"My memory has become a little fuzzy. I just remember that the person seemed to have used some means to hide his face and identity. I couldn't see who the other person was. But the only thing that is certain is...the other person is not A magician, that person is not wearing a display device."

Isn't it... a magician?

Kotori will not have any doubts about this, because it is not difficult to judge whether the opponent is a magician or not in battle. Modern magicians basically need to use display devices to increase their abilities during battle. Generally speaking, they will wear all kinds of equipment, which are very eye-catching and conspicuous.Even in battle, the so-called random domain will appear as a means of integrating offense and defense.

It's just... that person purposely hid his identity before approaching Mio?

It seemed that it was not an accidental intrusion, but more like it was intentional.As for the silver-haired girl who was the enemy of the outer domain, she can be directly ruled out. After all, her soul and inner essence have always stayed with Kotori, and even the body left outside was completely remodeled by Mio. It is impossible to go out and stir up wind and rain.

The instigator is someone else.

"If that's the case, let's put this question aside for now..." Kotori sighed slightly after thinking about it, and shook her head.

Although the girl really wants to find out the truth of the facts, and completely restore the history of the time when she was not around in the past.It's a pity that the current information fragments are too scarce to be connected into a complete information chain. In this case, even if Kotori wants to break his head, it is impossible to think of any correct development.

In this case, it is better to change your mood and throw away these annoying things.

"Mio, you said earlier that your body..."

Kotori was also very concerned about Mio's current physical condition.

He purposely created that perverted physical body, which almost emptied out all his strength, and then fell into a coma after being injured inside because of a battle with others.The current Mio is not so much an elf, but more like an ordinary person with some elf power.

Just by taking a few glances, Kotori could notice Mio's weakness and powerlessness at the moment.


But regarding Kotori's concern, Mio smiled softly. "This level of deficit will be completely repaired with the passage of time, it's just the length of time. The most important thing is that now I see you Kotori again... I am already quite happy."


Saying this kind of thing really made Qinli a little sad.

Although Mio has now completely integrated into the human world, living in peace.But looking at Mio's tired face and the forced smile, the girl still felt very uncomfortable and felt a little panicked.

If I hadn't penetrated into the opponent's stronghold so carelessly, or hadn't really fought with the silver-haired girl, the series of things that happened after that might not have happened.After all, Kotori also found out afterwards that the silver-haired girl and herself are indeed quite related, and she would not imprison herself in the dark space for eternity. According to what she said... maybe a period of time would be enough as a punishment up.

Maybe she would be released sooner, so Mio wouldn't have to go out of her way to create a spare body, trying to revive herself through that crooked way.Then the subsequent changes and conflicts will naturally not happen.

A thousand words to make a sentence...

"Thank you." Kotori hugged Mio's body tightly, buried her head in her chest, feeling this familiar yet unfamiliar embrace.And after Mio's initial stunned moment, the corners of Mio's mouth curled up slightly irresistibly, and she opened a satisfied smile.

She had waited so many years for this moment.

Feeling the warmth coming from her chest, Mio chuckled a little wickedly:

"Kinri, you seem to be getting shorter?"

"...Obviously you have grown taller!" Kotori raised her head blushing and shouted.



PS: Blade Plus (333/366)


Chapter 960 Inquiry

In the air battleship, he had a heart-to-heart talk with Mio, and exchanged information about what had happened and experienced in the past few years, and the two soon left temporarily.After all, Mio also has her own job now, and so does Kotori.

Of course, Qinli didn't have any real job, she just wanted to go home with Baiqin.

Although Bai Qin always had an awkward face on this journey, even though she was wearing a white ribbon now, and she was an approachable and considerate soft girl, she still had a straight face and didn't talk to Qin Li, But not too far away.

It looked like he was having a temper tantrum.

After returning home, Kotori quickly started preparing dinner for the night, and the two sisters sat quietly at the dining table and began to eat dinner silently.

The already somewhat calm world of the two of them seemed even quieter at this moment.

But until the end, it was Bai Qin who couldn't bear it anymore, put the chopsticks back on the table with a bang, and stared at Qin Li with a blushing face.

"Sister! Don't tease me!"

"Hey hey~" Kotori suddenly showed a wicked smile.

In fact, Qinli has already seen something wrong with Bai Qin's emotions, and Bai Qin also knows that Qinli has seen through her.But because of her cute and compliant character, Bai Qin couldn't bear to bring up such things. She wanted to use her rare temper to attract Qin Li's attention, and Qin Li opened up the topic.

The two sisters don't talk about the characteristics of mutual understanding, but at least they can see the general thoughts of each other.

It's a pity that Qinli kept her mouth shut from the beginning to the end, and the anxious Baiqin finally broke out.

"Well..." Looking at Qin Li's smiling face, Bai Qin shrunk her head in despair, and murmured in a low voice:

"It's because my sister is so close to Lingyin today...I didn't even know that Lingyin and sister were good friends..."

At this time, Bai Qin also recalled the time when she was with Ling Yin in the past. Even when they met for the first time, Ling Yin was very close and kind to her. No matter what suggestions she had, she would agree with her. Snacks are also available.It's almost like my own mother.

