"Hey, let me see how you can find it?" Liu Xu smirked triumphantly. This is revenge for Li Xue.

At the same time, when Liu Xu was hiding her gun in Li Xue's house, Lisa Rong was driving her Audi A4 on the way home.

Lisa Rong was also very tired that day. Although the bomb case was eliminated in time, the shock was genuine.

There was a red light ahead, and her car came to a slow stop, waiting quietly.

However, at this moment, Lisa Rong suddenly heard a roaring noise from behind her car, which was the sound of a large-displacement off-road motorcycle.

Lisa Rong cursed in a low voice. There are many people in the capital who come out to play motorcycles at night. These people are very unqualified and run around in the traffic. Many new drivers are very nervous by these running around.

And just as she was muttering softly, the motorcycle that was rushing from behind suddenly stopped beside her car, and made a braking sound, which was very ear-piercing!

Lisa Rong subconsciously glanced at the motorcycle.

However, when she glanced over, she also screamed directly, because the motorcyclist wearing a black helmet actually swung a hammer and slammed it down on her car window.

"Bang!" Her car was not bulletproof, so the glass of the cockpit door suddenly shattered under the impact.

She screamed, screamed not knowing what to do.

After the man finished smashing it, he took out a big water gun, the kind of water gun used by children, and sprayed it on her head.

"Ahhh..." She waved her arms and curled up her whole body.

At this time, the green light turned on, and the motorcycle roared twice before driving away quickly.

Someone ran from behind, and someone from the side opened the car door and got down to watch. There are still many good people in this world.

It's just that when they saw Lisa Banyan in the cockpit, they were almost scared to death.

Because Lisa's hair was disheveled at this time, her face, hair, and body were covered with red blood, dripping non-stop, which was very scary and frightening.

Lisa Rong trembled and continued to scream, trembling as if she had lost her soul.

Passers-by called the police, and some people came to ask her if she was okay and if she wanted to go to the hospital, but Lisa Rong continued to scream as if she couldn't hear her.

The water gun is not water, it is filled with bright red paint, the same color as blood.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 619

Just as Bai Suzhen was settled down, Liu Xu's phone rang.

"Report me safe when you get home?" Calculating the time, Lisa Rong should be home from get off work by this time.

He smiled and picked it up, however, the voice on the phone was not Lisa Rong, but a man.

"Excuse me, do you know the owner?" the man on the phone said.

"Uh... who are you? I know the owner of the machine! You are my friend." Liu Xu said inexplicably.

"Hi, it's like this. I'm from the 'Chaoyangmen Police Station' in Dongcheng District. When we received the police to deal with a case just now, the owner of the phone was attacked and was greatly stimulated. She is currently in the hospital. We don't know her. Who are the relatives of her, so I dug out the call records of the recent calls with her and called you. If you know the owner of the phone, please help me contact her family members, or you can come over in person, in the emergency department of Chaoyang Hospital The second floor of the center."

"I'll be there right away." Before the policeman finished speaking, Liu Xu jumped up and ran downstairs like the wind.

Lisa Rong was actually attacked. Could it be the guy who called and claimed to have planted the bomb?

However, doesn't she have the contact numbers of her parents and relatives on her mobile phone?

Liu Xu went downstairs quickly and turned on his horsepower. In less than half an hour, Chaoyang Hospital arrived.

Liu Xu quickly came to the emergency department on the second floor, and saw several policemen in the corridor interrogating a woman, who seemed to be taking notes, and there was also a stern man in a suit standing at the stairs on the second floor.

When Liu Xu came up, the man's gaze swept him twice like a knife.

When the policeman and the woman saw someone approaching, they also looked at him at the same time.

"Well, my name is Liu Xu. A police officer called me just now, saying that my friend was attacked? Where is she?" Liu Xu asked standing on the stairs.

"Oh, I was the one who called, you came quickly!" A policeman stood up and said.

"Can you hurry up? I didn't say anything about the situation on the phone. How is she?" Liu Xu walked forward while talking.

"It's okay, you can go back, thank you!" Suddenly, the woman who made the record stood up, thanked Liu Xu, and asked him to go back.

"You are?" Liu Xu finally looked at this woman formally, yes, she is another female celebrity, and she is very beautiful, with outstanding temperament, that kind of temperament is like the noble and carefree feeling of a rich girl .

Wang Luodan!

Huang Shengyi's best friend, she must be worried about her aunt, but she has no other skills, so she asked her best friend to come over to see the situation.

Wang Luodan replied: "I am a friend of Shengyi. She is out of town. I will come to help her visit her aunt. Several police officers, you should go first. The injured were frightened and just received a tranquilizer. Wait until tomorrow She is better, I will take her to your police station to make a record in person, so it is not easy to disturb her at this time."

"That's fine, then be careful." The two police officers who were sitting got up and nodded, shook hands with the woman and Liu Xu again, then turned and went downstairs.

At this time, Liu Xu also saw Lisa Rong in the opposite ward. She seemed to be asleep, lying there motionless, her hair was a little wet and messy, but there was no scar on her face, only the wound on her arm. Just a bandage.

Seeing that she was not seriously injured, Liu Xu took a deep breath and sat down at the same time.

