After making a decision, He Jing seemed to be giving up all her troubles, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder proudly, and said, "Order takeaway!"


It will be 48 hours since Zhu Aiping disappeared. Liu Xu promised He Jing to accompany her to the police station to file a case today.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Liu Xu, but He Jing was entrusted by Zhu Aiping's boyfriend to bring as many friends as possible to go with her. She said that only when there were many people going could the police pay attention to it, so that she would not be forced to leave after finishing the document work. It doesn't matter where you throw it.

Liu Xu's Mercedes-Benz S600 had just driven out of the mountain pass and before entering the ring road, suddenly a police car rushed out from the curve ahead.

Originally, this road was specially built for the small villa area on the mountain. The villa area is not big and the traffic flow is small, so the road is not wide enough. It is enough for two cars to get in the wrong way, and the police car from the opposite direction rushes nearby.


Flicking the brakes, the police car suddenly crossed the road, just blocking the Mercedes-Benz S600.

Liu Xu stepped on the brake in a hurry, almost crashing into it without reacting, and stopped next to the police car.

Before Liu Xu could react, he heard the sound of violent brakes coming from behind. Looking back, a police car stopped just against the rear bumper of the Mercedes-Benz S600.

I saw a few policemen rushing out of the two police cars, holding guns and rushing over while shouting.

"Police! Police! Don't move! Don't move!"

Yuan Jie and Gao Jian didn't even say a word about the scene, they were pinned to the ground and their heads were forced by guns.

The two couldn't figure out the situation, and they didn't dare to resist easily.

These policemen couldn't help but force Liu Xu to get out of the car with guns.

"Who is trying to die?" Liu Xu didn't resist.

Yuan Jie and Gao Jian shouted loudly while looking around: "Why are you arresting people? Why are you arresting people? Is there an arrest warrant?"

After putting on the handcuffs, these policemen seemed to be in a hurry to rush to the scene. They picked up the three of them and were about to stuff them into the police car.

At this time, a leading policeman said: "Take this away, and leave the other two bodyguards alone!"

After finishing speaking, the leader took out a piece of paper from his pocket, swiped it, unfolded it, and flashed it in front of the eyes of the three.

"Here's the arrest warrant!"

He didn't wait for a few people to see clearly, folded the arrest warrant and put it in the pocket of the frontman Jie Yuexiong.

"We suspect that the suspect is suspected of smuggling drugs from abroad, and we have specially arrested him."

After speaking, he stuffed Liu Xu into the car, and the two police cars ran away in a hurry.

Yuan Jie and Gao Jian were very anxious, but their hands were still handcuffed, so they could only try to get out of trouble first, and then find someone to find a solution.

Fortunately, a pair of handcuffs couldn't stop the two of them, they cooperated with each other and quickly opened the handcuffs.

Yuan Jie called Lily.

"Miss Zhu! Liu Xu was just taken away by the police." Yuan Jie stated the result directly.

Lily's original name was Zhu Rui, so Yuan Jie called her Miss Zhu.

Her side seems to be in a public place, a bit noisy.

Lily was stunned for a while after hearing this, and then asked, "What charges? Is there an arrest warrant?"

"There is an arrest warrant!" Yuan Jie took out the arrest warrant and unfolded it, "The crime written on it is drug trafficking."

"Drug trafficking!?"

"Yes, the enforcement unit is the Public Security Bureau of Puyang City, Henan Province!"


"Yes, there are two police cars, seven policemen, all with guns. The license plate of the police car is indeed from Puyang, and I wrote down the license plate number."


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Chapter 557

Lily thought for a while and said: "I see, you guys go back first, you don't have to worry about the rest, I will let you know if there is something to do."

"Okay!" Yuan Jie and Gao Jian drove the abandoned Mercedes-Benz S600 back to the villa.

They couldn't help with the rest of the matter, it all depended on Yang Shu's relationship, trying to get Liu Xu out.

As for the charges mentioned on the arrest warrant, the two of them couldn't agree.

So since Lily said that there is nothing left to worry about, the two of them don't want to delve into it, and just do their job as bodyguards, and ignore other things.

