Liu Xu sighed softly in his heart, shook his head and smiled, in fact, he didn't know what the dewy marriage with Huang Yijiang would turn out to be in the end, his intention to let Huang Yijiang go to the magic capital was real, and he was planning to open an antique Now when I meet Huang Yijiang, someone will give me pillows when I just fell asleep. Then Shenmeizhuang will be in charge of administration, and Huang Yijiang will be in charge of the site and appraising treasures.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and he didn't dare to waste any more time. After driving out of the community, he turned on the navigation and drove towards the highway intersection.

Huang Yijiang returned home, sat on her bed, stared blankly at the blooming red rose on the white sheet, she wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh.


"Small sale!"

"Sister Jing! What's the matter?"

"Didn't you promise to remove the scar for me? I just had the stitches removed, and now there is a long centipede on my forehead, please help me find a way, it's so ugly!"

"But I'm not in Shanghai right now!"

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in Jiujiang!" Liu Xu glanced at the navigation, which showed that he was currently driving on the expressway section of Lijiang.

"Jiujiang? When did you go to Jiujiang?"

"I can't help it, you know, I'm a salesperson, so I have to follow the customer, of course I will follow the customer wherever he goes!"

"Your client is real, and you don't stay in one place honestly, and you don't have anything to do."

"He didn't want to either. I guess he must come to Jiujiang for something?"

"What is it?"

"I don't know, the client won't report to me, but I guess he may be on a business trip."

"Travel? Is there anything interesting in Jiujiang?"

"Of course Jiujiang has many interesting places, and it is the most famous tourist city in Jiangxi."

"Jiangxi? Isn't Jiujiang from Xi'an?"

"Xi'an?! Sister, did your physical education teacher teach you geography?"

"Is there something wrong? Why do I remember that Jiujiang seems to be in Xi'an Province?"

"Brother, Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi Province. 'My family lives on a high loess slope, and strong winds blow across the slope...'. Jiujiang is in Jiangxi Province. It's on the bank of the Yangtze River. ...', there are thousands of kilometers between the two places." Liu Xu explained to He Jing while talking and singing.

"Really, if you make a mistake, you can make a mistake. He is a medical student, not a geography student."

"Speaking of these things, geography is taught in elementary school, so junior high school students won't make mistakes, okay?" Liu Xu stroked his forehead, lamenting in his heart, this unrepentant girl.

"Then why don't people forget about it? The exam is long overdue. Who remembers these things!"

"Cheng, you are the eldest sister, you are right, then let me ask you, which dynasty is Li Shizhen from?"

"..." He Jing hesitated for a long time and finally said, "He is studying Western medicine!"

I wipe!Liu Xu was so choked that he vomited blood, okay, be cruel!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 602 Board Secretary

"Then let me ask you, which country is Nightingale from? As a nurse, you must know that, right?"

"I know this. I remember that Nightingale is from Sweden. She won the Nobel Peace Prize, which is very, very powerful."

Liu Xu's mouth and eyes were crooked, his cheeks twitched, strong!This is really a god!

"How about it, I got it right!" He Jing's proud voice came from the phone's microphone.

"Yeah! You're right, you're all right!" Liu Xu gave up completely, and He Jing obviously belonged to that hopeless type.

"Hey, people have already answered so many questions for you, when will you help them get rid of their scars?"

"You made it crooked yourself, okay?"

"I don't care, just tell me, when will you come back to help me get rid of the scar? I haven't gone shopping for several days, and I have been hiding at home and dare not go out. If I don't get rid of it, I will suffocate to death."

"What does this have to do with your shopping?"

"How ugly is such a big scar on the head!"

"It's okay, just wear a straw hat. It's fashionable and beautiful, and it can also protect you from the sun. It serves multiple purposes. How nice it is!"

"I'm not as stupid as you, I've already thought of it, but it's ugly, and it's ugly if you cover it up!"

Liu Xu grinned, I wiped it, and was judged stupid by this girl... How sad!

