Wang Xiaoya seemed to have discovered a new continent and entered into a state of excitement. Liu Xu is so brave!

How dare you find another vixen outside, not to mention being hooked up by a goddess like yourself?

"Hehe, do you want to touch it, or should we touch it together?" Liu Xu said with a smirk.

"Then tell me who let you touch it!" Wang Xiaoya asked.

"I know a guy who is a taxi driver. He is in his thirties and has no girlfriend. He just sent an inflatable doll back from Taobao yesterday, and he showed me off. I said I wanted it too, but he said he could only let me touch it... ..."

"Pfft!" Wang Xiaoya almost threw up after listening to Liu Xu's explanation.

Bai Suzhen was also speechless for a moment, and at the same time, she was so ashamed by Liu Xu's words that she dared not look at him. Although she didn't know what an inflatable doll was, her intuition told her that an inflatable doll was definitely not a good thing.

"There is no bottom line, no bottom line, Liu Xu, you are shameless and have no bottom line! How could I fall in love with a man like you." Wang Xiaoya is really convinced by Liu Xu now, so he has nothing to say. There is nothing you dare not look at, and there is nothing you dare not do.

He's arrogant, he lives a real life, he's cute and unbeatable, he's more interesting than those male gods, this weird mortal boyfriend is too much for her.

At this time, Liu Xu ignored Wang Xiaoya, and instead sent Li Xue a text message: "I'm waiting at the door, I'll touch it later!"

He felt shameless.

At the same time, Li Xue also obediently parked the car in the parking lot of the community, but her eyes were red and she kept crying.

She really has no other choice. She sent a total of three messages just now. In the first message, Liu Xu didn't reply to her. After the text, Liu Xu replied to her message, groping her even without money.

She hated him to death, but she really had nowhere to go, and... and... anyway, she had already touched him once, so she might do it again.

It's just that she felt very aggrieved that Liu Xu was playing tricks on her, and the most important thing was that she couldn't do anything to him. This kind of feeling really made life worse than death.

Not long after Liu Xu arrived, Wang Xiaoya went to take a nap. If it was different from usual, he would have gone to sleep with her with a salivating face, but now that there is an extra Bai Suzhen in the house, even if Liu Xu had the cheek to go over, he would definitely be rejected by Wang Xiaoya.

Picking up the cup and taking a sip of water, Liu Xu pretended to be calm, and asked lightly, "Bai...lady, have you put on all the newly bought clothes?"

"You should still call me Sister Bai!" Bai Suzhen nodded shyly, but shook her head again, and said in a low voice, "I don't know what to do with that bellyband you bought, I haven't put it on all the time, I..."

Liu Xu was happy in his heart, but his face remained calm, pretending to be puzzled, and said, "Oh? You mean underwear, right? The bra is not difficult to wear, you just need to fasten the two buttons on the back."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 623 What are you doing?

"Really? But I don't know how to put it on." Bai Suzhen's voice was lower at this time, "That piece of clothing looks simple, but it is a headache."

If it wasn't for Liu Xu standing in front of her, she wouldn't be able to hear what Bai Suzhen was saying at all.

"Sister Suzhen, don't worry! I will teach you." Liu Xu's face was full of holy aura at the moment, just like a holy priest.

He still doesn't call Bai Suzhen Bai Jie anymore, because calling Bai Jie always reminds him of Bai Jie.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Come into the room with me, and I will teach you."

After saying that, Liu Xu didn't wait for Bai Suzhen to agree, and directly pulled her to the room.

Bai Suzhen was a little reluctant at first, but she had no choice but to be pulled by Liu Xuqiang, so she could only half push and half enter the room.

She forgot at this moment that she is a thousand-year-old snake demon. Regardless of Liu Xu's ability, if Bai Suzhen really gets angry, it's hard to say whether he can control it.

As soon as he entered the room, Liu Xu felt his breathing became short of breath.

What he will do next is a feat that men all over the world dream of. Teaching Bai Suzhen to wear underwear, such a good thing, I am afraid that only he can come across it.

"Liu Xu, I'd better stop wearing it." Bai Suzhen couldn't bear the shyness in her heart, and protested in a low voice, but in Liu Xu's view, this kind of protest made his blood spurt even more.

He persuaded: "Didn't you say you have to adapt to this society? You know, wearing underwear is an essential thing for all women in this world. Moreover, if you don't wear underwear, it will make people take advantage."

In fact, there is still a sentence in Liu Xu's heart that he has not said: "How can I teach you if you don't wear it?"

Bai Suzhen also knew that what Liu Xu said was reasonable, and just now she resisted out of a kind of female shyness.

Now, being persuaded by Liu Xuyi, he could only nod in tacit agreement.

Liu Xu finally got Bai Suzhen's consent, excitedly turned Bai Suzhen's back to his body, and stretched out his hand as calmly as possible.

"First, I will take off her short sleeves, then I will raise her arms, and then I will put on the bra. After that, I will hug her back from the front. Finally, I will gently button it Button." Liu Xu simulated the imminent scene over and over again in his mind.

His hands were trembling a little, his eyes had started to breathe fire, his breathing became more and more rapid, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Why do I have the urge to turn into a beast? Who is the monster? No, I have to keep calm." Liu Xu secretly warned himself, trying to stay awake.

His hand had already pinched the hem of Bai Suzhen's short sleeve, as long as he gently pulled it up, the body that fascinated him would be exposed in front of him, but at this moment, a faint voice sounded from behind: : "What are you doing?"

Nine Heavens Xuannv, Wang Xiaoya.