Liu Xu was detained in the police car. The two police cars seemed to be fleeing for their lives. They got on the high speed and drove forward desperately. The cars were almost floating.

"Comrade police..." Liu Xu looked calm, "Why did you arrest me?"

"You understand in your heart." The leading policeman replied.

Neither of the two cars was a police car with a cell in the back, but two sedans.

So Liu Xu was placed in the back seat, with two policemen sandwiching him, one on the left and the other on the right, and the leading policeman sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm not dealing drugs, are you making a mistake?"

"Murderers still say they didn't kill people!"

"Okay then, why do you say I sell drugs?"

"You don't have to pretend, we won't arrest you easily without solid evidence."

"What is the actual evidence?"

"Am I a policeman or are you a policeman?" The leading policeman ignored him a little impatiently, intending to end the conversation, "You will know where you are."

"Where are you from the police?"

"Puyang, Henan!"

"Cross-provincial arrest? Do you really regard me as an international drug lord?"


The police car kept heading north, almost non-stop except for refueling and going to the toilet. The driver changed when he was tired, and drove forward almost non-stop.

After running continuously for more than eight hours, the vehicle finally turned off the highway.

On the other hand, Liu Xu fell asleep.


He Jing waited for Liu Xu to come and didn't come, and even though he knew that he might have something to do, she was always aggrieved and kept saying to herself: "I will never forgive you next time! I will never forgive you next time." you!……"

"He Jing!" a handsome boy called her.

This boy is Zhu Aiping's boyfriend Jin Shifeng. He Jing and Zhu Aiping are best friends, so they are also very close to Jin Shifeng.

Going to the police station to file a case, the attitude of the police made people very worried. In order to find his girlfriend as soon as possible, Jin Shifeng had to think of a crooked trick. He planned to gather many friends to file a case together, trying to attract the attention of the police and urge them to devote some energy to help. looking for someone.

This convening event was initiated by Jin Shifeng. Friends made friends, and they found a lot of people. Now there are seventy or eighty people present.

Jin Shifeng estimated that there were almost enough people, so he began to call everyone to gather and prepare to go to the police station to file a case.

People who have something in common have more opportunities to communicate with each other, and the gathering of such people forms large and small circles.

The circles that He Jing and Jin Shifeng could come into contact with were generally similar to them. A group of young people from ordinary families gathered and walked towards the police station.

Fortunately, the meeting point was deliberately chosen not far from the destination. After a few steps, the crowd arrived at the police station, and some idlers slowly gathered around to watch the excitement.

Seeing a lot of people coming in the yard, everyone in the police station was alarmed. They leaned against the window and looked out, trying to find out what happened.

"Why are you so many here?" An elderly policeman stopped them in the hall.

"We're here to file a case!"

"Filing a case? What case?"

"Disappearance case! My girlfriend suddenly disappeared at the gate of the unit when I got off work the night before yesterday, and there has been no news until now."

"Oh, is that enough for 48 hours?"


"Then you come with me, everyone else goes out and waits, don't follow in."

Jin Shifeng turned around and arranged for good friends to follow him in.


"Golden Stone Peak"





"Home address?"

"These things are useless, don't ask, you can help find someone quickly, my girlfriend has been missing for two days, and there is no news yet, I'm afraid that something will happen."

The policeman who made the record looked up at him, and said flatly, "I don't want to file a case. This is a procedure. We need to make records."

Jin Shifeng had no choice but to finish the procedure now.He told all the information about himself and Zhu Aiping, and the policeman also wrote it down, and then asked him to tell everything about before he disappeared.

After everything was recorded, Jin Shifeng asked with concern: "Is this considered a case?"


"Then what's next?"

"Go back and wait for the news. If we find it, we will contact you."

Jin Shifeng didn't expect that it would still be like this. Even if the case was filed, it would be meaningless to go back and wait.

Jin Shifeng refused to give up, so he suggested: "There should be surveillance cameras near the hospital, can you help check the surveillance? If you check the surveillance, you will know where she has gone."

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