"Ahem, this is not the key issue." Qinli shook her head, and turned her attention to her sister again. "What I really want to ask is...about your attitude."

Although it was just in case, Kotori still wanted to double check.

And Bai Qin, who was still dissatisfied, twitched her mouth when she heard the words, and a confident and proud smile reappeared on her face.

"Of course, we, Ratatosk, must fully support you, sister! Go ahead and do it, we will be your most solid backing and provide you with a complete strategy!"

Kotori nodded in satisfaction at first, but after hearing the last sentence, she couldn't help blinking her eyes in amazement.


"No, Bai Qin... Didn't we make an agreement at home..."

"That's right, it's done! Let the elves blush and heartbeat through dating, and finally seal the power of the elves through kissing, so that they can live freely in this world!"

"..." Kotori couldn't help covering her face and sighing.

Has the correction power of the world finally brought back the plot?




Chapter 958 The Past (Fourth)

"This stinky girl..."

Kotori, who was staying in the infirmary of the battleship, couldn't help but sigh.Thinking back to the familiar but unexpected words that Bai Qin said before, the girl only felt that the previous persuasion was all in vain.

He obviously mentioned it to Bai Qin before.

Regarding her joining Ratastock, the girl did not have any objections.After all, there is a big difference between Ratostark and DEM, not only in their philosophies, but also in their acting styles.

Being able to stay in Ratatoskri as a commander is a very special practical experience for the still young Bai Qin, and it is still helpful to her growth to a certain extent.

So when Bai Qin told Qinli that she was going to join Ratatosk, Qinli quite agreed.

It's just that Kotori specifically mentioned at the beginning that if someone brings up weird topics such as 'seal the elves by kissing' or 'strike the elves by dating', they must choose to reject them.Let Kotori solve the problem of destroying the elves.

Back then, Bai Qin also fully agreed.


"Who on earth is secretly instigating Bai Qin to do this..." Qin Li shook her head while rubbing her forehead.

"It's me."

And at this moment, a lazy and gentle figure came from behind the door, and then a mature woman wearing a brown uniform and hip-covering skirt, holding two cups of hot tea, walked slowly into the room on high heels.

It was the analysis of Guanmura Rain Lingyin.

The outline of the face is seventy percent similar to Mio's, with a gorgeous beauty that surpasses ordinary people. Her long silver-gray hair hangs down in a mess, and the dark circles under her eyes slightly spoil this perfect beauty.But there is no doubt that Murasame Reine and Mio must have some kind of connection.

"It was I who suggested Bai Qin to organize this practice."

"You..." Qinli looked at the visitor in amazement, feeling a little dazed in her heart.

It didn't make much sense when we didn't communicate a few times just now, but now that we got closer... there was a voice deep in my heart constantly reminding Kotori that the person in front of me was Mio whom I had been looking for for a long time.

Following the throbbing in his heart, Kotori asked directly:

"Are you Mio?"

"..." Murasame Reine, who was about to hand the teacup to Kotori, was slightly taken aback, and even the movement of handing it froze.

Such a reaction also made Kotori wonder whether to be happy or worried.

"You really are Mio..." Kotori said in a low tone, and this time it was not a rhetorical question, but a conviction.

After a moment of silence, Murasame Reine...or Mio, nodded slightly.

"Long time no see, Kotori."

With a calm tone, it sounds like there is no mood swings at all.

It's as if... and Kotori are just strangers, it's chillingly deserted.

But Kotori did not misunderstand, but sighed contentedly, spit out all the entanglement and boredom in her heart, and a faint smile reappeared on her pretty face.

"It's so good to see you again, I thought you'd be avoiding me all this time."

"..." Mio's eyelids drooped slightly, and her messy bangs even covered half of her face.People can't see her real expression.

"I haven't seen you for thirty years. Has Mio in the past learned to hide her emotions?" Kotori smiled lightly to break the silence, and reached out to take the teacup.

"Okay, it's been a long time, let's sit down and have a good talk."


Mio gave a rare sigh, and then obediently sat beside Kotori.

This inarticulate appearance is almost the same as before...

"Hmmm... let's recap everything that happened and how it all went?"

Kotori took a sip of hot tea and found that this was Mio's technique of making tea in the past, so she couldn't help showing a smile from the bottom of her heart, and said with a light smile:

"Can you tell me what happened after I was pulled into the dark space? Although I have been out for several years, I am still at a loss until now."

"How many years..."

Mio finally spoke again, but compared to the past, her current accent was a bit hoarse and deep.His eyes were a little blank, as if he was recalling everything that happened in the past.

