Liu Xu gently put Shen Meizhuang on the bed, looked at her calm and beautiful face, bent down, and kissed Shen Meizhuang's forehead.

"I will cure your illness and make you healthy and happy forever." Liu Xu slowly sent the true energy into her body.

After finishing all this, Liu Xu left Shenmeizhuang's room.


The sun rose slowly, and the golden light shone into the villa.

Everyone got up one after another, Bai Yanni ran as usual, Shen Meizhuang was busy preparing breakfast, Ran Jing helped, Yan Bing was still sleeping in, and Ran Jing didn't get up after calling for a long time.

Breakfast was ready, except for Yan Bing, the four gathered at the dining table.

Liu Xu noticed that there was nothing unusual about Ran Jing, and asked, "Did you sleep comfortably with two wine bottles in your arms last night?"

Ran Jing was not ashamed, but rather proud, and said proudly: "It's very comfortable! If you want it, I won't give it to you!"

"Do you remember what happened and said yesterday?" Liu Xu asked.

"Of course I remember! Although I'm drunk, I'm sober and I don't need to cover up! Don't I just hug you and cuddle with your cheeks? You look so beautiful, I don't even forget to tell you when I eat!" Ran Jing drank Xiaomi with peace of mind. Porridge.

"You are getting thicker and thicker!" Liu Xu praised sincerely.

"I'm also Bai Fumei who drank [-] yuan a bottle of red wine. Naturally, all aspects have improved. Thick-skinned is only one aspect! By the way, how is your date with seaweed?" Ran Jing smiled like a fox.

"What date? I sent her home and came back." Liu Xu didn't want to reveal Guo Haizao's privacy.

But Ran Jing smiled mysteriously, and said, "How is it possible? Just now, when I used Haizao's words, I found that she was full of praise for you, and kept praising you until I asked if she wanted to marry you. Guess what she said?"

"say what?"

"I won't tell you! Do I look like someone who betrayed my friends?"

"I do not mind!"

"Hypocrisy! Let's see how long you can bear it!"


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 463 Huanbi's House Was Forcibly Demolished

After dinner, Liu Xu went out to treat Lao Tao as usual.

Mr. He's side has basically finished, but Mr. Tao's side, Liu Xu deliberately slowed down the progress.

As for the reason, of course it was because of Tao Jing's concern.

If Tao Lao's illness is cured, then Liu Xu will find no reason to see Tao Jing!

However, since the last time we met, Liu Xu never met her with Mr. Tao again.

After giving Mr. Du a massage, Liu Xu suddenly received a call.

"Big brother, what kind of development zone is going to be built in the town, and my house is going to be demolished, can you help me?"

"Huanbi, what's going on?" Liu Xu was taken aback. He didn't expect such a thing like forced demolition to happen to Lan Huanbi's house.

"It's the mayor of the town, Li. He got a document out of nowhere, saying that the city is going to build a development zone in the town, and then insists on taking my land and house."

"Then he wants to occupy your land, how can he make up for it?"

"The homestead is 80 yuan per square meter, and the cultivated land is 300 yuan per mu,"

"How come there are so few?"

"It can be a lot. Mayor Li is staring at the demolition funds. The less compensation he gets, the more he will get! I know my brother is capable, can you come and help me?"

"Don't worry, just send me the address, and I'll be back soon." After Liu Xu finished speaking, he was about to walk away.

Yang Shu quickly stopped him and said, "What are you going to do?"

When Liu Xu called just now, he was by the side and heard it clearly.

"Go back and check the situation first. If there is no big problem, let my friend move, and the compensation is not bad."

"Well, I'll ask Lily to accompany you there. She knows a lot of people up and down, so I think she can help you."


Yang Shu went out on the phone, and then said to Gu Qingqing: "Qingqing, you send him there, Lily will contact you, and then you go with him to check the situation. If there is nothing serious, just leave Lily there and continue to take care of it. You and Xiao Liu try to come back at night, so don't delay tomorrow's treatment."

Now that Yang Shu has made arrangements, Liu Xu is disrespectful.

According to the address sent by Lan Huanbi, at the exit of Mingsha Expressway, Yang Qingqing slowed down, stopped slowly, and pointed to a white Honda Fit in the distance.

"Then, the woman standing next to the car is Lily, my best friend and my father's personal secretary."

Seeing Yang Qingqing's car stop, Lily walked slowly, dressed in a decent short skirt business attire, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the professional Yang of a professional female secretary and the charm of a woman rushed towards her.

