will directly..."

"Kotori, come with me." Kurumi whispered.


Several black question marks seemed to pop out of Kotori's head.

"Why did this kind of thing come to me..."

Kurumi took a deep breath when he heard the words, as if to boost his courage.

After a while, she put her hands together and said with a smile:

"This kind of small request, Qinli, don't you choose to satisfy me a little bit?~Or...are you going to pretend to be stupid?"


After Kotori was silent for a moment, she immediately raised her hand in surrender.



PS: Blade Plus (311/366)


Chapter 904 Intermission Six (Fifth Change)


At this time, Kotori who was sitting on the back seat of the car couldn't help but sighed, looking a little listless.

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