It's a pity that Kotori didn't think about saving these magicians at all.

After they aimed their spearhead at the elves, the two parties had already formed an insoluble hatred.Although Kotori will not kill these people directly because of this, but it is a bit difficult for Kotori to feel compassion for them.

It would have been nice not to add insult to injury.

The scene quickly fell into silence, neither Kotori nor Alan said a word, and Mio, who was curled up in Kotori's arms, stared at Kotori's side face quietly, her gaze was He never left even for a moment, as if Kotori in front of him was the only one left in the whole world.

No matter whether it is the crowds of people passing by or the mountains and rivers crossing, they can't catch her sight. Kotori also readily accepts this neither hot nor cold gaze, and silently follows the magicians leading the way to the base where they are. middle.

According to what they said before, the base was actually funded by the government, and not much of their money was spent.In addition, they are not orthodox scientific researchers, and several villas have been specially built around the base for the magicians to carry out normal work and rest.


"It's coming soon, don't forget our agreement." Allen on the side took a deep breath and said calmly.

As for the agreement she said...that is, they will provide Kotori with a suitable place to live and supplies, and Kotori will help them clean up those weird people in black robes, and both parties will get what they need.

"I see."

This so-called agreement was more like a generous gift to Kotori.After all, Kotori was going to get rid of all these men in black robes. They were involved with the Transcendence Protoss and the enemies of Outland, and they were more likely to be the instigators of the complete destruction of the world in the future. It is impossible for the girl to let them slip away under her nose. .

Even if there is no agreement with the magicians, Kotori will come here to see if there are any people in black robes that need to be resolved by themselves.

By the way, you can also earn a good place to live for free, which is a nice gift.

But after Kotori and his party arrived at the base, Kotori did not perceive any strange existence.


The magicians were also full of doubts at the moment. They searched back and forth in the base for a long time, but they didn't see any traces of those men in black robes, as if they had never appeared before.

"How could this be..." Alan, who had been looking for more than half an hour, returned to Kotori's side with a look of astonishment. "Obviously there were still four men in black robes staying in the base before we set off."

"Did you send the letter secretly?" Qin Li looked at her with a half-smile.

"How, how is it possible!" Allen yelled repeatedly, for fear that Kotori would cause some misunderstanding.

Although she disdains Kotori's identity as an elf, the obvious gap in strength between the two sides is not something she can make up for. If Kotori is angered, let alone her...maybe all the magicians present will have to be buried with her !

"We really don't know that those men in black robes suddenly disappeared. If we can, we can..."

"Okay, don't yell. I'm just trying to scare you."

Kotori patted Allen on the shoulder, and under her bewildered gaze, pointed to the relatively luxurious villa apartment not far away, and said with a light smile:

"Those people in black robes are not here, so they will not be here. Now let's find a suitable foothold for us."

"Uh...Okay." Allen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but was also a little annoyed by Kotori's calm temper.You must know that she was scared to death just now, but Qinli suddenly showed an indifferent attitude, which really made her feel aggrieved because she had nowhere to use her strength.

It's like being played by the other party... Whether it's those black-robed people who are elusive, or this mysterious and unknown elf in front of you.


"Okay, this place is for you to live in, and then I will..."


Ellen was halfway through her speech, but Kotori suddenly vetoed her decision.

"What?" Obviously, Alan didn't realize what Qinli's sudden action meant.

Could it be...the other party suddenly doesn't want to live here anymore?

Thinking of this, Alan felt a little rejoiced in his heart, and his tense heartstrings gradually relaxed.In fact, the place where she lives is not too far from here, and it can even be called close to each other.If she were allowed to live so close to such a mysterious elf with unknown character and purpose, she would surely be quite uneasy when she slept at night, right?

Will agree to Kotori's previous request... It's purely a last resort for survival.

"Since Miss Elf, if you don't want to, do we need to find another place?" Allen said incessantly: "Although the accommodation environment in the villa area around the base is good, it is very likely that there will be accidents due to some experiments. For you...what impact might it have on the life of this elf lady beside you."

Allen originally wanted to say that it would affect Kotori, but then he thought that the other party was so strong that he was afraid of the influence of a ghost.

"Wait, I didn't say I didn't want to live here." Kotori showed a sweet smile.

But Allen seemed to be cold all over his body, and he shivered with cold.

"You, you mean..."

"I mean—I'm going to live there."

Kotori smiled and pointed in a certain direction, while Alan turned his head a little stiffly and looked in the direction of Kotori's fingers.

There... there is only one villa.

"This, isn't this where I live!??" Allen yelled out of composure, and his pretty face was even more stunned.Then she stared blankly at Kotori at the side.

"Spirit, don't you..."

"Huh? Don't you agree?" Kotori narrowed her eyes slightly and raised her right hand.

Allen, who was about to say something, suddenly froze, and his whole body tensed up subconsciously.

Just this tiny movement made her recall the nightmarish scene before, the strength she was proud of was like a child's play, showing its true shape in Kotori's hands.

Dive deep into the fear!

"I, I agree."

Allen finally succumbed to the deterrence, but his face was extremely unwilling and annoyed, his fists were clenched, and his nails were almost embedded in his flesh.

The power is far inferior to the other party, his own pride is completely shattered, and even the home he lives in will be ruthlessly taken away by the other party.

Are you so powerless?Allen couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

"I'll get you a new bedding..."

