After a night of nothing, Liu Xuchen ran back the next day and found Zhang Zezhen standing at the door, with a white skirt hanging down to his ankles, and his long black hair was bound by a white hair tie and fell straight to his waist, like a flower. The pure white lily tree swayed gently in the wind, standing gracefully.

Several patrolling security guards sneaked a few glances at Zhang Zeling from time to time, almost drooling.

"This group of guys." Liu Xu smiled and shook his head.

Anyway, he wasn't sweating, so Liu Xu went directly to the garage to pick up the car, drove up to Zhang Zezhen, lowered the window, held the car door, and said with a smile, "Ms. Zhang, please get in the car!"

Zhang Zeling was still the same, with a cold expression, and his eyes were always so clear, like a blue sky reflected in a lake.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Zeling looked at Liu Xu with an orange purse in his hand.

"Qinglong Lake." Liu Xu said.

"I haven't been there." Zhang Zezhen said in a daze.

Liu Xu has long been accustomed to Zhang Zezhen's way of speaking, and said with a smile: "You talk a lot, you will know when you go. The lake there is very beautiful. Have you eaten breakfast? I remember that you especially like potato shredded burritos, but high school I won’t see you eating after that.”

"I've eaten." Zhang Zezhen's eyes moved slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. He bent down and entered the car, put the bag on his lap, then reached out to stroke his slightly messy hair, put it behind his ears, and took the ponytail out of his hands. In front of him, he touched his hair with both hands, and his fair index finger gently twirled and twirled around the hair.

Liu Xu got into the car and said with a smile, "You like to play with your hair when you're nervous. I didn't expect this habit to remain the same."

Zhang Zezhen's hands stopped, his small nose snorted softly, and he continued to play with his hair.

Liu Xu looked sideways at Zhang Zeling, with a smile on his face, and found that as long as Zhang Zeling was by his side, it felt like returning to his student days. Zhang Zeling was still the cold and silent goddess school girl. Although she never lost her temper, she always It was inadvertently making me petty, and I was so arrogant in my bones.

Liu Xu couldn't help teasing her occasionally back then. At that time he lied to himself that it was fun, but when he grew up, he realized that he wanted Zhang Zeling to pay attention to him and to have more contact with Zhang Zeling.

Since we haven't seen each other for many years at the last gathering, Zhang Zeling's attitude has softened a lot, but recently he has been in contact with each other on the phone every day, and the distance is getting closer. Zhang Zeling's attitude is the same as before, but it is difficult to get close.

"Stop talking, say something?" Liu Xu started the car, and the Maybach s600 drove slowly.

Zhang Zeling raised his chin slightly, his expression remained unchanged, but his index finger, which was playing with his hair, twirled faster.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, and said: "I really liked your little gestures back then, it's so cute. Do you remember, there was a boy from the foreign class who reached out to shake your hand and said he wanted to know you, you first lifted your chin, Then I turned my head, turned [-] degrees directly, took a step, turned [-] degrees to avoid him and continued walking, I almost burst out laughing. In today's words, it's stupid and cute."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 625 I want that

"At the same table, how can you talk better than before?" Zhang Zezhen's tone was very impatient, but his eyes were a little brighter.

"I can't help it. The road is still far away, and you don't like to talk. Are you bored all the way? I came here to prevent the road from getting too boring." Of course Liu Xu didn't ask Zhang Ze because the road was too boring. Well, she was trying to use Qinglong Lake, a beautiful place in Zhongtiandi, to change her life.

While talking, Liu Xu observed carefully, and found that Zhang Zezhen's expression remained indifferent, unchanged at all.

"I came to you just to relieve my boredom, are you not angry?" Liu Xu asked.

Zhang Zezhen said in an extremely disdainful tone: "Too lazy to be angry!"

Liu Xu laughed, and suddenly couldn't help but compare Zhang Zezhen with Ran Jing. If it were Ran Jing, she would definitely say, "Relieve boredom? You must be greedy for my beauty!"

"Okay, let's talk about you. I want to hear about you. I really want to." Liu Xu said, looking at Zhang Zezhen with gentle eyes.

He wanted to know how the strong and unfortunate Zhang Zelan had been doing these years.

Zhang Zeling turned his head to glance at Liu Xu, and then quickly turned back. The clear sky reflected in his eyes seemed to be blown by the wind.

"you do not say?"

Zhang Zeling didn't answer.

Liu Xu sighed softly and said, "Forget it, I'm actually not very good at talking, but when I saw you, I just wanted to talk, and I wanted to say a lot."

Zhang Zeling no longer played with his hair with his fingers, and lowered his head slightly.

"I really don't want to say it." Zhang Zeling said softly.

"Don't talk if you don't want to." Liu Xu smiled generously, took out a tablet computer and handed it to her, and said, "If you don't like talking, then play games by yourself."

"I won't use it."

Liu Xu suddenly remembered that Zhang Zeling didn't need Weixin or anything like that, only Penguin.

"Then go to the small supermarket later and buy some mineral water." Liu Xu said, "I like to eat potato chips and beef jerky, so I'll buy some too. Also, do you still like to drink iced black tea? Do you want juice or something? "

Zhang Zezhen turned his head to look at Liu Xu, his eyes were very soft, and he said, "No need, you know I don't care about these things."

"I care. Come to think of it, you still like to eat chocolate, and it's dark chocolate, right? There are also seaweed and shredded squid." Liu Xu found that the trigger memory is very thorough. just saw.

"I will get fat." Zhang Zeling declined.

"Don't pretend. Back then, who was so awesome to show off in front of a group of girls, saying that no matter how much you eat, you won't get fat, and then you look so complacent, I can't wait to pinch your face." Liu Xu said.

"Hmph." Zhang Zeling immediately turned his head to look out the window.