Looking at it now...is he treating himself as a substitute for his sister?

"I forgot to mention this to you before." Kotori clasped her hands slightly apologetically and said, "I always thought that your former big sister next door was Ling Yin, and since she has moved away, I I thought there was no need to mention it. But I didn't expect... there was someone else."

Just as the girl said, when she and Bai Qin took the initiative to come into contact with her at the beginning, no matter how you think about it, only Mio would do such a thing.But I didn't expect...the so-called big sister next door and Mio are two people at all.Otherwise, Bai Qin would have recognized her colleague Murasame Lingyin and the big sister next door as the same person.


After hesitating for a while, the sullenness in Bai Qin's heart seemed to dissipate a little. Maybe she found a lot of reasons in her heart to excuse Qin Li?

I have to say that Bai Qin, who is in the soft girl state, is indeed a very understanding and good girl.

"Then sister, can you tell me about the past between you and Ling Yin?" Bai Qin asked softly.

In fact, she was quite clear in her heart.

Back then, my older sister, Kotori, rescued herself from the hellish sea of ​​flames, and gave herself the same powerful power as an elf, and even a ribbon that could make herself strong and reliable, which is enough to prove that Kotori's status is not bad.And Bai Qin, who has now become the commander of Ratastock, also roughly understands what the so-called elves are.

My sister is much older than myself.

She even had a long-term friendship with Lingyin in the past... I don't know what state of mind she is in. Baiqin wants to explore Qinli's past, and also wants to know what Qinli and Lingyin have experienced in the past.

And Qinli just smiled slightly, and didn't have the slightest idea of ​​hiding, and told Bai Qin what happened thirty years ago.It also includes the birth of Mio as the original elf, the travel experience of the two, and the careless trapping at the end.

It wasn't until a few years ago that she escaped from the dark space and came to Tiangong City under the pursuit of the magicians all the way. By chance, she encountered a scene of elves raging and rescued Bai Qin.

As for what happened afterwards, Bai Qin herself knew everything about it.

After listening to Qin Li's narration, Bai Qin's expression became rather subtle.Of course, this is not because of trivial issues such as Kotori's age, but because of the relationship between Kotori and Mio.

Mio has been by Kotori's side since she was born (birth), or Kotori watched Mio grow up all the way.In addition, the two have always been close to each other, as close as a mother and daughter, but as Mio grows up, there is an inexplicable relationship between the two.

Although Qin Li didn't elaborate on his feelings, Bai Qin could still hear some clues from it.

Don't underestimate women's intuition, Bai Qin thinks she still has potential in this respect.

"What's the matter? His face seems a little strange."

"No, it's nothing." Bai Qin coughed twice, and got away with it for the time being.

But the little guy was thinking in his heart, should he have a face-to-face talk with Lingyin tomorrow?

"Okay, don't think about what you have and what you don't have, let's finish the meal first." Qin Li smiled lightly and touched Bai Qin's head, saying dotingly:

"If you want to know anything, come and ask me later, I won't hide anything."

"Hmm..." Bai Qin's face turned red, and she responded with a murmur.



After dinner, Bai Qin specially changed the black ribbon and ran to Qinli's bedroom to ask some questions that had been accumulated in her heart for many years.Although Qinli was amused by Bai Qin's aggressive appearance, the girl did abide by the agreement and told all the facts that Bai Qin wanted to know without any concealment.

After talking until it was close to 11 o'clock, Bai Qin couldn't bear the drowsiness, and was carried back to the bedroom by Qin Li and fell into a deep sleep.As for Kotori, she returned to her dormitory and breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Qin replaced with a black ribbon, in fact, the leader of thinking and personality should be the sadistic king.But it seems that some kind of agreement has been reached between the two personalities, the two of them appeared almost at the same time, so the character of the sadistic Wang Xieyi was also neutralized.

A proud queen who has become more humane.

Answering Bai Qin's question with that kind of attribute really made me feel tired.

"Kotori, let me let you relax." A faint voice sounded in his ears, and Kotori was startled immediately, and he quickly turned his head to look and found Origami wearing a set of translucent pajamas, just like a ghost appeared behind him.

"Wow!?" Even Kotori was taken aback by her.

Especially now that the room is still pitch black... Origami's bright silver hair exudes a strange brilliance under the moonlight outside the window.

At a glance, it looks like a female ghost popping out from that corner.




Chapter 961 Night Attack

"You, when did you show up at my house!?"

Kotori screamed in astonishment, but immediately covered her mouth with both hands as soon as she finished speaking.Bai Qin is sleeping soundly now, if her sleep is accidentally disturbed, as an older sister, Qin Li will still feel guilty.

It's just... the sudden appearance of origami really surprised Kotori.

"I walked in from the front." Origami tilted her head and said calmly.

"I don't seem to have opened the door at all!?"

Kotori said with hanging fish eyes.

Just now, I stayed with Bai Qin the whole time, and never moved to open the door.

Ding ding ding.

There was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and at the same time, Origami took out a bunch of brand new keys from nowhere, and said calmly:

"I have the key myself."


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