An underwear teaching project finally failed after Wang Xiaoya appeared.

From afternoon to evening, several hours passed, and Liu Xu still hadn't come out.

Li Xue stopped crying, but was just a little nervous, because she didn't know how to face the next scene.

Her heart was in a mess, and what's more, why didn't that bastard come out?

Li Xue sent another message.

About three minutes later, Liu Xu wrote back to Li Xue, saying that he would touch it when he left, otherwise he would have to go upstairs if he touched it, which he found troublesome.

Li Xue gritted her teeth and endured, and could only wait patiently.

The two girls had dinner at home, and it was dark when Liu Xu left.

In the parking lot of the community, under the lights, the police car was parked, but it was pitch black.

There was no one else in the car except Li Xue, and...

She was asleep, the doors were unlocked, she was asleep in the car.

Seeing the stained tears on Li Xue's face, and seeing the sadness between her brows when she fell asleep, Liu Xu sighed softly.

"Linglingling..." Just as Liu Xu was about to knock on Li Xue's car window, his cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be Wang Xiaoya's number.

"Xiaoya..." Liu Xu had no choice but to pick it up, and at the same time made a silent gesture to Li Xue who was awakened in the car!

"You drive carefully."

"The taxi machine pulled the inflatable doll to the gate of the community, let me touch it, and I will go back after touching it! Immediately, immediately!"

"Crack!" When Liu Xu hung up the phone, he also got into the co-pilot's seat directly.

Li Xue was so nervous that her body trembled slightly.

"You'd better not lie to me. After you touch it, tell me where the gun is, just as I beg you." Li Xue's tears flowed down again, while she was talking, she was facing Liu Xu and closed her eyes .

"Okay, okay, I didn't really touch you, just to tease you. I touched you before because you are too domineering and unreasonable. Your gun is in the floor-standing vase in your living room. Also, don't touch you in the future." You are bothering me!" Liu Xu opened the door and got out of the car after speaking, but Li Xue was completely stupefied, didn't he touch it?He didn't touch it?

"Bang!" The car door was closed, and Liu Xu also smiled and waved to Li Xue. At this moment, he was very sunny, without any obscene look at all.

Li Xue looked at Liu Xu's back, and her mind was in chaos, because she had never expected such a dramatic change before.

Liu Xu didn't leave fast. In fact, when he saw Li Xue sitting helplessly in the private room and crying in the restaurant, he already softened his heart. The reason why he asked to touch it again was to see if she would Agreed, he didn't intend to touch it, it was just to tease Li Xue.

Humans, especially women, are very strange creatures. Li Xue clearly hated Liu Xu to death one second ago, wishing to dig out his heart and lungs, but the next second when Liu Xu is free and easy When she got out of the car and waved goodbye to her, she suddenly realized that this person was not that bad, even most of that hatred disappeared.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 624 Dating Milk Tea Sister

She let him touch her, but he didn't. This man didn't take advantage of her.

Li Xue looked at Liu Xu who was gradually disappearing into the night, and suddenly blushed, and also spat secretly, this bastard didn't touch it just now, but he did it in the restaurant!

The hatred came again, and he opened the car door angrily, got out of the car and went home.

Ten minutes later, she found her gun in the vase in the living room of Li Xue's house. The gun was wrapped in silk stockings and there were not a single bullet missing.

"You bastard, you actually used my stockings... But how did he do it?" Li Xue is not a stupid girl, she is sure that she and Liu Xu had no intersection before, but how could Liu Xu steal it? took her gun, and hid it in her own vase?

How did he find his own home?When did he steal the gun?How did he do that?

Li Xue thought for a long time, and after reasoning logically for a long time, she got a hazy answer: Liu Xu should have followed her to the door of her house after bumping into her, and then entered the room, took her gun, And hid her gun in a vase again.

"It must be, I put the gun on the bed when I was taking a shower... This bastard once entered my room." Li Xue's scalp tingled when she thought of this, then Liu Xu entered her room, did she peep at her?

"Bastard, bastard!" Thinking that she might be peeped by Liu Xu, and thinking that Liu Xu touched her, Li Xue blushed with anger and felt ashamed.

Also, there is an inexplicable hotness in her body, and the whole body feels crispy. The most important thing is that she doesn't feel disgusted by this crispy feeling.

"Dirty, dirty!" Not knowing whether to call Liu Xu dirty or call herself dirty, she ran back to her bedroom angrily.

Back at Azure Cartier, Liu Xu called Zhang Zeling before going to bed.

Zhang Zeling hadn't seen him recently, so he dialed Zhang Zeling's cell phone number.

"Xiao Zhi, I want to ask you out for a day tomorrow, are you free?" Liu Xu asked.

"No." Zhang Zezhen's answer was the same as before.

Liu Xu had an idea and said, "At the same table, come here! When you called me last time, as soon as I heard your voice, I wished I could fly to you right away. I want to go out with you this time. If you don't Promise, I will go directly to your house to find you tomorrow!"

"I don't believe it!" Zhang Zeling sneered.

"I'll call Xiaoli now to ask where you live now, and I will go to you early tomorrow morning." Liu Xu said.


Liu Xu seemed to see Zhang Zezhen clenching his small fist.

"Tomorrow I will go out around nine o'clock. Either I will find you, or you will come to Azure Cartier to find me. Choose one!"

"I'll go to Azure Cartier to find you! Remember, only this time!" Zhang Zeling said.

"Okay, just this time! I'm idle by myself, I'm bored, let's chat together?"

"No time!" Zhang Zezhen decisively ended the call.

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