This kind of reaction is almost instinctive, because the people around him have to go through their brains before speaking, every sentence has meaning, and they are not spoken casually, so analyzing other people's words is almost like breathing, it has become normal physiological response.

"Oh, I slept well this morning. I was woken up by someone. I opened the door and saw a few policemen holding up arrest warrants, ready to arrest me."

"Huh? What's going on specifically?" He Changxiong's tone suddenly became serious. He was in the critical period of treating his father, and Liu Xu was a treasure, so he had to protect him so that no accidents would happen anyway.

"Didn't something happen in our magical capital a few days ago?"

"Well, I heard that."

"These policemen said they suspected that I was involved and wanted to handcuff me back for investigation."

"They are abusing the police power and arbitrarily expanding the scope of the attack. If it is light, it is abusing power, and if it is serious, it is creating unjust, false and wrongly decided cases." He Changxiong stated his position as soon as he came up. That would appear to distrust people, and besides, it doesn't matter if you participate or not. Since Liu Xu has brought it up with him, he has to help settle the matter out of emotion and reason.

"That's right. I was in Henan that day. A policeman called from the front. I explained everything to him, but he insisted that I return to Mingshan immediately, and said that he would assist in the investigation, otherwise he would arrest me online and send people across provinces. Arrest me. I thought he was talking about it to scare people, but I didn't expect it to come."

"Where are the policemen?"

"Sleeping on the floor of my room!"

"Sleeping on the ground?"

"Yeah, they're going to arrest people when they come up, there's no way, let them sleep for a while after being cured!"

"..." He Changxiong didn't know what to say anymore. He knew about Liu Xu chasing him for thousands of miles and killing the defecting expert, and it seemed that the troops even gave him special thanks.

The details of this matter are classified as military secrets, and even He Changxiong does not know the details of the inside story.

After thinking about it, He Changxiong wanted to know Liu Xu's attitude, so he asked, "Should these policemen be sent back, or what should we do?"

"Arrest people at every turn. I think they don't look like real police. I'm afraid they are scammers pretending to be, or robbers who broke into and robbed and kidnapped. We need to investigate carefully so that they can remember."

He Changxiong was very disapproving, thinking that Liu Xu was still a young man after all, he was very angry and couldn't hold his breath. Wouldn't it be useful to find some policemen who were running errands?If someone really deliberately framed him, he would have to settle the score with the right person behind him.

But He Changxiong didn't care about it, a little request, just follow Liu Xu's temperament, he can do whatever he wants, not to mention the favor of saving his old man, he also contributed the most to the defection of the expert later.

"Yes, criminals are becoming more and more rampant now, and their arrogance must be severely cracked down. Wait, I'll ask someone to deal with it immediately."

"Okay, thank you Brother He!"

"Hey, it's a little thing, thank you."

Liu Xu hung up the phone, looked at his watch, and found that it was only after 5 o'clock, which was still early, and he couldn't fall asleep even after being disturbed.

With nothing else to do, Liu Xu pondered over this matter slowly, but now he just didn't know whether it was the neurotic policeman in front of him who went crazy, or someone intentionally punished him.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 593 Beast, I'm Your Fan

Liu Xu was ready to go back to the Demon City to solve this matter immediately. If it weren't for Huang Qiang's stupid use of it, he would have killed his grandson a long time ago.

However, a person's patience is limited, Liu Xu is no longer ready to play with their father and son.

As a result, unfortunately, all the air tickets were sold out.

Liu Xu didn't want to bother An Ran and He's family anymore, so he decided to drive back.

Anyway, Shen Meizhuang also said that he wanted to buy a car, so Liu Xu planned to take an Audi A8 and drive back to Shanghai.

Go out to take a taxi and go straight to the Motor City.

Liu Xu arrived at the Motor City, and it happened that there was a car show here.

As a result, Liu Xu discovered that the people who went to the auto show were really not here to buy a car, but to see beautiful women.

There is a T-shaped booth in the middle of the main entrance, and several beautiful models in three-point style go back and forth to walk the show.

From time to time, the models put their hands together to brush their waterfall-like long hair, causing cheers from the male audience.

Whenever she walks on the catwalk, cameras, mobile phones, video cameras, etc. "click click" and click the shutter.

After wandering around casually, Liu Xu stopped in front of the BMW booth, because the car model is very beautiful, especially the figure, which is very domineering.

Therefore, Liu Xu almost forgot his original intention. Originally, he planned to buy the Audi A8.

The beautiful car model has shoulder-length hair, an oval face, and crooked eyes when she smiles. She wears a suspender dress with a short hem and a very economical material. Her body curve is very smooth and graceful, and her waist is relatively thin.

When she saw the handsome young man in front of her looking at her, she intentionally smiled and made a few moves to show off her body curves, as if to say: "Handsome guy, come on!"

To be honest, before she shook her body, Liu Xu had been hesitant about whether to approach her or not, so he never made up his mind to answer her.

After getting the unmistakable information about her body, Liu Xu walked up and said bluntly: "Hi, can we get to know each other?"