"Then I'll trouble you~" Kotori grinned, looking at her dangling figure in the distance, the girl seemed to have thought of something interesting, so she couldn't help blurting out:

"You don't have to move out, just keep living."

"... Huh?" Allen turned around and let out a startled scream.




Chapter 927 Miss Maid

For a period of time afterwards, Kotori brought Mio to live in the lair of magicians.

What I have to say is that the location here is indeed quite secluded, there are no unnecessary idlers, and there will be no hustle and bustle of modern cities.At first glance, most of them are dense jungle vegetation, not to mention the fragrance of birds and flowers, at least it is true that it is quiet and clean.

This kind of environment is indeed a good environment for Mio who has just entered this world.If she was allowed to run around in the big dye vat of the human city, she might be infected with some strange problems.

If Kotori had never met Mio before, then I would have said something, but now she has been temporarily 'adopted', how can she not just watch her degenerate little by little?

Qinli still remembers the evil taste of the "Phantom" in the original book. Although he may not be as crazy as these magicians, he will involve innocent girls in conspiracy for the sake of refining spirit crystals. Why? Not to mention a nice guy.

Although there may be some difficulties in this, Kotori did not say in detail, but after all, Kotori is not very optimistic about the practice of hurting innocent people.

But now, Kotori has entered this world, and got acquainted with this initial elf who was just born and whose consciousness of the three views has not yet been established correctly, that is, the "phantom" of the future.Kotori felt that there was still a certain need to guide her on the right path.

The most important point in the work of guidance is the environment.

And this is now almost complete.

After properly displaying their own strength, no matter how much these magicians desire to get Mio, or even Kotori, they still have to weigh whether their strength is enough.At least, as long as Kotori still stays in this world of time and space, these magicians will never be able to achieve their goals.

Of course, the magicians may not give up so easily, and may be planning a lot of conspiracies and tricks secretly, but for Kotori, there is almost no need to pay attention to them.

It is too whimsical to want to interfere with the realm of the gods by human means. Rather, Kotori really wants to see how these magicians can develop after the elf technique is cut off. What kind of strange new equipment is produced, which can be regarded as broadening the horizon.


"Why... I have to come here to do this kind of thing..."

But Ms. Allen, who will be called the strongest magician in the future, is standing in front of Kotori with a face of embarrassment and muttering in a low voice.Especially after seeing Kotori's playful and sizing eyes, she got goosebumps all over her body, and subconsciously clenched the hem of the lace skirt.

Yes, what Allen is wearing at this moment is not the cold armor-like display device he used to wear in battle, nor is he wearing the decent formal clothes full of mature styles that he wears on weekdays.Rather, it was a strange costume with a rather weird style provided by Kotori.

Of course, this is just quite weird to Allen.After the [-]st century, it shouldn't be too strange, on the contrary... it may still be quite beautiful.

The style of the whole dress is like a gothic loli dress, covered with dazzling lace and decorative fabrics everywhere, the black satin ribbon crossed on the chest and the black corset on the slender waist, it will even more Allen's rather impressive twin peaks slightly set off, adding a bit of lust.And under the fluffy skirt, she was wearing a pair of black silk stockings and high heels, showing off her slender but tight legs.

Even though her hair has not undergone any make-up, nor has any makeup on her face, but she can be seen at a glance that she is young and beautiful. With this outfit, she has become a lot more attractive.

If an ordinary man saw Alan at this moment, he might fall into an inexplicable frenzy, right?

Even without revealing any excess skin, she didn't rely on her semi-revealed thighs to attract attention like those prostitutes.But this style of clothes has a bit more mysterious temperament for this era.

Very striking.

But for the person wearing this outfit, that is, Allen, it seemed very shameful and embarrassing.She can even recall the astonishment of her companions when they saw her clothes.

shame!What a shame!

But I have to grit my teeth and stick to it!

"It's not bad~" Kotori crossed her arms and commented, "The body is good, the appearance is also good, although the temper is a bit weird, but after a while, it should become obedient."

Although the girl is smiling, but this look is full of evil in Alan's eyes.Under the skin of this little girl, there seemed to be some frightening perversion lurking.

"Isn't this look too rude?" Kotori calmed down a little, and glared at Allen.

"Obviously I asked you to come here to be a maid, but I didn't ask you to come here to dislike me."

Yes, Kotori didn't just let Alan wear the clothes he prepared.Although being able to see her being ashamed and angry because of shame makes Kotori, who knows the plot of the original book, a little funny, but this is not what the girl wants.

The girl needs an assistant to teach and raise Mio together.

And the existence of a maid is very good.

"The most important thing is, I didn't propose this proposal, did I?" Kotori looked at Alan with a half-smile, and her expression changed even more, and she clenched her teeth unwillingly.

This proposal was indeed not made by Kotori, but by that Isaac.

Of course, Kotori could see what this man was thinking. Since a strong attack would not work, then use a soft policy, through friendly communication and intimacy, to let Kotori gradually relax his vigilance, and finally get the information and knowledge they want.

After many considerations, he introduced Allen, who is also a woman, over here.

It's a pity that Isaac's wishful thinking must have been wrong.

Kotori smiled inexplicably, and stopped trying to tease the other party's spirit. When she was about to speak, Mio, who had been sitting very quietly on the sofa, stared at Kotori and said lightly:

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