"It's true that a lot happened...I was quite worried when you were pulled into that weird space, Kotori."

"Feel sorry."

Although Mio spoke quite calmly, Kotori saw a trace of pain and sadness flashing across Mio's face.So Kotori chose to apologize directly, which was to calm Mio's emotions a little bit.

But the development that Mio said next was completely beyond Kotori's expectations.

In fact, it wasn't Mio who wanted to leave the small island by herself, but because of interference from other reasons.

The key problem is that the body of the silver-haired girl... Even though it was burned to ashes, it was restored to its integrity, but fortunately, because the soul and inner body were dragged into the dark space together by Kotori, a simple body is simply There will be no power whatsoever.

Because of this, Mio, who had been waiting for nearly ten years, wanted to rely on her own strength and use that body as the basis to reshape Kotori's body and 'resurrect' Kotori.

Unfortunately, this whimsical idea failed after all.

Because she really has no way to give Kotori's real soul to this 'kotori body', and with her power, she has no way to pull out Kotori's soul that may still exist from the dark space.She tried everything she could, and none of them succeeded in the end.

In desperation, Mio decided to stay on the island and wait for Kotori's return in the foreseeable future.But the mutation also appeared from that time.

A mysterious existence suddenly appeared out of thin air, ready to take away the body.Naturally, Mio would not sit idly by, and tried her best to prevent the opponent's move. After all, the 'Kotori body' was just an empty shell without any soul inside.But that body is also the body that gathers almost all of Mio's thoughts and blessings, and is even injected with almost [-]% of its power for storage, it is absolutely impossible for others to snatch it away.

Mio then fought and clashed with that mysterious being, probably because the power impact of the two sides was too great, resulting in the appearance of space-time turbulence, and the 'Kotori body' also fell into it and disappeared completely.

And that battle also caused Mio's body to be nearly shattered, and the little power left was exhausted, and she fell into a self-sleep-like coma.

After waking up, she had already arrived in the nearest city.

After that, with the help of Ratatosk, I got the living conditions of normal people, and even became an analyst and occasionally handled some official duties. Until now...

"Thanks a lot."

Hearing this, Kotori stepped forward and hugged Mio.

The girl really didn't expect that such an accident would happen during the time she left.At the same time, Kotori also recalled that the silver-haired girl who was supposed to be trapped in the dark space with him was suddenly kicked out of the dark space for some reason.

"My spare body...soul...spiritual power far surpassing the strength of elves..." Kotori murmured these messages softly, thoughtful in her heart.



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Chapter 959 A Thousand Words (Fifth Change)

After thinking about that question for a long time, Kotori was still unable to draw a conclusion.After Mio told all the facts about what happened before, Kotori's doubts grew more and more.

You know, Mio herself has appeared in front of Kotori at this moment.

Although compared with thirty years ago, his age and appearance have changed a lot.If Mio in the past was like a petite and cute little lolita, then now she is like a full-grown glamorous mature woman.

This is probably because the spiritual power in Mio's body was completely exhausted due to the previous battle, and even emptied of her own foundation, which led to such signs of substantial growth even though she was a body of an elf.

But the most interesting thing is... who is the true body of that phantom.

According to Kotori's understanding, the so-called unidentified phantom should be Mio's disguise as the original elf, and it is she who keeps handing over the spirit crystals to different girls to make them become elves.Logically speaking, only Mio could do such a thing.

Although Kotori is not very clear about the reason why she did this, but there must be some kind of difficulty.

But... that's not the case.

Who is the phantom in this time and space?What is the significance of it constantly giving spiritual crystals to the girls?

"This...even I don't know very well." Mio also seemed to be a little distressed by this. "The origin of that phantom is too mysterious. So far, the true identity of the other party has not been fully figured out. The most important thing is that what it does is also unpredictable."

Kotori rested her chin, deep in thought.

Mio shouldn't lie to herself, if the phantom is really not her, then the other candidate should be...

"Mio, you said before that you wanted to 'resurrect' me from another angle, but you failed in the end. The specially created body was also targeted by other people, and finally disappeared because of the battle. trace."

"So, who was the mysterious person who fought with you back then?"

This is the most important question.After all, in this world, there are almost no humans who can fight Mio head-on. Even if those magicians form an army and charge forward, they may not be able to beat Mio.

Even if Mio was short of spiritual power in her body due to shaping a spare body at that time, there is no one in her strength.But relying on her ever-changing multiple abilities, it should be enough to defeat those top magicians.

But in the end, it was the battle between Mio and the mysterious man that caused turbulence in time and space!

This is simply not what the current level of magicians can do.

Facing Kotori's question, Mio just shook her head helplessly.

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