Liu Xu looked distressed, walked over quickly, and said, "Don't cry, I'm here."


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Chapter 605 Kowtow to Uncle Liu

The two women had never been insulted like this before. When they saw Liu Xu coming, they felt as if they were relatives. They couldn't bear it any longer, and threw themselves into Liu Xu's arms, crying loudly.


"Landlord, I'm going to kill Ji Xiong! I'm going to kill him!" Ran Jing gritted her teeth, and said she wanted to find something to beat Ji Xiong.

Liu Xu quickly stopped her with his left arm, hugged her waist tightly, and said, "Don't get excited, I will deal with it, and I will let him taste a punishment that is a hundred times more painful than death! You believe me!"

"Well, I know the landlord won't let me down." Ran Jing looked up at Liu Xu, then hugged him tightly, her face pressed against his body, her crying became softer and weaker.

Guo Haizao's body was heaving, and she was still crying. Liu Xu stroked her hair with his right hand and said, "Nian Nian, be good, don't cry. I will avenge you, how do you want to avenge you? Tell me, I will definitely do it." .”

Guo Haizao whispered in a hoarse voice: "I just need to hug brother Liu Xu." As he said, he hugged Liu Xu's waist even harder.

"Well, it's okay, it's all over." Liu Xu patted the backs of the two of them lightly, but the anger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Xu knew very well that Ran Jing would never cry because of a simple framing. It must be that Ji Xiong or the interrogating policeman said something particularly nasty and couldn't bear it.

Even Ran Jing cried like this, Guo Haizao might be even more sad.

Liu Xu embraced two people, and found another person sitting beside him in handcuffs.

Liu Xu said: "Are you a (female ticket) customer? Very good, since you like whoring, I will let a group of big men take you. And, I will let you go whoring too."

Ji Xiong's face changed slightly, and he sneered: "A dead duck dares to talk hard! Do you think knowing a director can solve the problem of you stealing [-] yuan from me? There are all witnesses and evidence, you can wait to go to jail!"

Liu Xu glanced at Ji Xiong, walked over, raised his hand and slapped him with a "slap".

He originally wanted to hit Ji Xiong directly so that he could not take care of himself, but he thought that if he was really injured, he would be hospitalized, instead he would not be able to go to the detention center, so he quickly removed Ji Xiong's shoulder joint.

"Ah..." Ji Xiong yelled in pain, "Bastard, I'm going to kill you... kill you... bring bad luck to your family!"

There were Ji Xiong's people present, but Wu Hui was here. Although he was the chief of another police station, but there was someone of his level here. If the chief of the police station did not come forward, the little policeman Ji Xiong bribed could not stand it.

At this time, Liu Xu's phone rang, and it was He Changxiong calling.

After saying a few words, Liu Xu put away the phone, smiled at Ran Jing and Guo Haizao, and said, "Don't be afraid, the matter will be resolved soon."

Ran Jing said thank you, then hurriedly took out the mirror from her bag to take a look at herself, covering her face after taking a look: "Ji Xiong, I'm going to kill you! Where is the water, I want to wash my face!"

Wu Hui hurriedly said to a policewoman: "Xiao Zhang, send her to wash her face."

The policewoman immediately took Ran Jing there.

Guo Haizao only occasionally does skin care, and usually does not wear makeup. Although she is beautiful, she never cares about her appearance.

Liu Xu looked at Guo Haizao's red and swollen eyes, and found that there was still panic and sadness in her eyes. He sighed softly, hugged her gently in his arms, stroked her hair with his hand, and said, "I'm surprised you , don't worry, I will get the announcement back for you."

"Well, I believe Brother Liu Xu." Guo Haizao was no longer shy at this time, only felt that Liu Xu's arms were so warm, being hugged by Liu Xu, all bad things would dissipate.

At this moment, there was the sound of messy footsteps outside the door, and then a tall man rushed over.

The man kicked Ji Xiong down with a whip leg. He felt his ribs were cracked and screamed.

The man still didn't let go of his hatred, he grabbed the chair beside him and smashed it at Ji Xiong, with such force that he screamed in pain.

