Mio has already been able to autonomously control the violent and disorderly spiritual power in her body.

This incident not only shocked Alan and other magicians, but also secretly surprised Kotori.This is too difficult for someone whose memory is blank, but in the end, Mio showed the reality in front of Kotori, and the girl couldn't help but have several thoughts in her mind.

Can you cultivate Mio's fighting skills?

If this talent is left alone...although it can be enriched with age, it is not as fast as actual combat.Of course, the premise is that Mio herself is willing.If she didn't like fighting with people, Kotori would naturally not force her to do some fighting and killing things.

In other words, whether it is an elf or a human being, as long as they are still alive in the world, they must have their own meaning of survival.In addition to fighting, there are also many things that can be done.

Reading, tasting tea, farming, weaving, programming...there are too many things that can be done in the world. Even if Mio's talent is astonishing, her energy is limited after all. Let her choose a field she likes to study. It's not a good way.

After all, Mio has the biggest difference from Kotori...that is, Mio has not entered the main god space.

However, on a certain afternoon.

Kotori, who was flipping through a stack of lists, was suddenly covered by a shadow. When she looked up, she realized that it was Mio who had walked in front of her. Her expression was as calm as ever, making it difficult to see what she was thinking in her heart at the moment.

"What's wrong?" Kotori tilted her head.

"Shouldn't it be time for lunch?"

On weekdays, it was Mio who often came to call the girl to eat, but today's time seemed a little early.That's why Kotori had the question just now.

But Mio shook her head slightly, and said lightly:

"I want to learn the art of fighting."

"...Huh?" Kotori's eyes widened in astonishment. "Why do you suddenly want to learn this?"

Although Mio has indeed been training her own way to control her spiritual power during this period, it is only to prevent her from being unable to control the power and cause space shocks, and it is also a necessary daily lesson.

But what she's saying now...

"I have a hunch, I have to learn." Mio's tone slightly accentuated.

The still clear eyes became a bit firmer, and a tiny will that cannot be ignored flickered in the depths of the eyes.

Seeing this, Qinli raised her eyebrows, but she was thoughtful in her heart.

The girl is very clear about the ability of the original elf in front of her... not a single attribute, but almost omniscient and omnipotent.

Kotori, who still remembers the plot of the original book, understands that her original power, the power of Tohka, Yoshina and the others, and even the power of all known elves, whether they are angels or demon kings, all come from the original elves. Split out of the body.

She has all the power of all elves. In this time and space, she is the only elf, a collection of all elves.

Although she still can't understand the level of her own strength for the time being, let alone what type of ability she possesses.But even so, those different abilities were still used instinctively.

To a certain extent, it is not impossible to predict the future and foresee dangers.

"I see. No wonder you suddenly ran over and told me that you want to learn fighting skills." Kotori nodded suddenly, but the girl frowned quickly.

No, as long as I was still by her side, how could I need her to learn some fighting skills?That's just superfluous.


Thinking of this, Kotori looked straight into Mio's eyes, and her own face was reflected in those gray-blue eyes.

"Unless I encounter some tough battles in the future, I have no time to be distracted, and I can only let Mio face the possible dangers alone. Is that right?"

"Yeah." Mio nodded, but subconsciously clenched her hands.

This little detail was naturally not missed by Kotori's sight.The girl couldn't help raising a bit of vigilance in her heart.Although Mio, who is currently only in the fifth domain, wants to spy on the future of the sixth domain or even the seventh domain, it is a bit too reluctant, but with her godhead-like essence, she started to learn a little bit of information fragments. It can be done.

Stuck in a hard fight...?

Kotori's mind suddenly remembered the three missions released by the Lord God Space, saving the world, defeating the enemies in the outer domain, and exploring the origin. None of these three missions is simple, no matter which one it is, it seems that it will be the same as those missions. The guys in the seventh domain are involved, and it is inevitable to fall into a bitter battle.

It seems that...

"Although you may not like it, it is indeed necessary to teach you how to fight." Kotori put away the stack of lists in his hand, and stood up with a more serious expression.

It's not for Mio Mirai to go out and fight fiercely, but for the sake of giving her the strength and means to save her life in the possible dangers.

Although the two of them had only been together for about ten days or so, such a clear and pure girl really made Qinli feel good about her, and she didn't want to see her disappear in danger, let alone see her become a beautiful girl. Toys and offerings in the hands of certain beings.

Wanting this place, Kotori stepped forward and held Mio's little hand. With the emergence of spiritual power, the two girls also flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky under the subtle eyes of the maid Allen not far away. in the sky.


"Have you mastered this feeling now?"

Kotori slightly let go of Mio's hand.

"Hmm..." Mio's face turned pale at first, but now she has been able to adapt to the feeling of flying at high altitude.

The most important thing is that at this time, she is floating above the sky with her own strength.

The mere use of spiritual power to counteract gravity is not a difficult task for Mio who has begun to control spiritual power.It didn't surprise Kotori that she was able to adapt all of a sudden.

Now that we have been able to maintain a balanced rhythm, let's get to the point as soon as possible.

