Chapter 603 This is... a plot of pretending not to know the male protagonist?

Back in Shanghai, Liu Xu discussed with Yang Shu and packed Huang Qiang to the province.

Huang Bingzhang had no idea that his son, who disappeared after the accident, was already squatting in the prison in the provincial capital, waiting for the outcome of the case!

It didn't work for a few days, a few people from the Provincial Public Security Bureau suddenly came, without notifying Shanghai, broke into the central hospital, and took away Geng Biao who was still in the hospital being studied by a group of experts.

Now those who are well-informed basically understand that Huang Bingzhang is going to collapse this time, and the ending may not be too good.

Huang Bingzhang's subordinates, no matter those who took refuge or those who were promoted, were all in panic. They either quickly transferred Huang Bingzhang to hide from the disaster before he fell, or quickly found new backers.

Similarly, around the positions of Huang Bingzhang and his subordinates, an undercurrent of secret warfare is in the ascendant.

The finishing work of the Modu incident was quickly concluded, starting with the massive arrest work, and ending with the thunderous momentum, Huang Bingzhang and his accomplices were all taken down.

Both father and son are in prison, perfectly explaining what a communist society is.

Just finished talking with Yang Shu and learned about Huang Bingzhang's downfall, Lisa Rong called and said that the two programs "Super Girl" and "Let's Date" that Liu Xu mentioned to her last time, The TV station leader was very interested and wanted to ask him for an interview.

Liu Xugang drove to the TV station. Just as he met Lisa Rong, a security guard suddenly ran into the office and said anxiously, "Rong, the editor-in-chief of Rong...something...something happened. The police are here."

"The police are here?" Liu Xu and Lisa Rong were stunned, they looked at each other, and Lisa Rong asked, "What are the police here for?"

"' means..." This security department is a strange thing, and he stutters very badly, "Someone, someone called the police, saying...say...our TV station has...has... Have……"

"have what?"


Liu Xu was very calm, but Lisa Rong almost jumped up in shock. Was there a bomb on the TV station?

You know, this is the city TV station, there are Chinese and Western restaurants in the building, there are five-star hotels, and the most important thing is that it is still in the central city of Shanghai...

"Notify the security team to gather all the security guards immediately, hurry up..." Cold sweat dripped down Lisa Rong's forehead. If something happened to the TV station, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Liu Xu and Lisa Rong went out from the office, and at this moment, the TV station was already in a mess, and everyone rushed out, and many explosion-proof policemen were also maintaining order. At least twenty police cars came outside , police dog demining experts, etc., all gathered at the same time.

"What do you think?" Liu Xu asked.

"Commercial competition, this is a commercial conspiracy, villain, despicable, dirty." Lisa Rong's face turned pale at this moment, not because she was frightened, but because she was angry. When she first heard the news that there was a bomb on the TV station, she was frightened, but Looking back, Lisa felt that this was a business competition and a malicious report from other colleagues.

"It's okay, I'll go take a look." Liu Xu asked Lisa Rong to follow the police to evacuate first, while he went upstairs by himself.

If there was a bomb explosion, there must be casualties on the TV station. Since there were casualties, it must be a disaster, but Liu Xu didn't see the disaster...

After some investigation, Liu Xu found a canvas handbag, and inside that bag was something like a dynamite bag, which was tied up very firmly.

"That's it." Liu Xu picked up the canvas bag and opened it, but it turned out that it was not a bomb, but turned around.

Call security.

In less than a minute, the explosion-proof police and bomb disposal experts quickly went up to the third floor.

The policeman who led the team turned out to be Li Xue.

"Hello, Li Xue!"

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Could it be a plot that often appears in TV dramas... pretending not to know the male lead?"


Risk ruled out.

"Hello, let's talk in the car!" A male policeman was extremely serious, and made a gesture of invitation to Liu Xu.

"Why?" Liu Xu frowned.

"You found suspected explosives, we will make a record for you now." The male policeman said.

"Forget it, for Li Xue's sake, I'll just cooperate!" Liu Xu got into an explosion-proof car directly.

"Li Xue, record it." Another male policeman sat opposite Liu Xu and asked, "What's your name?"

"Liu Xu."

"Where are you from?"

"Magic City."

"The specific address, take out your ID card." The male policeman said.

"I didn't bring it." Liu Xu was emotional. Although he had his ID card on him, he just didn't take it out.

"Be careful what you say, what's your attitude?" Li Xue, who was in charge of recording, suddenly called out.

"What kind of attitude? Li Xue, I've always had this attitude, and you didn't just meet me today." Liu Xu stared at Li Xue lightly, and the place where she stared was her Yuexiong.

"Take back your dog eyes, what are you looking at?" When Li Xue saw Liu Xu describing back and forth on her breast, Li Xue was so angry that she almost made a move. This Liu Xu is completely a rascal.

"Okay, don't be nervous. We have no other intentions. You should know your ID number, right? Say it again." The male policeman smiled suddenly at this moment, signaling Liu Xu to relax.

Liu Xu immediately said a series of numbers, and when Liu Xu said his ID number, another police officer got out of the car with his mobile phone, and seemed to call someone for verification.

"Our two groups of people, hundreds of people went in and searched but couldn't find it. Why did you find it? Tell me, did you plant the bomb?" Li Xue scowled and scolded, this little wolf didn't want to scare him. , He doesn't know the sky is high and the earth is thick.


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Chapter 604 Go to the prison to pick up soap!

In the end, Liu Xu did not escape the fate of the police station, not because of the bomb, but because he received a call from Ran Jing.

