Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 617

Although the low-ranking monks of Qinglong Temple escaped, they still paid a high price, because they are from Qinglong Temple, and they need to bear the consequences of thousands of years ago for the cause of thousands of years ago.

It can be said that after this battle, the name of Qinglong Temple will not be worthy of its name, because its heritage has been consumed, and even if there are remnants, it is not enough to support the name of Qinglong Temple.

Contrary to Qinglong Temple, Xiaoqing's spirit is getting better and better. There is only a little bit of blood-red evil energy left, less than an inch, but such an inch of evil energy is always around. It is entangled in Xiaoqing's soul and cannot be removed.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to eliminate this inch of evil spirit." Liu Xu's expression was a little dignified, don't underestimate this inch of evil spirit, if it cannot be eliminated, all previous efforts will be in vain.

Bai Suzhen naturally knew this too.

"It's time to clear the scene. This inch of evil spirit can no longer be cleared by venting, it must be eliminated by other things." Before Bai Suzhen finished speaking, she had already appeared between Xuan Ku and Xiao Qing.

Previously, Bai Suzhen used the invisibility technique, Zhao officials and people from Qinglong Temple could not find out, but now Bai Suzhen appeared, everyone was shocked.

Xiao Qing immediately stopped attacking, and wrapped herself around Bai Suzhen's arm affectionately, while Xuan Ku was a bit tragic, she didn't recover her mana for a while, and ran straight towards Bai Suzhen.

Naturally, Bai Suzhen would not be polite to Xuan Ku, a ray of light flashed, and Xuan Ku's mana bounced back, severely wounding Xuan Ku.

On the other side, when Zhao Li saw Bai Suzhen appearing, his whole person became bad all of a sudden.

As a soul ferryman, he naturally knew Bai Suzhen.

It's hard for him to know such a popular person.

Looking at the dragon's soul wrapped around Bai Suzhen's arm, and then looking at Bai Suzhen, Zhao Li seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but gasped. He remembered the legend, and now he seemed to be in serious trouble.

This guy won't go to the flooded hell, it seems that there is a possibility, she has a criminal record.

Zhao Li was uneasy here, but Bai Suzhen didn't care about him, and looked directly at Xuan Ku.

"Hand over your merits and virtues from the Qinglong Temple, even if this karma is settled, otherwise, after today, there will be no Qinglong Temple in this world."

Although Bai Suzhen's words were plain, they were so domineering that no one could refuse them.

You can disagree, but the result is that you will be wiped out, and there is no negotiation.

Liu Xu couldn't help giving Bai Suzhen thirty-two likes, domineering.

At this time Liu Xu also understood that Bai Suzhen's real reliance was not only the power of the Eastern Azure Dragon, but also the merit and luck of the Azure Dragon Temple. The combination of these two things may really be able to revive Xiao Qing against the sky.

Zhao Li couldn't help but gave a wry smile, it really was like this, even though it has been suppressed for thousands of years, the wildness in his heart still hasn't been wiped out.

Just relying on the three words "Bai Suzhen" can make many people feel terrified.


Xuan Ku was furious, what kind of magic weapon is that, it is the foundation of a temple, it is a magic weapon to suppress luck.

It can be said that even if the Qinglong Temple is destroyed, as long as the merits and virtues of the Qinglong Temple are still there, then the Qinglong Temple can be re-established.

If the magic weapon of merit and virtue is gone, then the Qinglong Temple will really be gone, existing in name only.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want because you are strong? I, Qinglong Temple, are not something you can insult at will." Xuan Ku was not to be outdone, he hadn't recognized Bai Suzhen's identity until now.

After all, with his identity, he is not qualified to know Bai Suzhen at all.

Liu Xu was speechless, Xuan Ku was just looking for death.

Do you think it is wise for you to show your loyalty at this time?


Do you think you can really stop Bai Suzhen from taking your magic weapon?

The entire Qinglong Temple is no match for others.

Sure enough, Bai Suzhen's expression turned cold, and she said coldly, "Shame on you."

Don't think that Bai Suzhen behaves like a little girl next door in front of Liu Xu, and she will behave like this in front of others. Her cuteness will only bloom for Liu Xu alone.

The monk of Qinglong Temple, what the hell is that.

Bai Suzhen went berserk, Zhao official was terrified, he cursed these bald donkeys in Qinglong Temple for not knowing what to do, if Bai Suzhen was really angered, she would really dare to slaughter the entire Qinglong Temple.