The chair was smashed into pieces very quickly, and many people showed expressions of unbearable.

"Ran Jing, your father really loves you!" Liu Xu knew Guo Haizao's rogue father, so he said it was Ran Jing's father.

"He's not my father." Ran Jing replied in a low voice.

Liu Xu was a little taken aback, thinking: "Who is this person, this attack is too cruel."

Seeing that Ji Xiong's injuries were getting worse and he might be killed in the real fight, Liu Xu let go of Guo Haizao, grabbed the man with his hand, and dragged him aside.

"Okay, if you continue to fight, you will die."

The man panted heavily, and said shamefully: "Master Liu, I am not strict with my son, please punish me."

"You are..." Liu Xu suddenly remembered that this man had been seen in Mr. He's ward, and all the people who could appear in that ward were from the He family.

"I'm Ji Han. I really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I apologize for the unfilial son like you and your girlfriend." Ji Han bowed as he spoke.

But Liu Xu supported him, stopped him from bowing, and said, "You are almost twenty years older than me, I can't bear it. Since he has already received such a heavy punishment, this matter is over."

"No, it's not over!" Ji Han grabbed Ji Xiong, made him kneel on the ground, and cursed, "Kowtow to you, Uncle Liu, to admit your mistake!"

Liu Xu said, "Forget it."

"No, you must kowtow to admit your mistake!"

Ji Xiong kowtowed three times tremblingly, endured the pain and said: "Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu, I was wrong, please forgive me, I will never do this kind of thing again."

Ran Jing smiled and scolded: "Who is your Aunt Liu! You are talking nonsense!" But she couldn't stop the smile on her face, and when she turned her head, she found Guo Haizao's face was blushing, but her eyes flashed with joy, so she restrained herself smile.

Liu Xu sighed, and thought: "Ji Han is afraid that I will kill him, so he just beat Ji Xiong seriously first, and feel sorry for the parents of the world."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 606 Give me an answer

Afterwards, the case was filed, and the necessary procedures had to be followed. Ran Jing and Guo Haizao finished the transcript first, and left with Liu Xu.

Liu Xu first drove the two of them to the place where Ran Jing parked, and then returned to Azure Cartier together.

In the villa, Ran Jing and Guo Haizao sat beside Liu Xu.

"Landlord, I really want to thank you for what happened today, otherwise that bastard Ji Xiong would force us to do something." Ran Jing looked serious and serious, "Landlord, I, Ran Jing, owe you a huge favor."

Liu Xu didn't want to make the two of them sad by talking about heavy topics, so he said with a smile: "Then it's not a favor for me to drive away the poisonous snake for you?"

Ran Jing immediately raised her head and said proudly: "Of course not! Guo Haizao and I are two big beauties who will accompany you to eat, sleep with you, play with you, and chat with you. They are so eye-catching, help me It is an obligation to drive away poisonous snakes. However, today is not an obligation. You have done a great job. You have proved with your practical actions that you are a good man worth relying on. If it weren’t for me and Nian Nian being good sisters, if it weren’t for you Nian Nian's first love. If it weren't for Nian Nian not being able to fall in love with other men except you, I would have to rely on you to be my boyfriend even if I die today. With the landlord as my husband, I would die happily."

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Ran Jing to be so strong, she was simply another Shen Meizhuang, who could even say such bold words, and didn't blush at all, as if it was a matter of course.

Guo Haizao was blushing all over his face, he didn't want to leave or stay.

Ran Jing said triumphantly: "It's a pity, I, Ran Jing, just want to talk about loyalty! I'm enough for sisters! I know that Nian Nian loves you more. Therefore, I have decided that no matter what happens in the future, Nian Nian will be your woman. You You have to take care of Guo Haizao for the rest of your life, don't let her be wronged, or I won't let you go." Said, Ran Jing waved her small fist, threatening.

"Xiao Jing!" Guo Haizao called out shyly, got up and walked upstairs.

Ran Jing stood up, facing Liu Xu, then bent down, grabbed Liu Xu's shoulders with both hands, and looked at each other.

From Ran Jing's gaze, Liu Xu saw unprecedented firmness.