Seeing that Liu Xu sat down instead of leaving, the woman frowned, but then shook her head and smiled, "I don't need you here, thank you for your kindness, and when Aunt Rong wakes up, I will tell her that you are here." Pass."

"I'll take a breath, you don't have to worry about me, I'll leave after a while." Liu Xu smiled.

The cold man at the stairs walked over slowly, and then stood motionless opposite Liu Xu.

And Liu Xu also guessed that this cold man should be a bodyguard, Wang Luodan's bodyguard.

Wang Luodan didn't speak any more, but turned back to the ward. After sitting alone for more than ten minutes, Liu Xu also got up and left.

It's true that he has nothing to do here, and Wang Luodan doesn't know about the relationship between him and Lisa Rong, so it's not appropriate for him to stay here.

The next day was another hard day, Wang Xiaoya called early in the morning and asked Liu Xu to help Bai Suzhen buy underwear...

Liu Xu took the phone and immediately petrified.

Bai Suzhen wears a bellyband, but since she wants to live in the modern society, she naturally has to blend in. It is only natural to replace the bellyband with underwear, but shouldn't Wang Xiaoya help her with this matter?

"Me, I'm going to buy underwear?"

"Yes, you must be very happy!"


"Not speaking is the default."


"Don't explain, I'll tell you something secretly, I'm jealous."


"I asked you to help her buy underwear, but she didn't object."


Liu Xu is completely smected, but I don't know if Wang Xiaoya's words are true. Bai Suzhen really didn't object to helping her buy underwear?

When he came to the bustling commercial street, Liu Xu parked his Audi A81 in the parking lot.

Looking at the beautiful and majestic facades, Liu Xu finally chose a clothing store with a small facade and relatively simple decoration, because the name of this clothing store made Liu Xu feel very comfortable - Qiushui Yiren.

Although Bai Suzhen didn't give herself the feeling of Qiushuiyiren last night, she felt that she was a fairy after all, wearing Qiushuiyiren's clothes might make her look like a bird.

There is no shortage of male customers in the huge underwear store. Although most of them come with women, Liu Xu is not the only man after all.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 620 Between d and e

real man!

This was Liu Xu's first reaction after seeing this scene, what is a pure man?

A tough-looking man can hold an incomparably pure and cute girl in his arms, this is called a pure man!

This bearded brother is absolutely worthy of the words pure man.

"Sir, do you need help? What style and model do you need?" Just as Liu Xu lamented the pure man of the bearded brother, a sweet voice rang in Liu Xu's ear.

Liu Xu looked a little flustered at the owner of this sweet voice, a girl who was about the same age as him. She was not very beautiful, but she was passable. She belonged to the type that could be married back home as a wife.

Liu Xu knew that this was a shopping guide for an underwear store, so he smiled and said, "Why don't you introduce it to me?"

The female shopping guide took another look at Liu Xu, and became more enthusiastic after confirming that Liu Xu was not the kind of person who didn't buy underwear at all and just wanted to come in to feast on his eyes.

"In terms of styles, we have full-bodied styles, enigma styles, thin-waist styles, and feminine styles. In terms of appearance, there are hollow-out, lace, and lace styles..." The female shopping guide explained to Liu in detail. Xu introduced.

Liu Xu wants to get a set of underwear with various styles, but the problem is that the object of wearing underwear is not his woman, and like Xiaolongnv, she belongs to the conservative school, so...

"Just a common one. Wear it inside. There's no need to pay so much attention to it." Liu Xu said honestly, this is indeed his real idea. The underwear he bought was for Bai Suzhen to wear, and he didn't expect himself to be able to You Yanfu saw Bai Suzhen wearing underwear, at least not in the short term.

"Well, okay, sir, what do you think of this bra? This bra is made of modal material. It is breathable and comfortable to wear. It can bring perfect care to your woman." The female shopping guide waved again. I introduced my professional expertise to Liu Xu.

Conservative underwear really didn't interest Liu Xu, so he said directly: "Okay, just this style, paired with underwear, give me two sets, one pure black and one bright red."

Just pick a color.

"Sir, what's the size of your girlfriend? I'll get it for you." The female shopping guide became more enthusiastic when she saw that Liu Xu bought two sets as soon as she opened her mouth. Seeing that she had personally tried them on for Liu Xu posture.

"Um, let me think about it." Liu Xu was really stopped by the female shopping guide. He didn't know what size Bai Suzhen was. She only knew that Bai Suzhen was bulging, and it was very bulging.

Liu Xu began to recall the situation when he saw Bai Suzhen. Of course, the focus was on her Yuexiong. After thinking for a while, he subconsciously glanced at the Yuexiong department of the female shopping guide. Subconsciously, definitely subconsciously, he compared it in his heart, and said Said: "Uh, I don't know what size it is, anyway, it's a little bigger than yours, between D and E, you just look at it and take it."

After paying the bill, Liu Xu left the commercial street with two bags in hand. Now that it was time for dinner, he just found a restaurant on the street.

Before the food was served, the phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Li Xue!"

"Li Xue?" Hearing Li Xue's self-introduction, Liu Xu knew in her heart that she probably found that the gun was lost, and she couldn't find it anywhere!

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