Just when Bai Suzhen was about to start a killing spree, an object shining with golden light shot out from the direction of Qinglong Temple, and then stopped in front of Bai Suzhen.

This is a golden alms bowl.

When they saw this golden bowl, the senior officials of Qinglong Temple couldn't help but turn pale, and their eyes showed disbelief.

"Golden bowl of merit!"

They understood that Qinglong Temple was really planted this time, and the meritorious artifacts have been kept in the hands of the Great Elder. The Great Elder is their Qinglong Temple's greatest heritage. As long as the Great Elder survives, their Qinglong Temple has enough confidence.

The reason why Xuan Ku dared to be so stubborn just now was because of the presence of the Great Elder.

But now, the Great Elder retreated without a fight. It was obvious that the Great Elder knew that he was not Bai Suzhen's opponent, so he had to hand over the virtuous magic weapon of Qinglong Temple to preserve the orthodoxy.

"I hope that Miss Bai can let Qinglong Temple go this time for the sake of her old friend. This golden bowl can be used as an apology." An old voice came from the direction of Qinglong Temple.

That was the voice of the Great Elder.


When hearing the voice of the great elder, Xia Qing, who was wrapped around Bai Suzhen's arm, suddenly roared, as if seeing something that made her hate, which made Liu Xu look in the direction of Qinglong Temple. think.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 618

Bai Suzhen comforted Xiaoqing and made Xiaoqing calm down.

"Hmph, I thought you wouldn't come out. As long as you know each other, Qinglong Temple will be fine. Otherwise, the karma of thousands of years ago will be settled once."

Bai Suzhen didn't say much, because there was no need for that, strength represented everything, big fists were the last word.

"Everyone get out, don't force me to take action again."

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Li and all the monks of Qinglong Temple left quickly, and only Liu Xu, Wang Xiaoya, Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing were left by Qinglong Lake.

Bai Suzhen took Xiaoqing into the golden bowl, and wanted to use the merit and luck in the golden bowl to refine and melt away the last inch of evil spirit in Xiaoqing's soul.

"Well, I don't have a place to live yet, so I don't know if I can come to your place to stay for a while." Bai Suzhen said coyly.

Liu Xu was taken aback, come live with me?

One male and one female?

Isn't that the legendary cohabitation? !

Bai Suzhen begging to live together?

Such a good thing, as long as it is a man, he will not refuse it!

But cohabitation is cohabitation, it's just cohabitation with Wang Xiaoya, as for Liu Xu, it's no use!

Liu Xu took Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya back to the urban area. Since Bai Suzhen was going to live in Wang Xiaoya's house, she naturally had to buy some toiletries and daily necessities, such as clothes and shoes. It's too eye-catching.

After walking around for a while, Liu Xu with big bags and small bags in his hands walked at the back, followed by Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya, who were arm in arm.

Nima, she was so sharp just now, but now she looks so good...


Because he was carrying something in his hand, Liu Xu didn't pay attention when he was walking and bumped into someone.

" that you?"

"You follow me?"



"Cesium Demon!"



Liu Xu lifted the things in his hand, trying to pass Li Xue's eyes, indicating that he was not following her, but Li Xue had already turned his back and ran away.

Throwing everything on the sofa, Liu Xu ran to the balcony to get some fresh air.


Liu Xu noticed a figure flashing across the balcony next door.

Li Xue!

She lives next door to Wang Xiaoya's house?

"Hey, let you wrong me!" Liu Xu laughed sinisterly, and turned from the balcony of Wang Xiaoya's house to the balcony next door.

Liu Xu gently turned the window handle, and then stepped into the living room.

Li Xue's figure appeared before his eyes again.


The moment he saw Li Xue, Liu Xu's body froze, because... because... Li Xue was taking off his clothes.

"Uh's so big, take it off, take it off, go on, go on..." Liu Xu swallowed like a wolf, it seems that Li Xue didn't wrong him just now.

After Little Police Flower took off her clothes, she swaggered into the bathroom and took a shower with a "squeak..."

"It would be wonderful if I could play with her in the water! Unfortunately, I'm here for revenge." After Liu Xu wiped his itchy nose again, he quickly entered Li Xue's bedroom.

There was only Li Xue in the whole room, and Li Xue was taking a bath again, so Liu Xu entered Li Xue's boudoir as if he had returned to his own home, and gently picked up Li Xue's gun.

He stuffed the gun into a high stocking on the bed, left the bedroom, went back to the living room, looked around, and put the gun in a decorative vase.

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