It's just that, unlike Kotori's sluggish state, her current attire looks extremely exquisite and gorgeous. The fluffy dress looks like a blooming flower, and she wears a small plaid vest outside, which adds a bit of elegance. The unique playfulness and cuteness of girls.

The carefully decorated hair exudes a dazzling brilliance under the sunlight, as if flickering with crimson fluorescence.With the delicate and lovely face, it looks like a princess who came out of a fairy tale.

Although this kind of dress is not Kotori's original wish.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please bear with me for a while, Kotori." Kuang San, who was also dressed in a formal suit, folded his hands and tilted his head and said softly, "Don't show yourself in front of my parents later."

"I know..." Kotori glanced at the driver sitting in the front row. Because of the special sound insulation facilities, the driver could not hear the conversation between Kotori and Kuruma.

As for the next thing to do, it is naturally the matter that Kurumi asked Kotori to help.

Go straight to explain the situation to Kuangsan's parents and understand the relationship between the two parties.

Although Kotori is a bit reluctant to admit this, but there is no way to refute..., Kurumi is indeed following her.No matter what the responsibility is, Kotori must personally explain to Kuang San's parents.This is the responsibility a captain should shoulder, and he also follows his own inner actions.

It's just...although that's what she said, but when Kotori thought of facing Kuangsan's parents next, she always felt a secretly beating feeling in her heart, like a 'tension' that she hadn't felt for a long time.If other people know that a god of the sixth domain is still nervous because of seeing his parents, they will probably laugh out loud, right?

But for Kotori, this was the first time in his life that he saw his parents in a real sense.

In fact, even Kotori himself couldn't explain the situation between Kotori and Kurumi.The two parties have known each other for some time, but the relationship between the two parties has always been in a relatively peaceful state.

He did not pursue Kotori's love with a fierce offensive like Nero did at the time, nor did he choose to separate the two places in grief, but stayed together quite normally, eating together, sleeping together, living together, and taking risks together.

With Kuangsan by his side, there will always be a very reliable and reassuring feeling, which makes people quite comfortable.

Kotori asked herself if she had a crush on Kurumi.But the end result is... don't know.

Things like feelings can happen naturally, or they can be confused. Even girls don't have much experience in this area, and they just subconsciously ignore it all the time.

And until this couldn't be ignored any longer.


Kotori couldn't help but recall the inspiring chicken soup for the soul that he told Mac in the last dungeon.

At that time, Mei Ke was speechless by Kotori's words, but now... it's Kotori's turn.

"It's really a turn of wind and water." Kotori shook her head dumbfounded.

"This is also inevitable, isn't it?" Kuang San pursed his lips and smiled slightly, as if he had noticed a slight adjustment in Kotori's mentality, and the expression on Qiao's face softened a lot.

"Don't worry, my parents are not pedantic people. If we explain clearly, we should be able to pass the level soon~"

"I hope so." Kotori nodded noncommittally, closed her eyes, and kept thinking about what tone and words she should use in response to Kuang San's parents.

And just as the girl was in a trance, the car came to a slight stop soon.

"Huh? Are you here?" Kotori opened her hazy eyes.

"Kinli, you've been asleep for almost an hour." Kuang San gave Kotori a funny look, then opened the car door, and stretched out his hand towards Kotori inside.

"bring it on."

Kotori blinked, looking at Kurumi who was standing outside the car and smiling softly.

Compared to Kotori who was dressed in a cute style, Kurumi at the moment was wearing a black formal suit, looking as if she was going to attend some kind of ball ceremony, shining with moving charm.Even for the sake of meeting his parents, Kuang San switched back to his previous appearance at this moment, but it is not much inferior to the elf body.

"It's disrespectful." Kotori smiled and put it on Kuangsan's hand, and walked out slowly.

After the vehicle left, only Kotori and Kurumi were left.

"Is this your home?"

Kotori turned his head to look at the house not far away... No, it is not an ordinary house to be precise, it should be called a manor mansion.Gorgeous and elegant, but not solemn and low-key, the surrounding gardens and green spaces make people feel at ease, and the surroundings are quite quiet, only the sound of the fountain at the main gate is rattling.

Taking a look, Kotori also saw several gardeners trimming flowers and plants in the garden, and several women in uniforms walking around in the mansion.Even if you don't need to guess, you can clearly know that the Kuangsan family is indeed quite rich.

Although Kotori didn't know the real price of this kind of location, but in terms of style, it could be seen that the other party was worth a lot of money.

"Well, my parents are at home today." Kuang San nodded slightly, then looked at Qin Li with a half-smile and said: "I'm here to wait for you."


Facing this kind of situation like asking you to enter the urn, Kotori took a deep breath, but quickly sorted out his mentality, and his face calmed down immediately.

This kind of reaction also made Kuang San look sideways, but he was certain in his heart.

In fact, although Kuang San is very fond of the feelings of his parents, he will not choose to compromise easily because of their scruples and feelings.Before coming, Kurumi was ready to verbally resist, but now it seems...

Not needed anymore.

Under the leadership of Kuang San, Kotori quickly entered the mansion, and walked to the gate amidst the greetings of several gardeners.And it seemed that they had already known about Kotori and Kurumi's arrival. As soon as the two girls stepped up the steps, the door opened slowly and automatically.

A middle-aged man with a serious face and a beautiful woman who still has a charm came into view.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." A smile appeared on Kuang San's calm and pretty face.