"Then what do you think? I can't get away now." Liu Xu didn't tell her that he was on his way back to Shanghai...

"I don't know either, when are you coming back?"

"I really don't know. It may take a long time, even more than half a year." Liu Xu deliberately teased her.

"Half a year... so long... I don't want to wait so long. I can't bear the thought of wearing a centipede face every day for another half a year."

Liu Xu suddenly thought of a question, so he asked, "How many colleagues are walking with you?"

"Why do you suddenly ask this? There are so many, there are about twenty or thirty!"

"So many? Are they all nurses?"

"Not all of them. There are also a few doctors."

"Male and female?"

"Why are you asking this?" He Jing suddenly became vigilant.

"There's something serious, so tell me quickly."

"Well... there are few men, but most of them are women." He Jing hesitated for a moment, but still answered.

"Since you've been fired, what about them?"

"They? Of course they were fired too, all of them were fired."

"Oh, that's just right!"

"Okay!?" He Jing quit after hearing this, "You actually agreed that I was fired?"

"Hey! Don't make trouble, I have business to do. I am going to open a hospital, focusing on beauty, and I just need some doctors and nurses."

"Wow! Little salesman, you are amazing!" He Jing interrupted Liu Xu with a scream, "Since when did you start running a hospital? Stop doing your sales?"

"I'm just about to start working, and I haven't written my horoscope yet, but I can recruit people first. My principle is to prefer shortage to excess, so the checks are very strict."

"Is it in the devil's capital?"

"I'm going to find a mountain, to be precise, it's Mount Lu."

"Why Mount Lu?"

"Because now on the car navigation, only Mount Lu can be seen."


"Haven't you heard of Mount Lu?"

"Of course I've heard of it."

"Then where is Mount Lu?"

"Mount Lu is Mount Lu, a very famous mountain."

"Why are you famous?"

"It's just famous, why is it famous?"

Well, stop here, this conversation cannot continue, otherwise, to apply a common saying on the Internet: He Jing will definitely pull his logic to the same level as hers, and then defeat him with her rich experience.

"As for Mount Lu, it's Bald Jiang and Grandpa Mao. Both of them like to come here in summer to hold national conferences and escape from the heat. People call it Xiadu, which means that when summer comes, the leaders of the country go to Mount Lu to escape the heat."

"Oh, it's so amazing! It must be a good place!"

nonsense!Isn't it a good place? Can national leaders run here together?If Liu Xu dared to think about it or say it, it would easily piss off He Jing.

"You know it's a good place this time, so I'm going to open a hospital here, how about it? Do you want to work here with your fired colleagues?"

"I want to! Of course I want to! But how much salary do you pay us? We can't do less!"

"How much was your monthly salary?"

"The number of our new nurses is 3800, and the number of nurses who have worked for three years is 5000. The head nurse in our group is 6500, and there are a few doctors. They seem to be 7 or 8000."

"Oh, let me look it up for you!"


"Really! There's no need to lie to you."

"Isn't Jiujiang expensive? Don't let our wages increase, but it won't be enough every month."

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive, and besides, the hospital provides board and lodging. As long as you don't spend money randomly, there is almost no place to spend money."

"That works! From now on, we will live with you, Boss Liu!"

"Don't worry, you have to ask all those colleagues, you have to be willing to come. Some people may not want to change cities at all, and some may be married and cannot change cities. It is not sure how many people can come. !"

"Okay! I'll ask in a while." He Jing thought for a while, and said, "By the way, you are the boss, why don't you give me some authority?"

"How about I make you Secretary of the Board?" Liu Xu blurted out.

"What?" He Jing was stunned for a moment, as if she had never heard of the position of Secretary of the Board.

"Secretary to the board, the chairman's secretary, who is responsible for carrying my bag and carrying the lamp every day, and serving me around." Liu Xu explained with a smirk on his face. Every time he talks to He Jing, he always feels very happy.

"Don't be smug! You are not qualified to want Miss Ben to serve you!"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

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