At the supermarket, the car stopped.

Liu Xu got out of the car and bought some water and snacks.

Liu Xu put a large plastic bag of snacks under the back seat and said, "Eat whatever you want. Back then, I wanted to buy you something to eat, but I didn't have much money, so I was embarrassed."

Zhang Zeling unceremoniously picked out a pack of figs and ate them by himself.

The car left the urban area and got on the highway, the scenery became monotonous.

Liu Xu could eat, so he ate snacks non-stop. Someone compared him, and Zhang Zeling couldn't help but follow suit, and occasionally took a sip of iced black tea.

The car did not enter the county seat, but went straight to Qinglong Lake.

The road started to get worse, Liu Xu slowed down.

Zhang Zezhen said to Liu Xu: "This kind of car is not suitable for driving on country roads. If you come here often, I suggest you buy an off-road vehicle."

Liu Xu said that he might have to travel long distances in the future, so he wanted to buy one.

Zhang Zeling asked in a low voice, "Is this car yours?"

"Well, I run an entertainment studio now, which is a small company."

"Big dog!" Zhang Zeling curled his lips, but his tone was brisk, and it was hard to hide his joy for Liu Xu.

"I'm a rich man. A coal boss like Tian Hong is the real rich man. I'm a small businessman." While Liu Xu was speaking, the car jolted, and Zhang Zezhen frowned.

Liu Xu remembered that Zhang Zeling was afraid of shaking when he was on the boat and might be a little motion sick, so he put his hand on her shoulder and sent a trace of true energy.

Zhang Zeling suddenly remembered something, his face was a little pink, and then he turned his head to look out the window.

The green crops are all over the farmland on both sides of the road, blending with the blue sky and white clouds. Farmers, farm tools, and houses form a beautiful pastoral picture.

Liu Xu just hugged him for a while, then took his hand away, and then he gave Zhang Zeling something to eat, but she didn't eat it, so he handed her water, but Zhang Zeling gave her a blank look.

Are you blaming me for not taking my hand back?Liu Xu was astonished. Although Zhang Zewan had a temper, she was definitely not a woman who was just looking for trouble. Why did she suddenly become like this.

After a while, Zhang Zezhen turned his head suddenly, with a little shyness on his beautiful face, he said in a low voice: "At the same table, come here, I have something to tell you!"

Liu Xu lost his mind for a while, but Zhang Zezhen seemed to have the magic power to travel through time and space. Once he became shy, he would immediately turn back to the female student back then.

Liu Xu sat over and leaned towards her.

Zhang Zezhen plucked up his courage, and whispered in Liu Xu's ear: "At the same table, I, I want that..."

Liu Xu stared at Zhang Zeling with wide eyes, extremely surprised, thinking that his charm today could be as thick as a person's arms, and he even fascinated Zhang Zeling?At the same time, he secretly sighed that Zhang Zeling's charming aura was really terrifying, just a few words made him want to move.

"Not too good!" Liu Xu said hesitantly.

Zhang Zezhen knew what Liu Xu was thinking as soon as he heard it, and he almost went crazy with anger, but at this moment he could only bear it, blushing and gritted his teeth and said: "I can't hold it anymore, I need to go to the bathroom!"

When a beautiful woman suddenly said such words, Liu Xu felt a little strange in his heart.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 626

However, people have three urgencies, and so do beautiful women.

"It's simple. Use the door to block it, and no one can see it. Wait a minute, I'll find a suitable place to stop."

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Zhang Ze was so ashamed that he wanted to get under the car seat.

Liu Xu stared at Zhang Zeling who was blushing all over his face. Even though he pushed Yuexiong in the hot spring pool for treatment that day, Zhang Zeling was not ashamed like this.

At this time, Zhang Zezhen is like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, no longer so high and unpopular, but adding a little bit of human fireworks.

Liu Xu knew very well that women like Zhang Zezhen were admired, admired, and loved by countless people all day long, and they had to maintain this posture all the time. It would be extremely shameful for them to do something slightly out of line.

"It's nothing. People have three urgencies. Don't worry too much. Your status in my heart will not change. You are still the most beautiful goddess in my heart." Liu Xu said.

Zhang Zezhen gritted her teeth and looked at Liu Xu. The second half of the sentence was definitely a joke, but in this situation, she really didn't know what to do.

"It's all your fault! Every time I ask you, you always say that it's almost here, and I've been holding back!" Zhang Zeling complained in a low voice, a little aggrieved in his tone.

At this moment, Liu Xu stopped the car and said, "Open the car door, I'll just stand and act as a stand for you. I'll take out the trunk mat of the car. Standing with the car door, everything can be blocked."

Liu Xu saw that Zhang Zeling was shy and hesitant, so he simply opened the car door, took her hand and pulled it out, and said, "You are such a grown-up person, don't be shy. Hurry up, if you pee on my car, what will happen to you in the future?" To see people?"

"Damn it!" Zhang Zezhen followed Liu Xu out of the car after half pushing.

Zhang Zezhen looked carefully at the car and found that there was a big gap under the door, so he hesitated.

Liu Xu took out the trunk mat of the car, and then erected it to form a triangular space with the door and the body of the car, and no one could see it.

After setting it up, Liu Xu was about to leave, but there was no one to support the car mat, and it immediately fell over. Zhang Zeling stood there at a loss, too embarrassed to say a word.

"I'm holding the car mat with my back to you. Don't be shy. I can't see anything." Liu Xu said, erected the car mat again, and turned his back.

At this time, a car came.

Zhang Zeling immediately squatted down covering his face to avoid being seen.

"What's the matter? Are you peeing?" Liu Xu noticed that Zhang Zeling was still not moving.

"Wait for the car to go far." Zhang Ze said bitterly.

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