"First of all, what I want to explain is that I have no way to teach you how to fight directly." Mio was slightly taken aback when Kotori opened her mouth.But the girl didn't care, she still said:

"The rhythm, feeling, and skills of the battle, these things cannot be expressed in words. Rather, everyone has a battle that suits them. Blindly imitate and learn the secrets, combat skills, and mental methods left by others. Things like that, just following the old path of others."

With a thought in Kotori's mind, the red battle ax and the slender sword emerged and floated beside the girl.

"Just like me, I habitually use these two weapons to fight. Also my own body is also a 'weapon'."

"So, what I want now is not to teach you some profound secrets. It's that you need to explore all your abilities in battle, and use your own brain to sum up the most suitable fighting method for you."



PS: Blade Plus (321/366)

(/^-^(^ ^*)/ (°◇°人°◇°)

Chapter 930 Mio's Strength

Whoosh whoosh—

Brilliant golden rays of light radiated from the sky like torrential rain, rubbing against the air and making an extremely ear-piercing screaming sound.

And Kotori, who was within the range of the heavy rain of light, had a slightly subtle expression at the moment.

It's not that the girl is helpless in the face of this level of attack, it's just that she has seen a trick that has a sense of déjà vu.Although Kotori had never witnessed such an attack in a real sense, this pure power of light was like a divine punishment from the sky, which made the girl subconsciously think of the popular female number two.

Tobiichi Origami.

The white-haired girl, who is quite pitiful both in terms of life experience and encounters, is also one of the heroines with a high status in the original story.In the beginning, he was a magician who belonged to AST, but in the end, he got the spirit crystal under the guidance of the phantom...that is, the original spirit, and changed into a spirit, identified as an angel.

And the armament she displayed after becoming an elf is something called the 'Angel of Extinction', which can release a considerable degree of light attack, which is quite similar to the scene in front of Kotori at this moment.

"The ability to origami...?" Kotori waved his hand, and the light rain that came together deviated directly from the direction, returned in the opposite direction and collided with other light rains, triggering a round of intensive explosions and explosions. shock.

Power is not bad.

Seeing this, Kotori nodded secretly.

This is not Mio's full blow, but more like a trick she released at will when she was trying to find all her power, and the power is quite scattered.But even so, this attack has shown quite a destructive power, and this single move probably can make those self-proclaimed powerful magicians burnt out, right?

Of course, when facing a real strong person, this kind of tactic can only be used as a show, and it is actually impossible to have any effect.


A ray of brilliant light suddenly pierced through the phosphorescent smoke, as if the direct sunlight was coming to the extreme!

Qin Li, who was still evaluating secretly just now, was slightly startled at this moment, and with a thought, an invisible barrier stood in front of him.


It was as if the sound of boiling water sounded, and ripples rippled on the invisible barrier, as if the silence of a calm lake was broken.

"This..." When Qinli saw this scene, she was also secretly surprised.

The power of this light cannon is far superior to those light rains with scattered power before, and it is enough to compare with those reincarnations of the fifth realm in a full blow in terms of destructive power.And this power...should be far from Mio's limit.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Kotori, who was resisting the light cannon, frowned slightly, and raised his left hand to block behind him.


A thick sword sounded, and a giant sword was firmly held in Qin Li's palm, preventing him from advancing an inch.

"Huh?" A figure slowly appeared from the lingering light, it was Mio holding a giant sword.

But at this moment, she was a little bit dissatisfied, her cheeks puffed up slightly, she looked like a cute little hamster.

It's really rare to have emotional fluctuations... Kotori smiled fondly at this.

But with a slight glance in his eyes, he saw the huge sword that he was holding at the moment.It looks quite familiar from the outside... This is Tohka's Killer.

Of course, it was slightly different from Tohka's sword.Maybe it's also the difference between archetypes and split individuals?

But since Mio has already brandished the giant sword and slashed over, what about the light cannon here...

Kotori turned his head to look, and found that not far away was a ball of light continuously releasing light cannons.

"That is..."

"I copied my power." Mio explained.At the same time, she clenched her hands, and an invisible force was transmitted along the giant sword!


Kotori finally showed a somewhat surprised expression, but her movements froze immediately, as if frozen by time.

No, it's not like it seems, but time is really stopped!

"I really can't move..."

As for Mio, who stopped the flow of time, she herself seemed quite surprised by this.But she finally calmed down, pulled the giant sword out of Kotori's hand, and pointed the tip of the sword at the chest of Kotori who couldn't move.

Seeing Kotori's motionless appearance, Mio couldn't help blinking, her eyes were fixed on Kotori's face, and there seemed to be a lot of emotions churning and brewing in her eyes.

"Hmm..." She finally turned the tip of the giant sword around, and after hesitating for a long time, she pointed at Kotori's finger.

"If you poke here...it should be fine." With this in mind, Mio carefully stretched out the sword.You only need to lightly touch Kotori's finger to remove the ability to stop time, and it should be considered your victory by then, right?

Kotori should praise me well.

Thinking of this, Mio couldn't help showing a faint smile on her calm face, as if she was very happy.

"I said... why are you able to kill people with a smile on your face?"

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