Huang Mao came to Liu Xu's back, holding a pig-killing knife, and was about to stab him. He just raised his arm, and he didn't have time to stab someone.


Huang Mao suddenly let out a scream and fell limp to the ground, with a trembling throwing knife sticking out of his back.

Get the yellow hair, but the danger on the scene has not been lifted.

Seeing this, Lily pointed at the few people who were still twisting together from a distance.

The two bodyguards were instructed to rush over and knock down all the remaining ruffian-looking people.

In fact, Lily let the bodyguards take action, which completely saved the lives of these people.

At this time, Liu Xu helped Huanbi lift her father up from the ground, and checked carefully. Apart from a few shoe prints, there were no wounds on his body. The main wound was on his head, which bled a lot.

After the two bodyguards dealt with the ruffian, they hurried over to help.

"Send it to the ambulance over there first." Liu Xu said, "It's important to save people first."

Several people carried him to the ambulance, and the uniformed people who gathered together did not stop them. The doctors and nurses in the car saw the patient coming up, checking and infusing, busy in an orderly manner.

The ambulance rushed away with the wounded, Yuan Jie accompanied Liu Xu and Huanbi to the car, Gao Jian was left at the scene to help.

Gu Qingqing looked at the scene and thought it would be better to take Huanbi's family away first, and someone else would naturally handle the rest.

"Lily!" Gu Qingqing shouted at her, "Give me your car keys."

Lily nodded upon hearing this, and said, "Take it!"

She waved her hand, and threw the key in an arc.

Gu Qingqing took the key, greeted the others, and went to the hospital together.

Here Gu Qingqing coaxed people away, and Lily also found the person in charge at the scene.

"Yo! Mayor Li Da, you are so grand, there are hundreds of people casually, and the people from the city bureau are here to help you!"

Mayor Li had seen Liu Xu and his party a long time ago, but he just couldn't figure it out, why did things take such a turn?

He hesitated, not knowing what attitude he should take to face him, he never dared to take the initiative to meet him, until Lily found him out of the crowd, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and meet him.

"Secret Lily! Rare guest, rare guest, what brought you here?"

"Isn't this our Mayor Li's big move, which alarmed Mr. Yang!"

"Mr. Yang!?" Mayor Li hesitated, "What does this have to do with Mr. Yang?"

"Where did those guys who beat up just now come from?" Lily didn't answer him, pointing at the ruffians who were still lying on the ground.

"This..." Mayor Li didn't know how to answer, if he said this badly, he would offend both sides.

Mayor Li hesitated, and various thoughts quickly turned in his mind, and then shouted: "It's all gone! It's all gone!"

While thinking about it, he looked around and talked about him, and waved his hands to disperse the uniforms who were waiting to watch.

The uniforms rushed away, and the ruffians who were lying on the ground were thrown on the ground like that. No one wanted to talk to them, but there were still a few uniforms who had the leisure to come over to appreciate and comment, as if they were lying on the ground It's very artistic.

Turning around, Mayor Li found that Lily was still staring at him. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Those people are the ones that Brother Biao asked for."

"Was that family unwilling to move just now or asking for a lot of money? Why are there such big battles?"

Mayor Li said very carefully: "It's not aimed specifically at their family. The construction period is tight, and the higher-ups are in a hurry. There are not many signings. Today, most of the people's homes are empty, and there is a surprise demolition. It just happened to catch up with them. The family members are all at home. They guard the house and are unwilling to come out. In order to prevent hurting others, Brother Biao and the others are a little impatient..."

"Don't want to hurt people?" Lily curled her lips, "I think the word "no" should be removed! Which leader created this project?"

"..." Li Zhenzhan really didn't want to answer. No matter what it is, the more people reach out, the more complicated it will be, and there may be something wrong in the end.

"Mayor Li is really shameless. Do you mean to ask me to find out?" Lily is really not afraid that he will not answer. This kind of thing will not be a secret, and it is easy to ask.

Mayor Li pondered for a while and said, "Secretary Huang personally gave the instructions."

"Oh?!" Lily was really surprised, she didn't expect to involve a leader in this demolition.

"I heard you kept the demolition compensation very low?" Lily asked tentatively: "But it seems that the compensation approved by the city is not low? I heard that the compensation has already been in place."


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 465 My sister's house can also be demolished by you?

"Hehe!" Lily giggled, "Yes! It was done according to the policy, but you did it according to the policy twenty years ago, right?"

Seeing that Mayor Li was still trying to quibble, Lily interrupted him and said, "Come on, you don't want to be bureaucratic with me, who doesn't know who, I don't care whether the compensation policy is good or bad."

After hearing this, Mayor Li's face became much better, and he was afraid that someone would come out halfway to disrupt the situation.

Lily looked at him and said, "But you have to give an explanation for this hurtful matter. Then Liu Xu has a good relationship with Mr. Yang, so this matter cannot be passed lightly."

Mayor Li's face turned green at that moment.

"My little aunt! Aren't you embarrassing? Are Geng Biao's people something I can manage?"

Mayor Li's face twitched unconsciously. When he saw Geng Biao, he wanted to call out Brother Biao together with others. Behind Geng Biao was a big boss in the political circle. They sent some people to do dirty work for your face, and they took the blame Well, that has to be the person's willingness, if not, if you throw him out to top the tank, that's shameless!