"My dear girl, come here." The woman had a joyful face, and hurried forward to hug Kuang San into her arms.It seems that it has been a long time since Kuangsan has been separated, tears of happiness are about to flow out.

And Kuang San also showed a very relaxed expression, enjoying the hard-won warmth of family affection.


At this moment, the atmosphere on Qinli's side seemed a little dull.



PS: Blade Plus (312/366)


Chapter 905 Intermission Seven

"What's your name?" The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

Kotori didn't answer his question immediately, but looked at the man in front of him slightly with his eyes.

Just as Kotori had guessed before, Kuangsan's father did possess the vigor that a successful person should have, and the handsomeness and delicacy of his youth could still be vaguely seen on his slightly wrinkled face.And after more than ten years of traveling and working hard, that youthfulness has completely faded away, replaced by a deep and heavy aura of a superior.

If ordinary people saw him, although they wouldn't be so frightened that they couldn't say a word, at least they would be a bit weaker, and they would be taken away from the right to speak inadvertently.

And looking at his clothes at the moment... It doesn't look like a normal home dress at all, it's more like welcoming some important guest, wearing a neat suit, and his hair and tie are neatly arranged.

Is this going to give me a slap in the face?

Kotori tilted her head, and then put on a rather gentle and lovely smile.

"My name is Wuhe Kotori, uncle."

"Japanese?" The middle-aged man frowned, but he relaxed quickly.

It seems that he didn't show disgust on his face because of the name problem, but glanced at Kurumi, and said lightly:

"Where's that guy you were talking about on the phone?"

"..." Kotori's smile subsided slightly, and she glanced at Kuangsan suspiciously.

This idiot...couldn't she have not mentioned on the phone whether her sweetheart is a man or a woman?

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxue, isn't your sweetheart here?" Kuangsan's mother also pulled her daughter out of her arms and asked in confusion.

"Why didn't you see where he was? And who is this little sister..."

"Mom and Dad..."

Kuang San stroked her hair, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Didn't I already bring her here?"

"Ah?" Kuang San's mother suddenly opened her mouth slightly, looking at Kuang San in surprise.I almost thought that Kurumi was playing with people.But looking at her daughter's expression that didn't seem to be fake, she finally looked at Kotori with a rather subtle look.

Even the unsmiling Kuang San's father looked at Kotori in disbelief at this moment, unable to say a word for a long time.

The two of them were indeed greatly impacted.

In other words, it was the first time they knew that their daughter had... a problem with her sexual orientation! ?


Although the atmosphere was very awkward when they met at the beginning, due to due etiquette, the parents finally took Kotori into the house.

Kurumi's parents sat together, while Kotori and Kurumi sat in the opposite direction, looking at each other silently.

Because Kuang San's parents really don't know how to speak.

Not long ago, they did make a phone call to Kuang San to inquire about their recent living conditions, but Kuang San's mother was a little impatient, and tentatively mentioned the blind date.Because they know very well that their daughter's character is too... alienated from the crowd, and to put it bluntly, she is too withdrawn.

I almost never play with the children of relatives and friends. During school, I was honest with my classmates. I never made any friends. I can't be cold.

This kind of attitude, coupled with her good looks, really made Kurumi very popular when she was a student. Whether it is elementary school, middle school or university, she has always been the most dazzling existence in the school along the way. .

It's a pity that an existence that is too dazzling will give people a sense of distance.

So until Kuangsan was already twenty-four years old in this world, he hadn't made any friends so far, let alone Chunxin sprouted and went out to make a boyfriend.

Maybe even the words he said to boys of the same age didn't add up to more than a few words, and he didn't have much good looks towards girls of the same age.Kuang San has always had an iceberg face to the outside world, looking like a cold machine without the emotions that humans should have.

But only her parents know... Kuang San is not really emotionless, but he is completely unprepared to put those outsiders in his eyes, so naturally he cannot be said to show his inner softness.

But going on like this is not an option after all...

Although Kuang San is now able to live independently and take care of himself outside, but he still has such a long life in the future, so it is naturally impossible for him to die alone.The parents are also secretly anxious, thinking about how to let Kuang San get in touch with other people, find the right person, and use this to open up the closed world in his heart.

They are not preparing to sell Kuang San for the cliché reasons of money, power, and power... but they are sincerely thinking about Kuang San, and want to carefully select some suitable blind dates for her, and then let her Kurumi makes his own choice.

But before the blind date even started, Kuang San put such a big bomb in front of them.

If it weren't for the fact that they have already experienced all kinds of turmoil and strong will, they might have already yelled and raged, right?

It is impossible for ordinary families to agree to such absurd things casually, not to mention that their families are not ordinary families, and they need to pay attention to the face of the outside world.How many gossips would there be if other people found out that the jewel in their family's palm turned out to be...a person with a sexual orientation problem?


But until the end, Kuang San's father, who was still the head of the family, slowly broke the silence.

"I won't talk nonsense, what I just want to know is... Is the relationship between the two of you real?"

All he wants to know right now is this matter.

Kuang San's mother, who was sitting by the side, clenched her hands, and her face was not very good-looking.

Although she dotes on Kuangsan quite a lot, she agrees to some of Kuangsan's requests as much as possible.But now...

"What I said on the phone before is true." Kurumi said in a rather calm tone.

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