"Old... bustard?"

"Pfft!" Kotori almost lost her temper, she quickly turned her head and waved her hands, "Mio, what did you say just now!?"

"Huh?" Mio tilted her head, and said calmly, "The bustard... ah, Kotori... looks a lot like..."

What kind of weird vocabulary did this child learn before! ?

And I really look like a so-called bustard just now! ?

Kotori sighed helplessly, and continued to speak righteously:

"I'm not a bustard, I just want to find a qualified maid for Mio."

"Maid...?" Mio followed Kotori's fingers and looked at Alan who was slightly embarrassed.After pondering for a moment, she gave a thumbs up, as if stars twinkled in her eyes.


"This..." Allen was even more embarrassed now.

But she was even more amazed at how quickly this primordial elf learned about human civilization. It was only a day since he came to the villa in this area. sky.

But now she already understood the meaning of maid?





Chapter 928 Energy Control (Fourth)

From the current point of view, the whereabouts of the people in black robes are erratic. If they don't take the initiative to show up, it will be difficult for even Kotori to find their traces.So a wrinkle of time has passed since arriving in this deep mountain and old forest, and the girl still hasn't found any trace of those men in black robes.

But even if this problem is urgent, it will not help. After pondering for a while, Kotori decided to temporarily shift the focus of the task, ignoring the enemies of the outer domain and the protoss, but focusing on "saving the world" and "exploring Origin' on top of these two tasks.

And one of the important factors of these two missions... is Mio.

But Mio's education problem gave Kotori quite a headache during this time.

Indeed, as the original elf, Mio has an astonishing ability to learn, just showing the tip of the iceberg has already shocked Allen, who has just become a maid, and even said that Mio is like a terrible monster !

Only about a week has passed, the language that Kotori specially exposed to Mio has been basically learned, and has been practiced proficiently.Daily communication is no longer a problem, and there will be no more stumbling.

The most important thing is...Even when Kotori cooks by himself at that time, Mio sneaked a few glances at it and learned it secretly.Now I can cook good home-cooked dishes.

This made Allen, who was a maid, feel rather down and frustrated.

Of course, it wasn't because she had integrated into this so-called maid status so quickly, calling herself Kotori's maid.It's purely a sense of gap caused by being surpassed by Mio in every aspect.

This terrifying learning ability is not at the level of a dimension at all.

But the only thing that can make Allen feel gratified is... Mio still hasn't learned how to control her terrifying spiritual power at this moment.Inside that petite body is still an untapped treasure house.And being undeveloped means that she still doesn't have any combat capabilities.

In other words, Mio is still very weak, and it is even difficult for her to defeat an ordinary magician.

If facing her, the world's strongest magician, Allen is confident that he can completely defeat this elf with no combat experience within a minute, leaving her no chance of a comeback.

It's a pity that this is the only field that makes Allen feel gratified, and it was quickly and easily surpassed.

"This, this is..."

Allen, who got up early to prepare breakfast according to his normal schedule, was looking out the window blankly at the moment.

She originally thought that the things that had unfolded in front of her during this period of time were enough to surprise her, but at this moment she truly realized what real shock is.

Because Mio was standing in the courtyard at the moment, holding a ball of light as bright as a light bulb, standing quietly in the breeze.And that ball of light is constantly emitting a terrifying aura, gradually disturbing the surrounding air, gradually turning into a frenzied storm, rustling the surrounding vegetation.

"Extremely high concentration of energy clusters!?" Allen screamed, his expression extremely shaken.

Such a level of energy mass was simply unheard of, even she, the strongest magician in the world, couldn't possibly release such terrifying energy!

"What the hell does she want to do!?"

That kind of dangerous thing, could it be that that idiot wants to completely destroy this area! ?

Allen felt anxious, and hurried downstairs to stop Mio's dangerous move.But just after she ran to the courtyard, she saw Qinli standing in the corner at a glance.

"You, you hurry up and stop her—!"

Seeing the anxious expression of the magician lady, Kotori who had been waiting here raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Are you concerned about her safety?"

They have only lived together for less than a week, so it shouldn't be possible for her to reverse her perception of elves so quickly, right?

"No, no!" Allen quickly denied, and said, "If she accidentally lets go, everyone here will be buried with her!"

"That's it..."

Qinli smiled suddenly, then waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her. Even if there is any danger, I can calm down the violent spiritual power in her body."

At least, Kotori would never let something dangerous like space shocks be released.

If Mio's space shock is released, not to mention these magicians here, even this entire country may be completely wiped out.

Although this easy-going attitude made Allen gnash her teeth angrily, she finally held back her restless heartstrings and stared fixedly at Mio who was not far away.

But as time passed, Alan's eyes opened wider and wider, and the surprise in his heart was clearly shown on his face.

Under Mio's control, the gleaming mass of spiritual power gradually gathered together, until finally it turned into a palm-sized ball of light, suspended above his palm, and all abnormal fluctuations calmed down. calm.

"how can that be..."

This level of energy can be completely controlled! ?Allen looked extremely shocked by this.

"Look, she really controlled her power very well."

Kotori smiled and patted Allen on the shoulder. "As a maid, you can't be surprised all the time."

"...Yeah." Alan just nodded stiffly to Kotori's words.

In the past, she really couldn't imagine that a simple living body could control such a huge amount of energy by itself, and this fact in front of her completely broke her common sense.

Is this what is called an elf...?

Allen smiled wryly, really not knowing what kind of terrifying monster he had summoned.Magicians like myself still want to master this terrible existence...

And now, the best chance to tame it has been missed.

The primordial elf in front of him has gained the power to protect himself. Not to mention being able to defeat the magicians, simply using this huge spiritual power is enough to block almost all attacks and interference methods. With all their current methods, it is impossible Deal any damage to the original sprite.


But at this moment, Mio turned around, and bounced the further compressed and purified spirit power ball towards Allen who was not far away!


Allen's pupils shrank suddenly, and just had time to raise his hands in front of him, and the ball of light had already flown in front of her.

bad, bad!

She seemed to feel the approach of death, and countless thoughts flew through her mind.

Why are you attacking me all of a sudden?Could it be that I did something bad to her these few days?Or was it that I didn't care to show some hostility that disgusted her?

Impossible, although I can't be called a qualified maid, she has always been quite peaceful and has never done anything bad.

so why...

When she was dying, Allen thought a lot in her mind, or it was the first time she knew that people would really have a so-called revolving door when they were dying, and all the memories since she was sensible were in her mind flashed by.

Nostalgia, pity, helplessness...



A sound like a burst of bubbles rang in his ears, and Allen suddenly opened his closed eyes as if waking up from a dream.

Looking at Kotori and Mio standing in front of him, he opened his mouth blankly, but seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

"This is my... gift."

Mio said softly.

"Gift..." Allen murmured.

Yes, this is indeed a rather rare gift.

For the magicians who have begun to deviate from their original heart and dreams, and even started to go astray, this is indeed a good opportunity to regain their past and true heart.

"You're not a good person, but you're not bad." Mio's tone was as calm as ever.

But these words made Allen smile wryly.

What do you mean by not being a good person...

"Isn't that true?"

Kotori on the side spread his hands and said: "The matter of coveting the power of the elves has already proved your arrogance and arrogance, and hidden evil intentions. It also shows that your plot is wrong. I didn't take action to kill you, it was already Very generous."

"...Do I still have to thank you?" At this time, Allen seemed to wake up from the trance just now, and then subconsciously complained.

"Of course~"

Kotori raised her head proudly.




PS: Blade Plus (320/366)


Chapter 929 Combat Methods (Fifth Change)

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