"you do not know me?"

"A little familiar."

"Do you always tell people like this every time you strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman?"

"What I'm saying is true."

"Hehe..." The beautiful car model smiled and said, "I'm working!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Let me stand up for a meeting! Go and have a rest."

"Can you do it? Stop kidding!" Seeing Liu Xu joking, the beautiful car model said, "I can't tell you too much, hehe..."

"I think you are very special, really, I want to get to know you." Liu Xu smiled, "Let's do this! You are very busy now, so I will leave my phone number to you. Are you free?" Call me, will you?"

"You wait in the car for a while!" The beauty blinked her eyes and said ambiguously, "I will change shift soon."

So it turned out, Liu Xu came to his senses, the car in the mouth of the beautiful car model was not the BMW displayed beside her, but the Cadillac that Huang Shengyi drove just now.

It turned out that it wasn't that my brother was attractive, but that the top-of-the-line configuration, the new Cadillac worth 156 million was attractive.

It should be that when Liu Xu got out of the car just now, he was seen by the beautiful car model standing on the booth, so he favored him and looked at him differently.

There is another point Liu Xu doesn't know, but the beautiful car model knows it well. The Cadillac he drives has been in short supply recently, and the car needs to be withdrawn by [-]. Liu Xu's car is obviously a new car, and the license plate, Yanjing A license plate can even be more expensive than a car.

When Liu Xu got off the car booth, a male salesman greeted him warmly: "Welcome, sir, what car do you want to buy?"

The male salesman introduced Liu Xu very graciously, but he ignored it. After a while, the male salesman retreated gorgeously.

"Hello, sir." A sweet voice sounded in Liu Xu's ear.


Zhai Ling's expression changed, she didn't like the name "Beast Beast" at all.

"Miss Zhai Ling, I'm your fan." Liu Xu looked excited, and he watched all of Zhai Ling's leaked movies.

"Mister to buy a car?"

"Just take a look, by the way, Miss Zhai, you look much better in real life than on the Internet."

"Thank you, you really know how to talk." Zhai Ling's sweet voice sounded again.

"Really! I rarely praise people." Liu Xu said while looking at the beauties around him.

Zhai Ling is about [-] meters tall, with flowing hair, fair skin, light makeup, a white shirt, black pants, and black high-heeled shoes.

Although it was a standard professional suit, wearing it on Zhai Ling made people feel impulsive.

Liu Xu swallowed, and said with a smirk: "Miss Di, you are so beautiful, there must be many people chasing you?"

"Thank you, I'm married." Zhai Ling said with a smile.

"Ah! Really? Your husband is really a blessed man!" Liu Xu had a regretful expression on his face. He vaguely knew the news of Zhai Ling's marriage. It seems that after getting married, she quit the car model circle and switched to selling cars.

After hearing this, Zhai Ling smiled and said, "You're so funny, I won't bother you anymore, if you have other things, you can call me."

After speaking, he smiled and walked away.

Liu Xu looked at her back intently. Zhai Ling walked very nicely, with a slightly twisted waist, and the high-heeled shoes made a "dump, tuck, tuck" sound.

Watching Di Ling disappear from sight, Liu Xu was still in a daze, reminiscing about Di Ling's figure just now.

At this moment, Zhai Ling's figure appeared again, walking towards Liu Xu with a few promotional brochures in his hand.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 594 I'm afraid you'll catch a cold if you don't wear underwear

Zhai Ling smiled and said: "Sir, all the cars in our shop are in these albums, you can choose slowly!"

"Don't tell me sir, I feel uncomfortable after hearing that." Liu Xu smiled and said, "My name is Liu Xu, you can just call me by my name."

Zhai Ling didn't speak, but nodded with a smile.

"By the way, do you have a business card?" Liu Xu asked, "Can I call you if I want to buy a car?"

Zhai Ling nodded with a smile, "Yes! If you choose, please feel free to contact me."

As she spoke, she took out a business card and handed it to him.

Liu Xu immediately greeted her with both hands, and held her hand tightly. The small hand was so slippery and it was very comfortable to hold.

Zhai Ling quickly withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Why don't I accompany you to see it again!"

"No, no need, I'll just read the picture book." Liu Xu refused against his will, but he cast his gaze twice before her, and reluctantly took it back.

Fools don't want beautiful women to accompany them!But his body knew that if he was so tired of being with Zhai Ling again, he would definitely make a fool of himself.

Thinking of this in his heart, Liu Xu hurriedly turned his head to see that Zhai Ling was looking at him with a red face and a smile.

The moment the two eyes met, Zhai Ling looked away, turned around and disappeared from Liu Xu's sight again.

"It's really disappointing." Liu Xu scolded himself secretly, but he can't blame him, the real beast stimulated Liu Xu too much.

After finding a male salesperson and asking the direction of the bathroom, Liu Xu hurriedly walked towards the bathroom.

Push open the door, the men's toilet is on the left, and the women's toilet is on the right.

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