"Landlord, I'm scared today. I thought about it a lot just now. I don't want Niannian to have another accident. I don't want to see Niannian being angry and crying again. I don't want to see Niannian marrying someone she doesn't love. I want to Let Niannian be happy in her next life. And you are the only man worthy of her entrustment for so many years. You and I both know that Niannian may not be the best woman, but she is definitely the best wife in the world."

Liu Xu sighed softly and didn't speak. I didn't expect this incident to change Ran Jing so much, but think about the fact that two innocent girls were framed, framed and arrested by the police, and then sent to the interrogation room, treated as chickens by everyone. The same humiliating interrogation, that kind of helplessness and panic can definitely change a person's concept.

Ran Jing said seriously: "She can cook, nurse, massage, and quietly comfort you by your side. She is beautiful, has a good figure, and she is very dedicated. She can only like you! She can wear clothes for you. Look at any clothes you like, no matter maids or nurses, even particularly revealing ones. In short, she will agree to whatever you ask for! Because she loves you, she can satisfy you with everything! She is more tolerant than any woman, no matter what you do If you do anything wrong, just say sorry, and she will forgive you. Liu Xu, let me tell you, if you miss her, you will regret it for the rest of your life! I don’t care if you have other girlfriends or have an affair with Sister Shen, but I Dare to say, Nian Nian is better than any woman! Even if I, Ran Jing, dare to compare myself in front of the most beautiful female stars in the world, but if I am compared to Nian Nian as a wife, I will feel very inferior, because I can’t compare to her .”

Ran Jing's voice was so loud that Guo Haizao could hear it clearly even if he was on the second floor.

Liu Xu remained silent.

Ran Jing continued to stare into Liu Xu's eyes, and said, "Give me an answer!"

Liu Xu sighed softly and said, "Maybe you're right. I also like Nian Nian very much. I don't want to hurt anyone by saying cruel words, but now I really can't marry her."

But Ran Jing smiled sweetly, and said: "It's enough to have you, and I still know you men? If you think about it in your heart, that's enough. I will help you two complete the next journey."

A strong feeling of uneasiness enveloped the whole body. At this moment, Ran Jing, who was obviously still a mortal, gave Liu Xu the illusion of a thousand-year-old banshee. Liu Xu immediately became vigilant and said, "Ran Jing, don't act recklessly, in case something happens , I'm fine, but it will hurt Niannian for the rest of her life."

"Only you can kill her forever." Ran Jing took a meaningful look at Liu Xu and walked up to the second floor.

In the evening, Liu Xu and Guo Haizao cook together, and Ran Jing helps.

When they were ready for dinner, Shen Meizhuang was driving back.

Even after a day of exhaustion, with the help of Liu Xu's practice of divine water, Shen Meizhuang still didn't feel tired at all.

After dinner, Shen Meizhuang began to talk about the antique company. Other aspects were easy to talk about. The government also gave the green light. The business license and tax registration certificate were quickly completed, but the relevant personnel were very troublesome, because this industry was too watery. Deep, and there is no authoritative recruitment channel.

Liu Xu thought of Huang Yijiang, and he told Shen Meizhuang that there is no need to worry about talent, just leave it to him.


Since the relationship with Wang Xiaoya was established, the relationship between Liu Xu and her has naturally improved by leaps and bounds. Except for the last fortress that has not been captured, everything else that should be done and should not be done has been done.

"Liu Xu, go shopping with me this afternoon!"

Wang Xiaoya got up from the bed, took Liu Xu's hand and acted coquettishly.

Wang Xiaoya and Liu Xu are not there now, but last night after a dinner appointment he sent her home, and it rained heavily...

Then, Liu Xu stayed on logically.

Of course, although they spent a night together, they still had a very pure relationship.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 607 Qinglong Temple has opened a new map?

Liu Xu got a headache when he heard a woman talking about shopping.

Going shopping with a woman is even more painful than fighting with monsters and ghosts. Liu Xu can only describe it as the unbearable past when he recalled every time he went shopping with a woman.

Creatures like women are really terrifying, and their fighting power in shopping is almost a few blocks away from that of men.

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