"You are the one from Qingqing's family!" Lily stretched out her hand, and she looked at Liu Xu seriously, with a special look in her eyes.

Lily is a restless girl. She firmly believes that women must bet on the right things in life, and never let go when they meet good ones. Even if they destroy other people's families, they must fight for their own happy life.

But how did she become Yang Shu's secretary?

Just now, when he heard Yang Shu mention his secretary Lily, Liu Xu thought the name sounded familiar, but he didn't expect to see a real person, it was really Gu Qingqing's best friend.

It was probably related to the butterfly effect, but Liu Xu didn't delve into it.

"Hello." Liu Xu stretched out his hand and shook it hastily, "Nice to meet you, nice to meet you."

Lily was very professional and Yang continued: "Mr. Yang has already explained the matter. I will take care of your family affairs properly, but there is one more thing you need to know before leaving."

Behind Lily, there were two men in black suits and sunglasses. These two men were tall and strong, and they looked very sturdy and neat.

"These are the two bodyguards Mr. Yang specially asked to go with him." Lily introduced Liu Xu one by one, "This is Gao Jian and Yuan Jie!"

"Hello boss!" The two bodyguards bowed neatly.

Gu Qingqing's Porsche supercar only has two seats, and it can't take others with her at all, so Lily said: "Mr. Liu, your car leads, and we will follow. Let's go to your house first to find out how the demolition is going."

"Okay! Okay!" Liu Xu hurriedly responded, and got back into the car.

"What?" Yang Qingqing sarcastically said, "You feel uncomfortable when you see a beautiful woman?"

"No way, didn't the two bodyguards suddenly appear, a little unaccustomed."

"No way, the way I look at Lily looking at you is so strange!"

"What's so strange?"

Yang Qingqing suddenly put her arm on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Shall I introduce you? Maybe she is more interested in you?"

"Go! Where is this going? Introduce your girlfriend to me? Thank you for thinking about it." Liu Xu pushed her away, "Hurry up and drive, Dad is waiting at home."

"Bestie, of course we have to share good things. Hahahaha!" Yang Qingqing burst out laughing.

Hegang Town is a small town, and it is not located on a major traffic road, so although it is not considered remote, it is true that there are very few opportunities to see luxury sports cars.

As soon as Yang Qingqing's car entered the town, people around him pointed and pointed, and they gathered nearby in twos and threes to discuss it.

"Whose relative is this!"

"This car is worth a lot of money!"

"The girl in that car is so pretty!"

"Why do you look at the young man in the car, he looks so familiar."


The car drove by all the way, causing pedestrians to stop and watch.

After turning a few turns, a loose human wall surrounded a lonely tile-roofed house in the distance, and there were police cars, ambulances, and fire engines parked all around.

Look carefully at the human wall, all of which are made up of uniforms of various colors.

In the circle formed by the human wall, more than a dozen people, big and strong, old and young, struggled and wrestled together, and the gathered human wall looked on as if they were watching a scene.

Through the gap in the human wall, Liu Xu saw a familiar figure.

"Huanbi!" Liu Xu howled, and jumped out before the car stopped.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (Yangwei nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 464 Secretary Huang personally gave instructions

Such an eye-catching red Porsche is approaching, and it has long been noticed.

Seeing a young man running down from the luxury sports car, several uniforms seemed to want to step forward to stop him.

However, as soon as they made a move, they were waved back by the little boss next to them, and they were even rolled their eyes a few times: "I didn't wink, and I didn't look at any car. Can the person driving that car be stopped casually?"

Liu Xu rushed through the human wall smoothly and came to the open space in the middle. He saw a man lying on the path in front of the door with his face bloodstained, his eyes closed, and a few women and a few strong men writhing next to him.

Liu Xu was furious, rushed up and kicked the twisting yellow hair.

He was kicking Huang Mao on the side of the waist, and he kicked him to the ground.

"Huanbi! What's going on?" Liu Xu helped Huanbi up.

Huang Mao found out that someone dared to resist, so he immediately exploded and howled dryly: "Fuck! Dare to hit me! You must be bored!"

As he said that, Huang Mao pulled out a butcher's knife from his back, and jumped on it.

The surrounding wall of uniformed people turned a blind eye, as if they were blinded collectively, allowing the yellow hair to rush over and attack.

"Quick! Go save people!" Lily shouted from outside the human wall with a clear voice.

In the direction the Porsche was coming from, the human wall had already dispersed, and a group of uniforms hid far away, as if they were afraid of causing trouble.

As soon as the two bodyguards got out of the car, seeing this, they hurriedly rushed over in three steps in parallel.

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