"Hey, landlord, come and save us!" Ran Jing's crying voice came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Xu stood up abruptly. He knew Ran Jing too well. If something serious hadn't happened, Ran Jing wouldn't have been able to cry.

He has known Ran Jing for so long, and Ran Jing has never cried.

"What happened? Tell me!" Liu Xu asked.

"Ji Xiong, that stinky and shameless person, asked a liar to pretend to be a cosmetics investigator, and asked us questions, saying that he would give us money, two hundred each. We thought that we would not be afraid of being cheated on the street, so we answered. After the investigation Well, that person really gave me two [-] yuan. But before the two of us could react, that bastard Ji Xiong took the police to arrest the three of us, framed me and Nian Nian as chickens, and said that I and Nian Nian were chickens. Niannian prostitution, but the investigator actually identified himself as a client on the spot."

"Where are you? They have no evidence!"

"There is evidence! The question they designed is very ingenious. Ji Xiong said that as long as it is processed by technology, it can become a conversation about our prostitution. It is iron proof. He is too shameless. He said it in front of two policemen. A policeman turned a blind eye to him and allowed him to frame him."

Liu Xu didn't expect Ji Xiong to be so shameless, he was so angry that he said angrily, "Where are you, I'll go find you."

"Be careful, Ji Xiong seems to be setting a trap! After they took me and Niannian to the police station, they deliberately called me and said they could contact you. I dare not let my mother know about this, so I can only look for you If my mother knows that I was framed for prostitution, she will die of anger." Ran Jing cried again, and at the same time, Liu Xu heard Nian Nian's crying.

"Don't worry, I can't spare that bastard Ji Xiong! Don't be afraid, just tell me the location, and I'll go right away! See if I don't kill this bastard." Liu Xu was really angry, even if Ji Xiong stalked Ran Jing , he wouldn't even be angry, at most he just hates it, but he actually framed the two big girls as chickens, and if it really spread, he would not be able to wash it away by jumping into the Yellow River. Even if this kind of thing is clarified, it will have a huge negative impact .

Liu Xu heard Guo Haizao whisper again: "Brother Liu Xu, come quickly, I'm so scared, I miss you so much."

Guo Haizao's helpless voice made Liu Xu even more angry.

"At Yunlai Road Police Station." Ran Jing said.

"I'll be right there." Liu Xu drove his newly bought Audi A81 to the Yunlai Road Police Station.

In the car, Liu Xu called Lu Yao and told him to turn off the phone, then called Li Xue, but still turned it off.

Liu Xu yelled, remembering that during the meal that day, Director Wu Wu Hui he knew, who was also Lu Yao's boss, quickly called him.

If Wu Hui doesn't answer the phone again, he can only ask Bai Yanni for help.

"Master Liu, hello." Wu Hui said.

"Go to the Yunlai Road Police Station immediately. My female friend was slandered for prostitution and detained by your police." Liu Xu said on the phone.

"Ah? Don't worry, I'll call over there right away to let them pay attention. Don't get excited. As long as they are in the police station, the two of them will be safe. I guarantee it with my personality."

"Virgins can be framed as chickens and taken to the police station. You promise me that it's safe inside? Get lost!" Liu Xu couldn't help cursing.

"Don't be angry, I'll call right away." Wu Hui cursed in his heart, he couldn't offend anyone, but Liu Xu, the evil star, Tao Lao's health has completely recovered, and no one in Tao Lao's lineage knows ?

Liu Xu called Lu Yao and Li Xue again, but the phone was still turned off.

"Oh, by the way, Li Xue is on a mission, and Lu Yao...Lu Yao is probably in a meeting." Liu Xu thought to himself.

Liu Xu sat in the car, the anger in his heart could not be extinguished no matter what.

Guo Haizao and Ran Jing don't have a lot of bad luck, so there won't be any major incidents, but this kind of reputation damage will have a great psychological impact.

Ran Jing may be fine soon, but Guo Haizao may be more frustrated because of this.

"Slander my friend as a prostitute? Then get ready..." Liu Xu showed a hideous smile on his face, "Go to the prison to pick up soap!"

The car stopped at the entrance of the police station on Yunlai Road. Liu Xu got out of the car and found Wu Hui walking towards him quickly.

"Where are people?" Liu Xu asked.

Wu Hui said helplessly: "My people are watching, and there will be absolutely no problem, but the director here won't let anyone go."

"Don't let him go?" Liu Xu stared at Wu Hui with unusually sharp eyes.

Wu Hui said with a guilty conscience: "Don't worry, your girlfriend is absolutely safe in the interrogation room. My people are watching, and I dare to guarantee it with my life. Their director is not here, but he seems to know the news in advance."

"take me!"

Wu Hui took Liu Xu into the police station and came to the door of the interrogation room. He saw Ji Xiong, whom he met at the door of Haidilao the other day, sitting on a chair and smoking a cigarette...

Ji Xiong stood up with a smile on his face, and said, "Director Wu is really a detective. He actually brought the thief who stole my [-] yuan here. I will definitely send you a pennant. Xiao Tu, the criminal is here."

A policeman came out of the interrogation room and was about to handcuff people, but seeing Wu Hui, he couldn't help but freeze in place.

"With me here, who dares to handcuff him?" Wu Hui shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of other policemen.

Pointing at Ji Xiong, Liu Xu said, "I'll let you know what it's like to be a chicken! You'll never forget it!" Saying this, he walked into the interrogation room.

Wu Hui followed behind, and the police officers inside did not say a word.

Liu Xu saw that Ran Jing and Guo Haizao were sitting behind the table. The tears on Ran Jing's face had dried up, her face was a bit disfigured, and her eye circles were red and swollen.

Guo Haizao still had tears in his eyes.

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