Don't look at him as a mayor, if he really fell out with Geng Biao and had a conflict, they would deal with him anyway, even if a few younger brothers beat him halfway, he would have nowhere to cry.

If he confronted Geng Biao, he would definitely lose his job and leave, and he would have to be repaired by Geng Biao in various ways. In the end, there would not even be a place to complain.

Counting on those connections within the system to help him?People don't need to invite their backers, just say hello to the county leaders, who dare not give Secretary Huang face?

It depends on the owner to beat the dog. If the dog comes to ask for a bone, it is for the sake of the owner. Who would dare not give it?

Mayor Li is suffering so much!

Yang Shu is also a big shot, especially his wife, Tang Hong, that woman is even more unusual. The two of them started from scratch and worked hard to create such a huge career. Help is everywhere.

If Secretary Huang can be transferred or transferred in a few years, this poplar tree is rooted here, and it cannot be easily offended.

This is really a running dog entering a poor alley, blocking both ends!

"They hurt people!" Lily pointed at the few people on the ground.

Mayor Li grinned, and said to himself, "I only injured you, but you knocked down all five of them, and one of them still has a knife in his back!"

"Grandma, don't embarrass me. You know that I'm just an errand, and no one will listen to what I say. I really want to give you an explanation, but the problem is that even if I say it, it will work. Just do it!"

"This happened to you, who else would I turn to if I don't ask you?" Lily bit her tongue to death and refused to let go.

"Grandma, I really don't know that the Lan family has something to do with Mr. Yang. If you know how such a thing will happen, why don't you pay some money and let them admit their mistake?" Mayor Li felt pained in his heart. I am afraid that the money for the loss will have to come from him.

Huanbi is waiting anxiously outside the emergency room of the hospital. Her father has already been pushed to the emergency room, and the result is still unknown.

Her mother was crying beside her, saying, "Bodhisattva bless you! Bodhisattva bless you! Don't let anything happen to you!"

"Mom, don't worry, nothing will happen to Dad." Lan Huanbi suppressed the anxiety in her heart to comfort her mother.

"These goddamn bastards beat their heads with sticks in a daze, and they will suffer retribution sooner or later." My mother cursed.

"Huanbi, what's going on? You called me earlier, why did something happen so quickly?" Liu Xu asked.

"Who knows, yesterday it was said that we would negotiate relocation, but today suddenly a large group of people came. As long as no one is at home, the bulldozer will directly push the house. If someone is at home, they will smash the door and pull it out. People, push after pulling people."

"Huanbi, is it because your family didn't sign the agreement?"

"How can it be? The compensation is so small that there is not enough money to build another house. No one signed the contract. They suddenly came to demolish the house."

"Are there a lot of people injured in their forced demolitions today?"

"A lot, why not a lot, a lot of people were beaten, my dad just argued with them a few words, and then he was beaten with a sap, why do you think these people are so black!"

Liu Xu listened to Lan Huanbi's description, his heart was filled with anger, his temples were throbbing, these unscrupulous real estate developers.

But he had already thought about it, no matter who did it, they must pay a heavy price.

At this time Liu Xu's phone rang, and it was Yang Shu.

"Xiao Xu, the matter is now clear. It was Geng Biao's men who injured your friend's father. What do you think?"

"Geng Biao? It's him again?" The last time Geng Biao sent someone to follow him, he hadn't settled the score with him yet, but the old account had not been cleared and the new account came again. It seemed that he really had to settle the account with him.

"Uncle Yang, my request is very simple, someone must pay the price, this is a private matter, we can't let them just throw out a few 'temporary workers' and just fool around."

Yang Shu pondered for a while, and said: "Xiao Xu, we can't move Geng Biao down for a while, but it's okay to let you vent your anger, let him vomit some blood, and cause some internal injuries to him."

"What is Uncle Yang going to do?" Liu Xu was noncommittal. The fact that the poplar tree cannot be brought down does not mean that Liu Xu cannot be brought down. Not to mention using the relationship between Mr. He and Mr. Tao, he can make the other party kneel.

"Geng Biao can't be defeated. I plan to knock out one or two of his capable men and make him feel pain."

"Okay, just do as Uncle Yang said." Liu Xu said in his heart, "Yangshu is Yangshu, but Huanbi is the girl I know, so I have to come up with other ways to deal with him."

Liu Xu nodded, and Yang Shu started to act. In order to win Liu Xu, Yang Shu spent a lot of money, and his daughter was ready to join.

This time he wanted to vent his anger on Liu Xu's friend, and Yang Shu spared no effort in this kind of thing to increase his favorability.


Ps1: Ask for flowers!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!Flowers are free!

Ps2: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group purchases (Yangwei nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

Chapter 466 Which god did he offend?

The small town where Huanbi's family is located is a place where the little demons are very popular. There are many incidents of stumbling and stabbing in the dark. Geng Biao himself is a gangster. Although he dare not mess with some prominent figures, He is not afraid of others.

Over the years of his misbehavior, he has offended many people and caused a lot of public grievances. Many people want to deal with him, but they are afraid that Secretary Huang will dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

The poplar side is well arranged, and the meaning is revealed. Some bigwigs on the road are happy to watch the excitement and watch from the sidelines.

People who understand the situation look very interesting, but people who are in the game can't figure it out.


"Brother Biao! Brother Biao!" A subordinate ran in scrambling.

"What are you panicking about?" Geng Biao frowned.

"Brother Biao, our casino has been stolen!"

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